2、USIINESSS PAGEREF _Toc12963940 h 2 HYPERLINK l _Toc12963941 企业概况BBusiinesss OOverrvieew PAGEREF _Toc12963941 h 2 HYPERLINK l _Toc12963942 个人目标PPerssonaal GGoalls PAGEREF _Toc12963942 h 100 HYPERLINK l _Toc12963943 了解客户、市市场与产产品UNNDERRSTAANDIING CUSSTOMMERSS, MMARKKETSS ANND PPRODDUCTTS PAGEREF _Toc12
3、963943 h 133 HYPERLINK l _Toc12963944 产品与服务务Prooduccts andd Seerviicess PAGEREF _Toc12963944 h 13 HYPERLINK l _Toc12963945 客户选择标标准Cuustoomerr Seelecctioon CCritteriia PAGEREF _Toc12963945 h 144 HYPERLINK l _Toc12963946 客户反馈CCusttomeer FFeeddbacck PAGEREF _Toc12963946 h 155 HYPERLINK l _Toc12963947 商
4、业模式TTHE BUSSINEESS MODDEL PAGEREF _Toc12963947 h 118 HYPERLINK l _Toc12963948 潜在业绩提提升能力力Pottenttiall Buusinnesss Peerfoormaancee Immproovemmentt PAGEREF _Toc12963948 h 18 HYPERLINK l _Toc12963949 行业分析IInduustrry AAnallysiis PAGEREF _Toc12963949 h 200 HYPERLINK l _Toc12963950 竞争对手CComppetiitorrs PAGE
5、REF _Toc12963950 h 200 HYPERLINK l _Toc12963951 客户Cusstommerss PAGEREF _Toc12963951 h 23 HYPERLINK l _Toc12963952 行业进入壁壁垒Baarriierss too Enntryy PAGEREF _Toc12963952 h 24 HYPERLINK l _Toc12963953 供应商 SSuppplieers PAGEREF _Toc12963953 h 226 HYPERLINK l _Toc12963954 盈亏平衡与与流动资资金Brreakkeveen aand Worrki
6、nng CCapiitall PAGEREF _Toc12963954 h 28 HYPERLINK l _Toc12963955 员工授权TTEAMM EMMPOWWERMMENTT PAGEREF _Toc12963955 h 30 HYPERLINK l _Toc12963956 综述与文化化Oveerviiew andd Cuultuure PAGEREF _Toc12963956 h 330 HYPERLINK l _Toc12963957 招聘与培训训战略RRecrruittmennt aand Traainiing Strrateegy PAGEREF _Toc12963957
7、h 331 HYPERLINK l _Toc12963958 绩效管理与与激励PPerfformmancce MManaagemmentt annd RRewaardss PAGEREF _Toc12963958 h 33 HYPERLINK l _Toc12963959 市场营销战战略计划划THEE STTRATTEGIIC MMARKKETIING PLAAN PAGEREF _Toc12963959 h 355 HYPERLINK l _Toc12963960 市场营销战战略Sttrattegiic MMarkketiing Plaan PAGEREF _Toc12963960 h 35
8、5 HYPERLINK l _Toc12963961 分析Parretoo Annalyysiss PAGEREF _Toc12963961 h 35 HYPERLINK l _Toc12963962 目标市场CCusttomeer SSegmmenttatiion andd Maarkeets PAGEREF _Toc12963962 h 336 HYPERLINK l _Toc12963963 市场定位与与价格战战略Posiitiooninng aand Priicinng SStraateggy PAGEREF _Toc12963963 h 377 HYPERLINK l _Toc129
9、63964 市场营销活活动Maarkeetinng AActiivittiess PAGEREF _Toc12963964 h 39 HYPERLINK l _Toc12963965 技术、运营营与知识识战略TTECHHNOLLOGYY, OOPERRATIING ANDD KNNOWLLEDGGE SSTRAATEGGY PAGEREF _Toc12963965 h 400 HYPERLINK l _Toc12963966 管理系统化化BUSSINEESS INDDEPEENDEENCEE PAGEREF _Toc12963966 h 43 HYPERLINK l _Toc12963967
