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1、2023学年九上英语期末模拟测试卷考生须知:1全卷分选择题和非选择题两部分,全部在答题纸上作答。选择题必须用2B铅笔填涂;非选择题的答案必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或答字笔写在“答题纸”相应位置上。2请用黑色字迹的钢笔或答字笔在“答题纸”上先填写姓名和准考证号。3保持卡面清洁,不要折叠,不要弄破、弄皱,在草稿纸、试题卷上答题无效。. 单项选择1、-_did you buy the car? -I _it since 2010.AHow long, have bought BHow long , have hadCWhen, have bought DWhen, have had2、Excuse me,

2、 could you tell me ?There is a bank on the second floor. You can make it there.Awhere the bank isBhow I can get to the bankCif theres a bank near hereDwhere I can exchange money3、Many old men prefer_ in a peaceful countryside.Ato liveBlivingCliveDlived4、Andy doesnt want to see the film Coco because

3、he it twice.AseesBis seeingCwill seeDhas seen5、The father was looking for a present for his son, one at a proper price but great use.Ain Bof Cwith Dfor6、Would you like to go to the museum with me?Id love to, _ Im afraid I have no time.AbutBandCorDso7、Oh, the room is too dirty, Tony!Sorry, Mom. It ye

4、sterday. I forgot to do it.Adidnt cleanBisnt cleanedCwas cleanedDwasnt cleaned8、The factory over 1200 cars a month. My car in it in 2013.Aproduces,was produced Bwas produced,producesCproduces,produces Dwas produced,produced9、 Fathers day is coming. Have you prepared any presents for your father? Not

5、 yet, but Im sure I _ one for him.Abought Bbuy Chave bought Dwill buy10、When the plane hit the World Trade Center, _ people _ in it.Athousands of; workedBthousand of; were workingCthousands of; were workingDthousand of; worked. 完形填空11、 There is a little girl. She is six years old. One day she asks h

6、er parents, 1 do you call me April?Because you were born 2 April, says her mother. The little girl is happy to know that. She likes her 3 April likes the 4 , too. Her parents 5 have a birthday party for her in that month. All her friends come and have a great time at the party Last week, April got a

7、 little 6 .Everyone came to visit her family. They talked about names for the 7 baby April 8 know why they did this. She thought its 9 for her to give a name to the baby. He was born in February, 10 we should call him February, she thought1AHowBWhyCWhat2AinBonCat3AfamilyBclothesCname4AdayBweekCmonth

8、5AalwaysBoftenCseldom6AfriendBbrotherCsister7AnewBluckyCspecial8AcantBdidntCshouldnt9AboringBeasyCdifficult10AsoBorCAnd. 语法填空12、Every child has his own dream.Every child hopes to be 1 adult.However,is it really like what they imagine? As a boy2lives in modern times and in a modern city,I feel greate

9、r pressure(压力)on me with the 3(city) development.Although we seldom worry 4money,we still have some other 5(problem),such as competition among classmates and expectation(期望)from parents.These experiences are very helpful to our future.But in fact they really give 6(I)a lot of pressure.I still clearl

10、y remember the happiness of my childhood.Unluckily,we have to face the fact with time passing by.We begin 7(feel)this invisible(无形的)pressure come upon us.We get up before sunrise 8 come back after sunset.We work and study like an adult,even 9(hard)What we do is to get an excellent mark.Growing up is

11、 very boring,but we should try to find happiness while growing up.I think friendship among our friends,the support from our parents and the encouragement from our teachers can help us.Why not 10(enjoy)the pleasure of growing up and its delicious taste?. 阅读理解A13、Three students are choosing a course a

12、t the West Midlands College of Technology.1(小题1)We can learn from the passage that Clara is a(an) _ person.Apatient Bactive Cgentle Dtraditional2(小题2)Taka wants to learn _ with computers from the Information Technology Course.Ahow to design clothesBhow to make photos betterChow to draw wellDhow to b

13、e a nice tour guide3(小题3)Besides the Performing Arts Course, _ might be another good choice for Ben.Athe Leisure and Tourism CourseBthe Sports Studies CourseCthe Information Technology CourseDthe Fashion Designing CourseB14、Go “back” in timeIs there a way to quickly recall(回忆)information just before

14、 taking an exam? Walking backwards might be a solution. Scientists from the University of Roehampton in the UK said this activity can help people improve their short-term memory.Researchers asked 114 volunteers to watch a video. After watching the video, the volunteers were split(分成) into three grou

15、ps. One group was told to walk 10 meters forward. The second group walked 10 meters backwards. The third group stood in one place. All three groups were then asked 20 questions about what they saw in the video. The scientists found that the backward-walking group got two more answers correct than th

16、e other two groups.This suggests that the link between the concepts(概念)of time and space is important in terms of how our minds form memories. “Time is really expressed via(通过)space,” Aleksandra, who led the study, told the Daily Mail. When you walk backwards, you see things from a different angle(角

