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1、基础知识清单,基础知识迁移,单元基础知识过关三,单元基础知识过关五,重点单词 根据提示,写出下列单词和相关变形 1颁发;提交_ 2乐器;工具;器械_ 3中心的,中央的_ 4普通的,一般的,常见的_ 5物品,东西_6.控制,支配_ 7传统的_ 8.令人愉快的_,present,instrument,central,common,object,control,traditional,pleasant,基础知识清单,单元基础知识过关五,9虽然,尽管_ 10.今晚_ 11流行音乐_ 12.持续_ 13音乐会_ 14.赞扬,表扬_ 15污点,斑点_ 16.天赋,才能_ 17鼓励;劝告_ 18获胜者 n_

2、获胜 vt. _ 19音乐家 n_音乐 n_音乐的 adj._ 20成功地 adv._成功的 adj._,though/although,tonight,pop,last,concert,praise,mark,gift,encourage,winner,win,musician,music,musical,successfully,successful,单元基础知识过关五,21价值 n_有价值的;贵重的 adj._ 22持久的 adj._ 持续;维持 vi._ 23美国人 n_ 美国 n_ 24非洲(人)的 n. ,valuable,lasting,last,American,America

3、,African,Africa,highly,high,单元基础知识过关五,重点短语 根据汉语意思,写出相应的英文短语 1因而著名_ 2一条分界线_ 3拍照_ 4交通太拥挤_ 5上气不接下气_ 6编;编造_ 7有持久的价值_ 8有较强的地方特色_,be known/famous for,a dividing line,take photos,too much traffic,out of breath,make up,have a lasting value,have strong local colours,单元基础知识过关五,9以传统的风格 _ 10着迷于_ 11在四面八方_ 12对有天赋

4、_ 13拿走, 带走_ 14令人愉快的事情_ 15高度评价_ 16对开放的_,in the traditional style,be crazy about,in all directions,have a gift for,take away,something pleasant,think highly of,be open to,单元基础知识过关五,17匆忙进入剧院 _ 18变得无聊_ 19各种各样的 _ 20因而赞美某人_ 21把和混合在一起_ 22从那时起_ 23像往常一样 _ 24鼓励某人做某事_,encourage sb to do sth,hurry into the thea

5、tre,get bored,all kinds of,praise sb for,mixwith,from then on,as usual,单元基础知识过关五,重点句型 1因为我发现了比艺术更令人愉悦的事情。 Because Ive found _ than art. 2作为一位作曲家, 也许他最为人知的是为电影卧虎藏龙作曲而赢得奥斯卡大奖。 As a composer, perhaps he _ an Oscar for his music in the film Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.,something more pleasant,is best

6、 known for winning,单元基础知识过关五,3因为当时没有任何乐器,他就用一些普通的东西,比如石头、纸什么的,来创作音乐。 Since he _ then, he _ common objects like stones and paper. 4相反,谭盾通过控制水流的速度创作了50多种来自水的声音。 Instead, Tan Dun _ water _ water flow.,made music with,had no musical instruments,makes over 50 sounds from,by controlling the speed of,单元基础知

7、识过关五,5北京奥运会的音乐尽管属于西方风格,但它使用了中国传统音乐和一座中国古钟的声音。 The music for the Beijing Olympics _ and the sounds of an ancient Chinese bell, though it is _ 6这场歌剧演了一个半小时。 The opera _ hours. 7谭盾帮助在东西方之间搭起了一座桥梁。 Tan Dun has helped _ the East and the West.,uses traditional Chinese music,in a Western style,lasted for o

8、ne and a half,build a bridge between,单元基础知识过关五,8八年后,他继续在美国学习。 Eight years later, he _ in the USA. 9我所有的老师和同学称赞我为艺术节做的设计。 All my teachers and classmates _ the art festival. 10她鼓励我继续努力,画出更精彩的图画。 She _ and make _,more wonderful pictures,went on to study,praised my designs for,encouraged me to keep tryi

9、ng,单元基础知识过关五,单词回顾 .根据句意及汉语提示完成句子 1 . Which kind of _(乐器)do you like best,Evans? 2 . Cant you see a strange _(物体)falling through the darkness,Jack? 3 . There are a large number of _(石头)at the bottom of the river. 4 . Would you like to go to a folk _(音乐会)this afternoon, Amy? 5 . There used to be a _(钟

10、) at the top of the mountain.,instrument,object,stones,concert,bell,基础知识迁移,单元基础知识过关五,6 . Ill buy a _ (吉他) as my cousins 20th birthday present. 7 . Thank you for helping me clean the _ (污点) on the floor. 8 . The headmaster _ (表扬) my designs for the school art festival. 9 . What are you going to do _

11、(今晚), watching TV at home or going out for a walk? 10 . _ (尽管) he tried his best, he failed again.,guitar,marks,praised,tonight,Though/Although,单元基础知识过关五,.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空 1 . Could you tell me who is the final _ (win)? 2His dream is to be a famous _ (music) 3_(cowboy) are a true symbol of the USA. 4

12、I hope these ideas will be of great _ (valuable) to teenagers with some problems. 5Jazz was first created by African _(America) 6I think this article will have a _ (last) influence.,winner,musician,Cowboys,value,Americans,lasting,单元基础知识过关五,7 . Have you tried some _ (tradition)cakes in Beijing? 8 . J

13、ohn has _ (success)arrived at the top of the mountain. 9 . The music _ (write)by Tan Dun is worth listening again and again. 10 . Tan Dun uses the sounds of nature a lot in his musical _ (work). 11 . I saw some children _ (fly) kites when I walked past the park. 12 . Keeping _ (exercise) every day i

14、s good for your health.,traditional,successfully,written,works,flying,exercising,单元基础知识过关五,13There are many developing countries in _(African) 14There are always many shops in the _(centre) part of the city. 15The ability to use words well is _(high) valued in many schools.,highly,Africa,central,单元基

15、础知识过关五,句型突破 根据汉语意思完成句子 1 . 当我的儿子很小的时候,他就对打篮球产生了兴趣。 When my son was very young, he _ . 2 . 莫言因获得诺贝尔文学奖而出名。 Mo Yan _ the Nobel Prize for Literature. 3 . 五年以后,杰克在法国继续学习桥梁设计。 Five years later, Jack _ the bridge design in France. 4 . 通过控制汽车的速度,我们可以欣赏沿途的风景。 _ the car,we can enjoy the scenery along the way

16、. 5 . 杰克像他的姐姐一样擅长音乐。 Jack _ music _ his sister.,showed an interest in playing basketball,is famous/known for winning,went on to study,By controlling the speed of,is good at/does well in,like,单元基础知识过关五,6 . 这座博物馆自2010年就已经对公众开放了。 The museum _ the public _ . 7 . 电影持续了两个半小时。 The film _ . 8 . 她上气不接下气地说:“街上交通太拥挤,我又迟到了。” “Im late again because there _ in the street,” she said, _ . 9 . 我妈妈经常鼓励我尝试一些困难的事情。 My mother often _ . 10 . 谭盾被选中为北京奥运会谱曲,因为


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