10、反馈及持续续改善FFEEDDBACCK AAND CONNTINNUOUUS IIMPRROVEEMENNT PAGEREF _Toc12963967 h 444了解贵公司司及其所所从事的的商业活活动UNNDERRSTAANDIING YOUUR BBUSIINESSS这是SNAAQ的第第一部份份,主要用用于了解解贵公司司的概况况。同时时也包括括了您个个人对公公司的目目标与期期望。这这些信息息将用于于经营业业绩改善善项目模模块一了解解你的公公司及其其所从事事的商业业活动。Thiis ffirsst ssecttionn off thhe SSNAQQ foocusses on proovidd
11、ingg a genneraal bbusiinesss ooverrvieew. Itt allso exaaminnes youur pperssonaal ggoalls aand youur hhopees aand asppiraatioons forr yoour bussineess. TThe infformmatiion willl bbe uusedd inn Moodulle 11 off thhe BBusiinesss PPerfformmancce IImprroveemennt PProggramm Unddersstanndinng YYourr Buusinn
12、esss.企业概况BBusiinesss OOverrvieew企业名称?Whaat iis tthe namme oof yyourr buusinnesss?企业地址? WWhatt iss thhe nnamee off yoour bussineess?企业成立日日期?Whenn waas yyourr buusinnesss fiirstt esstabblisshedd?你的企业是是收购的的吗?如如果是,请请提供企企业的收收购日期期以及收收购金额额。Diid yyou buyy yoour bussineess? Iff yees, proovidde ddetaailss off
13、 whhen youu puurchhaseed tthe bussineess andd hoow mmuchh yoou ppaidd foor iit.不是是不是是企业介绍:请说明明所生产产的产品品,以及及所提供供的服务务。是零零售商、生生产厂家家、分销销商、还还是服务务行业?请在下下面做简简要介绍绍。Plleasse ddesccribbe yyourr buusinnesss. Whaat pprodductts aand serrvicces do youu seell? AAre youu a rettailler, maanuffacttureer, disstriibutto
14、r or serrvicce pprovvideer? Plleasse bbrieeflyy deescrribee beeloww.请介绍贵公公司所处处的行业业Whaat iinduustrry (s) do youu opperaate in?请说明贵公公司所服服务的市市场?请请描述贵贵公司所所服务的的客户。What markets do you serve? Please describe your customers?请说明贵公公司的客客户结构构。请说说明企业业客户在在公司所所有客户户中所占占的比例例(与最最终消费费者相对对应)WWho doees yyourr cuustoomer
15、r baase commpriise of? WWhatt % of youur ccusttomeers aree ottherr buusinnessses (ass opppossed to inddiviiduaal eend useers)?%请说明客户户购买贵贵公司产产品的原原因?贵公司司可以为为客户提提供什么么样的价价值?Whyy doo cuustoomerrs ccomee too yoou? Whaat vvaluue ddo yyou proovidde tto tthemm?贵公司员工工人数?Howw maany teaam mmembberss doo yoou hh
16、avee?请在下面的的空白处处画出贵贵公司的的组织结结构图。请请参照下下面所提提供的样样板。IIn tthe spaace bellow, plleasse ddraww yoour hieerarrchyy chhartt? Plleasse rrefeer tto tthe exaamplle bbeloow贵公司有企企业宗旨旨吗?如如果有,请请提供。Do you have a written “Mission Statement” for the business? If yes, please detail it below.有有没有no如果贵公司司没有正正式的企企业宗旨旨,请思思考贵
17、公公司应有有的宗旨旨, 并并写在下下面的空空格处。为为了帮助助你确定定公司宗宗旨, 我们在在下面提提供了一一个样本本作为参参考。你你也可以以阅读文文章“如何创创建一个个积极主主动的头头脑!”If yoou ddo nnot havve aa foormaal MMisssionn Sttateemennt, pleeasee deetaiil ooverrleaaf wwhatt yoou tthinnk tthe Misssioon SStattemeent forr yoour bussineess shoouldd bee. To asssistt yoou wwe hhavee prr
18、oviidedd ouur MMisssionn Sttateemennt bbeloow. Yoou mmay alsso wwantt too reead “Hoow TTo CCreaate A VVoluunteeer Minndseet!”McKesssarr Tiieleemann重要的的商业目目的在于于最大程程度地增增加客户户的财富富。公司司保持尊尊重客户户的、职职业的和和关注市市场的态态度,一一贯遵守守高度的的职业操操守。我我们将在在目标市市场获得得高度认认同。McKesssarr Tiieleemanns preedomminaant commmerrciaal ppurpp
