



1、2023学年九上英语期末模拟测试卷考生须知:1全卷分选择题和非选择题两部分,全部在答题纸上作答。选择题必须用2B铅笔填涂;非选择题的答案必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或答字笔写在“答题纸”相应位置上。2请用黑色字迹的钢笔或答字笔在“答题纸”上先填写姓名和准考证号。3保持卡面清洁,不要折叠,不要弄破、弄皱,在草稿纸、试题卷上答题无效。. 单项选择1、What do you think of the companys new ideas?I dont agree with _. But I have to say some of them are of value.AallBanythingCanyDnon

2、e2、Dont keep _ when you are asked some questions in class.AsilentBgenerousCforgetfulDprivate3、Do you know three students of our school have invented a useful glasses case?-Really? I am so proud of _.Athey Btheir Cthem4、Do you know _ Johnson left?To pick up his son from school.AwhenBhowCwhereDwhy5、Co

3、uld you tell me ? I must find him. Sorry, I have no idea. But he was here just now.Awhere Tom wasBwhere Tom isCwhere can I find TomDwhere has Tom gone6、My parents are crazy about Running ManHow about your parents?_ my dad _ my mom likes it,But they prefer Ode to Joy(欢乐颂)ANot only;but also BBoth;andC

4、Either;or DNeither;nor7、Tony likes watching cartoons very much. The pictures of cartoon heroes are _ in his room.AanywhereBnowhereCsomewhereDeverywhere8、一I went someone to write the report for me.一No! As a student, you depend on yourself.AwillBcanCshallDmay9、Experts predict that robots _ in many fie

5、lds in the future.Awill be used Bare used Cwere used Dhave been used10、Singing is a form of expression that can be understood by everyone. Also, some songs can cheer people up when they _ in trouble.Awill beBarentCare. 完形填空11、Paper cutting is a traditional art in China. It has a long history. The ki

6、nd of art went 1 the invention of paper in Han Dynasty,once became one of the main forms of art,and was 2 with the people of that time.Most of the paper cutting artists are women. The themes of their works usually include everything in peoples 3 life. Familiarity makes them understand the real 4 of

7、the art.The main tool for paper cutting is 5 Once they are owned by a master (主人) of paper cutting,they will do so 6 that they become so supernatural and their paper cuttings are beyond (超过) imagination of a common pair of scissors. 7 tool for paper cutting is engraving knives which are necessary to

8、 improve effect (效果) or to make a delicate (精巧) job.Art comes from life and 8 life. Paper cutting is very popular in the countryside. The bright colors of red,green or light blue art pieces provide a strong foil (衬托) to set off a merry atmosphere (气氛) 9 they are often found in wedding ceremonies (结婚

9、典礼) or festivals in China. And people like to decorate their windows and doors 10 these colorful art pieces of different shapes and sizes whether they are birds,animals or flowers.1Abefore Bafter Cat2Apopular Bdiscovered Cfilled3Aevery Beach Ceveryday4Aspirit Bmark Cway5Ascissor Bscissors Ca scissor

10、6Agood Bwell Cbad7AAnother BMore COnly8Aleaves Bprovides Cserves9ABut BThough CSo10Ause Busing Cused. 语法填空12、I often hear some students say English is difficult, and it gives them a headache. But English is very easy for me. Im good at it. Im very glad 1 (tell) you something about how I study Englis

11、h. First, I think an interest in English is very important. When I learned English first, it was fresh for me. I was interested in it, so I worked hard at it and soon 2 (get) a very good mark. How happy I was! After that, I learned English harder and harder. And I also have a good habit: whenever I

12、have a question, I must make it clear by 3 (ask) our teacher.Second, I think English is a foreign language. I should learn it well. I often 4(listen) to the teacher carefully, speak bravely, read aloud and have a good vocabulary. Then practice again and again, never be tired. I think English 5 (lear

