1、VERITAS 存储管理产品和解决方案介绍,VERITAS 软件公司概况,全球最大的存储软件公司 收入为15亿美元 最近五年的平均增长 率达 54% 是世界10大软件公司之一 未来投资30亿美金研发 最全的产品线 市场份额 VERITAS在中国,今天的存储环境和需要解决的问题,数据爆炸性增长 如何有效地管理 数据重要 如何有效地保护 业务不间断 高可用 容灾 高速的数据访问 性能 异构平台和应用,VERITAS 适用性软件架构,VERITAS解决方案,高可用性,灾难恢复,数据保护,存储管理,应用 互用性,存储 互用性,VERITAS 30.0%,IBM 17.7%,EMC 11.9%,CA 6
2、.2%,Legato 4.4%,BMC 4.2%,NetApp 3.3%,H-P 2.2%,Compaq 2.0%,PowerQuest 1.6%,其它 16.5%,存储软件领导者,2001 年全球存储管理软件市场领导者(按供应商划分).,Gartner, 2002.年3月,VERITAS 是市场领导者,VERITAS,备份 / 恢复领导者,虚拟存储领导者,集群领导者,40.8%,79.9%,18.8%,VERITAS 存储产品,存储管理 卷管理Volume Manager 和 文件系统 File System 存储区域网管理 SAN PointControl 数据保护 BackupExec
3、NetBackup Professional NetBackup (Business and Data Center) 高可用和容灾 Veritas Cluster Server (VCS) Global Cluster Manager (GCM) Veritas Volume Replicator (VVR) 应用 Database Edition 支持平台:Windows, HPUX, Solaris, AIX, Linux,VERITAS卷管理 异构,与物理存储无关性,VERITAS卷管理 高可用的在线管理,在线改变布局 在线增加磁盘 在线增大和缩小卷 在线磁盘间文件系统迁移 RAID
4、类型转换 可以在线改变 Stripe 块大小 ,调整性能,VERITAS卷管理 高性能DMP,动态多路(Dynamic Multi Pathing-DMP) 提供服务器到存储设备的多通路 多通道数据并行读写提高I/O速度 冗余通路提高可靠性,Storage Network,VERITAS卷管理 FlashSnap,对数据产生某个时间点的拷贝,本服务器或其他服务器使用拷贝进行备份、报表、统计、数据采集、数据分析、决策分析和其他数据仓库应用,VERITAS 文件系统,记录文件系统变化 极大减少文件系统崩溃后fsck(文件系统检查)时间 ,从数小时减少到几分钟 维护数据完整性 在HA环境中提供快速切
5、换能力 通过Quick-Log功能进一步提高性能,SANPoint Control,Discovery and Visualization Management and Monitoring Event & Performance Management Application Discovery & Awareness,SPC,SANPoint Control,Ethernet,SPC,The methods of discovery are: In-band discovery over fibre channel Out-of-band discovery over non-fibre c
6、hannel paths, such as SCSI or Ethernet,Zoning management with Wizard Supported Switches Brocade McData QLogic,Fault Monitoring and Policy Management SPC ships with over 100 pre-defined policies Policies are customizable. You can define alerting mechanisms and trigger conditions.,File System Capacity
7、 Management Automated Notification Forecast future storage capacity Support VxFS, UFS, NTFS, FAT, hfs,Integrated Oracle & Exchange Support Track table space and file Map files to storage at LUN level,Selective Path Management All paths are not created equal Monitor path availability and performance
8、from application to LUN Automated, policy-based responses to alerts,Clustering Support,数据保护,Desktop To Data Center,Tape Backup,Netbackup Professional Backup Exec Netbackup Business Netbackup Datacenter,扩展性 系统架构,Media Server,Master Server,Media Server,GDM - Monitor,Master Server,Master Server,Clients
9、,扩展性 异构,Different Platform and OS Different Storage Different Tape Library Different Database and Application Oracle,DB2, Sybase,Informix etc Exchange, Notes, Seibel, Peoplesoft etc Different Storage Architecture LAN Backup (DAS) LAN Free Backup (SAN) Off Host, ServerFree NDMP (NAS),可管理性 - Admin Con
10、sole,可管理性 Oracle备份向导,Oracle example,性能,Industrial Record 2TB with VERITAS NetBackup NetBackup delivers HIGH Performance Multi Streaming Tape Multiplexing for Slow Network, Client and File System FlashBackup for Web Server and Exchange backups SSO for LAN Free Backup Offhost and Serverfree FlashSnap
