已阅读5页,还剩6页未读 继续免费阅读




1、高一英语 Module 2 No Drugs Reading 教学设计及反 思一、教材分析 本节课教学内容是外研版高中英语教 科书第 2 模块 Reading and Vocabulary 部分。上一课时 Introduction 里已经初步接触和学习了描写抽烟、吸毒及其危 害性的词语, 已经为本课阅读做了铺垫。 这篇阅读文章分为两部 分,第一部分讲述了主人公 Adam的吸毒经历,让学生了解吸毒 对人体的伤害;第二部分介绍 crack cocaine 这种毒品的危害, 使学生加深对毒品的认识。 阅读材料中具备了大量的信息及有用 的词汇和语言结构, 文中的语言及内容都为本模块要重点讲解的 内容。

2、二、三维目标分析语言知识、技能目标:(1)单词:addictive, cannabis, cocaine, danger, addict, inject, needle, powerful, reduce, nearby.(2)短语: related to, break into, belong to, become addicted to, take ones advice, in order to, so as to, give up.通过阅读训练, 培养学生获取语篇信息的能力; 培养学生分 析、处理、利用信息的能力;培养学生叙述的能力。学习策略目标:从网络或其他媒体了解吸毒的危害, 学会

3、根据资料分析、 归 纳有用信息; 学生在阅读的过程中, 借助情景和上下文猜测词义 或推测段落大意; 培养学生在 interview 中运用提问控制谈话方 向的能力。情感态度和文化意识目标: 通过对毒品基本知识及其危害性的了解, 让学生进一步认识 到毒品的危害性,做好宣传工作,让身边更多的人远离毒品,珍 爱生命;学会关爱社会,关爱他人。三、教学重难点分析了解有关吸毒及其危害的知识, 找出段落和文章的从属关 系。培养阅读时的联想、 理解、前后联系的能力和逻辑分析能 力。学生运用所学的词汇进行语言交际的能力。 通过不同的学 习活动,让学生转变学习观念,调整自己的学习方式和策略,将 语言知识和语言技能

4、在具体的学习情境中进行综合运用, 准确表 达思想。四、教法分析情境教学法:利用各种问题,通过设置的多种活动,让 学生运用所学的语言知识在具体的情境中进行实践, 培养学生的 综合语言运用能力。任务教学法: 在整个教学过程中, 设置不同的学习任务, 提出不同的问题,让学生带着任务学习,在完成任务的过程中, 在老师的指导、帮助下,逐渐生成知识,形成技能,并找出解决 问题的方法,最后通过任务的完成而实现对所学知识的意义建 构。评价教学法:将学生通过学习资源的收集、整理和内化 而形成的学习成果, 在全班同学中展示, 使学生获得成功的喜悦, 从而激发学生的后续学习热情。五、学法分析学情分析:高中阶段的学生

5、注意力具有一定的稳定性, 观察力强,接受能力强,良好的引导会起到事半功倍的效果。教 学中分别为不同层面的学生设计了学习任务, 让他们都能享受到 学习英语的乐趣。学法分析:新课程理念更加注重获得知识的过程。在整 个学习过程中,完成较简单直观的任务时,以个体探究为主,鼓 励学生有独立的思维意识。 当面对难度较大的学习任务时, 鼓励 学生采取合作的方式,培养学生的合作能力,激发学生的潜能, 使学生在自主与合作的学习方式中获取知识, 形成正确的学习方 法,同时实现阅读能力与表达能力的提高。六、教具多媒体。七、教学过程Step1 Lead-inFirst ask students a question,

6、 then introduce some words and phrases describing taking drugs. Last, show a short video from Prot g门徒about how the heroine acts after using drugs and ask the students to talk about it.T: Do you know the date of International Day Against Drug Abuse?Ss: June, 26.T: Yes. This class well study somethin

7、g about drugs. First let s learn some words and phrases describing taking drugs.drugs:addict:addictive:be addictive to:dealer:(Ss: From the explaining, they master these words and phrases. )T:Is it interesting and exciting to take drugs? Please watch a short video and show us your view. (video from

8、Prot g.)(Ss: watch it carefully and seriously.)T: Who are they?Ss: Addicts. They are addicted to drugs.T: What is the addict doing?Ss: He is injecting drugs.T: Can the addict s little girl go to school?Ss: Taking drugs can make a family very poor.T: What s the result of taking drugs?Ss: The drug add

9、ict died as a result of injecting too much cocaine.T: Can an addict stop taking drugs easily?Ss: No.T: Can taking drugs change a persons behaviour?Ss: The addict became a drug dealer and was caught by the police.T: Do you still think it interesting and exciting to take drugs after watch video?Ss: No