13、n) well, because it is useful. Besides this, I often read English stories, jokes and easy novels. They help me 6 (understand ) a lot of things. So to do more reading is an important way to learn English well. I 7 (study)for almost three years. English has become a close friend of mine. I hope each o

14、f you will learn English well. 阅读理解A13、In the most southern part of our planet, theres a place thats covered with snow and ice all year round. But it has the clearest and cleanest air. Amazingly, in this place, the sun sometimes hangs even in the midnight sky. This place is Antarctica (南极洲): the col

15、dest, windiest and harshest (恶劣的) place on the Earth.As the worlds least-known place, Antarctica is of great interest to scientists around the world. In 1983, China joined the Antarctic Treaty (南极条约). The treaty made Antarctica a peaceful place for member countries to do scientific research. During

16、30 years, China has sent many scientists to Antarctica. They mostly look at the resources under the icy land and do research about climate change and marine (海洋的) biology.Antarctica is a place with fantastic views. However, life there is very hard. Food is one of the biggest problems. Frozen food wh

17、ich can be heated easily is peoples daily food. Fresh vegetables are hard to grow in the cold weather. Therefore, scientists often eat dried or canned vegetables.Sleep is also troublesome. In Antarctica, summer lasts from November to March. During this period, Antarctica points to the sun and receiv

18、es sunlight 24 hours a day. In order to get some sleep, scientists cover the windows with black plastic cloth to create “night”.Working in Antarctica is dangerous, especially when meeting gale-force(七级以上的)winds.Sometimes the wind is even stronger than a typhoon.It can easily blow people away.So ther

19、e are ropes that connect buildings of some research stations.People can hold these ropes to keep their balance in forceful winds.Whats more, communicating with others is difficult. Without cables and Internet in some research stations, two-way radios are the only tools to communicate. If people want

20、 to say hello to friends and relatives, they can use satellite phones.Although it is challenging(挑战) to work in Antarctica, scientistspassionto learn about this mysterious land will never end. It is hopeful that one day they will step every corner of this icy land.1Scientists from China go to Antarc

21、tica to _.Afind out ways to control water pollutionBresearch climate change and marine biologyCgrow plants and vegetables in special conditionDstop the hunters from killing the marine biology2In order to sleep well in Antarctica, the scientists have to _.Awear more clothes to keep warm Bcover the wi

22、ndows with black clothCconnect research stations with ropes Deat more fried and canned vegetables3We can replace (替换) the underlined wordpassionin the last paragraph with .Astrong love Bfull preparationCpleasant introduction Damazing imagination4The passage is mainly about .Aview of the AntarcticaBe

23、xploring the AntarcticaChow to survive in the AntarcticaDclimate changes of the AntarcticaB14、AHappiness Shopping Coupons(购物券)Six Hours Free parking: If you spend $100 or more in our stores you will receive six hours of free parking. Take this coupon to the customer service desk on level 4. They wil

24、l stamp your parking ticket to allow 6 hours of free parking.Win a $ 100 CD Collection: Win your choice of $100 worth of CDs from JB Music Store. Just buy any two CDs and your name will go into the competition. Select your own prize from our wide variety of rock, pop, jazz, and classical music.Buy O

25、ne, Get One Free: Buy one shirt or tie at Daniels Menswear, and get another shirt or tie of the same value free. 10% Off: Show this coupon at The Book Store to get a 10% discount on any books you buy. We have lots of books to choose from, including childrens books, novels, travel guides, and science

26、 works. Free Soft Drink: Buy any meal for at least $ 6 at Mikes Caf, and receive a free soft drink. We serve the best food in the Shopping Center. Come in and try our delicious meals and our excellent service. Half-price Movie Tickets: Buy any full price movie ticket on Tuesdays or Wednesdays, and y

27、ou can buy a second ticket for a friend for only half price. The latest movies are here, showing in one of our five cinemas at Happiness Shopping Center.1What are these ads for?APlace to go on vacation. BProducts you can order online.CSpecial offers at a shopping center. DThings on sale in a big sto