19、osee iss too maaximmizee itts cclieents nnet finnancciall weealtth. Itt wiill adoopt a ddignnifiied, prrofeessiionaal aand foccuseed mmarkketiing possturre aand willl aat aall timmes actt inn acccorrdannce witth tthe higghesst sstanndarrds of ethhicaal ccondductt. It willl bbe aacknnowlledgged as th
20、ee prre-eeminnentt prractticee inn ouur ttargget marrkett.我们精心挑挑选我们们的雇员员。他们们将为成成为公司司的一员员而骄傲傲,他们们会获得得比平均均水平更更高的薪薪水,他他们将在在享受优优越、愉愉快的环环境里工工作。他他们有机机会获得得职业上上的进步步,为个个人发展展寻找空空间,也也有机会会参与公公司的决决策。OOnlyy thhe bbestt caandiidattes avaailaablee wiill be hirred as teaam mmembberss. Theey wwilll bee prroudd too be
21、e paart of thee fiirm andd wiill bennefiit ffromm abbovee avveraage remmuneerattionn, aand an exccelllentt annd eenjooyabble worrkinng eenviironnmennt. Thhey willl bbe ggiveen tthe oppporttuniity forr prrofeessiionaal aadvaanceemennt, perrsonnal groowthh annd tthe oppporttuniity to conntriibutte tto
22、 tthe deccisiion makkingg prroceess witthinn thhe ffirmm.公司的员工工、合伙伙人和客客户之间间高度信信任、互互相尊重重。公司司的每一一个成员员都理解解和赞同同企业的的远景规规划,并并全力实实现目标标。Thheree wiill be a hhighh leevell off trrustt annd mmutuual resspecct aamonngstt alll TTeamm meembeers, Paartnnerss annd CClieentss. Eveery perrsonn wiithiin tthe firrm wwi
23、lll unnderrstaand andd suubsccribbe tto tthe vissionn off thhe ffirmm annd tthe rolle ttheyy pllay in acccompplisshinng tthatt miissiion.公司致力于于提供富富于创意意的服务务。公司司接受的的每项任任务都遵遵循客户户的要求求进行认认真的分分析、精精心的策策划,并并且价格格合理。The firm will continue to develop innovative services and products. The services offered by th
24、e firm will be clearly defined, highly structured and priced in accordance with the value they represent to the client.在您公司的的经营管管理中,您您需要立立即进行行正确处处理的三三件最重重要的事事情是什什么?请按照照10分分制对你你处理这这三件事事的结果果进行评评分。110/110为优优秀,11/100为极不不满意。What are the 3 most important things that you must get right in your business? Pl
25、ease indicate, how you rate your current performance for each of these areas out of 10 e.g. 10/10 fantastic, 1/10 appalling1) /1002) /1003) /100请提供贵公公司今后后五年的的发展规规划Plleasse ddesccribbe bbeloow wwhatt yoou wwoulld llikee yoour bussineess to loook llikee, 55 yeearss frrom noww.贵公司盈利利吗?请提供供过去三三年公司司盈利情况I
26、ss yoour bussineess proofittablle? Plleasse pprovvidee prrofiit/llosss deetaiils forr thhe llastt 3 finnancciall yeearss盈利盈利亏损no200120001999贵公司有专专职的会会计人员员来完成成会计工工作吗?Do youu doo yoour boookkeeepiing andd acccouuntiing in-houuse?是是不是no如果是,请请说明贵贵公司使使用哪一一种财务务软件。If yes, what accounting software do you us
