(图片大小可自由调整)2024年软件认证工程师考试-思科认证考试近5年真题集锦(频考类试题)带答案第I卷一.参考题库(共100题)1.In CiscoWorks LAN Management Solution, what are some of the examples of a managed device (sometimes called network elements)? (Choose three.) ()A、 routersB、 LAN switchesC、 PBX switchesD、 TDM switchesE、 appliances2.Your company wants Server 1/eth0 (vNIC 1) configured so that it always uses Fabric Interconnect A Port Channel 1 (Po1) when it communicates with anything outside of the Cisco UCS domain. However, if vNIC 1 fails over to Fabric Interconnect B using fabric failover, then vNIC 1 can any uplink port on Fabric Interconnect B. Which statements are true? ()A、 The fabric interconnects must be in end-host mode.B、 A pin group must be configured on the server tab in Cisco UCS Manager.C、 In the service profile for Server 1, vNIC 1 must be explicitly assigned to a pin group.D、 Server 1 cannot be configured to meet the requirement. A server can only be manually pinned to a single physical interface and not a port channel because of the LACP load-balancing algorithm.E、 Server 1 cannot be configured to meet the requirement. A server is either manually pinned to an uplink on both fabric interconnects or the server is automatically pinned, but not both.3.If it is properly deployed, a controller-based access point is capable of monitoring all vlans on a network when you select which of the following modes from the ap mode drop-down menu on the controller?()A、mirrorB、rogue detectorC、snifferD、monitor4.OSI 模型的哪一层定义逻辑地址()A、应用层B、表示层C、会话层D、传输层E、网络层F、数据链路层5.Refer to the exhibit. This exhibit shows the NAT configuration for Router A and the output for a ping issued from device 8 and destined to 42. Based on this information, what change must be made to Router A in order for the ping to work?() A、reload the routerB、clear the route cacheC、add a static routeD、configure IP as classlessE、load a newer IOS image6.WhichofthefollowinganswersismosttrueabouttheBGPUpdatemessage?()A、Itlistsasetofpathattributes,alongwithalistofprefixesthatusethosePAsB、Itlistsaprefix/length,plusthePAsettingsforthatprefixC、It
listswithdrawnroutes,butneverinthesameUpdatemessageasnewlyadvertisedroutesD、AsingleUpdatemessagelistsatmostasingleprefix/lengtH7.Which statement describes the Authentication Proxy feature?()A、All traffic is permitted from the inbound to the outbound interface upon successful authentication of the user.B、A specific access profile is retrieved from a TACACS+ or RADIUS server and applied to an IOS Firewall based on user provided credentials.C、Prior to responding to a proxy ARP,the router will prompt the user for a login and password which are authenticated based on the configured AAA policy.D、The proxy server capabilities of the IOS Firewall are enabled upon successful authentication of the user.8.哪个选项是有效的IPv6地址?()A、2001:0000:130F://:099a::12aB、2002:7654:A1AD://61:81AF://CCC1C、FEC0:ABCD://WXYZ:0067::2A4D、2004:1:25A4:886F://:19.In which of the following BGP-related events is an End-of-RIB (EOR) message sent?()A、Following a link flap in the BGP speaker’s ASB、During initial convergence.C、Following a Route Processor Switchover.D、Just before sending a CEASE message to tear down the session.E、During capability negotiation10.ThePeanutrouterisabletosuccessfullypingtheSerial0andEthernet0interfaceofthePopcornrouter,butapingissuedtotheEthernet1interfacefails.Basedontheaboveoutput,whatarethepotentialcausesofthisproblem?()A、ThePopcornrouterisnotforwardingRIPupdates.B、ThePopcornrouterdidnotincludenetworkinitsroutingconfiguration.C、TheEthernet1interfaceofthePopcornrouterisshutdown.D、Theclockrateisnotpresentintheconfigurationofoneoftherouters.E、TheSerialinterfaceofthePopcornrouterisnotoperating.11.R1hascorrectlyconfiguredEIGRPtofilterroutesusingaroutemapnamedquestion.Theconfigurationthatfollowsshowstheentireroutemapandrelatedconfiguration.Whichofthefollowingistrueregardingthefilteringactiononprefix/24inthiscase?() route-mapquestiondeny10 matchipaddress1 route-mapquestionpermit20 matchipaddressprefix-listfred ! access-list1deny55 ipprefix-listfredpermit/23le25A、Itwillbefilteredduetothedenyactioninroutemapclause10B、Itwillbeallowedbecauseofthedoublenegative(twodenyreferences)inclause10C、Itwillbepermittedduetomatchingclause20'sreferencetoprefix-listfreDD、
