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1、2020 下半年大学英语四级模拟试题:词汇2020 下半年大学英语四级模拟试题:词汇小编推荐:词汇在英语四级备考中可谓是一大关键,从接触英语开始我们就在接触词汇,对于词汇的学习也不是一天两天就能结束的,考生要想为考试做好充分的准备,必须要有未雨绸缪的思想才行,词汇是一个长期积累的知识,这就需要考生提早做准备,下面是一些英语四级词汇练习题,这个暑假能够练习一下。We prefer that the plan before being put intoexecution.A)will be fully discussedB)be fully discussedC)must be fully dis

2、cussedD)would be fully discussedWe have plenty of bread,and butter,we have morethan enough.A)as forB)in case ofC)such asD)in view ofHe has great power and wealth,but is still happy that.A)above allB)but forC)except forD)for allthat it was made into a film.A)So great the success of the book wasB)So s

3、uccessful the book wasC)So the book was successfulD)So great was the success of the bookAfter 25 years,the town center had changed recognition.A)to B)for C)under D)beyondNiagara Falls is a great tourist drawingmillions of visitors every yearIt is not so easy to the way of his walking andtalking in t

4、he public.A. witness B. imitate C. worship D. yieldHe is a/an man and can now make his owndecision.A. unexpected B. mature C. unfair D. uniqueHe has accepted a approach to solve the crises.A. moderate B.throughout C. tiny D. variousThey continued to be on the issue of womensliberation.A. neutral B.

5、vague C. universal D. tropical.A healthy life is frequently thought to be_with the open countryside and homegrown food.A)tied B)bound C)involved D)associated.Convenience foods which are already prepared for cooking are_ in grocery stores.A)ready B)approachable C)probable D)available.The shy girl fel

6、t _ and uncomfortable when she could not answer her teachers questions.A)amazed B)awkward C)curious D)amused.Only a few people have to the full facts of theincident.A) access B) resort C) contact D) assess15.There is no evidence that people can controltheir dreams, at least in experimental situation

7、s in a lab.A)attraction B)appointment C)access D)solid答案与解析:1.B我们希望这个计划充分讨论后再执行。此句考点是虚拟语气。及物动词 advise, agree, ask,beg, command,decide,demand,determine, dictate 等后面的宾语从句须用虚拟语气。虚拟语气的形式是 should+ 动词原形 ,should 能够省去,所以选B。.A我们有很多面包,至于奶油就太多了。本题考查介词短语辨析。as for至于,说到,在方面(常用于句首);in case of 万一,假如;such as诸如,例如。例如

8、:in view of 鉴于,考虑到。根据句意 分析,准确答案为 A 。.D他有钱有势,可即使如此却不快乐。本题考查介词短语辨析。aboe all 首先,最重要的是;but for 要不是 (引导虚 拟语气);except for除之外;for all 即使,虽然,与 despite,inspite of 相同。根据句意分析,准确答案为 D。.D这本书如此成功以至于被拍成了电影。本题考点是倒装。 sogreat 提前,句子部分倒装,所以选D。.D年过去了,市中心变得认不出来了。本题考查介词的用法。beyond越出(某事物)范围,超越,例如:beyond repair 不能修 理;beyond

9、retirement age 超出退休年龄。根据句意分析,只有选项 D符合。答案与解析:A尼亚加拉瀑布是个的旅游景点,每年的都吸引上百万的游客。attraction n. 吸引,吸引力,诱惑力 ; 具有吸引力的事物 (或人 )B witness 目击 ; 见证 ;imitate 模拟,模仿;worship 崇拜,敬仰 ;yield 出产 ; 结出 ( 果实 ); 产生 ( 效果 , 收益等 ); 让于 , 给于 ; 同意。B unexpected 意料之外的,出乎意料的 ;mature 成熟的 ;unfair 不公平的 ; unique 独一无二的。.A moderate 中等的 , 适度的

10、;throughout 完全的,彻底的 ; tiny 微小的 ; 小的 ;various 多种多样的,不同的。.A neutral 中立的 ;vague 含糊不清的 ; 模糊不清的 ;universal 普遍的 , 通用的 , 宇宙的 ; tropical 热带的。答案与解析:.Dassociate vi. 交往 n. 伙伴,同事Dassociate oneself with 加入associate sth.with 把(某事物与其他事物 )联系在一起associate with 和来往人们总是把健康的生活与开阔的乡村和自家种的食物联系在一起。.Davailable a. 可利用的 ; 通用的经过加工随时可供烹调的方便食品在食杂店能够买到。13.Bawkward a. 笨拙的 ; 尴尬的当这个害羞的女孩回答不上来老师的提问时,她感到很窘迫和难 受.C只有少数几个人有机会了解事件的全部真相。access n. 通道,入口 ; 接近,进入; 接近的机会vt. 存取 ( 计算机文件 )注意与之搭配的介词必须是to, 如: have free access to thelibrary 自由进入图书馆 ; 注意相近词的区别: access, assess( 评价,


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