Unit3 Getting Along With Others单元复习学案-牛津译林版高中英语必修第一册_第1页
Unit3 Getting Along With Others单元复习学案-牛津译林版高中英语必修第一册_第2页
Unit3 Getting Along With Others单元复习学案-牛津译林版高中英语必修第一册_第3页
Unit3 Getting Along With Others单元复习学案-牛津译林版高中英语必修第一册_第4页




1、B1U3复习学案重点词汇拼写1.n.素质;质量;adj.优质的 2.adj.额外的 adv.额外;特别3.vi.(愤怒等感情)爆发;爆炸4.adj.宽宏大量的;慷慨的5.v.逃跑;避免;n.逃离6.adv.其实,;的确;真正地7.adj.出于好心的,善意的8. n.陪伴,作伴;公司9.n.视野;视力10.vi.&n.聊天,闲聊11.adj.笨拙的;令人尴尬的12.n.媒介;手段adj.中等的 13.adj.令人震惊的;可恶的14.vt.欺骗 n.诡计;戏法15.vt.忽视,对不予理会16 vt.&vi.误解,误会17.vt.&n.联系,联络18.adj.肤浅的;浅的19.n.具体情况,事例;案

2、件20.n.咖啡馆,小餐馆21.n.博客,网志22.n.主题,旋律23.n.意见,看法;观点,信仰24.vi.试图;寻找;vt.寻求/找25.n.时光;瞬间;某个时刻26.n.诗人27. n.葡萄酒;果酒词性转换_ vt.& vi.评价;判断,认为 n法官;裁判员_n判断_ adj.起初的;独创的_ n起源 _ adv.最初_ vi.恢复健康 vt.全额收回;寻回_ n恢复_ vi.& vt.回答,回应;响应 _ n回答;响应_ n.失去;亏损;去世;损失_ vt.失去 _ adj.失去的,丢失的_ vi.道歉,谢罪_ n道歉_ adv.肯定,确实;确切地_ adj.肯定的_ vi.受苦,受折

3、磨;变差 vt.遭受,蒙受_ n.痛苦,问题_ n行为,举止,态度_ vi.举止得体,表现_ adj.坦率的,直率的_ adv.坦率地_ n.基础;基准_ vt.根据;以为基础_ adj.基本的_ vt.尊重,尊敬 n.尊敬,敬意;重视_ adj.表示敬意的 _ adj.体面的;值得尊敬的_ adj.效率高的,有功效的_ n效率;效能_ vt.估量,判定;测量 n.措施;衡量_ n衡量_ n沉思;反射;映像;反映_ vi.反思;反射_ n.优势,益处vt.使受益vi.得益于_ adj.有好处的_ vt.宽慰,抚慰 n.舒服;安慰_ adj.舒服的_ n.高兴,愉快;令人高兴的人(或事),乐趣_

4、 adj.高兴的_ adj.彻底的,全面的;仔细的_ adv.彻底地_ n死,死亡;死亡状态_ adj.死的_ vi.死亡_ n.一伙人;人群 vt.挤满 vi.聚集;挤,涌_ adj.拥挤的_vt.钦佩_ adj.令人敬佩的_ n.钦佩;欣赏_ n失败;失败的人(或事);未履行;故障_ vi.失败_ vt.承认,意识到;认出,辨别出_ n.认出重点短语1.闲逛2.无论如何,不管怎样3.放弃,摒弃;松手,放开4.面对面地5.与某人聊天6.与玩得开心7.(关系)陷于困境8.脱离某人的视线9.准时到达;获得成功10.不知所措,困惑11.有错,应承担责任12.乐于做某事13.腐蚀,逐渐破坏14.损害

5、之间的关系;妨碍15.亲自,亲身16.亲自,亲身17.使显现,使表现出18.消除(问题),克服(困难)19.注定要做某事,应做某事20.一般来说21.起因于22.依赖,依靠,指望23.不顾艰难险阻,同甘共苦24.在某人看来25.克服;恢复常态26.最大程度地,最大限度地27.代替28.看见29.因为某事向某人道歉30.诱使某人做某事31.遭受;忍受32.用来计算/衡量33.试图做某事34.呈现,具有;雇用句子翻译1. Whether were walking to school, doing homework or just hanging out at the weekend, were h

6、ardly out of each others sight.2. More often than not, close friendships will help smooth out the sometimes rocky road that we are all meant to travel.3. Shared interests form the basis of true friendship, which ties one heart to the other no matter how far away they are from each other.4. These day

7、s, the modern tools that keep us connected are eating away at the meaning of friendship.5. I will value these qualities which form the basis of a friendship and measure myself by these standards.6. 这段友谊值得挽回。(worth)7. 真正的朋友是能和你同甘共苦的人。(through thick and thin)8. 真正的朋友是我们可以依靠他的支持的人。(count on)9. 应该指出,与一群

8、人在一起和与朋友在一起,不是一回事。(point out)10. 选择朋友需谨慎,经营友谊须用心。课文回顾Friendship on the rocksAmy developed a close friendship with a girl 1._ was popular during primary school. They were hardly out of the 2._ of each other, almost doing everything together. But things turned sour last Saturday, and their friendships

9、 were on the 3._(rock). The two girls 4._ (plan) to watch a film. Yet in the morning Amys friend said she was ill and might not be able to make 5._ to the cinema. Amy told her to rest at home. Today, however, the girl was seen 6._ (chat) with another girl in a caf on Saturday afternoon. Amys heart w

10、as broken. Now she still doesnt feel like 7._ (respond) to any of her online messages and she is now 8._ a loss what to do next. So she turned to Cindy and David for advice. Cindy thinks Amy is supposed to cherish the friendship and listen to her 9._ (explain), 10._ David says if she or he ignores y

11、our feelings and hurts you deeply, its time to rethink your friendship.Of friendshipSometimes 1._(be) left alone may contribute to 2._(reflect) on ourselves and get us improved, but we cant live 3._ friendship. The reason 4._ we must live in social groups is that friendship can provide us 5._ three

12、“fruits”, such as comforting the heart, advising the head and helping us achieve goals. Firstly, we can get peace by sharing with friends our joy and sadness, success and 6._(fail).Whats more, we can have a 7._(good) understanding and judgement through conversations with close friends. In addition,

13、there are so many things 8._ can only be achieved with the help of friends. Finally, 9._ should be pointed that being surrounded by a crowd doesnt mean you have owned true friends. With the comfort and help from 10._(trust) friends, we can live a better life.用定语从句改写下列句子Common interests provide rich

14、ground. Many friendships grow from rich ground.Common interests provide rich ground _.When friends communication is warm and open, friendships grow best. Friendships grow best between friends _.Friendships are like flowers. These flowers need to be taken good care of.Friendships are like flowers _.A relationship with a true friend will surely produce fruit. You ca


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