1、比较结构的讲解(34句)来自长难句:1、it is not thatbut that这不是说而是说(分析见22)it is not that the scales in the one case, and the balance in the other, differ in the principles of their construction or manner of working; but that the latter is much finer apparayue and of couse much more accurate in its measurement than th
2、e former.2、nothing less than完全是,实在是what the man said was noting else than nonsense.那个人讲的话完全是一派胡言。it is nothing else than a blackmail.这简直就是敲竹杠。3、as引导的特殊状语从句,翻译时作定语从句处理。we hope the measures to control prices ,as they have been taken by the government, will succeed.4、n.+or + n. or 后面的名词是同位语,应译为“即,或者”。m
3、oreover , technology includes techniques, or ways to do things ,as well as the machines that may or may not be necessary to apply them.再者,除机器外,技术还包括技艺,即制作方法,而运用这些技艺并不一定都要机器。我们希望,政府已经采取的控制物价的措施将取得成功。5、morethanthe complexity of the human situation and injustice of the social order demand far more fund
4、amental changes in the basic structure of society itself than some politicians are willing to admit in their speeches.人类社会形式的复杂性和社会制度的不公正性要求对社会基本结构进行彻底变革,而一些政客口头上是很不情愿承认这一点的。(than连接肯定形式的从句时,该从句译为否定句。)it seems that these two branches of science are mutually dependend, and that the so-called division
5、between the pure scientist and the applied scientist is more apparent than real.看来,这两门学科是相互依存的,因为在理论科学家和应用科学家之间,与其说存在着所谓的区分,不如说这种区分只是表面存在的。(在比较的基础上表示选择关系时,可译为“与其说不如说”)there are more cars on the roads in summer than in winter.夏天公路上的汽车比冬天的多。(进行同类比较时,译成“比更”)6、no morethan与notany more than the food on th
6、e ship was no better than on any ship on which billy had sailed.这条船上的食品并不如比利工作过的其他船上的(食品)好。the archaeologists efforts are not directed at“proving”the correctness of the bible any more than belief in god can be scientifically demonstrated正如上帝不能从科学上证明一样,考古学家们的努力并不是要“验证”圣经的正确性。no one can hold back the
7、tide of revolution any more than a man with a broom can hold a flood that has brust the dam.任何人都无法阻止革命的洪流,正如一个人不能拿着扫帚去挡住决了堤的洪水一样。7、not so much as 与其说不如science moves forward, they say , not so much through the insights of great men of genius as(science moves forward省略的成分) because of more ordinary thi
8、ngs like improved techniques and tools.新学派科学家说,科学的发展与其说源于天才伟人的真知灼见,不如说源于改进了的技术和工具等等更为普遍的东西。8、the same asyou have made the same mistake as last time.9、no less than(no lessthan)不但而且;不亚于;简直是,实在是china insists always on the need for self-reliance, no less in economic policies than in making revolution.中国
9、始终坚持独立自主,不但在进行革命方面,而且在经济政策方面。【解析】no lessthan连接两个并列成分,信息重心在前,因此汉译是要倒过来译。there were no less than one thousand people at the meeting.到会的有一千人之多。(有“到会人多”的含义)no less than连写时,意为“不亚于”、“多达”,强调数量多。not less than连写时,意为“不少于”,无数量多少含义。如:there were not less than noe thousand people at the meeting.到会的至少有一千人。(没有表达到会人
10、多或少的含义。)it is no less than blackmail to ask such a high price.如此所要高价,简直是敲诈。10、none other than 不是正是;除了外,不会是reaction other than the desired one often occur when reactants are brought together.当这些反应物放在一起时,常发生不希望有的一些反应。other women than sally would have said nothing.除了萨利,别的女子就什么也不说了【解析】other than可分写为othe
11、rthan, other后可插入名词,than的意思是“除了”。11、nothing but=nothing else than=nothing less than不是别的正是genius is nothing but labor and diligence.天才不过是劳动加勤奋而已。his failure was due to nothing else than his carelessness.他的失败完全是由于他自己的粗心。his negligence was nothing less than criminal.他的粗心大意无异于犯罪。12、much less = still less
12、更不用说i could not agree to, much less participate in such proceedings我不能同意这种行为,更谈不上参加这些行动了。he is too shy to ask a strange the time, still less speak to a room full of people.(对着充满人的房间讲话,由于文化差异,原本意思就是对着一屋子的人讲话)to say nothing ,not to speak of, not to mention, let alone都是更不必说的意思。但这些词组可以随前一句的意思而定,前一句是肯定,则