11、and Array integration Option BLI block Level Incremental for Oracle,Client orfilesystemA,驱动器,Netbackup server,驱动器,性能 - Multiple Stream,性能 - Tape Multiplexing,Maximize performance on slow networks, files systems or clients Drive tape drives at top-rated speed Multiplex up to 32 clients or file system
12、s per tape drive,VERITAS NetBackup Media Server,Client #1,Client #2,Multiplexed Data Stream,Tape Library,性能 - FlashBackup,Online snapshot file level backup Full or incremental backup of live file system Physical backup, light backup footprint Ideal for backing up thousands or millions of small files
13、 Supports UFS, Online JFS or VERITAS File System (VxFS) Restore individual files or directories, remote or local file system,性能 - SSO,性能 - Off-Host Backup with FlashSnap,DLT tape library,Fiber channel disk array,LAN,#1 Quiesce application,#2 Create frozen image,#3 Create and transmit block map to me
14、dia server or third party copy engine,ServerFree Oracle Agent,Master/Media server,#4 Data blocks sent from disk to tape across SAN,性能 - ServerFree,性能 - BLIB for Oracle,Source: Aerospace Customer,O8 RMAN:Oracle 8 Recovery Manager NetBackup writing to tape BLIB:VxFS BLIB NetBackup writing to tape,15:1
15、0,5:01,15:24,5:02,34:09,16:11,Fully automated system recovery Foolproof process Faster and Simpler No OS reinstall Rebuilds hardware configuration Supports multiple platforms Windows Solaris AIX HP-UX,Repair Hardware,Collect all necessary media together,Reload OS from CD-ROM or floppies,REBOOT,Reloa
16、d Backup Software from CD-ROM,Load recovery tape and restore system,REBOOT,REOOT,Traditional,Repair Hardware,Click “Prepare to Restore”,BMR,REBOOT,REBOOT,恢复 - Bare Metal Restore,恢复 - Bare Metal Restore,容灾 - Vaulting,#1 Duplicate backups,#2 Eject duplicate tapes from tape library and prepare for tran
17、sport,#3 Transport tapes to the offsite vault,#4 Record where each tape is located within the vault and when each tape will expire,#5 When tapes expire, notify the offsite facility,#6 Transport expired tapes back onsite,其它 - 数据库数据归档功能,集群 - VCS Traffic Director,Web_4,Web_3,Web_2,Web_5,Web_1,* Intelli
18、gent traffic management for all TCP-IP/UDP-IP protocols,Web_6,Web_7,集群 - VCS/QuickStart,Application service oriented failover solution Heartbeats and application agents Cost-effective scalability up to 32 nodes Manage planned and unplanned downtime Easy to install, configure and modify Simple Java i
19、nterface SAN-ready today For HP-UX, Solaris, AIX and Windows NT,linux Broad support for many disk vendors lets you contain disk costs,数据复制 - 卷复制 Volume Replicator,IP Hosts VxVM Disk Array Synch/Asynch One-to-one, one-to- many Unix and Windows,实时数据复制:同步复制(VVR),Primary Site,Secondary Site,TCP / IP 网络,
20、优点: 数据实时性高,缺点: 每一个写操作必须等上一个写操作完成 对系统性能影响较大,实时数据复制:异步复制(VVR),Primary Site,Secondary Site,TCP / IP 网络,优点: 实时数据复制 对系统性能没有影响,缺点: 数据可能出现一定的滞后,Log,GCM,对多个本地和跨广域网的集群的监控和集中管理 每个数据中心知道其它数据中心的状态,主中心,灾备中心,GCM,GCM,灾难发生时数据中心级的切换 同时改变DNS服务器纪录用于客户端解析,Replication,Failover,Site Migration,,
