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1、班 班 姓 得新目标英语初一下册期中测试卷(含答案) _ _一 、 听 测 试 (25 分 A) 请下面 段对话。每段对话后有一小题。从题中所给的 AB、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。 听完每段对话后。你都将会有 10 秒的间回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段话读两遍。 animals Tony like?A .Tigers Koalas C. Lions2.Where is John? In classroom In library3.When boy have go At B. At C. At 10:00 Who asks do his His mother His teacher C. H

2、is father5. Whats doing ?A. Hes listening to B. s playing games C. Hes watching TV club is in The club B. The club C. The club请下面 5 段话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的ABC 三选项中 出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前。你将有时间阅读各个小题。每小题 5 秒钟。听完后。各小题给 出 钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。请听第 材料,回答第 至 8 小。 about Jack? can well. B.He in the school wants to

3、 Linda with English does Jack think of B. Funny C. Too 请听第 材料,回答第 至 10 小。 does Mike to do in the quiet draw C. has exercise10. What does Mike do goes to a shower B. He has his C. has wash his clothes请听第 材料,回答第 11 至 小题。11.What is Reading B. C. Playing games. want ? To supermarket. B. the movies C. To

4、 the TV 13.Why doesnt Mary want with the boy The movie is supermarket kind of C. The TV station is very 请听第 材料,回答第 14 至 小题。14. does Victor on Sundays? At 6:50 At 6:30 15. What does Victor in the B. Volleyball C. 16.When must Victor go bed every Before 8:00 Before 请听第 材料,回答第 17 至 小题。17. Where is supe

5、rmarket B. Middle C. On Central 18. What on Saturday morning? 公园 B. Go to the 电影院) C. Go (购物)19. have a family Sunday evening B. On Sunday C. On Saturday evening20. How about the weekends? Tiring(令人疲倦的 Boring 极好的 C)请 下面段独白,根据独白内容完下列句子,每个空格不超过三个单词。听独白前你将50 秒钟的时间阅读句子内容。独白读两遍。21.Jack grandpa is _ years

6、 old.22.He doesnt work but busy from to_.23. He ping-pong with _ on Mo ndays 24. He to _ to buy things 25. He _ on Sunday 笔部( 分二单选题15 分)26. likes _ football, but likes the; / B. /; /; / D. the; the27. I like ice-cream. It very B. clean D. 28. It forty minutes _ his B. to finish C. finishes finish29.

7、 Where _ your uncle _?- He from China. come from B. C. comes from30. Jack can sing English songs, cant dance, _. B. also C. too D. as 31. Pandas a kind B. a kind of kinds of D. 32. late for time.A. B. Not C. t D. Dont be33. Smith _ night he an English book. sees, seeing sees, is seeingC. reading rea

8、ding34. She is has an brother. old B. ten-year-old, C. , ten years old 35. My brother and I our . B. homeworks are, are, 36. It going to rain, so remember OK, I will.the windows you leave. to close C. open D. opening 37. Can we _ in the classroom? to eat B. C. eating38. _ do you go work a bus. eats

9、How How C. How D. How much 39. eraser and some on the have C. D. 40. s to the movies. Let go.A. Not much. B. m afraid I can t. It 三、完形填 )请阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的 A、B、C、 四选项中选出可以填入相 应空白处的最佳选项小题 分Dear is Mary. I am African 非的 girl. I live in a 村庄 in Kenya. It is Africa. The weather(气) here very 43_ The

10、re are many flowers andanimals here. have a dog and a cat. I like toys, 44_ I one. t have classroom in my school. have our 45_ a Sometimes do sports. boys like playing soccer. What your favorite 47_? We dont have computers. Do computers? After school I my look 照) sisters and you do you want to 49_ m

11、y youwrite 50_ soon?Love,Mary41. a B. 42. on 43. cold 44. B. 45. 46. swim 47. subject 48. B. 49. is 50. I meC. theC. inC. rainingC. ifC. C. swimmingC. C. C. C. / across hot is swimming play be 请阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后选用方框中单词的适当形式填空。每个词限用 分)breakfast, practice, join, after, for, read, atEmily has 51._ . her

12、52._ school. t go nights. do the dishes after dinner, then can _ an likes usuallyreads night. She has to be in bed ten o because she has get up57. _ in morning. 58 club. She has to 59. _ her guitar every She doesn think s 60. 四阅理(题 2 分, 40 )A) 请读下面的短文,根据短文内容从每题所给的 B, ,D 四选项中选出最佳选项。ACome look at Indi

13、an new tigers Russia. (熊) are you, and waiting throw you. lovely dogs are waiting laugh you. Africa waiting to look down you. the zoo clean! Don (摸, food or animals!61. How kinds of animals mentioned 提到) in Four. B. 62. Where giraffes from?C. B. Africa C. 63. following can we do in the zoo? monkeys.