28、re.2If you spend $ 100 or more, _.Ayou can receive a 6-hour parking ticket Byou can get a free shirt or tieCyou can enter a music competition Da free book will belong to you3Which of the following is TRUE according to the ads?ATo park at the shopping center, you need to buy some stamps.BIf you buy t

29、wo CDs, you will be sure to get another CD for free at JBCOne person can buy 2 tickets for the price of one in any cinema.DAt Mikes Caf, people can get a free drink after spending $ 6.C15、A car inside Badaling Wildlife Park in Beijing was surrounded (围堵)by bears on February 26th after someone in the

30、 car opened a window. A witness(目击者) said online that a bear reached inside the car, trying to attack the tourists.The witness said a child in the car opened the window. Park officials rushed to the scene and drove off the bears before anybody was hurt. It was too dangerous.It was a child in the bac

31、kseat of the car who opened the window, just a little, and a bear stretched its paw into the car. The child must have been terrified and pressed the wrong button, as the window opened wider, said the witness, Jennifer Salvatore.Opening a car window is prohibited(禁止)while driving through the wildlife

32、 park. The park has posted warning signs telling sightseers not to open car windows while in the park.This is the second accident in the last six months involving humans and wildlife at the park. In July, a woman was attacked by tigers when she got out of her car. The womans mother was killed while

33、attempting to save her daughter and the younger woman was seriously injured.With this latest incident, debate(争论) has once again been stirred(激起) regarding security at the wildlife park, and the behavior of visitors. Some people who have offered opinions online have blamed the tourists themselves fo

34、r not obeying the posted rules inside Badaling Wildlife Park. Others have said that park administration should be doing even more to ensure the safety of guests, like increasing staff levels to keep better watch over park visitors.1Where did this accident happen?ATateishi mountainBThe park of Qin Hu

35、ang riverCThe Hebanshan national Forest ParkDBadaling Wildlife Park2Who opened the window of the car?Aa bearBa child in the carCthe park officialsDthe driver3Which is Not true about the accident?AJennifer Salvatore spread this accident online.BThe child in the backseat of the car who opened the wind

36、ow.CThe child was injured by the bear.DThe first accident was that a woman was attacked by tigers when she got out of her car in July last year.4Which is the right order of this accident?a.A bear stretched its paw into the car.b.A witness spread the event online.c.People showed their own ideas about

37、 the accident. d.The window opened wider because the child was so terrified and pressed the wrong button.Aa.b.c.d.Bd.a.b.cCd.c.b.a.Da.c.b.d.5From this passage, we can infer _.AThe child is in the car with parents.BThe child likes bears very much.CAll the wildlife parks will be closed in China.DMore

38、rules will be set to ensure the safety of visitors.D16、As the birds wake up the people on the farm early in the morning, one man is already up. In fact, he has never slept not once in the past 36 years.The man has never been ill after so many years of insomnia(失眠). This has not only made him famous,

39、 but also interested many scientists to study him.Sixty-four-year-old Thai Ngoc said he could not sleep at night after getting a fever in 1973, and since that time he has experienced more than 14,000 sleepless nights.来源:Zxxk.Com“I dont know whether the insomnia hasimpactedmy health or not, but Im st

40、ill healthy and can work normally like others,” Ngoc said.His wife said, “My husband used to sleep well, but these years, nothing can make him get to sleep.” She said when Ngoc went to Da Nang for a medical examination, doctors said he was healthy.Ngoc now lives on his farm at the foot of mountain,

41、busy farming and taking care of pigs and chickens all day. “I have tried sleeping pills and some other medicine, but nothing helps, even to sleep for a few minutes,” he said.Ngoc often does more farm work or helps his neighbors during the sleepless night.1(小题1)Why is Thai Ngoc famous?AHe gets up ver

42、y early every morning.BHe always helps other famers with their work.CHe hasnt slept for more than thirty years.DHe does farm work instead of sleeping at night.2(小题2)What does the underlined word “impacted” mean?Aaffected BimprovedCchecked Dstayed3(小题3)What is Ngoc busy doing every day?ATaking sleepi

43、ng pills and trying to sleep.BFarming and taking care of pigs and chicken.CGoing to see doctors everywhere.DGoing to the scientists and letting them study him.4(小题4)Which would be the best title for the passage?AA Great Man. BA Lazy Man.CAn Insomnia Man. DA Strange ManE17、Once a tiger was in a cage.

