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1、2022届高考英语一轮复习必修4Unit2Workingtheland课件新人教版Unit 2Working the landUnit 2Working the land课前写作话题积累读后续写之劳动光荣场景背诵体会黑体表达并背诵全文Today I tried cooking a simple dish myself. I like eating fried tomatoes with eggs, and I thought it must be easy to cook. My mom told me how to prepare it. First I cut the tomatoes i

2、nto pieces and put them aside. Next I broke课前写作话题积累读后续写之劳动光荣 the eggs into a bowl and beat them quickly with chopsticks. After that I poured oil into a pan and turned on the stove. I waited patiently until the oil was hot. Then I put the tomatoes and the beaten eggs into the pan together. “Not that

3、way,” my mom tried to stop me but failed. She was right. It didnt turn out as I had wished. (2020高考全国卷) the eggs into a bowl and beat话题运用根据提示进行写作Last week _(我参加了一个在郊区农场劳动的项目). At the class meeting, our teacher told us about the programme with the theme “_(劳动最美)”. And _I took part in a farm work prog

4、ramme in the suburbs Working is most beautiful he stressed the importance of working with our own hands 话题运用根据提示进行写作I took part in(他强调了用我们双手劳动的重要性). When I got home, I packed up my luggage for the trip. On the farm, we helped pick watermelons. _ (劳动期间,我意识到在炽热的太阳下劳动是多么地辛苦). When I came back home, _ (

5、我把自己的体验与父母进行了分享). And they were very proud of me.Whileworking, I realized how hard it was to work in the fields under a hot sun I shared my experiences with my parents (他强调了用我们双手劳动的重要性). When I got 一单元课标单词重温阅读单词请在认识词义的单词前打上对号statistic nsunburnt adj.super adj.strain noutput n.sorghum n. grain n. pean

6、ut n. circulate vt.& vi. skim vt.一单元课标单词重温occupation n. personality n. organic adj. nutrition n. fertilizer n.bacteria n. industrial adj. pest n. mineral n. underline vt.summary n.occupation n. personality 重点单词1._ n十年;十年期2._ vt.& vi.出口;输出3._ n根;根源4._ n遗憾;懊悔vt.遗憾;惋惜5._ n评论;议论vi.& vt.表达意见;作出评论6._ n焦点;

7、中心点vt.集中;聚焦decade export root regret comment focus 重点单词decade export root reg7._ adv.因此;所以;因而8._ vt.减少;减缩9._ vi.& n斗争;拼搏;努力10._ vt.& vi.使变大;伸展11._ n土壤12._ n战斗,战役;较量;斗争vt.& vi.搏斗;奋斗 therefore reduce struggle expand soil battle 7._ adv.因此;所以;因而13._ n饥饿;欲望vt.& vi.(使)饥饿_ adj.饥饿的;渴望得到的14._ vt.& vi.配备;装备_

8、 n设备;装备15._ v打扰;妨碍;使不安_ adj.引起烦恼的;令人不安的_ adj.烦恼的;不安的 hunger hungry equip equipment disturb disturbing disturbed 13._ n饥饿;欲望vt.& vi.16._ vt.使迷惑;使为难_ adj.令人迷惑的_ adj.感到迷惑的_ n迷惑17._ n发现;发觉_ vt.发现;发觉_ n发现者18._ n国籍_ n国家;民族_ adj. 民族的 confuse confusing confused confusion discovery discover discoverer nation

9、ality nation national 16._ vt.使迷惑;使为难_19._ n性格;人格;人性_ adj. 个人的_ adv.亲自地;就自己而言20._ n自由;自主_ adj.自由的 personality personal personally freedom free 19._ n性格;人格;人性根据所给提示,用适当形式填空1.Thanks to their support and help,we were not so badly off during the past _ (十年).2.Last but not least,I once worked as a volunt

10、eer for Expo 2010 Shanghai,and _(因此) I have accumulated much experience.(2019高考全国卷) decade therefore 根据所给提示,用适当形式填空 decade therefo3.Take the fear out of public speaking by _ (focus) on your listeners. (2020新高考全国卷)4._ (struggle) for many years,he was finally admitted to a key university.5.Every year,

11、India _ (export) a lot of tea and cotton to many different countries. focusing Having struggled exports 3.Take the fear out of public 6.Miss Li went through my composition and made some useful _ (comment) on it.7.According to the doctor,people should eat less fat _ (reduce) the risk of some diseases

