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1、2023学年九上英语期末模拟测试卷注意事项1考生要认真填写考场号和座位序号。2试题所有答案必须填涂或书写在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。第一部分必须用2B 铅笔作答;第二部分必须用黑色字迹的签字笔作答。3考试结束后,考生须将试卷和答题卡放在桌面上,待监考员收回。. 单项选择1、Susan _ her friends invitation, for she has an important meeting to take part in.Acut downBpulled downCturned downDwrote down2、 What are you doing now, Kate? I an

2、 email to my friend.Awrite Bam writing Cwrote Dhave written3、My mother wont allow my father to drive he promises to give up drinking.AunlessBsinceCafter4、Which of the two subjects do you like, art or music?_. They are really interesting.ANeitherBBothCNone5、- May I speak to John?- Sorry, he _Japan. B

3、ut he _in two days.Ahas been to, will come backBhas gone to, will be backChas been in, would come backDhas gone to, wont cone back6、Excuse me, could you tell me_?Awhere is the parking lotBhow can I get to the parking lotCif there is a parking lot near here7、Lets turn on the TV and watch the football

4、 match.Its too late. It_for an hour. And the result was 1-0.China won.Ahas finished Bhas begun Chas been on Dhas been over8、 Daniel, I m still not sure . Why not? No one is better than you in our class.Ahow I can prepare for the competitionBwhether I should take part in the competitionCwho I can ask

5、 for more information about the competitionDwhen I can enter the competition9、_ a light when necessary. You will bring light to other people and yourself.ATry onBGet onCTurn onDPut on10、On Nov 9,2016,Donald Trump _ as the 45th president of the United States.Achooses BchoseCis chosen Dwas chosen. 完形填

6、空11、A young man entered the last interview of a company. The director 1 that the young mans grades were very good. “Did you get any 2 in school?” the director asked. “Yes.” the young man answered. “Was it your 3 who paid for your school fees?” the director asked. “My father 4 when I was one year old

7、, 5 my mother paid for my school fees.” the young man answered. “Where did your mother work?” the director asked. “She cleaned clothes,” the young man said. The director looked 6 the young mans hands which are smooth and 7 .“Have you ever helped your mother 8 before?” the director asked. “Never,” th

8、e young man answered. “I have a request,” the director said, “When you go back today, go and clean your mothers 9 , and then see me tomorrow morning.”The young man felt that his 10 of getting the job was high. When he went back, he 11 asked his mother to let him clean her hands. His mother felt 12 ,

9、 happy but with mixed feelings. She showed her hands to the kid. The young mans tears fell as he saw them. It was the 13 time he had noticed that his mothers hands were so wrinkled. He realized that it was this pair of hands that helped him pay the fees.The next 14 , the young man went to the direct

10、ors office and said, “I know that 15 my mother, I would not be the person I am today.” “This is what I want,” the director said. “I need a person who can appreciate the help of others and get things done. You are hired.”1Adiscovered Bknew Cfound Dconfirmed2Afriendship Bscholarship Cleadership Drelat

11、ionship3Afather Bmother Cgrandfather Dgrandmother4Athrew away Bran away Ctook away Dpassed away5Aand Bso Cor Dyet6Afor Bover Cat Dout7Augly Bperfect Cclean Duntidy8Aclean the house Bcook dishes Cdo shopping Dwash the clothes9Ahands Blegs Cfeet Deyes10Aability Bskill Cchance Dhabit11Aproperly Bsimply

12、 Csadly Dhappily12Aexcited Bcrazy Cstrange Dnervous13Afirst Bsecond Cthird Dfourth14Anight Bevening Cafternoon Dmorning15Awith Bwithout Cwithin Dexcept. 语法填空12、阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。将答案填写在答题纸的相应位置。There was a man who had four sons. He wanted his sons to learn not to judge things too 1

