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1、V-ing form,Revision,-ing形式作主语和宾语的用法 Translate the following sentences into Chinese. 1. 对他说话等于对牛弹琴。 Talking to him is talking to a wall. 2. 吸烟会致癌。 Smoking may cause cancer.,3. 等在这里是没用的。 Its no use waiting here. 4. 这样的事是不能开玩笑的。 There is no joking about such matters. 5. 我禁不住笑了起来。 I couldnt help laughin

2、g. 6. 你的大衣需要洗一下。 Your coat needs cleaning. 7. 我们期待着来中国。 We are looking forward to coming to China.,-ing 形式作定语, 宾语补足语和表语的用法,一、-ing形式作定语 1. 单个动词的-ing形式作定语位于被修饰名词的前面,既可以表示被修饰者的作用或功能,也可以表示被修饰者的动作或状态。如:,building materials = materials for building 建筑材料 drinking water = water for drinking 饮用水 a walking sti

3、ck = a stick for walking 手杖 a writing desk = a desk for writing 写字台 a surprising result = a result that is surprising一个惊人的结果,2. -ing形式短语作定语时, 放在所修饰的名词之后, 并且在意思上当于一个定语从句。如:,They lived in a room facing the street. = They lived in a room that faces the street. 他们住在一间面朝街的房子。,站在那儿的那个人是彼得的父亲。 The man stan

4、ding there is Peters father. = The man who is standing there is Peters father. 在这条河里游泳的任何一个人都会被罚款。 Anybody swimming in this river will be fined. = Anybody who is swimming in this river will be fined.,3. -ing形式短语也可以用作非限制定语,相当于一个非限制性定语从句,这时,它与句子其他部分用逗号分开。如: His brother, working as a teacher, lives in

5、Beijing. = His brother, who is working as a teacher, lives in Beijing. 他那个当教师的哥哥住在北京。,二、-ing形式作宾语补足语 1. 1) 动词-ing形式作宾语补足语常放在宾语后面,表示一个正在进行的主动性的动作,强调一个过程或一种状态。如: When we returned to the school, we found a stranger standing at the entrance. 当我们回到学校时, 发现一个陌生人站在大门口。,We found the snake eating the eggs. 我们

6、发现蛇正在吃鸡蛋。 I found a bag lying on the ground. 我发现地板上放着一个包。 The boss kept the workers working the whole night. 那老板让工人整夜地工作。,2)当主句转换为被动结构时, 原来作宾语补足语的动词-ing形式便转换为主语补足语。如: They found the result very satisfying. = The result is found very satisfying. 这个结果很令人满意。,They heard him singing in the next room. = H

7、e was heard singing in the next room. 有人听到他在隔壁房间唱歌。 We mustnt keep them waiting. = They mustnt be kept waiting. 千万不能让他们等。,2. 能用-ing形式作宾语补足语的几类动词: 1) 表示感觉和心理状态的动词,常见的有see, hear, feel, smell, find, notice, observe, look at, listen to等。如: We saw a light burning in the window. I felt somebody patting me

8、 on the shoulder. I didnt notice him waiting.,2) 表示指使意义的动词,常见的有have, set, keep, get, catch, leave等。如: I wont have you doing that. This set me thinking. Im sorry to have kept you waiting. I cant get the clock going again. You wont catch me doing that again.,3. see, hear, feel, watch等动词之后用-ing形式和动词不定式

9、 (省略to) 作宾语补足语的区别: 如果宾语补足语是短暂性动词,动词不定式短语表示一次动作, 而-ing形式则表示反复动作。 We heard the door slam. (一次动作) We heard the door slamming. (反复动作),前者表示动作正在进行,后者表示(或强调)动作从开始到结束的全过程。 We passed by the classmates and saw the teacher making the experiment. 我们走过教室,看见老师在做实验。 (只在走过教室的刹那间,看见老师 正在做实验) We sat an hour and watch

10、ed the teacher make the experiment. 我们坐了一个小时,看老师做实验。 (一个小时之内一直在看老师作实验),三、-ing形式作表语 -ing形式作表语时放在系动词之后,用来泛指某种动作或行为,以说明主语的身份、性质或情况。如: Her hobby is painting. 她的业余爱好是画画。 My job is looking after the children. 我的工作就是照顾这些孩子。,Exercises,Point out the usage of the ing form. 1. Do you find it funny to see someo

11、ne sliding on a banana skin, bumping into someone else round a corner, or falling down a hole in the road? 作宾语补足语,2. That was the problem facing Charlie Chaplin in one of his most famous films. 作定语 3. He loved it by using nonverbal humor. 作介词宾语 4.Their job is “panning for gold”. 作表语,5. Unfortunately

