Unit6 Review and Writing教案2021-2022学年人教版九年级英语全册_第1页
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Unit6 Review and Writing教案2021-2022学年人教版九年级英语全册_第5页




1、学校名称课例名称Unit6 Review and Writing教师姓名学段学科初中英语教材版本人教版章节Unit6第7节年级九年级教学目标一 Knowledge objectives:(一)能够熟练掌握句式:-When was/were it/they invented?-It/They was/were invented in/on/about.-Who was/were it/they invented by?-It/They was/were invented by.-What is/are it/they used for?-It/They is/are used for-How w

2、as/were it/they invented?-By accident.(二)学会如何书写有关创造的文章。二 Ability objectives通过复习巩固重点句型,学生能够把所学句式灵活运用于说明文 的写作当中。并学会如何写好说明文。三 Moral objectives通过第一个小视频的播放,激发学生对于创造的兴趣。播放第二 个关于旗袍的小视频使学生初步了解旗袍的相关知识,引导学生 发现中国传统文化的美,从而增加民族自豪感。进行小组合作探究学习,增强学生的团队合作意识。一 Key Points:(一)巩固并学会灵活运用短语be invented in/on.be invented by

3、.教学重难点be used for.(二)学会怎样写作文:审题拟题;布局整理;修改成文。二 Difficulties:在写作过程中,各种时态与各种语态的交替使用,以及如何开 好头,布好局,恰当使用连词增加文章的美感是本节课的难点所在。学情分析九年级的学生经过两年初中学习,有了一定的写作基础和相关 知识的积累,并且通过学习Unit5和Unit6两个单元,对于各种时 态的被动语态有了较为系统的了解。因此对于英语程度较好的学生 来说本节写作课难度不是很大。但对与程度稍低的学生而言,需要 在同学老师的帮助下有所突破,因此我设计小组活动,强弱结合, 师生互动,生生互动,使不同程度的学生都有收获,有提高。

4、学情分析一.多媒体交互式教学。教学方法二.兴趣激励法。三.任务型教学法。四.小组合作探究法。五.案例教学法。Step 1. Leading-inPlay an interesting video about 8 foreign inventions to lead into the class, in order to cause the interest of the students.【兴趣导入,从而引出对本单元的创造的回忆。】Step 2. Pair work教学过程Show the pictures of the inventions in Unit6. Make the Ss to

5、make conversations with them, at the same time the teacher writes down the key sentences on the blackboard.教学过程【复习重点句子并板书,为写作做准备。】Step 3. Writing. Firstly, enjoy a video about cheongsams, let the Ss know something about them. Then show the composition requirements to the Ss. Ask a student to read it

6、 for us. Finally, tell the Ss to pay attention to some key points.【了解写作从何下手,学会审题拟题,谋篇布局。】.Explain how to write expository writings:(1)A good beginning: Show the request of a good beginning. Ask the Ss to write their ideas down in groups. Then ask some of them to read them. In the end show two exampl

7、es to the Ss(PPT)【小组合作降低写作难度,给出范例供学生学习模仿。】The main part: Tell the Ss what to write in this part by showing a lantern slide. Then advise them to use some transitional words if they need. Next ask the Ss to work in groups and try their best to Hnish it. At the same time the teacher walks around and gi

8、ves the Ss some help in time .In the end, ask the Ss to show their works voluntarily.【强弱结合,生生互助,师生合作,共克难关。】An ending: Tell the Ss how to write a good ending and show two models. The Ss can use one of them directly or imitate the models.(PPT)【借用或仿写增加写作的时效性。】.Writing time:Give the Ss more time to writ

9、e their descriptions in groups, then check and correct them in time. Ask everyone to take part in it actively. The teacher should give them a hand if they need.【合作探究,互相学习,共同提高。】. Showing time:Encourage some Ss to show and read their compositions.The others should listen and look carefully. The teacher and Ss work together to enjoy good sentences and 行nd mistakes.【展示学习效果,增加学生的成就感;共赏作文,并及时改正错误,增强了学生的学习效果。】Step 4. Homework.Blackboard DesignUnit6 When was it invented?Review and Writing-When was/were it/they invented?-It/They was/were invented in/on/about.-Who wa


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