13、(quick). So he sent them to go and look at a pear tree that was a great distance away in turn. The first son went 2 winter, the second in spring, the third in summer, and the3 (young) son in fall.When they had all gone and come back, he called them together to describe4 they had seen. The first son

14、said that the tree was ugly and bent. The second son contradictedit was5 (cover) with green buds and full of promise. The third son said it was laden with blossoms that smelled so sweet and looked so beautiful. The last son 6( agree) with all of them. He said it was ripe and filled with fruit, full

15、of life and fulfillment.The man then explained to his sons that they were all right, because they had each seen but one season in the 7(tree) life. He told them that you cannot judge a tree,8 a person, by only one season,and that the essence of who they arethe pleasure, joy, and love that come from

16、that lifecan only be judged at the end, when all the seasons are up.If you give up when its winter, you will miss the hope of your spring, the 9 (beautiful) of your summer, fulfillment of your fall. Dont let the pain of one season destroy the joy10 all the rest. 阅读理解A13、On October 17,2016 the Shenzh

17、ou-11 manned spaceship was sent into space from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Centre in Gansu. Two days later the spaceship successfully connected with the space laboratory Tiangong-2. It meant China got closer to its plan of building a space station in 2020.The spaceship took two Chinese astronauts

18、to space this time. Jing Haipeng was an experienced astronaut who flew on Shenzhou-7 in 2008 and Shenzhou-9 in 2012. But it was Chen Dongs first space flight.Jing and Chen were given a 30-day task on Tiangong-2. They tested new technology and did experiments to prepare for future space station tasks

19、. The astronauts themselves were also the subject(对象) of those experiments. The life support devices(设备) they used and how they lived inside the space laboratory were studied. No Chinese astronaut had stayed in space for that long before.A month-long space task was not easy, so Chinese scientists an

20、d engineers had come up with lots of new technologies to allow astronauts to stay more safely and more comfortably in space.One of the new technologies tested during this task was a device called “space hospital”. The space hospital was two little silver boxes tied around the two astronauts legs. Th

21、rough the “space hospital”, scientists and doctors on the Earth could watch the astronauts heart rate and temperature. When the astronauts felt tired, the “space hospital” could even massage(为按摩) them.After this task, China is expected to send an unmanned cargo spaceship(无人货运飞船) in mid-April next ye

22、ar. It will dock with Tiangong-2 and take new fuel to the space laboratory.1The spaceship docked with the space laboratory Tiangong-2 on _.AOctober 17 BOctober 19 CNovember 19 DNovember 202How many times has Jing Haipeng been to space?AOnce. BTwice. CThree times. DFour times.3From this passage, we c

23、an learn that Jing and Chen stayed in the space laboratory for_.Athree days Ba month Cthirty-three days Dtwo months4What is the “space hospital” used for?AProtecting astronauts safety BWatching the astronauts heart rate and temperatureCMassaging the astronaut DAll the above5Which of the following is

24、 NOT true according to the passage?AChina will build its own space station in 2020.BIn October, 2016 Chen Dong took his first space flight.CThe two astronauts themselves did experiments in space.DIn 2020 another cargo spaceship will take new fuel to the space laboratory.B14、Danny lived for football.

25、 He played it, watched it, talked and dreamed about it. His favourite football star was Keith Connolly Lowgates captain.One day in January, after school, Danny hurried through his homework. He wanted to watch TV. Keith Connolly was doing an interview on the local news programme.Danny hoped that the

26、television wouldnt go fuzzy*or lose the sound when KeithConnolly was talking. It was an old set, and it did things like that.It wasnt clear enough, but at last Keith Connollys smiling face appeared on the screen.“What I really like about playing for Lowgate,” he said, “is the fans. Theyre the best.