12、.8._ (expand) your knowledge by reading more books is a wise choice. comments to reduce Expanding 6.Miss Li went through my comp9.Our school offers good _ and you will be well _ with knowledge and skills for your future job.(equip)10.He was really _ by the _ problem which also _ other people for a l

13、ong time.(confuse)11.The _ of electricity was Franklin; like many _, it benefits us greatly.(discover) equipment equipped confused confusing confused discoverer discoveries 9.Our school offers good _12._ news came that the virus spread quickly,which made us rather _(disturb)13.As long as _ types are

14、 not taken too seriously,its fun trying to guess a persons _ from their personality.(nation) Disturbing disturbed national nationality 12._ news came t14.Women have gained the _ to decide whether to marry or not,and they are _ to choose their jobs at present.(free)15.Owing to the great _,a great num

15、ber of _ children died.(hungry) freedom free hunger hungry 14.Women have gained the _词汇拓展熟词生义写出加黑词的词性及词义1.Would you BET on the future of this man?He is 53 years old. Most of his adult life has been a losing struggle against debt and misfortune.(2019高考天津卷) _ n.斗争,拼搏 词汇拓展 n.斗争,拼搏 2.To help you do that

16、,your brain increases your hunger for new experiences. New experiences often mean taking some risks,so your brain raises your tolerance for risk as well. _ 3.Nicolo and another bidder battled until Nicolo finally won the paintings for $32.(2020高考全国卷) _ n.渴望 vi.竞争,争夺 2.To help you do that,your bra“扩展

17、”动词知多少expand 使变大;伸展extend 延伸;扩展spread 展开,传播enlarge 扩大;扩展broaden 使变宽“扩展”动词知多少二单元核心短语重现 第一组先记牢1.rid._ 使摆脱或除去2.be satisfied _. 对感到满意3.would _ 宁愿;宁可4.build _ 逐渐增强;建立;开发5.be rich _ 盛产 of with rather up in 二单元核心短语重现 of with rather 再用准In order to _ local people _ poverty,he made up his mind to _ his busine

18、ss. More and more people have good jobs and earn a great deal of money at present. However,he _ not _ what he has achieved. rid of build up is satisfied with 再用准 rid of build up is 第二组先记牢1.thanks _ 幸亏;由于;因为2.lead _ 导致;造成(后果)3.focus _ 集中(注意力、精力等)于4.keep.free _ 使免受(影响、伤害等);使不含(有害物)5._ addition 另外 to t

19、o on from/of in 第二组 to to on from/of in 再用准As we all know,too much work and too little rest often _ illness. To live a long and active life,we should build up good relationships with each other. _, we should make full use of new energy to _ our environment _ pollution. lead to In addition keep free

20、from/of 再用准 lead to In addition2022届高考英语一轮复习必修4Unit2Workingtheland课件新人教版2022届高考英语一轮复习必修4Unit2Workingtheland课件新人教版2022届高考英语一轮复习必修4Unit2Workingtheland课件新人教版点拨if so是状语从句的省略形式。If so 点拨if so是状语从句的省略If so 点拨“the序数词名词to do sth.”结构。the first to taste the delicious food 点拨“the序数词名词the first to t点拨“make itadj

21、.动词不定式”结构。 make it possible for you to meet 点拨“make itadj.动词 make it 点拨would rather (not) do sth.表示“宁愿(不)做某事”。would rather not live in big cities 点拨would rather (not) do sth词汇精研 1.struggle vi.& n斗争(fight);拼搏,努力(make great efforts to);挣扎(1)struggle to do sth.努力做某事,挣扎着做某事struggle for. 为而斗争struggle wit

22、h/against. 同搏斗struggle to ones feet 挣扎着站起来词汇精研 (2)with a struggle 费劲地a struggle for freedom/independence 争取自由/独立的斗争(2)with a struggle 费劲地基础检测单句语法填空At present,China has to struggle _ all kinds of difficulties from home and abroad.Workers are struggling _ a clean canteen and healthy food.Helen Keller

23、became deaf and blind when she was 19 months old,but she never gave up and struggled _ (lead) an active life. against/with for to lead 基础检测单句语法填空 against/with 能力提升单句写作在短片中,你可以了解到我校一直在为更美好的未来而努力。_In the short film, you can learn that my school has been struggling for a better future.能力提升单句写作In the sh

24、ort film,2.equip vt.& vi.装备;配备(1)equip.with. 用装备be equipped with 装备着equip.for sth./to do sth. 为了而装备be well/poorly equipped 设备精良的/较差的(2)equipment nU 装备;设备a piece of equipment 一件设备2.equip vt.& vi.装备;配备经典例句We want our son to receive a good education that will equip him for future life.我们想让我们的儿子接受良好的教育,