10、.T: What s your opinion on taking drugs?Ss: Dangerous.T: It is dangerous to take drugs, but some people still want to have a try or continue taking drugs.Adam Rouse isone of them. Now, let s read the story of him.设计意图:以提问及短片的方式,引入本课主题。选取电影门徒中的片段拉近话题与学生的距离。虽然整部影片呈现出压抑、愤懑的情绪,但对于学生来说,除了强烈的视觉上 的冲击外, 更多的

11、是心灵上的震撼, 从而更加坚定远离毒品的决 心。)Step2 While-reading1. Fast-reading:Read the opening paragraphs of two different articles and find the topic of each article.( 1) Explain the idea of topic sentence and help the students to find topic sentences of each paragraph. The theme or purpose of an article comes in th

12、e first paragraph, usually as the first sentence.(2) Finish activity 2. A Drug Addict and His Story Dangerous Activities of Teenagers The Dangers of Using Cocaine(Answers: the first and the third.)( 3)Decide which article they belong to. Group competition: let s see which group get the answer in the

13、 shortest time.Part 1 belongs to (Article 2).Part 2 belongs to (Article 1).Part 3 belongs to (Article 1).Part 4 belongs to (Article 2).Part 5 belongs to (Article 1).Part 6 belongs to (Article 1).(设计意图:向学生介绍 topic sentence 的含义,并帮助 学生找出开头段的主题句, 通过小组合作、 竞赛的方式让学生快 速找出有效信息,从而整理出文章脉络。通过这个练习,培养学 生的前后联系能力和逻

14、辑分析能力。)2. Detailed-readingArticle 1: fill in the chart about AdamNameAgeAge (when he first used drugs)The drugs he tookHow did he get the moneyWhere does he work now(Answers: Adam; 19 years old; 15 years old; firstcannabis, then crack cocaine; stole things; a centre fordrug addicts)Article 2 : true

15、or falseRead the three paragraphs of Article 2 and then decide if these sentences are true (T) or false (F).( 1 ) Cocaine can be smoked and also injected.( 2 ) People who inject cocaine are in more danger if they share needles.( 3 ) Cocaine makes your heart go more slowly.( 4 ) Smoking crack cocaine

16、 can change peoplesbehavior.(Answers: T; T; F; T)(设计意图: 根据两篇文章的不同特点, 设计了不同的练习, 使学生注意文章的细节,进一步把握内容,关注焦点。利用这两 个练习使学生进一步抓住两篇文章的细节内容。)Post-reading:My name is Adam Rouse. I an addict. I firstbought cannabis from a in the street. One day, heoffered me some . I wanted more, but I didn t have for it. I was

17、in terrible pain. I had to and took the money to the drug dealer for more crack cocaine. I _ so crack cocaine that I had to stealthings every day to it. I was taken to the policestation. Later, I took the doctors and stoppedtaking crack cocaine and now I work in a centre for(Answers: used to be; dru

18、g dealer; crack cocaine; enough money; steal things; was; addicted to; pay for; advice; drug addicts)(设计意图:用所学的单词及短语填空,同时加深对课文的 理解,体现学生的主体地位。)Step3 Pair workWork in pairs to make a small dialogue. One is to act as Adam Rouse; the otheris to act as interviewer. The dialogue should concern the content

19、 of passage 1and2.通过采访的方式, 让学生分别扮演主人公的角色, 通过对课文的理 解,通过相互提问、 回答,将阅读中获取的信息进行输出和实践, 教师及时进行评价、点拔,增强学生的后续学习积极性。(设计意图:将课文中的内容以对话的形式再次呈现出来, 进一步加强对文章内容、单词、短语、句型的掌握。)前面部分为信息的输入、 整理部分; 学生进行读和说的综合 训练;通过略读、详读等方式,培养综合阅读技能。在对信息进 行分类、理解的过程中,语言表达能力则在师生,生生的语言交 流过程中得以提高。小组讨论,加深认识。通过多媒体展示讨论 题,学生分组讨论毒品对个人、家庭、社会的危害。提供大量

20、的 口头运用语言机会, 让学生在自主学习的基础上, 再进行合作学 习和探究学习, 学以致用, 体现新课程实施中最为核心和最为关 键的环节。Step4 DiscussionHow do we stop people from using drugs? Discuss in groups and let s see which group gets the most advice. Make a list of the advice and present it in front of the class.“If you are asked to design a poster asking pe

21、ople to stay away from drugs. What slogan will you write on the poster? ”E.g.: Treasure your life, stay away from drugs.(设计意图:让学生设计海报及标语,提出自己对于吸烟、 吸毒问题的一些看法、提案等,启发学生对文章进行思考,拓展 思维。通过小组讨论、合作,提高学生组织语言、运用语言的能 力,提高会话能力,培养学生的创新精神,增强学生的合作探究 意识。)Step5 SummaryAsk students to summarize what they learnt and their feelings.(设计意图:通过学习活动中任务的完成及问题的解决,运 用英语表达对毒品的认识, 对社会问题的关切,让学生切实理解 和体会本节课的学习目的, 最后通过教师的总结,师生交


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