Itwillbefilteredduetomatchingtheimplieddenyallroutemapclauseattheendoftheroutemap12.Whataretwosecurityappliancesthatcanbeinstalledinanetwork?()A、ATMB、IDSC、IOSD、IOXE、IPSF、SDM13.As customers deploy converged services across the business infrastructure, access routers mustintegrate security services and IP communications. Which router series extendsintelligentnetworking to remote branches and offices?()A、 Cisco 700 Series ISDN Access RoutersB、 Cisco Integrated Services RoutersC、 Cisco 3700 Series Multiservice Access RoutersD、 Cisco 1700 Series Modular Access Routers14.he network administrator is trying to add Switch1 to the network, but the 802.1Q trunk is not coming up. Switch1 was previously tested in the laboratory and its trunk configuration worked fine. What are three possible causes of this problem?()A、The trunking configuration mode on Switch1 is set to Off.B、The trunking configuration mode on the other end is set to On.C、The trunking configuration mode on the other end is set to Desirable.D、Cisco Discovery Protocol is not running on the other end.E、There is a VTP domain name mismatch.F、Switch1 does not support 802.1Q15.InwhichareaofthecampusLANaretheusercomputersattachedtothenetwork?()A、coreB、accessC、distributionD、aggregation16.Which three best practices should be implemented at the campus backbone submodule to supportthe server farm module? ()A、 Implement highly redundant switching and links with no single points or paths of failure.B、 Implement server load balancing.C、 Implement the Hot Standby Router Protocol (HSRP) for failover protection.D、 Implement intrusion detection with automatic notification of intrusion attempts in place.17.在打印图像的过程中,如果没有PostScript打印机语言,将有哪些功能不能使用。()A、色彩打印B、调整分色片C、半色调网屏D、曲线打印18.Which 4 statements regarding MPLS Label Stack Encoding is true?()A、A value of 4 represents the "Implicit NULL Label."B、A value of 0 represents the "IPv4 Explicit NULL Label."C、A value of 1 represents the "Router Alert Label". The use of this label is analogous to the use of the"Router Alert Option" in IP packets (for example, ping with record route option)D、A value of 2 represents the "IPv6 Explicit NULL Label"E、A value of 1 represents the "IPv1 Explicit NULL Label"F、A value of 3 represents the "Implicit NULL Label"19.Which two RSTP port roles include the port as part of the active topology?()A、rootB、designatedC、alternateD、backupE、forwardingF、learning20.Which of the following are steps to configure destination-based Remote Triggered Black Hole(RTBH)filtering?()A、Configure OSPF between trigger router and black hole routesB、Configure all edge routers with static (reserved) host route to Null0C、Configure BGP beteen trigger and black hole routersD、Configure on trigger router to advertise victim host route with commumityE、Activate black hole by redistributing route for victim into BGP with next-hop set to the static(reserved)host route configured on edge routers21.Given a bridge link 6 miles (9.7 km) long,which parameter on the Root Radio Interface page mustbe configured in order for IP traffic to pass?()A、RTSB、distance(kilometers)C、concatenationD、CCA22.Which of the following are associated with the application layer of the OSI model?(two.)()A、pingB、TelnetC、FTPD、TCPE、IP23.如图所示。主机A与服务器进行通信。什么将会从服务器接收到主机A的帧的源MAC地址?() A、服务器的网络接口的MAC地址B、主机A的MAC地址C、路由器接口e1 MAC地址D、路由器接口e0 MAC地址(host A收到server的帧的源mac地址是host A的网关的mac。)24.下面是某单位的主页的Web地址URL,其中符合URL格式的是()。A、Http//B、Http:C、Http://D、Http:/25.What is the recommended radius of a cell for a voice-ready wireless network?