25、这将为他将来的生活做好准备。经典例句基础检测单句语法填空It is often said that human beings are naturally equipped _ (speak)If it were not for the modern _ (equip),such experiments would not be performed. to speak equipment 基础检测单句语法填空 to speak equip能力提升句式升级He is equipped with much experience in teaching,so he is well respected

26、by all his students._,he is well respected by all his students.(过去分词短语作状语)_,he is well respected by all his students.(现在分词短语作状语)Equipped with much experience in teaching Equipping himself with much experience in teaching 能力提升句式升级Equipped with much3.confuse vt.使迷惑;使为难;使混乱(put into disorder);混淆(mistak

27、e one for another)(1)confuse.with/and. 混淆;辨别不清be confused by 被弄混;糊涂(2)confused adj.困惑的;烦恼的confusing adj.令人费解的;使人困惑的confusion n困惑3.confuse vt.使迷惑;使为难;使混乱(put i经典例句It is important to explain this again or we will confuse the students. 把这个再解释一遍很重要,否则我们将会使学生感到迷惑。经典例句基础检测单句语法填空I always confuse John _ his

28、 brother; they are so much alike.There was a _ look on his face when he met with a _ problem.(confuse)Something unexpected throws my parents routine into _ (confuse),which they have to deal with. with confused confusing confusion 基础检测单句语法填空 with confused 能力提升单句写作例如,有大量的参考书,我经常会对选择感到困惑。_For example,

29、there are huge amounts of reference books which I am often confused to choose from. 能力提升单句写作For example, there2022届高考英语一轮复习必修4Unit2Workingtheland课件新人教版经典例句It is with great regret that I say goodbye to you,but I never regret having spent such a good time with you.和你分别我感到非常遗憾,但我不后悔与你共度了如此美好的时光。经典例句基础检

30、测单句语法填空We regret _ (inform) you that your application has not been successful.He didnt regret _ (say) what he did but felt that he could have expressed it differently. to inform having said/saying 基础检测单句语法填空 to inform havi能力提升一句多译我很遗憾地告诉你,我不能在约定的时间和你一起去北京了。_ that I cant travel to Beijing together wi

31、th you at the appointed time.(regret vt.) I regret to tell you 能力提升一句多译 I regret to tell _,I cant travel to Beijing together with you at the appointed time.(regret n)_ I tell you that I cant travel to Beijing together with you at the appointed time.(regret n;强调句型) Much to my regret/To my great regre

32、t It is with great regret that _5.focus vt.集中(concentrate);聚集 n焦点;中心点(1)focus on/upon 集中(注意力、精力)于focus ones attention/eyes/energy on. 集中注意力/目光/精力于(2)the focus of. 的焦点/中心o focus 使成为焦点5.focus vt.集中(concentrate);聚集 高考例句Unless you can sleep well,you will lose the ability to focus,plan and stay motivated

33、 after one or two nights. (2018高考江苏卷)除非你能睡得好,否则一两个晚上后你就会失去集中注意力、做好规划和保持积极性的能力。高考例句基础检测单句语法填空The talks will focus _ economic development of the region.With his attention _ (focus) on his homework,he forgot all about what I had told him.With so many people _ (focus) their eyes on him,he felt very nerv

34、ous. on/upon focused focusing 基础检测单句语法填空 on/upon focuse能力提升单句写作这表明当今社会的一个普遍现象:孩子是家庭的中心,承载着父母的希望。_ It shows a common phenomenon nowadays that children are the focus of families, shouldering the hope of their parents. 能力提升单句写作 It shows a common6.reduce vt.减少(decrease);减缩reduce.by. 把减少了reduce.to. 把减少到;

35、把变为某种状态be reduced to 陷入某种境地(to为介词)6.reduce vt.减少(decrease);减缩高考例句It turns out that just looking at green,growing things can reduce stress,lower blood pressure,and put people into a better mood.(2019高考全国卷)事实证明,看看绿色的,正在生长的东西可以减少压力,降低血压,使人们的心情更好。高考例句基础检测单句语法填空The government calls on the public to go to

36、 work by bicycle instead of by car _ (reduce) air pollution.With great effort,she has reduced her weight _ five kilograms in the past 7 days.It was foggy so the driver had to reduce speed _ forty kilometers an hour.to reduce by to 基础检测单句语法填空to reduce by t能力提升单句写作减少压力最有效的方式之一就是与你信任的人聊聊感受。_ One of the