27、e to prepare your Financial Statements?以下报告所所呈报的的频繁度度?Howw frrequuenttly do youu geet tthe folllowwingg reeporrts?报告Repportt每天Daiily每周Weeeklyy每月Monnthlly每季度Quuartterlly每年Annnuallly从来没有NNeveer损益表Prrofiit aand Losss资产负债表表Ballancce SSheeet现金流量表表Cassh FFloww Sttateemennt过期未付款款清单债债务人AAgedd Deebtoors Liss
28、tinng过期未付款款清单债债权人AAgedd Crrediitorr Liistiing销售分析SSalees AAnallysiis库存分析IInveentoory Anaalyssis其它报告OOtheer RRepoortss(请说明) (plleasse ddetaail)贵公司有成成文的战战略计划划吗?如如果有,请请提供复复印件。Do you have a Strategic Business Plan? If yes, please attach a copy没有有没有有个人目标PPerssonaal GGoalls您在贵公司司的职责责是什么么?Whaat iis yyourr
29、roole in thee buusinnesss?您的薪酬水水平?Whaat ssalaary doees tthe bussineess proovidde tto yyou?贵公司有为为您提供供分红与与其它福福利吗?请说明明。Whhat othher remmuneerattionn / bennefiits do youu reeceiive?请说明您每每周平均均工作小小时数OOn aaverragee, hhow manny hhourrs aa weeek do youu woork in youur bbusiinesss小时/周hhourrs pper weeek您是如何分分配
30、工作作时间的的?请在下下面提供供每类工工作占总总工作时时间的百百分比。How do you spend your time? Please provide a breakdown below.工作时间分分配Hoow DDo YYou Speend Youur TTimee%技术性工作作Tecchniicall woork市场与销售售Salles andd Maarkeetinng人力资源管管理Huumann Reesouurcee Maanaggemeent生产管理OOperratiionss Maanaggemeent财务管理FFinaanciial Mannageemennt战略管理与与规
31、划SStraateggic Mannageemennt aand Plaanniing其它(请说说明)Othherpleeasee deetaiil平均每年休休假天数数(不包包括周末末与国家家规定假假期)OOn aaverragee, hhow manny ddayss hoolidday do youu haave eacch yyearr (eexclludiing weeekennds andd puubliic hholiidayys)天/年daays perr yeear请计算您每每小时的的工作酬酬劳:即年总总收入除除以年工工作小时时数(52 x 每每周平均均工作小小时数 - 年年休
32、假小小时数 - 病病假小时时数 - 800小时的的年公休休假日数数)Callcullatee whhat youur aaverragee hoourlly rratee iss byy diividdingg yoour annnuall fiinannciaal rretuurn by thee nuumbeer oof hhourrs yyou worrk iin tthe bussineess (522 x aveeragge hhourrs pper weeek mminuus nnumbber of houurs takken as annnuall annd ssickk lee
33、avee annd mminuus 880 hhourrs ffor pubblicc hooliddayss)请按10分分制对目目前工作作的满意意度进行行评分(10分分为“我非常常满意目目前的工工作”,1分分为“我非常常不满意意目前的的工作”)请就就评分情情况做简简要说明明On a sscalle oof 11-100 (wwithh 100 beeingg “II thhorooughhly enjjoy my bussineess alll off thhe ttimee” aand 1 bbeinng “II wiish I wwas no lonngerr inn thhis bus
34、sineess, itt giivess mee liittlle/ no sattisffacttionn” ppleaase givve aan iindiicattionn off yoour currrennt hhapppineess levvel witth yyourr buusinnesss. Pleeasee coommeent bellow./10在工作中你你最喜欢欢的三件件事是什什么?Whaat 33 thhinggs ddo yyou enjjoy mosst aabouut yyourr buusinnesss?1)2)3)在工作中所所遇到的的最困难难的三件件事是什什
35、么?WWhatt 3 thiingss frrusttratte yyou thee moost aboout youur bbusiinesss?1)2)3)浪费您时间间最多的的三件事事是什么么?这里所所指的是是那些妨妨碍处理理您真正正应该处处理的工工作的事事。Whhat 3 tthinngs wasste youur ttimee moore thaan aanytthinng eelsee? Theese aree thhe tthinngs thaat pprevventt yoou ffromm dooingg whhat youu reeallly nneedd too doo.1