()A、 6 dBmB、 19 dBmC、 5 dBmD、 7 dBm26.Which command would display OSPF parameters such as filters, default metric, maximum paths,and number of areas configured on a router?()A、show ip protocolB、show ip routeC、show ip ospf interfaceD、show ip ospfE、show ip interfaceF、None of the other alternatives apply27.WhataretwoadvantagesofLayer2Ethernetswitchesoverhubs?()A、decreasingthenumberofcollisiondomainsB、filteringframesbasedonMACaddressesC、allowingsimultaneousframetransmissionsD、increasingthesizeofbroadcastdomainsE、increasingthemaximumlengthofUTPcablingbetweendevices28.Which QoS preclassification option will require the use of the qos pre-classify command for the VPN traffic? ()A、VPN traffic needs to be classified based on the Layer2 header informationB、VPN traffic needs to be classified based on the IP precedence or DSCPC、VPN traffic needs to be classified based on IP flow or Layer 3 information, such as source and destination IP addressD、VPN traffic with Authentication Header (AH) needs to preserve the ToS byte29.Refer to the exhibit. Routers A and B are directly connected. Given the configuration, how many EIGRP routes will router B see in its routing table?() A、 0B、 1C、 2D、 3E、 430.Which of these is a benefit of ESM?()A、 supports multiple MIBsB、 includes NetFlow, NBAR, and IP SLA software subsystemsC、 includes NetFlow, syslog, and IP SLA software subsystemsD、 includes a predefined framework for filtering and correlating messagesE、 supports two logging processes so output can be sent in standard and ESM format31.采用专用线路通信时,可以省去的通信阶段是()A、建立通信线路B、建立数据传输链路C、传送通信控制信号和数据D、双方确认通信结束32.QuidwayS2403F以太网交换机的用户权限级别有()。A、normalB、visitC、monitorD、manageE、operator33.WhichlayeroftheOSIreferencemodelisresponsibleforensuringreliableend-to-enddeliveryofdata?()A、ApplicationB、PresentationC、SessionD、TransportE、NetworkF、Data-Link34.Whenanewtrunkisconfiguredona2950switch,whichVLANsbydefaultareallowedoverthetrunklink()。A、noVLANsB、allVLANsC、onlyVLANs1-64D、onlytheVLANsthatarespecifiedwhencreatingthetrunk35.Which two of these methods will allow a CUE administrator to view the output of the CUE message log file?()A、syslog server B、GUI interface C、CLI D、text editorE、TFTP server36.Which option is not a valid method to assign the lowest-order 64-bit field of an IPv6 unicast address?()A、ARPB、manual assignmentC、DHCPv6D、auto-configured based on the 48-bit MAC addressE、auto-generated pseudo-random number37.Which of following best describes customer benefits in delivering network readiness assessment services in plan phase?()A、improve its ability to achieve business goals by identifying and aligning advanced technologies with business requirementsB、improve its return on investment and speed migration by improve its ability to identify,understand, and plan for necessary changes in infrastructure or resourceC、ensure that key employees understand all of the implementation stepsD、reduce the amount of risk it is exposed to by using proven project management methodologies and risk mitigation strategies38.地址“ftp://23”中的“ftp”是指()。A、协议B、网址C、新闻组D、邮件信箱39.Inapoint-topointnetwork,whichaddressareOSPFhellopacketssentto?()A、B、C、D、E、F、55.25540.三层交换机通过Trunk端口连接到一个anther。假设默认交换机配置,其中交换机如何当选为VLAN1的生成树实例中的根桥?()A、具有最低MAC地址的交换机B、用最高 MAC地址的交换机C、交换机巫婆最高 IP地址D、具有最低IP地址的交换机41.Whichtwostatementsaretrueabouttherendezvouspoint(RP)inamulticastnetwork?()A、ThemulticastsourcesmustregisterwiththeRPtoformthemulticastdistributiontreeB、AnRPisrequiredonlyinnetworksrunningProtocolIndependentMulticastdensemode(PIMDM)C、ThemulticastreceiversmustregisterwiththeRPtoformthemulticastdistributiontreeD、AnRPisrequiredonlyinnetworksrunningProtocolIndependentMulticastsparsemode(PIMSM)E、AnRPisrequiredonlyinnetworksrunningProtocolIndependentMulticastsparse-densemode(PIM-SDM)F、Toformthemulticastdistributiontree,themulticastsourcesregisterwithandthereceiversjointheRP42.请参见图示。