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1、Unit 8,First aid,1,What is first aid?,First aid is a temporary form of help given to someone who falls ill or gets injured before a doctor can be found. Often the illness or the injury is not serious, but there are other times when giving first aid quickly can save lives.,Lead-in,2,What has happened

2、 to them?,What can we do to help these people?,3,Word pretest,1. He smothered the flames with a blanket. A. covered up thickly-掩盖,盖上 B. built up quickly -组合 C. Blew up quickly smothersmverb.kill (someone) by covering their nose and mouth so that they suffocate 使窒息,把(某人)闷死 noun.a mass of something th

3、at stifles or obscures 杂乱的一大堆东西,一片混乱 E.g. He tried to smother me with a pillow. 他企图用枕头闷死我。,4,2.She was ready to resume her duties. A.begin later B. begin at once C. begin again resume : begin to do or pursue (something) again after a pause or interruption (中断后)重新开始,继续 E.g. a day later normal service

4、 was resumed 一天后恢复了正常服务 he sipped at the glass of water on the lectern and then resumed 他拿起讲桌上的水杯喝了一小口,然后接着往下讲,5,3.The car accident obstructed the road for five hours. A. Constructed-build or erect (something, typically a building, road, machine) 建筑;建造;建立;构筑(某物,尤指建筑物、公路、机器) B. Blocked- make the move

5、ment or flow in (a passage, pipe, road, etc.) difficult or impossible 堵塞,阻塞 C. objected obstructbstrktverb.block (an opening, path, road, etc.); be or get in the way of堵住,堵塞,阻塞(洞口、通道、道路等);挡住 E.g. she was obstructing the entrance 她正在把入口堵住 词根:obstruct adj.obstructive阻碍的;妨碍的 obstructionist阻挠议事的;蓄意阻挠的 N

6、. obstruction障碍;阻碍;妨碍 obstructive妨碍物;障碍物 obstructionist妨碍者;蓄意阻挠者 obstructer障碍物;妨碍者 obstructionism蓄意阻挠 obstructor阻碍者;阻碍物,6,4. Tilt your head back so that I can look down your throat, said the doctor. A. Raise B. Lean -be in or move into a sloping position倾斜,歪着 C. Erect -verb.construct (a building, wa

7、ll, or other upright structure) 建造(楼房、墙壁或其他直立的建筑物) tilttltverb.move or cause to move into a sloping position (使)倾斜,(使)侧倾 noun.a sloping position or movement倾斜,侧倾 E.g. he tilted his head to one side 他把头歪向一边 tilt with: engage in a contest with争论 at full tilt:全力地;全速地 tilt at windmills: 同假想的敌人(或坏事)作斗争,7

8、,5. His income is inadequate to meet his basic needs. A. enough B. not enough C. more than enough inadequatenadkwtadjective.lacking the quality or quantity required; insufficient for a purpose不充足的 E.g. these labels prove to be wholly inadequate 这些标签证明完全不够 inadequate funding 不充足的资金支持,8,6. He lit his

9、pipe and exhaled clouds of smoke. A. breathed in B. breathed out C. breathed in and out exhalekshelverb.breathe out in a deliberate manner呼出 E.G. She sat back and exhaled deeply 她将身子向后一靠,然后深深地呼了口气 He exhaled the smoke towards the ceiling 他朝天花板吐了一口烟,9,7. He slapped his son across the face. A. hit wit

10、h the palm of the hand B. hit with the fist C. hit with a stick slapslapverb.hit (someone or something) with the palm of ones hand or a flat object掌击,掴,拍 my sister slapped my face 我姐姐打了我一耳光 slap someone down : 斥责 Uncle Max was always slapping me down for being big-headed slap something on :处以罚金(或其他惩

11、罚) Wardens will slap a fine on anyone for the slightest violation of the law slap in the face:(意外的)拒绝;侮辱 His remarks are a slap in the face for the local community slap on the back: 恭贺;赞扬 They deserve a hearty slap on the back for their efforts 他们的努力值得衷心赞扬,10,8. She compressed her nostrils to stop b