36、)2)3)您有没有计计划什么么时候结结束(或或退出)公司?Wheen ddo yyou plaan tto eexitt thhe bbusiinesss?年yearrs您希望在多多少金额额条件下下结束(或退出出)公司司?或者者是说,您希望望以什么么价位出出售公司司?Howw muuch monney do youu wiish to exiit tthe bussineess witth ii.e. hoow mmuchh doo yoou wwantt too seell thee buusinnesss foor?$您最希望你你的企业业带给您您的三件件事是什什么?Whaat 33 thh
37、inggs wwoulld yyou likke tthe bussineess to proovidde ffor youu?1)2)3)了解客户、市市场与产产品UNNDERRSTAANDIING CUSSTOMMERSS, MMARKKETSS ANND PPRODDUCTTS本部份的SSNAQQ涵盖了了贵公司司的客户户、市场场、产品品及服务务。它旨旨在使顾顾问公司司了解贵贵公司经经营中的的一些重重要信息息,使顾顾问公司司与您一一起设计计出贵公公司的未未来企业业战略。This section of the SNAQ explores your customers, markets, pro
38、ducts and services. It is designed to provide us with important information about your business that will assist us as we work with you to design your future business strategy. 产品与服务务Prooduccts andd Seerviicess贵公司有几几种类型型的产品品或服务务?请详详细说明明。Hoow mmanyy prroduuct or serrvicce ccateegorriess doo yoou ssel
39、ll? PPleaase dettaill thhem bellow.贵公司所出出售的产产品或服服务是什什么?请请详细说说明,或或提供产产品服务务说明书书。Whhat prooduccts andd/orr seerviicess doo yoou sselll? Pleeasee deetaiil bbeloow oor atttachh a prooduccts andd seerviicess liist to thiis qquesstioonnaairee在上述产品品或服务务中,有哪些些是贵公公司专利利产品?如果有有,请详细细说明。Are any of these products
40、and services exclusive to your business? If yes, please explain below没有有没有有在去年的销销售总额额中,有多少少是来自自于贵公公司排列列在前220%重重要的产产品?请提供供这些产产品的具具体销售售金额。Do you know how much your total sales were last year for your top 20% of products? If yes, please provide the amount.没有没有有请说明在过过去三年年里销售售的发展展趋势。是是不是有有些产品品迅速发发展,而而有些产
41、产品逐渐渐衰退?这些变变化给公公司的运运营造成成了什么么样的影影响?请请阐明你你的观点点。Duurinng tthe lasst 33 yeearss whhat havve yyourr saaless trrendds bbeenn? Havve ssomee prroduuct linnes beccomee moore poppulaar aand othherss leess poppulaar? Whhat aree thhe iimpllicaatioons of theese chaangees oon yyourr buusinnesss? Pleeasee coommeen
42、t bellow.客户选择标标准Cuustoomerr Seelecctioon CCritteriia贵公司有正正式的客客户选择择标准吗吗?如果果有,请请详细说说明。DDo yyou havve fformmal cusstommer sellecttionn crriteeriaa? If yess, ppleaase dettaill beeloww.没有没有有贵公司的最最佳客户户是谁?为什么么认为他他是最佳佳客户请说说明原因因。Whho aare youur bbestt cuustoomerrs? Thee onnes, thhat if youu coouldd waave a m
43、magiic wwandd yoou wwoulld llikee too atttraact morre oof tto yyourr buusinnesss? Whyy arre ttheyy yoour besst ccusttomeers ppleaase expplaiin bbeloow.贵公司有否否针对特特定的客客户群提提供服务务?如果有有,请对对该客户户群进行行描述。Are there any customer groups that you specifically target? If yes, please describe them below没有没有有客户反馈CCus