交换机 SW1 所连接的主机无法与处于相同 VLAN 中且连接到交换机 SW2 的主机通信。怎样才能纠正此问题?()A、在交换机 SW2 上采用另外的 VLAN ID 配置 VLAN。B、使用静态中继配置重新配置交换机 SW2 上的中继端口。C、在拓扑中加入第 3 层设备或具备第 3 层功能的交换机。D、将属于同一子网的 IP 地址分配给用于连接 SW1 和 SW2 的接口。43.AccordingtoRFC2328,whatisthestatefulorderinwhichanOSPFroutertransitionstoafulladjacencywithaneighborrouter?()A、Down,Init,2-Way,Exstart,Exchange,Loading,andFullB、Down,Init,2-Way,Exchange,Exstart,Loading,andFullC、Down,2-Way,Init,Loading,Exstart,Exchange,andFullD、Down,2-Way,Init,Exchange,Exstart,Loading,andFullE、Down,Init,2-Way,Loading,Exstart,Exchange,andFullF、Down,2-Way,Init,Exstart,Exchange,Loading,andFull44.WhichDSLencapsulationmethodrequiresclientsoftwarerunningontheend-userPCthatisdirectlyconnectedtoaDSLmodem?()A、PPPoAB、PPPoEC、PPPD、L2TPE、ATM45.AnetworkdesignshowsthatR1hasfourdifferentpossiblepathsfromitselftotheDataCentersubnets.Whichofthefollowingcaninfluencewhichofthoseroutesbecomefeasiblesuccessorroutes,assumingthatyoufollowtheCiscorecommendedpracticeofnotchangingmetricweights?()A、TheconfigurationofEIGRPoffsetlistsB、CurrentlinkloadsC、ChanginginterfacedelaysettingsD、Configurationofvariance46.vtp prune is not designed for what mode?47.在配置帧中继子接口时,可配的子接口类型有哪些?()A、Point-to-PointB、NBMAC、MultipointD、Broadcast48.Youarethenetworkconsultantfrom.YoushouldtellyourclientsTwotechnologieshelpthemsavemuchtimefromcomplexcomputing.()A、VPNB、SCSIoverIPC、RemoteDirectMemoryAccessD、InfiniBand49.文件中如有链接的位图,那么此文件在输出时?()A、不需要把文件置入直接输出B、需把位图全部置入C、.PSD格式的图片需置入D、.JPG格式的图片需置入50.ThefollowingoutputoccursonRouterR1,whichrunsbothEIGRPforIPv6andOSPFv3,withredistributionfromEIGRPintoOSPFconfiguredwiththeredistributeeigrp1metric25command.InterfaceS0/0/1hasbeenenabledforEIGRPASN1.Whichofthefollowingshouldbetrueofredistributioninthiscase?() D2000::/64[90/1422516] viaFE80::213:19FF:FE7B:5026,Serial0/0/ 1 C2000:0:0:1::/64[0/0] viaSerial0/0/1,directlyconnected L2000::1:213:19FF:FE7B:5004/128[0/0] viaSerial0/0/1,receiveA、Route2000::/64willberedistributed.B、Route2000:0:0:1::/64willberedistributed.C、Route2000:1:213:19FF:FE7B:5004/128willberedistributed.D、Norouteswillberedistributedbecauseoftheomissionofthesubnetsparameteroftheredistributecommand.51.On the basis of the network provided in the exhibit, all routers are configured to run EIGRP on all links. If the link between PG-R1 and PG-R2 fails, what is the maximum number of queries PG-R3 will receive for /24, assuming that all the packets sent during convergence are transmitted once (there are no dropped or retransmitted packets)?() A、PG-R3 will receive up to four queries for /24, one each from PG-R2, PG-R4, PGR5,and PG-R6.B、PG-R3 will receive up eight queries for /24, one from PG-R2, two from PG-R4,three from PG-R5, and four from PG-R6.C、PG-R3 will receive one query for /24, since the remote routers, PG-R4, PG-R5, and PG-R6, are natural stubs in EIGRPD、PG-R3 will not receive any queries from PG-R2, because there are no alternate paths for /24.52.WhichtwodataintergrityalgorithmsarecommonlyusedinVPNsolutions?()A、HMAC-MD5B、RSAC、HMAC-SHA-1D、DH1E、DH253.pany has implemented numerous multilayer switches that utilize FIB tables. Which statement is true about the Forward Information Base (FIB) table?()A、 The FIB is derived from the IP routing table and is optimized for maximum lookup throughput. B、 The FIB table is derived from the Address Resolution Protocol table, and it contains Layer 2 rewrite (MAC) information for the next hop.C、 When the FIB table is full, a wildcard entry redirects traffic to the Layer 3 engine.D、 The FIB lookup is based on the Layer 2 destination MAC address.E、 None of the other alternatives apply54.在CorelDRAW中导入位图时可将位图链接。对于链接位图的优点,下列说法正确的是哪一种。()A、链接位图后不可以添加“交互阴影”效果B、链接位图可以减小文件大小C、链接位图仍可以应用“【滤镜】>【模糊】”菜单下的命令D、链接位图可以更改颜色模式55.If all client exclusion policies are enabled, on which number of tries will 802.1X authentications be excludedusing controller-based access points?()A、threeB、fourC、fiveD、six56.HowdoesERSusetheVLANtag?