初中英语人教版八年级上册Unit 8 How do you make a banan.ppt_第1页
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1、Unit 8,unit 8 howdoyeekeabnanamilkeshake?SctionA1a-1c,第一,培训目标:1。语言知识目标:1)可以确定以下单词:shake、milk shake、blender、peel、pour、2)可以确定以下句子模式。-howardo youmakeabnanamilkhakshake?-first、peelthebananas.-howmanybananasdoweneed?-Weneedthreebananas。第二,教学难点1。教学重点:1)学习问题,解释用first、next、then、finaly做食物的过程。教学难点:能恰当地表达食物的制作

2、过程。warming up,what syourfavorite fruit?apple、stratwberry、orange、banana、pear、watermelon、tea、water、coffee、juice、what奶昔、奶昔(搅拌牛奶和冰淇淋等制成的混合饮料)、牛奶、奶昔(牛奶和香料,有时是冰淇淋、搅拌或搅成泡沫的饮料)、奶昔ek v./n .摇晃、奶昔(水果和牛奶的混合物),在.在;在。往里.往里,倾销;灌溉、混合饮料、剥离;切割(水果等皮肤),切碎,分离;雕刻,切割;切割;切割。切割、打开、榨汁机;搅,摇,摇,摇,奶昔,奶昔,搅拌机,特纳,切,上,切,上,切,pell,poe

3、r,into,3。翻译以下句子:(1)运球奶昔(2)特纳(食物搅拌器)(3)卷曲up(切碎)thebananas(4)pourthemilkinto(里面.肿胀)the blender(5)putthebananasandice-creaminttheblender。(倾注下来.doyoulikemilkshake?Canyoumakeabananamilkshake?k-shake,奶昔(牛奶和香料,有时是冰淇淋,泡沫中混合或搅拌的饮料),自学。合作探索,1。请仔细阅读这个会话的内容,找出以下重

4、点短语。剥了香蕉皮,把香蕉放在里面,倒在_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _里.启动搅拌机喝奶昔_ _ _ _ _ 2。根据生活经验,填充不足的单词,预测制作奶昔的顺序。_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _、_ _ _ _ _ _ the bananas、peel、_ _ _ _ _ the bananas、cutup、_ _ thebananasandice.in.turon、drink、o.blender、ice-cream、banana、knife、milk或whatdowenee

5、d?peelthebanana、cutupthebanana、putthebanandicecreamitheblender、howtomaakeabananamilkshake?first、next、pourthemilkintotheblender、turn ontheblender、drinkshake、finally、next、then、turn on cut,1a,writethesewordsintheblankinthepictureeabove,drink打开切口切碎的drink,1a,writethesewordsintheblankinthepicturebve,write

6、thesewordsintheblankinthepicturebve _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ thebananas,put,思维探索,1) turntablender.turton位于turn _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _或turn和on之间(如果对象是名词(短语)。如果该对象是代词,则此代词必须在turton _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _中。e . g . pleaseternonthetv/turning thetvnon . theblendrishere . turn iton q

7、uickly。扩展turn相关词组turnup(调节高度)、turnoff(关闭)、turn off(关闭)等。它们的用法与turn相同。2 .first、and、下一步,then,finally、1)上述单词用于向别人说话的顺序。其含义如下:。然后.最后一个.at last、inth eend、首先.而且.下一个.最后一次.translation,and.first、next,then,finally,1 .you should _ _ _ _ _ _ theapplebforeyoueait . a . earb . peelc . cutd pour 2 . please _ _ _ t

8、hetvdandtherafootballmatchingithink yoush Ould _ _ _ some salt _ _ thenoodlesa . add,tob.put,Inc. pour,into dcut,up4。thewater melonistoobeg . let s _ _ _ _ _ . a . cutitupb . cutthem UPC . cutthem UPC . cutupitd . cutup them,exercise,b,b,a、first、peel 、nextutup 、next、put.in then,turn.finally、drink 、n

9、ext、o.challenge yourself: listening,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ cutupthebananas。_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ pourthemilkintotheblender。_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _let smakeabnanamilkeshake . b : howdoyoumake abnanamilkeshake?A : well,firstpeelthrebaras。b : three

10、 bananas?a : yes . thencupthebananas . b : ok,I m finished . a : noutthebananasandicecreamin theblender . thenpourthemilkintheblenderA : iguessso.next、turn ontheblender.finally、pourthemilkshakeinaglassanddrinkit。、howdoyyoumake ABA nanamilkeshake?first、peelthebananas.pairwork、1c、tellyourpartnerhowtom

11、akeabanamilkshake、peelthebananas、cutupthebananas、putthebananasandices,Let smakeabnanamilk shake ogether,first,next,插入.插入,pourthemilkintotheblender,turn ontheblender,drinkshake,finally,next,then,(Afterthat,then)、打开和关闭,/fanli/最后是a : how doyoumake abnanamilkeshake?B : first、peelthebananas.next、cutupthe

12、bananas.next、putthebananasandmilkintotheblender . then、turn ontheblender .组讨论Howdoyoumakeanapplemilkshake?anapplemilkshake,系统摘要doyouknowwtomakeabananamilkshake?-first、peelthebananas。-下一步,-then.-finally.exercises、pleted thesentences、1 .can you _ _ _ _ _ _ _(切碎)thevegetables,Tom?2.please _ _ _ _

13、_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _please _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _(剥)anorangeforyourgranma . 5 . how do you _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _、peel、make、finallythennexttfirst、a: howdoyyoumakefruitsalad?b : _ _ _ b : _ _ _ _ _ _ cutupthreebananas,Threeapplesandawatermelon。_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ putthefruuitinabowl。_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ putintwospoonsofhoneyapofylogurt。_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ mixit all upWritethesewordsintheblanks,iii。查看图片以填充空格,a : how do you _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


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