



1、译林版英语八年级上册unit-5-unit6-基础词汇训练和连词成句一 根据句意或首字母提示完成单词。1 Lets gp to the m_.I want to buy some food.2 Tom is going b_ tomorrow. The birds are very nice.3 Parrot have c_ feathers.4 There are only 15 types of cranes. They are r_ birds5 Cranes have long l_.6 The hotel p_(give something to somebody) good ser

2、vice for the public.7 Many foreign t_(travelers) go to visit Zhalong Nature Reserve every year.8 There are many birds living in the w_(an area with wet ground).9 I think it is very important to learn about w_(animals, plants, etc, that are wild and live in a natural environment)10 Zhalong is a N_ Re

3、serve in Heilongjiang in n_ China.11 The best way is to j_ an English club.12 I heard him s_ in the next room.13 The shelter is built to p_ the goods from the sun.14 Now you can give me some a_.15 That r_ ran very fast.16 The p_ played the piano very well.17 Take a notebook w_ you to w_ down what yo

4、u see.18 Can we make s_ for an extra chair?19 Please fill in this a_ form.20 Let me i_ myself.21 I can take part in a_ from 2 to 5 p.m on Sundays.22 D_ are very friendly to people ;sometimes they save the people in danger in water.23 The king of the forest is a t_.24 S_ live in the trees .They like

5、eating pine nuts.25 B_ live in the forest ,their paws are very expensive.26 One should have p_ on the beggar in the street.27 Do you know the w_ of the cow?28 So I expect all of you to get s_ this new term.29 Its our duty to p_ the environment.30 Please call before you come ,o_ we might not be home.

6、31 She w_ over 35 kilograms at b_.32 At the b _ of the meeting, Mr Wang drink her mothers milk.33 It is d_ for women to walk alone at night.34 Giant pandas are now in d_.35 S_, he still didnt know that news.36 The box is the h_ of these ones.37 Help y_ to some fish, children.38 What do I m_ by this

7、?39 You finally d_ to do something to change it .40 He a_ his invitation with invitation.41 Wild anima have their o_ families.42 We should not kill them for any r_.43 They have their own happiness and s_.44 Cats are good at catching m_.45 He often go o_ to play basketball.46 Smoking does h_ to your

8、health.47 Most wild animals left this area because of the _(lose) of their food and living areas.48 Dogs have much better _(hear) than man.49 If people keep _(cut) down trees ,the result will be terrible .50 Zebras mainly eat grass and tree _(leaf).51 He often _(称重) himself to see if he loses weight

9、.52 Loss of health is more _(严重) than loss of wealth.53 You have to have success and _(失败).54 Look out! The bus _ (come).55 Where are you _(go)? -I will_(go) _(birdwatch).56 The science teacher _(encourage) us _(join) the Birdwatching Club.57 I _(not be ) late for the party tomorrow evening .58 The

10、boy would like to be a _(birdwatch) in the future.59 The zookeeper _(tell) us about all the different birds last summer camp.60 That is a good place _(walk) the dog.61 Which game do you like _(little ) of all ?62 The swallow _(fly) to the northern counties in summer.63 The _(少)you eat, the thinner y

11、ou will become.64 Every year, a lot of _(游客) go to Zhalong Nature Reserve.65 Many people do not _(理解) the _(重要性) of wetlands.66 Who came and _(使) them cry?67_(catch) the early train, youll have to get up early and rush in a taxi.68 Can you tell me how _(go) to the cinema?69 It is very easy for him _

12、(solve) that problem.70 We often see him _(read) books on the playground.71 I find it hard _(learn) a new language.72 Her mother prevented her from _(play) with that boy.73 The number of the students in our school is _(少) than that in theirs .74 The Great Green Wall crosses the _(北部) part of the cou

13、ntry.75 Jack lives in the room next to _(I)76 English is an _ language in the world .(importance)77 Its _ to speak loudly to the old man like that .(correct)78 If you _ drop litter, you will harm the environment.(care)79We should know the _(important) of _(learn) English.80 Most people are more a sp

14、eaker than a _(do).81 There are lots of _(art) in our school.82 _(drive) should not be allowed to drive a car after drinking.83 We all want to be _(science) when we grow up.84 Therell be fifteen people at the party ,_(包括) you and me.85 Can you tell me their telephone numbers and e-mail _(地址)?86 When

15、 Lily arrived ,Nick was sitting _(舒服地) in the big chair?87 Yesterday our English teacher looked _(angry) at us because of the noise in class.88 I cant hear you _(clear).Can you say it again?89 There are many birds _(live) in the wetlands.90 We need to do something _( protect) the endangered animals.

16、91 My mother is interested in _(play) volleyball.92 Mr Green made a big mistake and _(lose) his job.93 Its raining very hard so I decide _(not go ) out.94 Many wild animals_(live) areas are becoming farmlands.95 Some _(hunt) kill bears for their paws.96 A good _(begin) usually makes a good ending.97

17、 The members of the society will _(记录) what they see on video.98 We can _(easy) know what the weather is like on our smartphones.99 The boys father and grandfather are both _(fisherman).100 The _(speak) is telling us how to write a birdwatching report.二 连词成句1 They,table ,dishes,become,may,any, on, t

18、he , time (.) _2 a , pandas , not , result, have , to, a , place , As , to, live, or, may , food, eat (.) _3 If , none, do , may , nothing , we, soon , there , be , left (!)_4 we , buy , not , coats , any , more, fur , should , (.)_5 there , left , in , may , no, be , bears, the , world , otherwise

19、(.) _6 sadly, serious , giant , in , face, the , problems, wild, pandas , (.)_7 take , should , action , away , right , we , (.)_8 this, lead , wildlife , will , less, to , space, and , less, for , (.)_9 we , importance, people , wetland , hope , help , the , of , this , will , the , understand ( .)

20、_10 bird , best , you , which, like , do (?)_11 not , litter , carelessly , drop , do (.)_12 fly , in , summer , to , northern , swallows, countries (.)_13 food , the , provides , and , for , area , wildlife , shelter (.)_14 like , Birdwatching Club , become , I , a , of , would ,to ,the , member (.

21、)_15 to , Peter , the , bus , quickly , catch , ran , (.)_16 called , to , ask , me , Kate, her , have , to , dinner , with (.)_17 I , speak , to , my , parrot , teach , to , want (.)_18 let , the , watch , playground , us , play , them , in , football, (.)_19 I , find , the , in , word , meaning ,

22、to , looked , the , up , the, dictionary (.)_20 I , kinds ,am , very , learning ,about ,interested, birds , in, different , of , plants, animals, and(.)_21 The , covers , reserve, an , square , area , of , over , 45300 , kilometers.(.)_22 we , more , need , count , people , to, describe , and , the

23、, birds ( .)_22 Yancheng , to , kinds , Nature ,home , rare , birds , Reserve, of , different , is , plants , and (.)_23 It , one , is , important , the , most , worlds , of , wetlands (.)_24 hope , means , this (.)_25 will , member , Society , be , I , become , very , happy , if ,I , Birdwatching ,can , a , of , the , (.)_26 Bears , move , in , the , around , daytime , slowly (.)_27 I , everyone , think , should , to , act , wild , animals, protect (.)_28 what , Xi Wa


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