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1、1.There has been a lot of _ prejudice in American . A) realistic B) racial C) recycled D) rebellious 美国一直都有种族偏见。 答案 : racial 2.He is an incurable idealist; its unlike to help him come down to earth and be more _. A) realistic B) racial C) recycled D) rebellious 他是个无可救药的理想主义者;很难将他拉回现实、让他更实际点。 答案 : re

2、alistic 3. The relations between my mother and brother were getting worse as my brother grew older and more _ . A) realistic B) racial C) recycled D) rebellious 随着哥哥年纪渐长也更叛逆,他与母亲的关系变得更糟。 答案 : rebellious 4. Ecological vehicles are made of materials that can be easily _ once they are dumped. A) realis

3、tic B) racial C) recycled D) rebellious 环保车使用的材料使它们在被丢弃后还可以轻易地回收使用。 答案 : recycled 5.Tom goes to that pub every night to have a bottle of beer. He is a _ customer. A) reliable B) regular C) reluctant D) religious Tom每晚都去那家酒吧喝瓶啤酒。他是常客。 答案 : regular 6.To keep health, we have to keep _ hours. A) reliabl

4、e B) regular C) reluctant D) religious 为了保持健康,我们必须生活有规律。 答案 : regular 7.Friends might not be always trust-worthy, but dogs are; they have long been regarded as the most _ company of human beings. A) reliable B) regular C) reluctant D) religious 也许朋友不是常常值得信赖的,但狗可以信赖;牠们长久以来就被视为人类 最 可靠的伙伴。 答案 : reliabl

5、e 8.Christmas is not just a _ holiday now. People other than Christians also celebrate it. A) reliable B) regular C) reluctant D) religious 圣诞节现在不仅是个宗教节日,非基督徒也庆祝它。 答案 : religious 9.Although he is in financial difficulties, he is _ to accept my offer of the loan of twenty thousand dollars. A) reliabl

6、e B) regular C) reluctant D) religious 虽然他经济有困难,他还是不愿意接受我借给他的两万块。 答案 : reluctant 10.After the mutiny, the captain of the merchant ship was left behind in some _ island in the Pacific Ocean. A) residential B) remote C) risky D) ridiculous 发生叛变事件后,商船的船长被丢弃在太平洋上的某偏远荒岛。 答案 : remote 11.The factory must b

7、e torn down because it is not allowed in _ area. A) residential B) remote C) risky D) ridiculous 这工厂必须拆除,因为在住宅区禁设工厂。 答案 : residential 12.The cowboy looked _ in that strange-looking hat. A) residential B) remote C) risky D) ridiculous 那位牛仟戴着怪模怪 样的帽子,看起来很可笑。 答案 : ridiculous 13. Its too _ to do the bun

8、gee jumping from the cliff. A) residential B) remote C) risky D) ridiculous 从悬崖上做高空弹跳太冒险了。 答案 : risky 14.Dont believe him. What he said just now was _. A) sacred B) rubbish C) secret D) satisfied 不要相信他。他刚刚说的都是废话。 答案 : rubbish 15. Both the Bible and the Koran are regarded as _ books. A) sacred B) rub

9、bish C) secret D) satisfied 圣经与 可兰经都被视为圣书。 答案 : sacred 16. The teacher was not _ with my history report. She asked me to rewrite it. A) sacred B) rubbish C) secret D) satisfied 老师对我的历史报告并不满意。她要求我重写。 答案 : satisfied 17. Tom loves his English teacher but dare not tell her the truth. He is a _ admirer o

10、f her. A) sacred B) rubbish C) secret D) satisfied Tom很爱他的英文老师,但不敢告诉她他是她的暗恋者。 答案 : secret 18.Tim doesnt like to eat beef, so his wife _ makes steak. A) self-evident B) seldom C) sentimental D) sensitive Tjm不喜欢吃牛肉,所以他老婆很少煮牛排。 答案 : seldom 19. The need for reform was _ . No wonder a large number of peo

11、ple came up with their opinions. A) self-evident B) seldom C) sentimental D) sensitive 改革的需要是不证自明的。难怪大多数的人都提出他们的意见。 答案 : self-evident 20. Mr. White always wears sunglasses because his eyes are _ to light. A) self-evident B) seldom C) sentimental D) sensitive White先生总是戴着太阳眼镜,因为他的眼睛对光敏感。 答案 : sensitiv

