1、.专利所有权合同Patent ownership agreement甲方:a党:b党:b党:主协议名称,编号:the name and number of main contract :主合同包含产品型号、名称。product model product name involved in the contract :主合同包含专利(申请)号。patent(application)number invlved in the contract :为了保障双方长期友好的合作,维护甲、乙双方的合法权益,经双方协商,就专利申请权、专利权等相关事项达成了以下协议。to guarantee the long
2、-term good relationship between party a and party b and protect legal benefits for Both parties,through friendly negotiation一、本合同中包含的部分名词或短语解释如下:1.Definitions1.1被称为本协议的专利:指在主协议有效期内发生的专利。1.1 this agreement due to patents,what mean the patents only producted during the validation period of the main co
3、ntract .1.2专利申请权:是指公民、法人或其他组织根据法律或合同享有的发明创造和向国家有关部门申请专利的权利。1.2 the right to apply for patents : it means the individual,Legal person or other entity have the right to submit the patent application to the1.3专利权:国家有关部门授予专利权人在一定时间内生产、销售或以其他方式使用专利权的专属权利。专利分为发明、实用新型和外观设计三种。1.3 patent right : it is an exc
4、lusive right granted to the patentee by the related national department to have right Of explooit the patent by meansit includes invention patent,utility model patent and design patent。1.4专利许可:是指公民、法人或其他组织根据法律或合同在特定区域内在特定时间内生产、销售或使用专利技术或专利产品的权利。1.4 patent license right : it means individual,Legal pe
5、rson or other entity have right to explaint the patent technology or patent product bbbs第二,甲、乙同意以下列方式确定合作期间发生的专利申请权和专利权的所有权:During the period of cooperation,the division of ownerships of patent application right and patent right are decided in accordance with the foldance2.1专利申请权及专利权均归甲方所有。2.1 the p
6、atent application right and patent right shall be owned by party a in the following conditions 3360(a)最初的想法来自甲方,由甲方独立开发。the original idea comes from party a and realized by self-development of party a(b)早期的创意来自双方讨论的结果。甲方完成技术开发,拥有绘图、原型等技术载体。the original idea comes from the conclusion after discussion
7、 Beth parties . party a completed technology development and possesses drawings and prowings(三)最初的创意在乙方,甲方完成技术开发,具有绘图、原型等技术载体。The original idea comes from party b,but party a completed the technology development and possesses drawings and prototype etc . as technology ccompleted(d)最初的创意向乙方提供了技术意见、图纸
8、或原型等,甲方完成了技术开发。the original idea comes from party b who has provided some technical suggestion,drawings or sample as well,but party a completed the technology(e)乙方完成技术开发,拥有图纸或原型等技术载体,甲方提醒他专利申请两个月后,但仍未向官方部门申请的,视为乙方放弃专利申请权及所有专利权。甲方取得完整的专利申请权及专利权。甲方申请的话,必须通知乙方。-甲方在行使继承专利申请权时,应通知乙方。party b completed the
9、 technology development and possessions drawings and prototype etc . as technology carrier。if party b has not submitted the patent a Pplication to the related official departments two months after being reminded by party a . as party b to give(f)乙方未经甲方同意,自行向乙方申请甲方共享的专利申请权,或者将专利申请权单独转让、赠与第三方,视为此债务违约,
10、甲方取得完整的专利申请权和专利权。乙方行为导致甲方损失,应补偿甲方。party b shall breakch the agreement if party b applies the patent in his own name or assgns or bestows the patent application right owned by both parti Es(g)甲方为双方共有的专利申请权,乙方认为乙方放弃不与甲方合作完成专利申请,甲方取得了独立的专利申请权及专利权,甲方在成功取得专利权后,可以向乙方赔偿。for the patent application right own
11、ed by both parties,If Party b does not cooperate with Party a to finish the patent application and it will be cooperateafter being granted with this patent,party a can compensate party b2.2在以下情况下,专利申请权和专利权都在乙方:2.2 the patent application right and patent right shall be owned by party b in the followi
12、ng conditions 3360乙方提供技术和图纸,甲方不参与技术和图纸修改,不参与修改和改进,甲方没有将图纸或原型等技术搬运。party b provides technology and drawings while party a has not participated in the improving of technology and the modification of drawings,and drawings2.3专利申请权和专利权由甲方和乙方共享,未经甲方同意,第三方不得拥有专利申请权、专利权,不得使用此专利技术或销售此专利技术产品。2.3 the patent ap
13、plication right patent right shall be owned by both parties inthe following conditions and the third party is not allowed to share thepatent application right patent right and can not explosion this patenttechnology or sale the patent product without consort of both parties。(a)乙方提供素描(素描基本上新颖、创作、实用),甲方修改完成,甲方完成绘图或样机等技术载体。Party b provides draft which has been basically novel,creative and practiicable,Party a modifies the draft and makes it better,and makes(b)乙方提供3D结构图(3D结构图基本上表示新颖、创造、实用性),甲方进行修改、完善,甲方完成绘图或样机等技术载体。Party b provides 3d design drawing which ha
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