()A、toprovideserviceinternetworkingB、tosupporttransparencyforLayer2framesC、asaconnectionidentifiertoindicatedestinationD、asamappingtotheDLCIinserviceinternetworkingE、toprovideatrunkbywhichallVLANscannavigatefromonesitetooneormultiplesites57.Which three of these are types of Ethernet Virtual Connections (EVCs) in the MEF concept? ()A、rooted multipoint EVC (E-Tree)B、point-to-point EVC (E-Line)C、point-to-multipoint EVC (E-Tree)D、hub spoke EVC (E-Tree)E、multipoint-to-multipoint EVC (E-LAN)58.Which of these statements best describes the major difference between an IPv4-compatible tunnel and a 6to4 tunnel?()A、An IPv4-compatible tunnel is a static tunnel, but an 6to4 tunnel is a semiautomatic tunnel.B、The deployment of a IPv4-compatible tunnel requires a special code on the edge routers, but a 6to4 tunnel does not require any special code.C、An IPv4-compatible tunnel is typically used only between two IPv6 domains, but a 6to4 tunnel is used to connect to connect two or more IPv6 domains.D、For an IPv4-compatible tunnel, the ISP assigns only IPv4 addresses for each domain, but for a 6to4 tunnel, the ISP assigns only IPv6 addresses for each domain.59.在CorelDRAW中标注尺寸,()工具可以根据鼠标移动来创建水平或垂直尺度线A、自动尺度B、垂直尺度C、水平尺度D、倾斜尺度60.How do you debug an application with an Accept step?()A、Select Start from the Debug pulldown, then call the trigger. B、Select Step Over from the Debug pulldown, then call the trigger. C、Call the trigger, and when the workflow answers, select Start from the Debug pulldown. D、Select Reactive Application, then call the trigger and press F10 to step through the workflow61.Construction of a new automobile parts manufacturing facility has recently been completed. Thefacility IT manager wants to deploy voice over WLAN. During your initial walkthrough, you observenumerous highly reflective surfaces on the manufacturing equipment and in the buildingconstruction itself. What potential problem exists that should be accounted for during your sitesurvey?()A、LOS modulationB、Multipath distortionC、RF signal absorptionD、RF signal attenuationE、Fresnel zone impedance62.Which of the following data structures exist on a router for the OSPF routing protocol?()A、OSPF topology tableB、OSPF interface tableC、OSPF routing information baseD、OSPF link-state databaseE、OSPF adjacency tableF、OSPF neighbor table63.Which of these is a Layer 2 transport architecture that provides packet-based transmissionoptimized for data based on a dual (counter-rotating) ring topology?()A、 DTPB、 RPRC、 SDHD、 CWDME、 DWDM64.Which is a valid Cisco CRS 4.0 deployment scenario? ()A、redundant Cisco CRS Engines and a simplex database server B、redundant Cisco CRS Engines with five simplex VoIP monitoring servers C、redundant Cisco CRS Engines and databases running on two different nodes outside of the Cisco CRS cluster D、redundant Cisco CRS Engines and databases with two VoIP monitoring servers and three recording servers65.This item contains several questions that you must answer. You can view these questions byclicking on the Questions button to the left. Changing questions can be accomplished by clickingthe numbers to the left of each question. In order to complete the questions, you will need to referto the SDM and the topology, neither of which is currently visible. To gain access to either thetopology or the SDK click on the button to left side of the screen that corresponds to the sectionyou wish to access. When you have finished viewing the topology the SDK you can return to yourquestions by clicking on the Questions button to the left. Which IPSec rule is used for the Olympia branch and what does it define?()A、102B、116C、127D、IP traffic sourced from /24 destined to /24 will use the VPNE、IP traffic sourced from /24 destined to /24 will use the VPNF、IP traffic sourced from /24 destined to /24 will use the VPN66.要将一个“符号”保存下来在其它软件中使用,必须选中“符号”后对文档进行什么操作。