12、e 21. Why are you so _ about that old coat? Although it is a gift from you grandfather, it is almost worn out. A) self-evident B) seldom C) sentimental D) sensitive 为何你对那旧外套如此有感情?虽然是祖父给你的礼物,但它几乎要穿破了。 答案 : sentimental 22. My mother tells me to keep meat _ from other food in the refrigerator. A) separ

13、ated B) separate C) significant D) severe 妈妈告诉我把肉和冰箱里的其它东西分开来放。 答案 : separate 23. These two brothers had been _ for 40 years before they met again last week. A) separated B) separate C) significant D) severe 那两个兄弟在上星期重逢之前已分离了四十年。 答案 : separated 24. She is absent from school today because she is suff

14、ering from a _ toothache. A) separated B) separate C) significant D) severe 她今天没去上课,因为她牙痛得很厉害。 答案 : severe 25. Albert Einstein, the author of the Theory of R elativity, made a _ contribution to physics in the twentieth century. . A) separated B) separate C) significant D) severe 爱因斯坦一一相对论的作者,对二十世纪的物

15、理学有极重大的买献 答案 : significant 26. She seldom plays basketball, so she isnt _ at playing it. A) sociable B) skillfull C) specializing D) social 她很少打篮球,所以她对打篮球不熟练。 答案 : skillfull 27.Jane just moved here, and she tried to be _ to everyone, being friendly ; and willing to talk to others. A) sociable B) ski

16、llfull C) specializing D) social Jane刚搬到这里,她试着对每个人表示友好,友善并且乐意与人交谈。 答案 : sociable 28.Because of his poor _ skills, Nick has very few friends. A) sociable B) skillfull C) specializing D) social 由于社交技巧不好,Nick的朋友很少。 答案 : social 29. She married a man _ in mechanical engineering. A) sociable B) skillfull

17、C) specializing D) social 她嫁给一位专攻于机械工程的人。 答案 : specializing 30. Your explanation is too general to understand; you should try to be more _. A) spiritual B) specific C) strict D) stressed 你的解说大笼统而难以理解;你应该试着讲更明确一点。 答案 : specific 31. The Pope is the _ leader of the Catholics. A) spiritual B) specific C

18、) strict D) stressed 教宗是天主教徒的精袖领袖。 答案 : spiritual 32. After a tiring day, I felt _ out. A) spiritual B) specific C) strict D) stressed 劳累了一天之后,我觉得精疲力尽。 答案 : stressed 33. The _ teacher punishes his students when they dont do their homework or talk in class. A) spiritual B) specific C) strict D) stres

19、sed 这名严格的老师在学生不做作业或者上课讲话时,他就处罚他们。 答案 : strict 34. He was set free because the police didnt get _ evidence to convict him. A) suitable B) sufficient C) suspicious D) superstitious 因为警方没有充分的证据定他的罪,他被释放了。 答案 : sufficient 35. The young couple rent a small apartment _ for a family with two kids. A) suita

20、ble B) sufficient C) suspicious D) superstitious 这对年轻夫妇租了一间适合有两个小孩的家庭住的小公寓。 答案 : suitable 36. Hindus think bathing in the Ganges can purify their souls. Are they religious or _ ? A) suitable B) sufficient C) suspicious D) superstitious 印度人认为在恒河中沐浴可以净化灵魂。他们足虔诚还足迷信? 答案 : superstitious 37. The manager

21、is _ of the new employee. A) suitable B) sufficient C) suspicious D) superstitious 经理对那新来的员工起了疑心。 答案 : suspicious 38. He is an enthusiastic person, but too much enthusiasm from him made me _ of his motive. A) sweltering B) suspicious C) sympathetic D) swollen 他是个很热情的人,但是他的过度热心让我怀疑他的动机。 答案 : suspicio

22、us 39. To make both ends meet, the farmers were working hard under the _ sky. A) sweltering B) suspicious C) sympathetic D) swollen 为求收支平衡,这些农夫们正在炎热的天气下辛苦工作。 答案 : sweltering 40. The boys eyes were red and _ from crying too long. A) sweltering B) suspicious C) sympathetic D) swollen 那个男孩因哭了太久而双眼红肿。 答