17、度) compared to walking forward, This difference helps people recall things that happened in the past.And walking backwards is not just good for our brains. It is also good for the rest of our body. Compared to walking forward, walking backwards is more challenging. This can help us improve our fitne

18、ss, according to New Scientist. Walking backwards uses more energy in a short time and burns more calories(卡路里).In addition, walking backwards is less stressful for our knees. It could be helpful for people who often have pain in their knees, according to researchers from the University of Oregon in

19、 the US. Walking backwards also keeps our spines(脊柱) strong, which can help to ease(缓解)pain in the lower back. This might be why many old people like walking backwards.1What does “this activity” in Paragraph 1 refer to(指的是)?ARecalling information.BTaking an exam.CWalking backwards.DImproving memory.

20、2The second paragraph is written to .Aintroduce a useful way of walkingBshow who can answer more questions correctlyCexplain why walking backwards improves memoryDdescribe how researchers did their experiment3Which group got two more answers correct in the study?AThe forward-walking group.BThe backw

21、ard-walking group.CThe standing-in-one-place group.DAll groups.4According to New Scientist, how can walking backwards be helpful?AIt helps people remember information.BIt allows people to see things in a new angle.CIt helps people burn more calories.DIt can ease pain in peoples knees and backs.5What

22、 do we know from the passage?AWalking backwards can help people in many ways.BScientists suggest walking backwards for 10 meters every day.CMemories are formed when we do challenging activities.DOld people like walking backwards because it can help them lose weight.C15、 Two girls, one older and the

23、other younger, became close friends as a result of the same misfortune they met with- -a fire made them lose their homes and their mothers. Both of them were disfigured and had several operations on their faces, yet they said they were fortunate enough to be alive.Girl A (the older one ), returning

24、from the hospitals ICU to her bed, was scared and almost passed out at the first looking like a ghost, as she saw herself reflected by the stainless steel railings around her bed. She said,” I met a ghost on the railing. How horrible! I was really terrified, but I didnt collapse(崩溃) completely. When

25、 is it that one feels grateful for his or her survival? It must be now like this. Thank goodness! I am still alive.”The first phone call that Girl A gave to Girl B (the younger one) raised a question: “Do you know why I am so glad?” She gave the answer without waiting for a reply, “ Because when I g

26、ot hold of a loop(吊圈) on a bar in the bus to make myself stand like others, I felt very happy that I had a pair of hands.”Girl Bs words were also very moving. She replied, “Hey, you know, dont be surprised by what Im going to say. It was true. Let me ask you first. Do I look pretty? No, of course no

27、t. But before 11 years old I was pretty. I has snow-white skin, big eyes and a round face. I was also a wild kid. I think Id grow up naughty if I was not properly educated. I would fall in love with other boys and become a bad girl, if I hadnt met the disaster. I disliked going to school. Id prefer

28、playing all day long. If there were not such a fire, I wouldnt have had chances of meeting so many kind strangers that help me to realize how wonderful life is. If there were not such an accident, I would grow into a beautiful lady. But now I am more considerate, grateful, hard-working and independe

29、nt of others. Such a person as I am today will always be pretty all my life.”We never know what is waiting for us ahead. Yet, we still have the right to choose a positive attitude to face it.1The underlined word “disfigured” in Paragraph 1 means ?A厌恶的B毁容的C残疾的D颓废的2Why did Girl A almost pass out when

30、seeing herself?ABecause she couldnt accept the changes on her faceBBecause she was too sad about the death of her motherCBecause her operation was successful and she felt too excited.DBecause she was too weak to keep awake after the operation.3Which of the following statement is TRUE?AThe older girl

31、 gave up hope completely in the hospital.BThe younger girl felt happy when holding the loop in the bus.CThe younger girl wanted to play all day long after the disaster.DThe two girls didnt give up their belief in life and still felt grateful.4In what order did the following events take place in the

32、story?a. Two girls talked on the telephone.b. A terrible fire happened.c. The younger girl hated going to school.d. The two girls mothers died.e. The older girl had an operation on her face.Ab-d-e-c-aBb-d-a-c-e.Cc-b-d-e-aDc-b-d-a-e5Whats the best title of the story?AA terrible FireBTwo Terrified Gir

33、lsCRise from the FireDAn Encouraging ConversationD16、Have you ever heard of Stonehenge( 巨石阵 )? These ancient huge stones have been standing on the Salisbury Plains(索尔兹伯平原 ) in England for thousands of years. Who build Stonehenge? Some people said that the ancient Greeks built it. Some people said th

34、at it was a site where UFO landed. Its still a mystery.However, it is clear that the first stones arrived at Stonehenge around the same time as the ancient Egyptians were building the pyramids. These stones can only be found in South Wales, nearly 150 miles away. It was a huge job to move these ston