27、They always support us. Its wonderful running on to the playground to all that cheering and chanting.”Danny wished he could be in that crowd at the Lowgate ground, but the price of a single ticket was far above anything he could afford. There was no chance of the whole family going, or even just Dan

28、ny and his little brother.“You won again on Saturday,” said the reporter. “Did the team go out to celebrate?”“We went for a meal together,” said Keith Connolly, “but I have to be careful about what I eat, because I want to stay fit. I love doughnuts* very much ”Then the sound went fuzzy, and Danny j

29、umped up andthumpedthe top of the set heavily to make it come on again. He hadnt missed much. But he had missed something important.Keith Connolly had been saying “ but Im not allowed to eat doughnuts.”Danny hadnt heard that. All he heard was that Keith Connolly loved doughnuts. And at the end of Da

30、nnys street was a bakery*. It sold the biggest and the best doughnuts!When Danny went to bed, he lay wide-awake, making a plan.1One day, Danny did his homework hurriedly in order to _.Awatch a TV programmeBinterview Keith ConnollyCread a football newspaperDplay with Keith Connolly2The writer describ

31、ed Dannys TV to tell us _.ADanny liked football very muchBDannys family seldom watched TVCDanny needed to buy a new TV setDDannys wish came true3The word “thumped” underlined in Paragraph 9 means _.Acovered Breached Cshut Dbeat4Danny most probably planned to _ when he lay wide-awake on the bed.Aget

32、less homework to do every dayBfind a way of giving doughnuts to KeithCcelebrate the victory in the bakeryDtell Keith not to eat too many doughnutsC15、London used to be “foggy”- the “fog” was in fact smog, amixtureof smoke and fog. In other words, it was caused by air pollution. In London, some of th

33、is pollution came from factories, but a lot of it came from the coal that people burnt in their houses to keep warm during the winter. By the 1950s, Londons smog problem had become so bad that the government decided to do something to clean up the air. It didnt allow people to born coal in any Briti

34、sh city. A few years later, the air became much cleaner.Today many Chinese cities face the same problem with air pollution that London faced sixty years ago. However, this problem is more difficult for Chinese cities to solve. One reason is that more of pollution comes from big factories, rather tha

35、n from the coal burnt in peoples houses. If these factories were suddenly closed, it would harm the economy and lots of people would lose their jobs. Another reason is that changing from coal to cleaner fuels is quite expensive. However, the air in many cities will become cleaner, as the government

36、and ordinary people pay more and more attention to protecting the environment.1(小题1)Where was the pollution from in London over sixty years ago?AThe pollution came from factories.BThe pollution was from coal that people burnt in their houses.CThe pollution was from too much traffic on the roads.DThe

37、 pollution was from factories and coal that people burnt in their houses.2(小题2)How was the air in London after the government didnt allow people to born coal in any British city?AIt was still foggy. BIt was smog.CIt was much cleaner. DIt was stormy.3(小题3)What is the main idea of the second paragraph

38、?AIn most of Chinese cities there is smog.BThe reasons of smog in China.CThe reasons of why its difficult for China to solve “smog”.DWhat did Chinese government do to solve “smog”.4(小题4)Which of the following is not true EXCEPT _.Apeople in London were allowed to born coal sixty years ago.Bthe air p

39、ollution in many Chinese cities is not serious.Csmog in fact is a mixture of smoke and fog.Dchanging from coal to cleaner fuels is quite easy and cheap.D16、One Sunday morning, I decided to buy a computer to use for school. I went to the biggest store in town, which sold all kinds of computers. There

40、 were so many computers there that I didnt know how to choose a right one.“Hi! What can I do for you?” A young man greeted me with a sweet smile. He looked like not a salesman but a student like me. I sensed a strange feelingas if I had met him before. He began patiently showing me each model. With

41、his help, I decided to buy one computer with enough functions at a very low price. I enjoyed this shopping experience because of his smile. A few months later, something was wrong with my computer. I went back to the store to have it fixed. When I arrived there, what I saw first was still his smile.