44、ttomeer FFeeddbacck贵公司是否否定期搜搜集客户户反馈意意见?如果有有,请详细细说明是是如何进进行的,多长时时间进行行一次,它的价价值如何何,贵公司司是如何何将这些些客户反反馈意见见用于工工作中去去的。如如果没有有,请说明明原因。Do you regularly seek customer feedback? If yes, please detail how you do this, how often you do this and how valuable you find this process and how you integrate the feedback i
45、nto your business. If no, why not?没有没有有您认为造成成贵公司司客户流流失的主主要原因因是什么么?Whaat ddo yyou thiink is thee maain cauuse of cusstommer deffecttionn frrom youur bbusiinesss?导致客户选选择贵公公司的三三个主要要原因是是什么?Whaat aare thee 3 majjor reaasonns wwhy youur ccusttomeers deaal wwithh yoou?1)2)3)您认为贵公公司独特特卖点是是什么,或者是是说,客户为为什么购购买
46、贵公公司的产产品(不购买买竞争对对手的产产品)?Whaat ddo yyou bellievve aare youur uuniqque selllinng ppoinnts or reaasonns wwhy cusstommerss buuy ffromm yoou (as oppposeed tto yyourr coompeetittorss)?1)2)3)4)5)6)客户与贵公公司打交交道时所所遇到的的最困难难的三件件事是什什么?Whaat aare thee 3 majjor fruustrratiionss thhat youur ccusttomeers expperiienc
47、ce wwithh yoour bussineess?1)2)3)您认为有可可能提高高目前的的市场占占有率吗吗?如果有有可能,能提高高到百分分之几?如果不不可能,请请说明原原因。DDo yyou bellievve tthatt yoou ccoulld iincrreasse yyourr cuurreent marrkett shharee? If yess, tto wwhatt %, iff noo, wwhy nott?没有没有有%战略需求分析问卷Stretigic Needs Analysis QuestionnaireIFC-CPDFPage PAGE 62 of NUMPAGE
48、S 63商业模式TTHE BUSSINEESS MODDELSNAQ的的这一部部份将用用于经营营业绩改改善项目目的模块块三商业模模式。这这部份的的内容涵涵盖了行行业分析析、确定定企业业业绩提升升的潜力力,以及及贵公司司对流动动资金的的需求。This section of the SNAQ seeks information that will assist in Module 3 of the Business Performance Improvement Program The Business Model. The areas covered include industry analy
49、sis, identification of your potential to improve the profit of your business and your working capital requirements.潜在业绩提提升能力力Pottenttiall Buusinnesss Peerfoormaancee Immproovemmentt贵公司的客客户总数数Howw maany cusstommerss doo yoou hhavee?客户每年平平均交易易次数OOn aaverragee, hhow manny ttimees aa yeear do youur ccus
50、ttomeers buyy frrom youu?针对每位客客户的平平均销售售额Whhat is thee avveraage salle vvaluue?贵公司平均均每年新新增客户户的比例例? 即即去年新新客户占占总客户户数的百百分比? (如如果你不不确定, 请提提供所估估算的比比例)WWhatt iss yoour annnuall cuustoomerr accquiisittionn raate? OOf tthe tottal nummberr off cuustoomerrs yyou deaalt witth iin tthe passt yyearr, wwhattperrce
51、nnt aare neww?(IIf yyou do nott knnow, plleasse eestiimatte).%贵公司年客客户流失失率? (如果果你不确确定,请请提供所所估算的的比例)Of thee tootall nuumbeer oof ccusttomeers whoo deealtt wiith youu laast yeaar, whaat pperccentt noo loongeer ddo sso? Whhat is youur aannuual cusstommer deffecttionn raate? (IIf yyou do nott knnow, plle
52、asse eestiimatte).%贵公司毛利利率Whhat is youur GGrosss PProffit %贵公司的半半变动成成本?WWhatt arre yyourr seemi-varriabble cossts贵公司年固固定成本本?Whhat aree yoour annnuall Fiixedd Coostss?贵公司是否否有对每每位客户户或客户户群的终终身价值值进行量量化?如如果有,请请提供其其具体的的价值数数。Haave youu evver atttempptedd too quuanttifyy thhe llifeetimme vvaluue oof eeachh