35、es far from Wales because originally there were about 80 of them here at Stonehenge. And each of the stone weighs about forty tons. To move one of these forty-ton stones, we need at least 150 people.However, building Stonehenge was much more difficult. It is not just simply one stone piled on to top

36、 of another, theyre joined together.Though many of the stones have fallen, Stonehenge still attracts nearly five thousand tourists every day. And after nearly 5000 years Stonehenge is still standing. It is sure that Stonehenge has something to do with the summer and winter solstices (夏至日/冬至日). Natur

37、e may well know all the answers, but science has yet to prove its theories. It seems Stonehenge isnt ready to tell all its secrets yet.1How did ancient people move these huge stones to the plain?ABy air. BBy ship. CBy labor DUnknown2Which of the following statement is true?AThe scientists have alrea

38、dy solved all the problems about Stonehenge.BIt is easier to build Stonehenge than to transport there huge stones.CSome aliens build Stonehenge as a site to land their UFO.DStonehenge showed the summer and winter solstices to ancient people.3Which is the best title for the passage?AAn Egyptian Myste

39、ry. BThe Building of Stonehenge.CAnswer of Nature. DStonehengeAn Ancient Secret.E17、Dear doctor,First Aid is the immediate care given to a person who has been injured or suddenly ill, including self-help and home care if medical help cant be given in time. First aid knowledge means life or death dur

40、ing an emergent(紧急的)situation. So I want to learn something important about general treatment to burns and heatstroke(中暑). Can you help me? JackDear Jack,Thank you for asking me some questions about first aid. I hope I can give you a hand.General Treatment to Burns: Move the injured away from the he

41、at. Check the breathing as well as the size and depth of burns. Wash the burnt area with water to reduce pain. Cover the wound with a sterilized(消毒的)dressing For burns on the face, use sheet or something else to cover the burnt area.Heatstroke:To avoid heatstroke, you should stop tiring activities i

42、n hot weather. If you still go outdoors, you should: wear light loose-fitting(宽松的)clothing. rest in a cool place as often as possible; drink boiled water or fruit juice; avoid drinks such as milk, wine and beer. Doctor1First Aid is given .Awhen doctors arriveBbefore doctors arriveCafter doctors arri

43、veDto patients in hospital2If someones arm is burnt by a fire, you should .Acover his arms with some sheetBcut his arm off to get it away from the fireCcheck the size of his arm firstDput his arm under some running water3What should you do if you must go outdoors in hot weather?AWear close clothesBR

44、est outdoors as often as possible,CDrink boiled water or fruit juice.DDrink milk, wine and beer.F18、When I was young, I sometimes traveled the country roads with my dad. He was a mail carrier, and on Saturdays he would ask me to go with him. Driving through the countryside was always fun: There were

45、 animals to see, people to visit, and chocolate cookies if you knew where to stop, and Dad did.On Dads final day of work, it took him well into the evening to complete his rounds because at least one member from each family was waiting at their mailboxes to thank him for his friendship and his years

46、 of service. Mailboxes were sometimes used for things other than mail. One note left in a mailbox read, “Nat, take these eggs to Marian; shes baking a cake and doesnt have any eggs.” A young girl wrote letters but had no stamps, so she left a few buttons on the envelope in the mailbox; Dad paid for

47、the stamps. One businessman used to leave large amounts of cash in his mailbox for Dad to take to the bank. Once, the amount came to $32,000.A dozen years ago, when I traveled back to my hometown on the sad occasion of Dads death, the mailboxes along the way reminded me of some of his stories. I tho

48、ught I knew them all, but that wasnt the case.As I drove home, I noticed two lamp poles, which supported wooden boxes about four feet off the ground. For years children had dropped letters to Santa through those boxes. I made a turn at the corner and drove past the post office and across the railroa

49、d tracks to our house.Frank Townsend, Dads postmaster and great friend for many years. So we all sat down at the table and began to tell stories.At one point Frank looked at me with tears in his eyes. “What are we going to do about the letters this Christmas?”he asked.“The letters?”“I guess you neve

50、r knew.”“Knew what?”“Remember, when you were a kid and you used to put your letters to Santa boxes on Main Street? It was your dad who answered all those letters every year.”I just sat there with tears in my eyes. It wasnt hard for me to imagine Dad sitting at the old oak table in our basement readi

51、ng those letters and answering each one. I have since spoken with several of the people who received Christmas letters during their childhood, and they told me how amazed they were that Santa had known so much about their homes and families.For me, just knowing that story about my father was the gif

52、t of a lifetime.1It can be inferred from the passage that the writer regarded his travels with Dad as _.Aexciting experiences with a lot of funBhappy occasions to play with baby chickensCgreat chances to help other peopleDgood opportunities to enjoy chocolate cookies2The writer provides the detail about the businessman to show that _.ADad had a strong sense of dutyBDad had a strong sense of honorCDad was an honest and reliable manDDad was a kind and g


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