23、案 : swollen 41. Many visitors were _ to the sufferings of early Chinese miners in San Francisco. A) sweltering B) suspicious C) sympathetic D) swollen 很多游客都很同情早期在旧金山的中国矿工的苦难。 答案 : sympathetic 42.In the past, there seemed no reason to ban children from watching TV. In _ times, however, there has been

24、 an increase in the amount of violence on TV. A) rough B) recent C) scenic D) royal 过去似乎没有理由禁止孩子看电视;但近来电视上的暴力镜头增加了。 答案 : recent 43.Computers have taken the place of manpower in _ years. A) rough B) recent C) scenic D) royal 近年来,计算机已取代了人力。 答案 : recent 44.Some teen-aged boys are _ , always looking for

25、 a fight to solve problems. A) rough B) recent C) scenic D) royal 一些青少年性情粗暴,总是寻求暴力解决问题。 答案 : rough 45.Without substantial power in hand, the _1 members of Britain still enjoy a lot of prestige as well as privileges. A) scenic B) royal C) sheer D) sharp 英国皇室的成员手中没有实质的大权,却仍享有很多的声望与特权。 答案 : royal 46. R

26、enting National Park is noted for its _ beauty. A) sharp B) scenic C) sore D) sheer 垦丁国家公园以其景色优美而闻名。 答案 : scenic 47. The clock strikes three, so it is three oclock _ now. A) sharp B) scenic C) sore D) sheer 钟敲三下,所以现在是三点整。 答案 : sharp 48. I think the boy won the first prize by _ luck, not by his abili

27、ty. A) sharp B) scenic C) sore D) sheer 我认为那位男孩得到第一名全靠运气而不是靠能力。 答案 : sheer 49. I have a _ throat. I guess I have a cold. A) sharp B) scenic C) sore D) sheer 我喉咙痛。我想我感冒了。 答案 : sore 50.The residents left their homes _ when ordered to get on the bus to go to a quarantine hospital. A) seem B) reluctantl

28、y C) smoothly D) skillfully 被命令上公车前往隔离医院时,那些居民很不甘愿地离开家园。 答案 : reluctantly 51.The green leaves _ more beautiful after the rain. A) seem B) reluctantly C) smoothly D) skillfully 绿叶在下过雨后似乎更美。 答案 : seem 52. He declined my invitation _ without hurting my pride. A) seem B) reluctantly C) smoothly D) skill

29、fully 他很有技巧地婉拒我的邀请,没有伤了我的自尊。 答案 : skillfully 53. Because nobody opposed the plan, the meeting went on _. A) smoothly B) smoothly C) subsequently D) straight 因为没有人反对这项计画,所以会议进行很顺利。 答案 : smoothly 54. The traffic was running so _ that it took me less than two hours to travel from Taichung to Tainan. A)

30、 smoothly B) smoothly C) subsequently D) straight 交通非常顺畅,从台中到台南花了我不到两个小时的时间。 答案 : smoothly 55.Go _ down the road, and youll see the post office on your left. A) smoothly B) smoothly C) subsequently D) straight 顺着这条路直走,那么你会看到邮局在你的左手边。 答案 : straight 56. Originally, he was believed to be a gentleman, b

31、ut _ , he was proved to be a hypocrite. A) smoothly B) smoothly C) subsequently D) straight 起初,他被大家认定是个君子,但随后证明他竟是个伪君子。 答案 : subsequently 57.When they hear SARS, most peoples initial _ was fear. A) reality B) reaction C) recreation D) recipe 听到SARS时,大部分人起初的反应就是害怕。 答案 : reaction 58.You should face th

32、e _ bravely instead of burying your head in the sand. A) reality B) reaction C) recreation D) recipe 你应该勇敢地面对现实而不要有驼鸟心态。 答案 : reality 59.She followed her mothers _ and directions to make the apple pie. A) reality B) reaction C) recreation D) recipe 她遵照妈妈的食谱与指示做苹果派。 答案 : recipe 60.People now put more