14、 dog on head.C. Throw(扔) things Keep BMrs Brown to see her son in London. Her works in club there. doesnt know London well. she find way. sees a m an bus stop She wants ask man “Excuse me, help me please? Which bus goes to Millers shop?” Mrs. Brown asked.The man is friendly. He smiles. he speak Engl

15、ish speak French. new London. He his into out book. He opens it it. “ Im sorry , cant speak English .64. Browns works in _ .A. a big school B. Millers shop C. a music club D. a bus stop5. Brown cant her way because _. old in C. she doesnt know London D. she cant see66. Whats of “smile Chinese? 大叫 大哭

16、C. 生气 微67. true? at bus an The t Brown.C. Mrs Brown can speak English. Mrs borrows book from man.(C)This is k like to go every Look! This is Smith. He is sitting on a watching are the game of hide- ) playing with a yo- yo 悠球 Lily They talking. There is river park. can boats in the river. are sitting

17、 in boats with their and mothers. A lot of are singing in is really nice park. I come day.68. Smith ? playing hide-and-seek. playing yo-yo.C. watching D. singing.69. writer 作者) cant _ in the 鱼 C. women men70. the writer doing? singing. B. He is sitting in C. He playing game. watching in the 71. righ

18、t? Lucy Lily playing hide- and- seek with other children. and Lily go to the only C. Lucy Lily are talking tree. Lucy Lily live far from the park.DHelen Betty very good friends. are same (相 同)class at Now they eight years old. s has a new baby. Helen is very happy to have a little sister, so At firs

19、t Betty is interested in baby. time she to get because Helen doesn talking about it.One two girls in library, nd says to Betty happily, “Do you Betty, my baby (增加体重) about pound(磅) this week.“That is not ” ays Betty. “I know a that puts on ten pounds a day.“Oh, that cant true?” says Helen a 笑 “Whose

20、 baby is ”“An elephants, says Betty.72. Betty and Helen B. cousins C. classmates D. brothers73. What 发生 Helens family?A. mother not healthy B. father lost h is jobC. Helen a baby sister Helen passes the 74. What does Helen when is with Talk school B. baby C. Plays games with her Plays for 75. How ba

21、by put week? pound B. One C. a D. 2 poundsB) 请 先 阅 读 下 面 短 文 , 掌 握 大 意 , 然 后 短 文 内 容 从 方 框 中 的 七 个 选 中 择 五 个 还 原 到 短 文 中 , 使 短 文 意 思 通 顺 、 结 构 完 整 每 小 题 分 There In I out of 窗户 76 I sunny today. people park. 77 Look! A playing with The boy is running baby. 78. women are sitting on the chair. They tal

22、king happily. the doing? 79. A is buying hamburger him. How happy in park!76. 77.78. 79.80.B. The is sitting on a C. Both(两者都)of are having D. girls singing and dancing.E. selling something to eat.五、补全对话(5 分请阅读下面对话,根据对话内容补上所缺句子,使对话通顺、合理,意思完整。(每空一句 A: Peter. You late for B: (81) _, My is 6 A: It real

23、ly (82) B: I ride bike A: B: hour.A: Well, (84) _?B: Because I don like taking the or subway. There are too people on the bus in the subway. A: s too (85) _B: My father wants but he too busy.六书表(15 分)假如你是李华,你有两个笔友。请根据下列表格内容并以 My 为介你的笔友情 况。字数不少于 60 词姓名年龄居住城市特长及加入的俱乐部 / sports MarySing and dance/music club上学的交通方式喜欢的动物及原因住地天气现在的动作By bikePandas/cuteSunny By busKoalas/friendlySnowyMake snowman with friends参答 BCCAC21.60/sixty park 24. supermarket 25.studies 26-30 BDBCA DDDDC 36-40. 41-45.BCDAD 46-50.CBADB51. rules after 53. on 54. for read56. at early joins 59. p


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