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1、1.听where,what,when牙齿领导的特殊疑问句,说,读,然后相应地回答。2、能听、说、读、写的4集文章:Where are you going this afternoon?im going to the book store . what are you going to buy?I am going to buy a comic book。3,可以听懂Lets try部分的对话,练习听音标。学习目标:自学地图,1,listen to the tape and find out 3360 what is Sarah going to buy?(听录音,找出莎拉要买什么。),自学地图

2、,1,listen to the tape and find out : what is Sarah going to buy?(听录音,找出莎拉要买什么。),lets try Chen :hi,Sarah . where are you going after school?Sarah : hi,Chen Jie . im going to the book store . Chen : what are you going to buy?Sarah : I am going to buy a dictionary . Chen : I want to buy a comic book .

3、lets go together!莎拉: ok!What is Sarah going to buy?a readers digest b China daily c art d English dictionary,自学地图(Lets talk),1,自由地阅读对话,努力理解where,what,when的意思,What is Chen Jie going to buy?When is Chen Jie going?3,两组,角色练习对话。Chen : I am going to buy a comic book . Amy : when are you going?Chen :i am g

4、oing at 3o clock。Amy : where are you going this afternoon?Chen : im going to the book store . Amy : what are you going to buy?Lets talk,Where means,在哪里,在哪里,What means,什么,When means,什么时候,Where is Chen Jie going?What is Chen Jie going to buy?When is Chen Jie going?the book store、buy a comic book、at 3

5、oclock、a : where are you going?B:Im going to the(鞋店)A:What are you going to buy?B:I am going to buy(一双鞋)A:When are you going?B:I am going at (8点)o clock。(a)文章培训替换,堂培训,A:Where are you going?B:Im going to the(鞋店)A:What are you going to buy?B:I am going to buy(一双鞋)A:When are you going?B:I am going at (

6、8点)o clock。this evening、shoe store、a pair of shoes,8、b 3360 I am going to buy b 3360 I am going at(10点)o clock,A:Where are you going?B:Im going to the(水果店)A:What are you going to buy?、tomorrow morning、fruit stand、some bananas、10、a3360 where are you goingB:Im going to the(宠物店)A:What are you going to

7、buy?、B:I am going to buy(一只猫)A:When are you going?B:I am going at (4点)o clock。A:Where are you going?B:Im going to the(宠物店)A:What are you going to buy?、Sunday afternoon、petshop、a cat、4、_ _ _ _ are you going to read a mage,-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ are you going to buy a dictionary?-in the book store。when、wh

8、ere、-_ _ _ _ _ are you going to Beijing?-By plane。How,What,(2)填充单词空格,-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ are you going to read a magazine?-Tonight。(b)填充单词空格,-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ are you going to read a magazine?-Tonight。(b)填充空格的单词,-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ are you going to do this weekend?-read an English book,-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ are you going to read a magazine?-Tonight。(b)填充单词空格,where what how when,w


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