13、追加的也是肯定意义,如果前一句是否定,则追加的也是否定意义。比较下面两个句子。in old china ,there was hardly any machine-building industry ,to say nothing of electronic industry在旧中国,几乎没有什么机械制造工业,更不用说电子工业了。sally takes singing and dancing lessons, to say nothing of swimming and tennis lesions.sally上了唱歌和舞蹈课,而且还上了游泳和网球课。13、anything but(but意为
14、except) 根本不;all but(but意为except)几乎,差一点,除以外其余都是;but for要不是;but that+从句;若不是nothing but(but意为except) 只不过alone in a deserted house, he was so busy with his research work that he felt anything but lonely.(句中but作介词,意为except)虽然他单独一人呆在这所无人居住的房子里,但他埋头于研究工作,一点也没感到孤独。(除了孤独之外可以感受到任何事情,其意思为他一点也不感到孤独。)the method
15、of scientific investigation is nothing but the expression of the necessary mode of working of the human mind; it is simply the mode by which all phenomena are reasoned about and given precise and exact explanation. 科学研究的方式是人类思维活动的必要表达方式,也就是对一切现象进行思索并给以准确而严谨的表达方式。it was all but impossible to climb ba
16、ck into the boat.再回到小船上已经不可能了。but for the rain we could have had a nice holiday.要不是这场雨,我们应该度过了一个愉快的假期。14、not nearly=far from,much less than相差很远,远远少于the food supply will not increase nearly enough to match this, which means that we are heading into a crisis in the matter of producing and marketing fo
17、od.食品供应将远远赶不上人口增长,这就意味着我们在粮食的生产和购销两方面正陷入危机。15、can nottoo再也不过分。we cannot be too faithful to our duties.【误译】我们不能太终于值守。【正译】我们必须尽力忠于职守(我们再忠于职守也不为过。)you cannot attach too much importance to the matter.你应该十分重视这件事。16、as well as=in addition也,和一样,除之外,不但而且the socialist revolution requires a change of the supe
18、rstructure as well as a change of the economic basis.社会主义革命不仅要求改变经济基础,也要求改变上层建筑。【解析】as well as 作连词连接两个对等的部分,其信息重心在as well as 之前的部分,翻译时应先翻译as well as之后的部分,再翻译as well as之前的部分。revolution in the marxist science means a moral as well as a material change.根据马克思主义的学说,革命不但意味着物质的改变,而且意味着精神的改变。17、more than+从句
19、(谓语中含can 或could)意为:“实在不能”some math problems in that book are more than i can work out.那本书上的数学难题我实在解不出来。18、only to+v. “结果却”表示与句子谓语动作的目的相反的结果。they dont have to pay for expensive seats at the theatre, the cinema or the opera, only to discover, perhaps, that the show is disappointing.他们不必花钱去剧院、电影院、或歌剧院买
20、价格昂贵的票,结果却发现,演出的节目令人失望。19、nor +because.“不是因为”nor do i teach because i think i know answers, or because i have knowledge i feel compelled to share.我之所以教书,不是因为我认为自己能够解答问题,也不是因为我有满腹学问,觉得非与人分享不可。20、(there be)no+主语+but+谓语+其他:它实际上是一个双重否定句,翻译时采取肯定句的形式。there is no man but has his faults.人皆有过。因此作用相当于whonot,t
21、hatnot,whichnot从而可写为:there is no man who has not faults.21、“s+be+the last+n.+不定式或从句”意为“决不至于”breach of promise is the last thing that he is likely to commit.违约他是绝不会的。22、notbut不是而是;but not 是而不是it is not that the scales in the one case, and the balance in the other case, differ in the principles of the
22、ir construction or manner of working; but it is that the latter is much finer apparatus and of course much more accurate in its measurement than the former. 并不是说面包师或卖肉的人所用的磅秤在构造原理或工作方式上和化学家所用的天平存在差异,而是说与前者相比,后者是一种更精密的多的仪器,因而在计量上必然更准确的多。23、would rather + than 宁愿而不愿i would rather die with my head high
23、,with indestructible faith and profound belief in the destiny of our country),than live in humility and renounce the principles which are sacred to me.我宁愿昂着头,怀着坚定的信念,抱着祖国前途的深刻的信心而死,而不愿在屈从之下背弃神圣的原则而生。24、if only 只要就;only if必须在条件下才 if only we work with might and main, the difficulties will be overcome.