37、 most effective ways to reduce stress is to talk about feelings with someone you trust. 能力提升单句写作 One of the most e7.build up 逐渐增强;增强的体质;建立;创办;开发;聚集;积累(accumulate)build up a fine reputation 建立良好的信誉build up a fame 建立名声build up ones health/body 增进健康build on/upon 把建立于;依赖;指望7.build up 逐渐增强;增强的体质;建立;创办;经典

38、例句Lei Feng was built up as a good example to the Chinese people to be cheerfully selfless and noble in thought.雷锋被树立为中国人民无私、高尚品德的好榜样。经典例句基础检测写出下列各句中build up的含义Bears build up fat stores throughout the summer and fall to have energy enough to last them through their winter sleep. _ His confidence buil

39、t up gradually as he gained more and more experience in teaching. _ 积累 逐渐增加 基础检测写出下列各句中build up的含义 积累 Taking exercise helps us build up our bodies and keep a clear mind. _ It is said that she has built up a very successful business._ 增强的体质 建立;创办 Taking exercise helps us buil能力提升单句写作积极参加体育和户外活动确实有助于强

40、身健体和丰富我们的学校生活。_ Taking an active part in sports and outdoor activities are really helpful to build up our body and enrich our school life. 能力提升单句写作 Taking an active 8.lead to 导致,造成(后果);通向lead sb.to do sth.使某人做某事lead/live a.life 过样的生活lead the way 引路;带路8.lead to 导致,造成(后果);通向经典例句Modern science has give

41、n clear evidence that smoking can lead to many diseases. 现代科学已经给出明确的证据表明吸烟会导致许多疾病。经典例句名师指津表示“导致”的短语还有:result in,contribute to,bring about,account for。名师指津基础检测单句语法填空The discovery of new evidence led to the thiefs _ (catch)In class I will divide the students into small groups and lead them _ (practice

42、) speaking English in an interesting way.being caught to practice 基础检测单句语法填空being caught to 能力提升一句多译众所周知,成功在于努力,而懒惰导致失败。As we all know,success lies in hard work _(lead)As we all know,success lies in hard work _(result)while laziness leads to failure while laziness results in failure 能力提升一句多译while la

43、ziness lea句式剖析1.If so,what did you do to grow them?如果这样的话,你怎样来种植这些植物? 教材原句句式剖析(1)if so是if引导的条件状语从句的省略形式,表示肯定意义;如果表示否定意义,则用if not。(2)由if构成的此类省略形式还有:if any 如果有的话if ever 如果曾经发生过的话if necessary 如果有必要的话if possible 如果可能的话,(1)if so是if引导的条件状语从句的省略形式,表示肯定能力提升补全句子/单句写作_ (如果可能的话),try to go to bed and wake up at

44、 the same time every day._ (如果不行的话),let me know what time suits you best.我想知道周末你是否有空。如果有空咱们一起参加我们学校的音乐节吧。(2019高考全国卷)_If possible If not Im wondering if you are available at the weekend. If so, lets attend the music festival of our school. 能力提升补全句子/单句写作If possible 2.He would much rather keep time for

45、 his hobbies.他更愿把时间花在自己的业余爱好上。 教材原句2.He would much rather keep ti2022届高考英语一轮复习必修4Unit2Workingtheland课件新人教版基础检测单句语法填空I would rather _ (stay) at home at the weekend,reading some English novels.She would rather you _ (come) tomorrow than today. stay came 基础检测单句语法填空 stay came 能力提升单句写作我昨天晚上待在家里,但我宁愿和朋友去电

46、影院了。_I stayed at home last night, but Id rather I had gone to the theatre with my friends. 能力提升单句写作I stayed at home l.单句语法填空1The complete _ (equip) of the new hospital will take two whole years. 2Li Ping did not regret _ (give) the comment but felt that she could have expressed it differently.equipm

47、ent giving/having given .单句语法填空equipment giving/havi3The girl was _ by his _ words and she was at a loss what to do next.(confuse) 4My mother would rather I _ (focus) more attention on my study. 5The first man _ (support) the campaign was the captain. 6Even if _ (invite),I wont attend the evening party. confused confusing focused to support invited 3The girl was _ by7Believe it or not,the rich man should be reduced to _ (beg) for a living. 8Im not very satisfied _ his interpretation of this sentence. 9I regret _ (inform) you that your contract


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