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1、专题句型 状语从句,考点揭密,在复合句中修饰主句中的动词、形容词或副词, 起状语作用的从句叫状语从句。状语从句可置主语之前,也可置主语之后。前置时,从句后用逗号与主句分开;后置时,与主句之间无标点符号。 状语从句可分为时间、原因、目的、结果、条件、 比较、地点、让步、方式等九类。,中考考点设置,1.时间状语从句 (1)引导词:when,while,as,before,after, as soon as,until,since. (2)主句为将来时,从句用一般现在时代替。 (3)not.until的同义句替换。,当他到达北京的时候,我会给你打电话 在你吃饭之前,记得去洗手 自从去年他就已经在这里

2、工作了 他直到爸爸回来才上床去睡觉,I will call you when he arrives in Beijing,Before you have a meal, remember to wash your hands,He has worked here since last year,2.条件状语从句 (1)引导词:if,unless. (2)主句为将来时,从句用一般现在时代替。 (3)if.not与unless及or的同义句转换。 如果我努力学习,我就会赶上其他人 如果你不努力学习,你就会落后,I will catch up with others if I study hard,

3、I will fall behind unless I study hard,中考考点设置,3.原因状语从句 (1)引导词:because, since, as. because 和 so 水火不相容,中考考点设置,4.目的状语和结果状语 (1)引导词:so that.从句中常用情态动词。 (2)结果状语从句引导词:so.that,such.that. (3)so与such的区别 (4)so.that与too.to和.enough to间转换,so+形+a/an+名 such+a/an+形+名 so+many/much/few/little+形+名 such+形+不可数名词/可数名词复数,中考

4、考点设置,5.比较状语从句 (1)引导词:as.as,not as (so).as,than (2)not as (so).as与than的同义句替换。 (3)as.as,not as (so).as中间用形容词或副词的 原形。 6.让步状语从句 (1)引导词:though,even though. (2)though不能与but连用。 7.地点状语从句 (1)引导词where,wherever. (2)wherever=no matter where 8.方式状语从句 引导词:as if,as though.,【例1】 Lucy knew nothing about it _her sist

5、er told her. A.because B.until C.if D.since,典型例题解析,【例3】 The young man travelled all over the world he had a man-made leg. A.though B.if C.as D.because,B,【例2】 Other people wont be pleased if he the queue. A.will jump B.jumps C.jump D.jumped,B,A,【例4】 The students will go to Summer Palace if it tomorro

6、w. A.dont rain B.wont rain C.doesnt rain D.isnt rain,C,.单项选择 1.He was_angry to hear the news that he couldnt say a word A.so B.too C.very D.much 2.Because his mother was ill,_he must stay at home to look after her. A./ B.so C.that D.either 3.Though the workers were very tired,_they went on planting

7、trees. A.and B.but C./ D.so 4.They didnt watch TV_they finished their homework. A.after B.when C.until D.as,课时训练,(A),(A),(C),(C),课时训练,5.Ill write to you as soon as I_Beijing. A.get to B.arrive C.will get to D.will arrive 6.Well have a trip if it_rain. A.wont B.will C.dont D.doesnt 7._you hurry up ,o

8、r we will be late for school. A.If B./ C.Unless D.When 8.He saves money_he can buy some birthday presents for his mother. A.so B.so that C.such that D.in order 9.Why are you late for school? _ I got up late. A.Because B.For C.Since D.As,(A),(D),(C),(B),(A),10.The flowers_well if they_. A.wont grow,d

9、ont take good care of B.dont grow,are taken good care of C.dont grow,dont take good care of D.wont grow,are not taken good care of,课时训练,(D),11.He asked_many strange questions that the teacher didnt want to teach him any more. A.so B.such C.too D.very,(A),12.Ann is so careful that she always goes over her exercises to there are no mistake. A.look for B.


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