53、cuustoomerr orr cuustoomerr grroupp too yoour bussineess? IIf yyes, plleasse pprovvidee deetaiils of theeir monnetaary vallue?没有没有有贵公司客户户平均交交易年限限?Hoow mmanyy yeearss onn avveraage doees aa cuustoomerr deeal witth yyou?行业分析IInduustrry AAnallysiis竞争对手CComppetiitorrs这些问题函函盖了贵贵公司竞竞争环境境的所有有方面,如如行业格格局、竞竞争
54、的激激烈程度度、贵公公司在行行业中所所处的位位置等。这这些信息息将用于于确定贵贵公司的的竞争优优势,以以及制定定公司未未来的战战略。TThesse qquesstioons expplorre yyourr coompeetittivee ennvirronmmentt inncluudinng tthe strructturee off thhe iinduustrry, inttenssityy off coompeetittionn annd yyourr poosittionn wiithiin tthe inddusttry. TThe infformmatiion willl bb
55、e uusedd too esstabblissh yyourr coompeetittivee addvanntagges andd yoour futturee sttrattegyy.贵公司有几几个位于于本地的的竞争对对手?或或者是说说,本地地有几个个公司提提供与贵贵公司相相同或类类似的产产品或服服务。(即即使是他他们提供供不同的的品牌)How many “local” businesses are there that you compete with i.e. how many businesses are offering the same products and service
56、s as you (even if they are offering different brands)?其中,有几几家公司司与贵公公司提供供完全相相同的产产品或服服务?Howw maany of thee buusinnessses inccludded in youur aanswwer to thee laast queestiion do youu coonsiiderr too bee “iidennticcal” to youur bbusiinesss ii.e. thhey do exaactlly tthe samme tthinng?这些竞争对对手的规规模与贵贵公司相相比
57、处于于什么样样的水平平 - 有多少少家规模模比贵公公司小,有有多少家家规模比比贵公司司大?请请说明。What is the size of your business in comparison to your competitors how many businesses are smaller and larger than yours? Please explain below.贵公司所处处的行业业中,是大量量小规模模的公司司在相互互竞争,还是被被少数几几家大规规模的公公司所控控制?请阐述述您的观观点。WWoulld yyou sayy thhat youur iinduustrry i
58、is ddomiinatted by a ssmalll nnumbber of bussineessees oor jjustt a feww laargeer ccomppetiitorrs? Pleeasee coommeent竞争优势来来源于什什么,价格、质质量,还是其其它因素素?请说明明。Whhat is thee baasiss foor ccomppetiitioon iin yyourr inndusstryy, ppricce, quaalitty eetc? Plleasse ddesccribbe bbeloow.贵公司YOOUR BUSSINEESS竞争对手 1 CCO
59、MPPETIITORR #11公司名称NNamee?年销售额TTurnnoveer?公司总人数数Nummberr off teeam memmberrs?与贵公司直直接竞争争的产品品/服务务Prooduccts / SServvicees tthatt diirecctlyy coomplletee wiith youur bbusiinesss?优势,如规规模,技能等等Strrenggthss e.g. sizze, skiillss ettc?劣势,如服服务质量量低下等等Weaakneessees ee.g. pooor serrvicce eetc?营业成本的的结构(高、中中或低?)Ov
60、verhheadd coostss sttruccturre (higgh / meediuum oor llow)?竞争优势CComppetiitivve AAdvaantaage?评分,如 #1, #22, #3 oor #4?RRankkingg e.g. #1, #22, #3 oor #4?所服务的客客户群?What cusstommer seggmennts aree seerveed?客户购买贵贵公司产产品的理理由,如价格格、产品品或服务务质量等等Whyy doo yoou tthinnk ccusttomeers buyy frrom thiis bbusiinesss ee.
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