21、0,GCM,直观的基于WEB浏览器的集中管理 “One Click” 应用切换 全局的可用性和灾难策略管理,Solution Scenarios,DataBase Edition,Volume Manager,File System with Storage Checkpoints,(Cached) Quick I/O for Databases,QuickLog for File System,VxDBA Administration Utility,VERITAS Cluster Server,Oracle Database HA Agent,Standard Edition,HA Edi
22、tion,QuickLog HA Agent,DataBase Edition,70% - 80%用户使用文件系统存放数据库,Manageability “Invisible” locations for tablespaces Difficult to grow tablespaces,Database Edition for Oracle,Performance Best OLTP performance Data Reliability No potential for data loss with data written to disks directly,Disadvantages
23、,Advantages,Raw Disks,Performance Lower database throughput (30-90% of raw disk) Higher CPU overhead Data Reliability Potential data loss,Advantages,Manageability Tablespace organization System-wide backup and restore policies Easy to create and expand files for Oracle,Disadvantages,Conventional Fil
24、e Systems,DataBase Edition Quick I/O,使数据库访问文件系统达到访问裸设备的性能,DataBase Edition 提高性能,DataBase Edition Storage Checkpoint,A,G,A,G,DataBase Edition - BLIB,Changed BlocksSince LastBackup,+,BlockLevelIncrementals,NetBackup Server,NetBackup BLI BackupExtension,VERITAS File System with Storage Checkpoints,Prev
25、iousFull Backup,FullRestore,Minimize Your Database Backup Window,DataBase Edition 普通备份,Restore from backup,Reapply transactions 00:00 - 15:00,Back in service,Full DB Backup,Transactions,Time0:00,DataBase Editon 快速恢复,Restore from last checkpoint,Reapply transactions 14:00 - 15:00,Back in service - fa
26、st,Full DB Backup,Transactions,Storage Checkpoints - on-disk, storage efficient backup images,Time0:00,DataBase Edition - VxDBA,DataBase Edition Cold Backup,A couple of seconds of downtime,Shut down database,Start the database,Storage Checkpoint,Resume operation,Perform backup,Managed by NetBackup,D
27、ataBase Edition Hot Backup,A couple of seconds of changes to apply at recovery,Begin tablespace backup,End tablespace backup,Storage Checkpoint,Perform backup,Managed by NetBackup,DataBase Edition / Advance Cluster,Cluster Volume Manager,Cluster File System,Database Accelerator (QIO/ODM),Cluster Ser
28、ver (VCS),VCS RAC Extensions,Hardware,Oracle9i RAC,集群 基于VCS的DBAC,VERITAS 存储产品,存储管理 卷管理Volume Manager 和 文件系统 File System 存储区域网管理 SAN PointControl 数据保护 BackupExec NetBackup Professional NetBackup (Business and Data Center) 高可用和容灾 Veritas Cluster Server (VCS) Global Cluster Manager (GCM) Veritas Volume
29、 Replicator (VVR) 应用性能 Database Edition 支持平台:windows, hpux, solaris, AIX, linux,中国航信存储系统方案 连接图一,SilkWorm 12000 FC Switch,SilkWorm 12000 FC Switch,EMC 8530 Symmetrix RAID,2002.7.8,STK L700e,Lib Control,9840B,9840B,9840B,9840B,EMC 8530 Symmetrix RAID,BackUp Server SUN E450,FC,FC,1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9,1 2,1 2,SUN 15
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