42、 As soon as I told him my problem, he comforted me immediately and tried his best to solve the problem for me. I was quite grateful to him for his sweet smile and good service.When I went back to school, his smile often appeared in my mind. I dont know whether well meet each other again, but his swe

43、et smile will stay there in my memory and deep in my heart. Smiling is the most peaceful language in the daily life.1After reading the story, we can know that the writer is a _.AstudentBsalesmanCdoctorDreporter2According to the passage, why was the writer grateful to this salesman?ABecause the sales

44、man recommended the cheapest computer.BBecause the salesman gave the writer his sweet smile and good service.CBecause the salesman recommended the computer with enough functions.DBecause the salesman showed the writer how to use the computer correctly.3What does the writer mainly want to tell us in

45、the story?AThe way to choose a right computer.BThe way to use a computer correctly.CThe importance of smiling in the daily life.DThe importance of computers in the daily life.E17、Nadia Comaneci, a famous gymnast (体操运动员), was born in Romania in 1961.When she was doing cartwheels(侧手翻)on the playground

46、 at the age of 7, a PE teacher saw her. He told her family that she was very good and advised Nadia to train in the capital of Romania. Although it was a long way from her home, Nadia went because she loved gymnastics (体操).After that, she trained hard and took part in lots of competitions. In 1975,

47、she was named as one of the Athletes of the 20thCentury.In 1976, Nadia went to the Olympics in Canada. She was so fantastic in the competition that everyone waited for the score, a high score. But the scoreboard showed 1.00!Everyone was surprised. There wasnt a sound for a moment. Then a voice came,

48、 “Ladies and gentlemen, Nadia Comaneci 10!”The audience (观众) cheered very loudly. So what happened? Well, when the scoreboard was built, no one thought a score of 10.00 was possible. The decimal point (小数点) was in the wrong place! In fact, the scoreboard only had three digits (数位) to show scores, su

49、ch as 9.50 or 9.85 at that time.In the 1976 Summer Olympics, Nadia Comaneci scored a perfect 10, which was thought impossible before. From then on, she was looked as a hero. In 1984, she got retired (退休的).1Nadia was named as one of the Athletes of the 20th Century in _.A1961B1975C1976D19842At first,

50、 the scoreboard showed Nadia got _ in the Olympics in Canada.A10.00B1.00C9.50D9.853In Paragraph (段落) 5, “Everyone was surprised” because _.Ashe was fantastic in the competitionBthere wasnt a soundCshe got a score of 10Dthe score was too low4Put the following into correct order according to the passa

51、ge.Nadia went to the Olympics in Canada.A PE teacher saw her doing cartwheels on the playground.Nadia went to the capital to train.She was looked as a hero.ABCD5This passage is probably a _.Anews reportBnoticeCnovelDlife storyF18、A garden of inventionsVisitors of all ages are welcomed to Port Discov

52、ery to see the new exhibit a garden of small inventions. There will also be many activities and gadgets (小器械)for the environmental protection. The exhibit will be on Saturday, July 8. It is $10.75 for each person and its free for kids under the age of two. Call 410-727-8120 if you want to know more

53、information.The rain-barrel (雨水桶) meetingThe Parks and People Foundation will- hold a meeting on building rain-barrels for houses between 6 p.m. and 8 p.m. on Wednesday at the foundations Stieff Silver Building. It will cost each person $50 and it includes the barrel and all materials. Call 410-448-

54、5663 to learn more information.Priming (修剪) plantsVisitors can attend a meeting on pruning plants between 9:30 a.m. and 10 a.m. on Tuesday at Ladew Topiary Gardens. They should meet at the Visitors Center at Ladew, Jarrettsville Pike, Monkton. The price of the ticket is $10 which includes the money

55、of visiting the gardens and Ladew members are free to go. Call 410-557-9570 or visit the website to get more information.ExhibitionPhotographs, paintings and drawings will be shown on July 9 at the University of Maryland. The show will be from 5 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Call 301-985-7937 to know more information.1What may Port Discovery be?AA cinema.BA school.CA museum.DA store.2People can know more t


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