44、 Soon a good man went by. As soon as the tiger saw the man, the tiger began to cry. “Please! Please!” the tiger called. “Please, let me out.” “No,” said the good man. “If I do, you will eat me.” “I will not eat you,” the tiger said. “Please let me out.”The good man believed the tiger. He opened the

45、door of the cage. The tiger jumped out. “How silly you are,” the tiger laughed. “Now I am going to eat you.” “Wait!” the man cried. “You ought not to eat me. Let us ask others what they think.” “You may ask three others. ” the tiger said.The good man asked a tree. The tree said, “I give shade (树荫).

46、And yet I am cut down. Let the tiger eat you.”Next, the good man asked a bird. The bird said, “I hurt no one. Yet people hunt and kill me. Let the tiger eat you.”The last one that the good man asked was a road. The road said, “I dont care if the tiger eats you. People could not get along too well wi

47、thout me. Yet all day and all night people step on me without even a thank you.”The tiger was ready to eat the good man. Just then a dog came by. “What is happening?” asked the dog. The man told the dog the whole story.“I dont understand,” said the dog. “The tiger wants to eat you because you put hi

48、m in a cage?”“No, no,” said the man. “Some other men put him in a cage.”“Oh,” the dog said. “He is going to eat you because you do not have a cage.”“Silly dog!” the tiger cried. “Dont you understand? I was in the cage. This man let me out.”“Oh, I see,” the dog said. “When the man was in the cage, yo

49、u let him out.”“I was in the cage!” the tiger cried. “In this way!” with that, he jumped back into the cage.At once, the dog closed the door of the cage. “Oh,” the dog laughed. “At last I understand!”The good man and the dog walked off. The tiger looked sad in the cage. If he waited long enough, per

50、haps another good man would come by.根据材料内容选择最佳答案, 并将其标号填入题前括号内。1When the tiger saw the man, he began to cry, because _.Ahe wanted the man to help him out of the cageBhe wanted to eat the manChe wanted to eat the dogDhe wanted to eat the bird2After the tiger jumped out of the cage, he wanted _.Ato th

51、ank the man Bto eat the manCto ask the others Dto run away3The tree _ with the tiger because _ to the tree.Aagreed; humans were kindBagreed; humans were not kindCdisagreed; humans were kindDdisagreed; humans were not kind4The bird let the tiger eat the man because _.Apeople helped birdsBit liked tig

52、ersCit liked the manDpeople hunted and killed him5What happened to the tiger at last?AThe dog agreed that the tiger could eat the good man.BThe tiger jumped back into the cage and was closed in the cage again.CThe tiger ate the good man and the dog.DThe tiger made friends with the good man and the d

53、og.F18、GREENWOOD INTERNATIONAL SCHOOLName: Paula VannettiClass: 4-B Term 3 / 2016 TimetableMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday09:00 10:00MathsPEHistoryMathsEnglish10:00 11:00EnglishMathsGeographyItalianItalianBREAK11:30 12:30ScienceItalianMathsScienceHistory12:30 13:30ItalianKEnglishScienceEnglishI

54、CTLUNCH15:00 16:00MusicGeographyICTArtPEAFTER SCHOOL CLUBS16:00 17:00GuitarBasketballGuitarBasketball1How long does each class last?AFor one hour.BFor two hours.CFor three hours.DFor four hours.2How many classes are there at the school each day?AFour.BFive.CSix.DTwenty-nine.3When can students start to have lunch?AAt 1


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