33、 emphasis on _, for they think all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. A) reality B) reaction C) recreation D) recipe 现在人们更重视休闲了,因为他们认为只工作不玩乐会使人变笨。 答案 : recreation 61.Playing tennis is his favorite _ hobby. A) reflection B) recreational C) religion D) refreshments 打网球是他最喜爱的休闲嗜好。 答案 : recreationa

34、l 62.The curious child stared at his _ in the bedroom mirror. A) reflection B) recreational C) religion D) refreshments 这好奇的小孩盯着卧室镜子里面自己的影像。 答案 : reflection 63.I treated my friends to a lot of _ , like egg tart, short cakes, cookies and orange juice. A) reflection B) recreational C) religion D) refr

35、eshments 我请朋友吃很多点心,像蛋塔、小蛋糕、饼干和柳橙汁。 答案 : refreshments 64.Christian _ is very important to American peoples spiritual belief. A) reflection B) recreational C) religion D) refreshments 基督教对美国人的精神信仰很重要。 答案 : religion 65.In our society, aspirin is a very popular _ for cold. A) requirements B) remedy C) r

36、esearchers D) requirements 阿斯匹林在我们的社会中是一种很普遍的感冒治疗药物。 答案 : remedy 66.To get the job, you must meet the following _ ; you must be a male over 25, have a college degree, and speak English. A) requirements B) remedy C) researchers D) requirements 想得到这份工作,你必须符合以下条件:你必须是二十五岁以上的男性、大 学 毕业而且会说英语。 答案 : requir

37、ements 67.Three years working experience is one of the basic _ of doing the job. A) requirements B) remedy C) researchers D) requirements 这个工作的基本条件之一就是要有三年的工作经验。 答案 : requirements 68.When the serious infectious disease began to spread, medical _ worked hard to find out a cure. A) requirements B) rem

38、edy C) researchers D) requirements 当这个严重的传染病开始散播,医疗研究员努力找寻解药。 答案 : researchers 69.He has a _ for three nights at the hotel. A) resolution B) reservation C) responsibility D) responded 他向旅馆预订三个晚上的住宿。 答案 : reservation 70.Ever since he flunked math, he has showed tremendous _ to catch up with the other

39、 students. A) resolution B) reservation C) responsibility D) responded 数学被当了以后,他就表现出极大的决心要赶上其它同学。 答案 : resolution 71.I offered him a drink, and he _ with a smile meaning Yes. A) resolution B) reservation C) responsibility D) responded 我请他喝一杯,他以微笑回答表示同意。 答案 : responded 72.The soldiers never forget th

40、eir _ for protecting their own country. A) resolution B) reservation C) responsibility D) responded 那些士兵从未忘记保卫国家的责任。 答案 : responsibility 73.The captain felt that he should take full _ for losing the game. A) resolution B) reservation C) responsibility D) responded 队长觉得他应该为输了比赛负全责。 答案 : responsibilit

41、y 74.NBA fans care about the _ of the newest games. They would check out NBA.corn for the latest news. A) revelation B) results C) Revolution D) revenge NBA迷关心最新的比 赛结果,他们会查询NBA网站搜寻最新的消息。 答案 : results 75.The _ of the political scandal threw the whole country into turmoil. A) revelation B) results C)

42、Revolution D) revenge 这段政治丑闻的揭露,让全国陷人一片混乱。 答案 : revelation 76.To take _ on the Israelis, Palestinians turned to suicide bombings. A) Revolution B) revenge C) ruin D) roughness 为了报复以色列人,巴勒斯坦人转用自杀炸弹攻击。 答案 : revenge 77.The French _ changed France from a monarchy to a republic. A) Revolution B) revenge

43、C) ruin D) roughness 法国大革命改变法国的君主政体为共和。 答案 : Revolution 78.His _ angered everyone present at the party. A) Revolution B) revenge C) ruin D) roughness 他的粗野激怒了在派对上的每一个人。 答案 : roughness 79.Chain smoking and excessive drinking will _ your health. A) Revolution B) revenge C) ruin D) roughness 过量的抽烟及饮酒将会毁