12、leeding. A. cleared up -清理;放晴;整理;打扫 B. rubbed -verb.move ones hand or a cloth repeatedly to and fro on the surface of (something) with firm pressure 擦,摩擦;揉擦,按摩 C. pressed together Compress verb.flatten by pressure; squeeze; press 压平;压缩;紧压;压挤 The skirt can be folded and compressed into a relatively s

13、mall bag. 这条裙子可在折叠后塞进一个较小的袋子里,11,Text 1 First Aid,Global reading: 1.Skim the text and find out the main idea 2.Scan the passage and answer the multiple choice questions on page 73. Answer: BCD BDAC CCA CABD,12,Text 1 First Aid,Global reading: 3. Structure of the text Part 1 Introduction Part 2 Basic

14、 Rules Part 3 CRP and Life Support,13,PART ONE,p.1-2:Introduction,14,PART TWO,p.2-8: Basic Rules,15,Language Points,loosen /lusn/ CET4 TEM4 (loosening,loosened,loosens) V-T If you loosen your clothing or something that is tied or fastened, you undo it slightly so that it is less tight or less firmly

15、 held in place. 略微松开 He reached up to loosen the scarf around his neck. 他抬手松了松脖子上的围巾。 loosen someones tongue: 无拘束地说,无顾忌地说,16,panic /pnk/ CET4 TEM4 (panicking,panicked,panics) N-VAR Panic is a very strong feeling of anxiety or fear that makes you act without thinking carefully. 惊慌 An earthquake has h

16、it the capital, causing damage to buildings and panic among the population. 一场地震袭击了首都,造成建筑物的损坏和人们的惊慌。 V-T/V-I If you panic or if someone panics you, you suddenly feel anxious or afraid, and act quickly and without thinking carefully. 使惊慌; 惊慌 Guests panicked and screamed when the bomb exploded. 炸弹爆炸的

17、时候,客人们惊慌失措,惊声尖叫。,17,artificial /tfl/ CET4 TEM8 ADJ Artificial objects, materials, or processes do not occur naturally and are created by human beings, often using science or technology. 人造的 (物体、材料、工艺等) an artificial limb假腿 artificial flowers假花 The city is dotted with small lakes, natural and artific

18、ial. 这座城市满是天然和人造的小湖泊。,18,Respirationrspre()n noun.the action of breathing呼吸 E.g. His respiration grew fainter throughout the day. 一天当中,他的呼吸越来越微弱。,19,resuscitation resuscitatersstet verb.revive (someone) from unconsciousness or apparent death使苏醒,使复活 E.g. An ambulance crew tried to resuscitate him 救护车

19、医护人员试图使他醒过来 Measures to resuscitate the ailing Japanese economy 恢复重病缠身的日本经济的举措,20,PART THREE,p.9: CRP and Life Support,21,massage /ms/ CET6+ TEM4 (massaging,massaged,massages) 1.N-VAR Massage is the action of squeezing and rubbing someones body, as a way of making them relax or reducing their pain.

20、按摩 E.G. Alex asked me if I wanted a massage. 亚历克斯问我是否需要一次按摩。 2. V-T If you massage someone or a part of their body, you squeeze and rub their body, in order to make them relax or reduce their pain. 按摩 E.G. She continued massaging her right foot, which was bruised and aching. 她继续按摩她的右脚,那只脚又肿又疼。,22,co

21、llapse klaps (of a person) fall down and become unconscious, typically through illness or injury (尤指因生病或受伤而)昏倒 E.G. he collapsed from loss of blood 他因失血而昏倒,23,inhalation /nhlen/ N-VAR Inhalation is the process or act of breathing in, taking air and sometimes other substances into your lungs. 吸气 E.G.