()A、“【文件】>【保存】”存储文档B、“【文件】>【关闭】”关闭文档C、“【文件】>【打印】”打印文档D、“【文件】>【导出】”导出文档67.What three statements are true about the various deployments of the 802.1x Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP)? ()A、 EAP-FAST has the ability to tie login with non-Microsoft user databasesB、 EAP-TLS supports static passwordsC、 PEAP supports one-time passwordsD、 LEAP does not support multiple operating systemsE、 LEAP supports Layer 3 roamingF、 PEAP does not work with WPA·68.You work as a network technician at Certkiller .com. Please study the exhibit carefully. All of the computing devices shown are on the same logical network, as if they were all connected to the same switch. Which two features make this possible?() A、PATB、802.1QC、Spanning-treeD、VLANsE、QoS69.You are the network consultant from C.Your customer has eight sites and will add in thefuture. Branch site to branch site traffic is approaching 30 percent. The customer’s goals are to make iteasier to add branch sites in the future and to reduce traffic through the hub. Which VPN topologyshould you recommend?()A、 Easy VPNB、 IPsec GRE tunnelingC、 Virtual Tunnel InterfacesD、 Dynamic Multipoint VPN70.Routes redistributed into an OSPF ASBR are which LSA type?()A、LSA type 1B、LSA type 2C、LSA type 3D、LSA type 4E、LSA type 5F、LSA type 671.What are two design considerations for a WLAN to support voice?()A、Packet loss is less than one percent.B、Signal strength at cell edge is approximately -67 dBm.C、End-to-end delay is less than 200 ms.D、Cell overlap between APs is 50 percent.72.利用DNS系统,可以有效地以具备意义的方式,标示出计算机所在的网络(),借此提供让人易于()所属计算机的地址。73.Which two functions can be provided by an Integrated Services Router (ISR) in a VoIP network?()A、 ISR can perform the functions of a multipoint control unit to facilitate voice conferencing.B、 ISR can perform the function of a call agent in the event of loss of communication with a CallManager.C、 ISR can provide XML applications to the phones.D、 ISR can provide all of the functionality of a CallManager in the event of loss ofcommunication to the CallManager.E、 ISR can act as a voice gateway to the PSTN.74.In order to configure two routers as anycast RPs, which of these requirements, af a minimum, must besatisfied?()A、Multicast Source Discovery Protocol mesh-groups must be configured between the two anycast RPs.B、The RPs must be within the same IGP domain.C、Multicast Source Discovery Protocol must be configured between the two anycast RPs.D、The two anycast RPs must be IBGP peers.75.Refertotheexhibit.RoutersR1andR2arerunningEIGRPandhaveconverged.Onthebasisoftheinformationthatispresented,whichstatementistrue?() A、BothoutgoingandincomingroutingupdatesonR1willbepermittedbecausethedistribute-list20outSerial0/0commandcannotbeusedwithassociationwiththeoutgoinginterface.B、AllincomingroutingupdatesfromR2willbesuppressed,buttheoutgoingupdateswillcontinuetobesent.C、BothoutgoingandincomingroutingupdatesonR1willbestoppedbecauseofthepassive-interfaceSerial0/0configurationstatement.D、AlloutgoingroutingupdatesfromrouterR1torouterR2willbesuppressed,buttheinboundupdateswillcontinuetobereceived.76.Which three methods would help prevent critical network-traffic packet loss on high speed serial interfaces? ()A、 policy routingB、 increase link capacityC、 WREDD、 CBWFQE、 LFIF、 WFQ77.Refer to the exhibit. A network engineer received a sudden request to prioritize voice over his Cisco network and he has decided to leverage the AutoQoS feature. Based on the output shown, which two tasks need to be performed prior to issuing the autoqos voip command in this router? ()A、Enable Cisco Express Forwarding.B、Enable fast switching.C、Delete all policy maps.D、Remove service-policy commands from interface serial1/0.E、Delete all the currently configured class maps.78.Contentnetworkingsolutionsimproveaccesstowhichtwo
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