



1、广东省揭阳市东园中学2023年高一英语期末试卷含解析一、 选择题1. What is the way George thought of _ enough money to buy the house? A. to getB. gettingC. having gotD. being got参考答案:A略2. It took me quite a long time to develop a voice, and _ I have it, I am not going to be silent.A. now thatB. unlessC. so thatD. although参考答案:A3.

2、This is the first time that we _a film in the newly-built cinema together.A. see B. had seen C. saw D. have seen 参考答案:D4. A modern city has been set up in _ was a wasteland ten years ago.A. thatB. whichC. whatD. where 参考答案:C5. Once _sport has become less popular, it has to make _way for new sport wh

3、ich are more popular to enter into the Olympics. A. the;a B. a; C. ;the D. the;参考答案:B略6. _has been announced, we shall have our final exams next month.A. That B. As C. It D. What参考答案:B7. Many volunteers_ food and water to the local people in Japan after the tsunami.A. gave out B. cut out C. put out

4、D. found out参考答案:A8. -Thank God youre safe!-I stepped back, just _to avoid the racing car.A. in time B. in sight C. in need D. in turn参考答案:A9. It is reported that the United States uses_ energy as the whole of Europe.A. as twice B. twice much C. twice much as D. twice as much参考答案:D略10. Iraq has _ to

5、o many wars since 1990, making his people _ a lot. A. got through; pay B. looked through; face C. gone through; suffer D. passed through; destroy 参考答案:C11. Can you tell me if you have found the key _ your car.A. for B. to C. about D. by参考答案:B略12. -Tom studies very hard and is intelligent as well. -_

6、that he always gets the first place in all examinations.A. No way B. No wonder C. No problem D. No doubt参考答案:B略13. _! Dont be afraid. Just _ and jump into the water? Is diving just so simple?A. Come up; hold my noseB. Come down; hold my breathC. Come on; hold my breathD. Come in; hold my hands参考答案:C

7、第一个空为鼓励的话语,让听者不要害怕,come on有“加油,振作起来,快点”等意思,符合句意。hold ones breath“屏息”。14. My parents always let me have my own ( )of B.mannerC.way D. method 参考答案:C略15. Do you mind if I open the window? _ I feel a bit cold.A. Of course not. B. Id rather you didnt. C. Go ahead. D. Why not?参考答案:B16. -

8、Would you like to _ Professor Smiths lecture this Sunday?- Sorry, I have an important meeting to _.A. attend; join B. join; attend C. attend; attend D. join; take part in 参考答案:C二、 书面表达17. 书面表达(满分25分)高中生要面临着升学压力。因此,很多学生下课后也坐在教室里用功,但学习效率和成绩并不理想。由此你想告诉他们:适当的休息很有必要。现在就请你以 “A Ten-minute Break”为主题,按下列要点写一

9、篇短文,让这些同学从中有所启发。短文的要点如下:1十分钟的课间休息很有必要。2要注意适当的休息方式。3你是怎样利用这十分钟的。注意:开头已经给出,不计入总词数;字数100字左右。A Tenminute BreakAs a Senior student, time seems much limited._参考答案:A Ten-minute BreakAs a Senior Three student, time seems much limited. As a result, more and more students try to study from early mornin HYPERL

10、INK / g till late afternoon, even during the ten-minute break. In my opinion, to take a ten-minute break between classes is definitely necessary. Otherwise we will feel tired both physically and mentally.During the ten-minute break, we do something to get rid of tiredness. What we need is to have a

11、real rest, instead of getting more tired. So doing nothing tiring in that period is really good for us.My ten-minute break is always pleasing. Sometimes I do some simple exercises. Sometimes I have a free chat with my classmates or just take a walk outside. When the next class begins, I feel fresh a

12、gain.三、 阅读理解18. When we decide to teach children at home by ourselves, we use every resource (资源) to aid us in filling our childrens minds with valuable information. At times, television can even be not only a resource for us, but an important resource.The main focus (焦点) should not be whether kids,

13、 homeschooled or not, should watch TV. The real focus needs to be: What is the best choice for my child in this period of life and learning? For some people, this will mean replacing the entertainment center with exercise equipment; for others it will be to allow a few hours of carefully chosen prog

14、ramming each day or week.Television has some very valuable programming that can add richness to your daily homeschool lessons.My own children are learning about Native Americans at present and we found a program called Into the West. The program did a beautiful job presenting the Westward Movement f

15、rom two different sides: the Native Americans and the White Settlers. My children were shocked by the contrast (对比) between the two, and for our family this program was a central part of this unit study.What works for my family may not work for yours. Quite honestly, thats OK because what works for

16、your family may not work for mine.As parents, we need to be purposeful about our childrens activities: including television. No one can tell you whether you should buy a big-screen TV or to throw away what you have. The goal is to decide which types of resources benefit your childrens education, ent

17、ertainment, and quality of life. No one can decide this for you.Once you make a decision, you will stop comparing your family with another homeschool family.13. According to the author, what matters most in the discussion about television?A. Whether kids should watch TV or not.B. How much TV should

18、homeschool kids watch,C. What is the best way for kids to grow and learn.D. How to choose programs both kids and parents enjoy.14. The author shows some television programming can be useful by _.A. making a contrastB. giving an exampleC. explaining reasons and resultsD. describing the progress his c

19、hildren have made15. The text is written for _.A. homeschool parentsB. television producersC. teachersD. students参考答案:13. C 14. B 15. A本文主要是针对那些决定在家教孩子的父母提出的一些看法。告诉他们利用一切资源给孩子提供有价值的信息。而电视甚至是一种重要的资源。因为有一些有价值的节目可丰富你的日常家庭教育,但一定要选择适合你的东西。13. C 细节理解题。通读全文可知,本文主要叙述了在家教孩子时,电视是一种重要的资源,因为有一些有价值的节目可丰富你的家庭教育,但

20、是要选一种适合你的方式。尤其在最后一段的“The goal is to decide which types of resources benefit your childrens education, entertainment, and quality of life. ” 目标是决定哪些类型的资源有利于孩子的教育、娱乐和生活质量。没人能帮你决定。分析选项可知C项(孩子成长和学习的最好方法是什么?)与此相符合,故选C项。14. B 推理判断题。根据文章可知,第三段提出了电视中有许多有用的节目,在第四段进行了举例。由此可推断出 B项是正确的。15. A【解题剖析】此题属于推理判断题中的(1)根据不同文体,推断目的意图。答案需要从文章的“When we decide to teach children at home by ourselves, we use every resource (资源) to aid us in filling our childrens m


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