



1、六年级上册第一单元检测班级:_ 姓名:_ 得分:_听力部分(30分)一 听录音,选出你所听到的单词。(10分)( ) 1. A. magic B. merry C. many( ) 2. A. through B. think C. thin( ) 3. A. start B. sentence C. stand( ) 4. A. other B. next C. each( ) 5. A. think hard B. study hard C. work hard( ) 6. A. card B. hard C. park( ) 7. A. cowboy B. little boy C. t

2、hat boy( ) 8. A. quick B. kilt C . duck( ) 9. A. clever B. wear C. over( ) 10. A. fit B. but C. fat二 听录音,选出合适的译文。(10分)( ) 1. A. 我的陛下,请穿上这件新衣服。 B. 我的陛下,请穿上这件神奇的衣服。( )2.A. 国王正穿衣服。 B 国王没有穿衣服。( )3. A. 一个小男孩指着国王并大叫。 B. 一个小男孩指着国王并大喊。( )4.A. 国王穿 着新衣步行走过城市。 B. 国王穿着新衣步行走过街道。( )5.A. 从前有一个老太太。 B从前有一座大山。三 听录音,填

3、写你所听到的单词。(10分)The students are _ a story: Long long _, there _ a king. He _ new clothes very much. One day, two men wanted to make new clothes for _. Several days later, they _ him the new clothes. The king tried on them and _ through the city. Suddenly a _ boy pointed at the king and _, “Look at th

4、e king. He isnt _ any clothes.”笔试部分(70分)一 判断划线部分的发音是(S)否(D)一样。(5分)( )1. hard farm ( )2. warm park( )3. bar far ( )4. bear dear ( )5. liked lived二 英汉互译(10分)1.很 久以前 _ 2. foolish people _3.讲故事 _ 4. show me the new clothes_5.一个小孩_ 6. point at the king _7.变成 _ 8. walk through the city _9.下一个机会_ 10. an Am

5、erican cowboy _三单项选择题。(10分)( )1.There a lot of people in the street on that day.A. was B. were C. is ( )2. One day , two young men the Queen(皇后).A. visit B. visited C. visits( )3. This morning , she a card.A. get B. gets C. got ( ) 4. The teacher _ us a story yesterday.A. told B. tell C. says( ) 5.

6、Please make some clothes _ the doll.A. to B. of C. for( ) 6. Each student _ one sentence.A. say B. says C. saying( ) 7. Now _ me your nice flowers.A. give B. look C. point( ) 8. This is _ Scottish Man. That is _ American boy.A. a, a B. an, an C. a, an ( ) 9. The boy was foolish because he _ see the

7、kings clothes.A. could B. could not C. not( )10. What do you do _ your birthday? I usually _ with my family.A. in, play B. on, played C. on, play三 用所给单词的适当形式填空。(10分)1.There _ (be) some tigers here a year ago.2.Can you see _(they)?3.Look at the two _ (man) over there?4.Look! Shes _(wear) a new clothe

8、s.5._(this) are new pencils.6. An old woman _(walk) by the house this morning.7.One day, a man _ (shout) in the street.8.They _ (live) in Nanjing two years ago.9. Long long ago, there _(be) a beautiful girl.10. This is the _ (lion) house.五情景匹配题。(10分)( )1.How many PE lessons do you have in a week? A.

9、 Yes.( )2.Were you at home yesterday? B I usually watch TV.( )3.Ive got a bad stomach ache. C. Im ill at home.( )4.What do you usually do on Friday evening? D. Shes thirty-one.( )5.Does Mike like playing table tennis? E. Three.( )6.Why are you absent today? F. No, he doesnt.( )7.How old is your moth

10、er? G. Yes, I like going shopping.( )8.Do you have any hobbies? H. Im sorry to hear that.( )9.What did you like? I. He studies Chinese.( )10.What subjects does Mike study at school? J. I liked new clothes.六翻译句子。(10分)1、大街上有许多人。(过去时)There _ a lot of _ in the _.2、每个孩子说一个句子。_ _ _ one sentence.3、下一个是谁?噢,

11、轮到我了。Whats _? Its my _.4、我们只能重新开始这个故事。We _ to _ the story again.七阅读短文,判断句子是(T)否(F)正确。(10分)Long long ago, there was a poor(穷)man. He had an orange tree. On the tree, there were many fine oranges. One of them was very big. It was as big as a ball. Nobody(没人) saw so big an orange. The poor man was very

12、 happy. He gave it to the King. The King was so glad that he gave the man a lot of money for it. When a rich man heard of it, he said to himself(他自己), it was only an orange. Why did the King give so much money for it? I would take(带) my gold(金的)cup to the King. He would give me more money. The next day when the King got the gold cup, he said to the rich man, “ What a beautiful cup! I would show you something wonderful. This big orange was for you.”( )1. The rich man had an apple tree.( )2. One of the oranges was a


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