12、, his father died, leaving the family even worse off. 作结果状语 6. Having finished their homework, the boys went out to play. 作时间状语 7. Not knowing her address, I might telephone her to come over. 作原因状语,动词-ing做状语,动词-ing在语法功能上相当于动词、形容词和副词。现在分词通常和逻辑主语之间存在主动关系。但要注意它的各种形式变化:,主动形式 被动形式 V-ing being V-ed having

13、 V-ed having been V-ed,一般式,完成式,1.Hearing the bell, the students began to enter the classroom. 听见和进入两个动作同时发生。 2.The building being built now is our new library. being built为现在分词的被动形式,表示动作正在进行之中。,3.Having done the work, he went home. 完成了工作,他就回家了。,现在分词作状语,现在分词作状语往往和逻辑主语之间存在主动关系。现在分词作状语,常常用来表示原因、时间、方式、结

14、果、条件、伴随状况等。现在分词一般不用作表目的的状语(通常用不定式表目的状语)。,Arriving in Kunming, I lost my way. (=When I arrived in Kunming, I lost my way.),While waiting for the bus, he read a copy of China Daily. (=While he was waiting for the bus, he read a copy of China Daily.),1. 表时间状语,(1)现在分词所表示的动作刚发生,谓语动词表示的动词随之发生,可用其一般式(doing

15、)作状语,(2) 谓语动词表示的动作就发生在现在分词所表示的动作的过程中,可在现在分词前加上when或while,(3) 现在分词所表示的动作完成之后,谓语动词表示的动作才发生,用现在分词的完成式(having done)作状语,Having finished their homework, the boys went out to play. (= After they had finished their homework, the boys went out to play.),Being ill, he didnt go to school. (=Because/As he was i

16、ll, he didnt go to school.),Thinking he might be at home, I called him. (=As I thought he might be at home, I called him.),2 表原因状语,(1)现在分词表示的动作和谓语动词所表示的动作同时发生,用现在分词的一般式,Having smoked too much, one of my friends suffered from cancer. (=Because he had smoked too much, one of my friends suffered from c

17、ancer.,(2)现在分词表示的动作在谓语动词所表示的动作之前发生,用现在分词的完成式,Her mother died in 1990, leaving her with her younger brother. (=Her mother died in 1990, and left her with her younger brother.),3 表结果状语,全国到处在传唱这首歌曲,使它成了一首最受欢迎的歌曲。,The song is sung all over the country, _ .,making it the most popular song,Using your head

18、, you will find a way. (=If you use your head, you will find a way.),一直往前走,你就会看到一座白色的房子。,_, you will see a white house.,Walking ahead,4 表条件状语,Knowing all this, I still want to see it for myself.Although I know all this, I still want to see it for myself.,尽管尝试了多次,但他仍未成功。 ,he still couldnt succeed.,Ha

19、ving tried many times,5 表让步状语,6 表方式、伴随情况地状语 : 作伴随状语地分词表示的动作,必须是主语的一个 动作,或是与谓语所表示的动作(或状态)同时发生,He sat on the sofa, watching TV. (=He sat on the sofa, and watched TV.),迈克是骑着一辆新自行车来的。,Mike came riding a new bike.,7 与逻辑主语构成独立主格结构 All the tickets having been sold out, they went away disappointedly. 所有的票已经

20、卖光了,他们失望地离开了。 Time permitting, well do another two exercises. 如果时间允许,我们将做另两个练习。,(1)名词/代词+现在分词 一般用于句首,前面的名词或代词是现在分词的逻辑主语,即动作执行者,表示主动意义,玛丽回来,他们一起讨论那件事。,Mary coming back, they discussed it together.,1. When he approached Ms Smith, he touched her shoulder and kissed her. _ _ Ms Smith, he touched her sho

21、ulder and kissed her.,Rewrite the following sentences.,When,approaching,2. The person who is translating the songs can speak seven languages. The person _ _ _can speak seven languages.,translating,the,songs,3. The boy standing there is reading a book about body language. The boy _ _ _ there is readi

22、ng a book about body language.,who,is,standing,4. Because he comes from Jordan, he moves close to ask you a question. _ _ Jordan, he moves close to ask you a question.,Coming,from,5. She sat at the desk and did her homework. She sat at the desk _ _ _.,doing,her,homework,Grammar work 语法专练 用所给动词的适当形式填

23、空。 1. Not _(know) his address, I couldnt go to see him yesterday. 2. Look out for cars when _(cross) the street. 3. Not _ (invite) to the party, Mary was greatly hurt.,knowing,crossing,having been invited,4. He dived into the water, _ (leave) only his face exposed. 5. When I got back home I saw a message pinned to the door, _ (read) “Sorry to miss you; I will


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