1、Sustainable Intensification of Cereal-Legume Farming Systems in the Sudano-Sahelian Savanna Zone of Ghana,A.Y Kamara Systems Agronomist IITA-Kano,Sustainable Intensification of Cereal-based Farming Systems in the Sudano-Sahelian Zone of West Africa: Project Design Workshop, Tamale, Ghana, 9-12 Janua
2、ry 2012,Introduction,The northern Regions of Ghana are characterized by small land holdings of low input-output farming systems This adversely impact food security in terms of availability, access and quality The crops in the Ghana savannas are often produced in production systems in which soil natu
3、ral resources are steadily depleted,Effects of continous monocropping,decreasing soil organic matter contents increasing populations of chronic parasitic weeds (eg. Striga spp.) reduced soil biological diversity enhanced risk of erosion, and annual nutrient losses Average on-farm maize yields (1-2t/
4、ha) are well below on-station yields (6-8t/ha),Highlights of biophysical constraints,Striga effect on sorghum,Striga effect on maize,Striga effect on cowpea,Striga effect on rice,Highlights of biophysical constraints,Alectra effect on cowpea,Striga effect on cowpea,Drought effect on maize,Drought ef
5、fect on soybean,Highlights of biophysical constraints,Highlights of biophysical constraints,Poor soil fertility,Effects of continous monocropping,The poverty profile also depicts the three northern regions as the most poverty stricken and hunger spots in Ghana Gender inequalities are also apparent i
6、n these regions where women have less access to resources and capacity to generate income Infrastructure development in marketing and transport, access to social services, such as education and health are poor in the three northern regions,Drivers of Food insecurity in northern Ghana,Erratic rainfal
7、l distribution and recurrent drought, Floods and crop failures leading to poor yields, High post-harvest losses, Lack of improved storage structures and market for farm produce, Limited access to productive resources such as land, irrigable land, labour, Poor access to improved livestock breeds and
8、crop varieties, Inadequate water for dry season irrigated agriculture Inadequate human resource for development and transfer of agricultural technologies.,General Objective of the Project,Increase productivity of maize-legume and crop/tree/livestock systems in the Sudan savanna zone of Ghana,Specifi
9、c Objectives,Promote and strengthen partnerships for implementing sustainable initiatives in the maize-legume systems of northern Ghana Improve land, water, and natural resource management for increased systems productivity Develop and improve the adoption of productive and resilient agronomic pract
10、ices and local innovation systems for system intensification Improve rural incomes through improved market linkages for rural farmers Improve nutritional status of populations improved through increased nutritional awareness interventions and promotion of dietary diversity,Geographical Focus,Norther
11、n Region- Karaga, Cheroponi, and Tolon-Kumbungu Upper West Region-Kassena-Nankana and Bawku West Upper East Region-Wa East and Nadowli,Project outputs,Functional innovation platform (IPs) operating with capacity of partners strengthened at different levels to resolve community problems Land, water,
12、and natural resource management technologies identified and promoted Improved cropping systems for sustainable agricultural productivity identified and promoted among smallholder farmers Improved rural incomes through improved input-output marketing for smallholder farmers Nutritional status of popu
13、lations improved through increased nutritional awareness interventions and promotion of dietary diversity,Functional innovation platform (IPs) operating with capacity of partners strengthened at different levels to resolve community problems,Identification of districts and communities to participate
14、 in project activities Identification of potential IP partners Workshops to agree modalities, procedures, responsibilities, tasks and interaction among IP members Undertake community and livelihood analysis to identify and priortize constraints and opportunities Monitor IP activities and review prot
15、ocols Identify training needs of project stakeholders and conduct training as needed Provide graduate training for members of research institutions participating in the project,Land, water, and natural resource management technologies identified and promoted,Evaluate impacts of soil and water conser
16、vation strategies on system productivity compared to traditional cultural practices Assess the performance of tree crops with fertilizer rations, fodder and fruit tree species Generate information on soil health and the key tree crops for food security and CDM projects Develop knowledge and options
17、for growth resources sharing between annual and perennial components in agroforestry systems Assess the potential of surface and groundwater pump irrigation for dry season farming and supplemental irrigation Identify the actual and potential spatial spread of pump irrigation practices along major ri
18、vers in the three Northern Regions,Land, water, and natural resource management technologies identified and promoted,Evaluate options of land use changes and land management practices which would prevent land degradation, Identify approaches and technologies needed to improve rainwater harvesting an
19、d use Identify and evaluate models for conducting water balance estimates at watershed scales in study sites Determine the potential increases in crop yields attainable through improved rainwater harvesting and supplemental irrigation Select best varieties of soybean for high N2-fixation capacity an
20、d adaptation to abiotic and biotic stresses (pests and diseases). Identify best-fit agronomic practices for maximizing potential benefits of legume and inoculant technologies on increasing and stabilizing productivity. Evaluate contributions of improved legume varieties to best-fit agronomic practic
21、es, system productivity and farm livelihood with specific attention to trade-off analysis between competing agricultural enterprises,Improved cropping systems for sustainable agricultural productivity identified and promoted among smallholder farmers,Sourcing of improved crop varieties to mitigate f
22、armer identified production constraints Conduct on-station and on-farm trials across agro-ecologies to identify high-yielding, drought, pest and disease tolerant maize and legume varieties Collect varietal performance data to facilitate variety registration and release Establish functional community
23、 based seed production schemes and link to seed companies Develop and promote improved crop management practices that optimize yield Evaluate phosphorous application rate and starter N application to soybeans, groundnuts and cowpeas,Improved cropping systems for sustainable agricultural productivity
24、 identified and promoted among smallholder farmers,Facilitate crop diversification to arrest environmental degradation including declining soil fertility and increased Striga incidence Evaluate IPM technologies for pest management in legumes Develop and quantify the contribution of legumes to improv
25、e the productivity and profitability of farming systems across different agro-ecologies Validation of simulation models for growth and yield of maize, cowpea, and soybean cultivars under simulated changing climate scenarios Produce more feed through identification of food-feed varieties of major cro
26、ps,Improved cropping systems for sustainable agricultural productivity identified and promoted among smallholder farmers,Assess tillage and biomass management options; develop smart combination of cereal and legumes residues for improved animal productivity Develop options for moving feed temporaril
27、y and spatially through promotion of fodder trade, improved storage to reduce dry season scarcity Co-develop with farmers livestock management options that optimize nutrient cycling and draught animal power input to cropping and transport Identify and promote the most productive and nutritious veget
28、able varieties to boost their production and optimize their unique nutritive properties Evaluate and promote options for the resilient production of vegetable crops Co-adapt with farmers available crop, soil and pest management technologies to boost current vegetable productivity,Improved rural inco
29、mes through improved input-output marketing for smallholder farmers,Conduct maize and grain legume sub-sector surveys to Identify market and investment opportunities to promote production, processing and marketing of maize and grain legumes in northern Ghana Formulate strategy to develop maize and g
30、rain legume value chain in northern Ghana Carry out participatory value chain analysis to identify constraints, needs, and solutions to vegetable market chain inefficiencies Assess existing vegetable postharvest technologies and potential for small scale processing,Nutritional status of populations
31、improved through increased nutritional awareness interventions and promotion of dietary diversity,Document traditional foods and explore ways of modifying food preparation practices to optimize retention of nutrients and improve bioavailability Document local food systems and investigate traditional food technologies and improve food preservation and distribution by local entrepreneurs Develop evidence-based dietary strategies with
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