24、只要我们大家全力以赴,必然会克服困难。you could know your own language only if you compared it with other languages.只有当你将本族语同其他语言进行比较时,你才真正懂得你的本族语。kk在长难句课上所讲:比较结构:25、asas 与相似,一样while there are almost as many definitions of history as there are historians ,modern practice most closely conforms to one.有多少历史学家,就有多少种定义,但现
25、在的实践大多与其中一个相吻合。26、not so much(否定) as(肯定)与其说是不如说是science moves forward, they say, not so much through the insights of great men of genius as because of more ordinary things like improved techniques and tools.因为not so much. as是个并列结构,也就是说so和as后面两个词的意思应该相同,所以多义介词through的意思应该等于because of因为,由于。27、less and
26、 more: 不多 more or less: 或多或少interest in historical methods has arisen less through external challenge to the validity of history as an intellectual discipline and more from internal quarrels among historians themselves人们之所以关注历史研究的方法论,主要是因为史学界内部意见不一,其次是因为外界并不认为历史是一门学问。28、not so asit is not so easy as
27、 in dealing with adults.29、rather thantraditionally, legal learning has been viewed in such institutions as the special preserve of lawyers, rather than a necessary part of the intellectual equipment of an educated person.长久以来,法律知识在这类学校里一直被视为律师们所专有的,而不是一个受教育者的知识素养的必要组成部分。30、no/not less than(一样,同样)wa
28、nt of care will not less ruin the good man than the man of lax moralsthe technique of writing is no less difficult than that of the other atrs.写作技巧和其它技巧一样都很难。【解析】want of care疏忽大意man of lax morals品行败坏的人31、no more than=onlyall his education added up to no more than one year.他只上了一年学32、no morethan=not o
29、nly more than(这个结构是对前后两者的否定)but his primary task is not to think about the moral code which governs his activity, any more than a businessman is expected to dedicate his energies to an exploration of rules of conduct in business他最重要的任务并非考虑左右其行为的道德准则,正如一个生意人不会将其精力花在探索生意行为准则一样。【解析】any more than a busi
30、nessman is expected,is后省略了not被省掉了a home without love is no more a home than a body without soul is a man.【解析】without soul is a man.is后的not被省略了。no more可以换成not33、more than+v./adj 不仅仅是程度加深“太”they may teach well and more than earn their salaries.your performance is more than excellent.34、less 否定.than mo
31、re肯定than. 这两个结构中than本身是没有意义的。主要用法就是谓语动词要遵循“就近一致原则”,not only the students but also the teacher was invited. 不仅学生们被邀请,而且那位教师也被邀请了。 (以下为详细用法) “not only but also ”是一个并列连词词组,其意思基本等于“both and ”,但侧重点放在“but also”上,另外该词组使用时须遵守一定的规则,如要求对称,倒装及主谓一致等。以下两个句子往往被看作是欠妥或错误的: 1. *sitting up late last night, tom not on
32、ly read the assignment but also many poems by his favourite poet. 2. *not only the students but also the teacher were invited. 上述两句第一句欠妥,第二句是错误的,应分别改为:1. sitting up late last night, tom read not only the assignment but also many poems by his favourite poet. 昨晚汤姆熬至深夜,不仅看了课外作业,而且读了他最喜欢的一位诗人的许多诗歌。 2. n
33、ot only the students but also the teacher was invited. 不仅学生们被邀请,而且那位教师也被邀请了。 下面就来谈谈正确使用该词组时须注意的几点事项及其常见的几种变体形式。 一、使用not only but also 时须注意的几点: 1. not only与but also后面所连接的词的词性必须对等: (1) frankin was considered not only an inventor, but also a statesman. 富兰克林不仅被看作发明家,而且被看作政治家。 (2) the nurse was not only
34、competent but also kind. 这位护士不仅能干而且亲切和蔼。 (3) they not only broke into his office and stole his books, but also tore up his manuscripts. 他们不仅闯进他的办公室,偷走了他的书,而且还撕掉了他的手稿。 (4) not only you but also she has to attend the ceremony. 不令你而且她也得参加典礼。 (5) in production, we should always keep an eye not only on q
35、uantity but also on quality. 在生产中,我们不仅要关注数量,而且要关注质量。 (6) they completed the project not only punctually but also perfectly. 他们不仅准时完成工程,而且完成得很出色。 2. not only只能连用,而but also既可连用,也可分开用: a. he speaks not only english, but also french. 他不仅说英语,还说法语。 b. television is not only boring, but it also wastes a lo
36、t of time. 电视不仅乏味,而且还浪费许多时间。 c. she was not only compelled to stay at home, but she was also forbidden to see her friends. 她不仅被强迫蹲在家中,而且被禁止去看朋友。 3.谓语动词的数应与but also后主语的数保持一致: not only you but also mr zhang teaches in this college. 不仅你,张老师也在此学院教书。 4. not only放在句首,后接句子时要用倒装结构: (1) not only should prole
37、tarians emancipate themselves but also the whole mankind. 无产者不仅要解放他们自己,而且要解放全人类。 (2) not only does television appeal to those who can read but to those who cant. 电视不仅吸引阅读的人,而且也吸引了不会阅读的人。 (3) not only was everything albert einstain had taken away but also his citizenship was deprived of. 爱因斯坦的财产不仅被掳掠一空,而且他的德国国籍也被剥夺
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