44、了你健康。 答案 : ruin 80. At the _ of his own comfort, he allowed the guest to use his bed. A) salary B) sacrifice C) sculpture D) scan 他牺牲自己的舒适,把床让给客人睡。 答案 : sacrifice 81. My company announced that the workers _ , a regular payment, will increase 5 percent next year. A) salary B) sacrifice C) sculpture D

45、) scan 公司宣布员工的薪水; 一般薪资,将在明年提高百分之五。 答案 : salary 82. Because I didnt have much time, I gave the menu a quick _ and chose the chicken. A) salary B) sacrifice C) sculpture D) scan 因为我没有很多时间,我很快瞄了一下菜单并点了鸡肉。 答案 : scan 83. Although she studied in art school, she didnt make enough efforts to study _. A) sal

46、ary B) sacrifice C) sculpture D) scan 虽然她就读美术学校,但她没尽全力学雕刻。 答案 : sculpture 84. I usually read the sports _ of the newspaper. A) sense B) section C) servant D) separation 我常读报纸的体育版。 答案 : section 85. The _ of responsibility brought him back to the hospital even though he was afraid of being infected wi

47、th the contagious disease. A) sense B) section C) servant D) separation 责任感使他回到医院,即使他害怕感染上那种传染病。 答案 : sense 86. The _ from his parents since his childhood is the main cause of his psychological problems. A) sense B) section C) servant D) separation 幼年时期与父母的分离是他心理问题的主因。 答案 : separation 87. A _ is a p

48、erson who is paid to work in somebodys house, doing work such as cooking, cleaning, etc. A ) sense B) section C) servant D) separation 仆人足雇来家里做些像是煮饭、清洁等事的人。 答案 : servant 88.In most restaurants, there is 10 _ charge included in the bill. A) shelter B) service C) silence D) signal 于大多数的餐厅,帐单都包含百竹之十的服务

49、费用。 答案 : service 89. The food in the restaurant is good, but the _ is bad. They always keep customers waiting too long. A) shelter B) service C) silence D) signal 这家餐厅菜不错,但服务不好。他们总是让顾客等太久。 答案 : service 90. The officials were rewarded for their _ to the government. A) shelter B) services C) silence D

50、) signal 这些政府官员因对国家有买献而受到表扬。 答案 : services 91. Some homeless people took _ in the old temple after the heavy typhoon . A) shelter B) service C) silence D) signal 强烈的台风过后,有些无家可归的人避难于那间古庙。 答案 : shelter 92. He waved his cap as a _ to launch the rocket. A) shelter B) service C) silence D) signal 他挥挥帽子做为

51、发射火箭的信号。 答案 : signal 93. Well goes the saying, Speech is silver; _ is gold. A) shelter B) service C) silence D) signal 谚云:雄辩是银,沉默是金。 答案 : silence 94. I walked gently in the quiet woods for fear of breaking the _. A) situation B) silence C) situation D) situation 我在安静的森林中轻轻地走着,害怕破坏了这份寂静。 答案 : silence

52、 95. Though the lost mountain-climber was in a helpless _no food and no water, he tried to stay calm and waited for the rescuers. A) situation B) silence C) situation D) situation 虽然那失踪的登山客处境无援 缺水也缺粮,他设法保持冷静,等待救难 人员。 答案 : situation 96.Bens family lives in Taipei, but his boss wants him to work in Ka

53、ohsiung. He is in a very difficult _ now. A) situation B) silence C) situation D) situation Ben的家人住台北,而他的老板要他去高雄工作。他现在处境很为难。 答案 : situation 97. We are in the same _ at this moment; we have no other choice but to help each other. A) situation B) silence C) situation D) situation 我们此刻处境相同,我们不得不互相帮忙。 答

54、案 : situation 98.How many _ of roast beaf would you like? A) society B) slices C) sorrow D) solution 请问你要几片烤牛肉? 答案 : slices 99.Some people doubt that women do not have equal opportunities in our _. A) society B) slices C) sorrow D) solution 有些人质疑女性在社会上没有平等的机会。 答案 : society 10 0. Instead of using military force, he sought to find a peaceful _. A) society B) slices C) sorrow D) solution 他没有使用军事武力,而是寻求和平的解决之道。 答案 : solution 101. After the poets wife died, he quitted writing poe


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