22、They were taken to the hospital suffering from smoke inhalation. 他们因吸入浓烟被送进医院。 Take several deep inhalations. 做几次深的吸气。 词根:inhale adj. inhalant 供吸入的 n. inhaler 临床 吸入器;空气过滤器;吸入者 inhalant 吸入剂;吸入器 inhalator 临床 吸入器;人工呼吸补助器 v inhale 吸气,24,exhale /kshel/ TEM4 (exhaling,exhaled,exhales) 1. V-T/V-I When you

23、exhale, you breathe out the air that is in your lungs. 呼气 E.G.Hold your breath for a moment and exhale. 屏息一会儿,然后呼气。,25,cycle /sakl/ CET4 TEM4 (cycling,cycled,cycles) N-COUNT A cycle is a series of events or processes that is repeated again and again, always in the same order. 周期 E.G.the life cycle o

24、f the plant. 植物的生命周期。,26,crack /krk/ CET4 TEM4 (cracking,cracked,cracks) V-T/V-I If something hard cracks, or if you crack it, it becomes slightly damaged, with lines appearing on its surface. 使破裂; 破裂 E.G. A gas main had cracked under my neighbours garage and gas had seeped into our homes. 邻居家车库下的煤气

25、主管道破裂了,煤气渗漏进我们家。 V-T/V-I If something cracks, or if you crack it, it makes a sharp sound like the sound of a piece of wood breaking. 使噼啪作响; 发出辟裂声 E.G.Thunder cracked in the sky. 空中雷声炸响。,27,crack a book: open a book and read it; study研读;学习 E.G. they can run with a football or dunk a basketball with l

26、ittle concern whether they ever crack a book crack a bottle:open a bottle, especially of wine, and drink it开瓶(尤指开葡萄酒的酒瓶)喝酒 he likes to crack a bottle of wine with his friends crack a crib:break into a house破门而入 crack of dawn:a time very early in the morning; daybreak黎明;拂晓 Ive been up since the crack

27、 of dawn cracked up to be:asserted to be (used to indicate that someone or something has been described too favourably)断定(指对某人某事某物的优点夸大地宣扬) life on tour is not as glamorous as its cracked up to be 旅行生活并不像所吹嘘的那样迷人,28,Unit 8 First Aid,Post reading: Reading comprehension: Answer: BCD BDAC CCA CABD,29,U

28、nit 8 First Aid,Post reading: Use of English: Come in for:受到;接受;得到 Come In For Criticism挨批评 come in for censure落得个不是 The plans have already come in for fierce criticism. 这些计划已遭到激烈的批评。 Come to terms with:妥协;达成协议;让步;屈服;甘心忍受 Atthis point,Ihavetocometotermswiththe factthatmylifestylerequiresacertain var

29、ietyoffootwear. 到了这里,我不得不屈服于这样一个事实,我的生活方式需要多种不同的鞋子。,30,Unit 8 First Aid,Come back:回来;记起;恢复原状,重新流行 He wanted to come back to Washington. 他想回到华盛顿。 Ill think of his name in a moment when it comes back to me. 我想一下,一会儿就能记起他的名字来。. Im glad hats are coming back. 我很高兴帽子再度流行起来。 Come to the boil:达到沸点,到达紧急关头 Th

30、e milk has nearly come to the boil.牛奶快煮开了。 Come into effect:(法律、决议等)被实施,开始实行;开始有效,生效 Thenewlawwillcomeintoeffectatthe startofSeptember. 该新的法令将在九月初开始生效。,31,Unit 8 First Aid,Come out:出现;出版;结果是 The book comes out this week. 该书本周上市。 The truth is beginning to come out about what happened. 所发生的事情真相开始为大家所知

31、。 In this grim little episode of recent American history, few people come out well. 在这一小段严酷的美国近代历史中,没几人结果很好。 So what makes a good marriage? Faithfulness comes out top of the list. 那么什么可以造就成功的婚姻呢?忠诚是第一位的。,32,Unit 8 First Aid,1. The government has come in for a lot of criticism. 2.Its hard to come to

32、terms with the governments defence policy. 3.After retiring in 1980 he has decided to make a comeback to the political scene. 4.The situation has come to the boil now that the government has to face a vote of confidence. 5.The tax cuts announced in the Budget do not come into effect until next year.

33、 6.The miners came out on strike against the governments privatization plans.,33,Unit 8 First Aid,Post reading: STEMS: 1.He played a violin solo at the performance. solo: a composition or passage for an individual voice or instrument, with or without accompaniment. 2.They produced a series of books on plants of the world. series: a number of things, events, or people of a similar kind or related nature coming one after another系列 3.Two villages in the north were isolated by heavy snowfalls. isola


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