1、English Iconicity英语中象似性文字David & Michael ZhuDavidzwsMusic: (班得瑞)清晨 Iconicity :象似性 (Peirce/Haiman/Wittgenstein)1.音象 2.形象 3. 位置象 4.功效象近取诸身远取诸物第1页第1页zwsDo you know the following words?adorn avenue bald beard belly belt bucklebuoy burst Callous Camel Cardiac Catch Caterpillar Celibate chagrin Chary Clim
2、b Captive Conserve Consort handcuff ear eye eloquent fart gulp hug idol javelin Kin lance lord mare moustache nihilism Obese Ocular Ogle pregnant quench race slender toddler valley valve wave yawn zigzag 第2页第2页zwsAdorn d:n Sounds like “ add door” decorate. (加门装饰)第3页第3页zwsAdorn Adorn: 装饰;装扮 If someth
3、ing adorns a place or an object, it makes it look more beautiful. His watercolour designs adorn a wide range of books.他水彩设计使许多图书大为生色。Several magnificent oil paintings adorn the walls.几幅恢宏油画装点着墙面。第4页第4页zwsAghast Aghast: adj. 惊呆; 吓呆If you are aghast, you are filled with horror and surprise. David 解字:a
4、ghast a + ghost ( 鬼,幽灵); 因此,aghast 见到一个鬼 吓呆了。 His colleagues were aghast at the sackings. 他同事们对于这些解雇感到很吃惊。第5页第5页zwsAgony Agony : (肉体或精神)极度痛苦,创痛 Agony is great physical or mental pain.David 解字:谐音为 “ 爱过你(小三)”极度痛苦。He lay in agony until the doctor arrived. 在医生来到之前,他始终非常痛苦地躺在那里。第6页第6页zwsApparition ,prn A
5、pparition: n. (特异景象等)出现 ; 幽灵 ,鬼。David 解字:appar = appear (出现);故apparition = (特异景象等)出现 幽灵 ,鬼。He saw the apparition of his dead wife. 他看见了他亡妻幽灵。第7页第7页zwsAppease Appease:vt. 平息;安抚;抚慰 David 解字:pease = peace (和平;安宁) The government tried to appease discontented workers. 政府试图安抚不满工人们。 第8页第8页zwsArduous:du:s A
6、rduous: adj.困难;艰巨;费力 Something that is arduous is difficult and tiring, and involves a lot of effort.David 解字: hard (艰难) h = ard + uous(形容词后缀) = arduous a long, hot and arduous journey.一段漫长、炎热而又艰苦路程 第9页第9页zwsAvenue vinju:avenue n.林阴道, 大街记忆:谐音为“爱吻妞”(洋妞)联想:(洋人)林荫道上爱吻妞。You can find my house along the a
7、venue. 沿着林阴道你能找到我家。 第10页第10页zwsbald Bald:秃头;秃顶 Someone who is bald has little or no hair on the top of their head. The mans bald head was beaded with sweat.这个男人光头上满是汗珠。She is going bald.她开始谢顶。b 读音像”ball”(球)第11页第11页zwsBase beis Base:卑劣;下流;无耻 Base behaviour is behaviour that is immoral or dishonest. D
8、avid 解字:谐音为“卑死” 卑劣死了。Love has the power to overcome the baser emotions. 爱能够战胜邪念。第12页第12页zwsbeard Beard : n. (络腮)胡须 Hes decided to grow a beard. 他已经决定蓄胡子。两耳之间状如“ b d”毛 = beard. bdear 第13页第13页zwsbelly Belly:n. 肚子,腹部; (物体)圆形或凸起部份;vt.& vi. 膨胀She laid her hands on her swollen belly.她把双手放在自己隆起肚子上。b 第14页第1
9、4页zwsbelt 与 belly 同在b b第15页第15页zwsbelt Belt: n.腰带;裤带;皮带 A belt is a strip of leather or cloth that you fasten round your waist. He wore a belt with a large brass buckle.他系着一条带大铜扣腰带。第16页第16页zws blowballBlowball n. 蒲公英记忆:blow + ball = 吹 + 球 = 可随风吹散球状花” 蒲公英。第17页第17页zwsBriquette briketBriquette: n. a bl
10、ock made from charcoal or coal dust and burned as fuel 煤饼,煤球 1. David 解字:briqu = brick = 砖块 + ette(小) = 小砖块同样东西 2. from French, diminutive of brique brick . 第18页第18页zwsBuckle bkl Buckle: n. 搭扣,扣环 vt.& vi. 用搭扣扣紧 A buckle is a piece of metal or plastic attached to one end of a belt or strap, which is
11、used to fasten it. He wore a belt with a large brass buckle. 他系了条带有一个大(黄)铜搭扣皮带。B读音与“把扣”相同第19页第19页zwsbuoy bu:i:, b b b b 标bio :浮标第20页第20页zwsBuoy 浮标;航标 A buoy is a floating object that is used to show ships and boats where they can go and to warn them of danger. b 第21页第21页zwsBursar b:s Bursar: (大学等)财务
12、主管1. David 解字:burs = purse (bag) ; sar = sir bursar = 管钱袋子先生 2. from bursa bag, purse (see bursa). I work in bursars office at Columbia. 我在哥伦比亚大学财务处工作。第22页第22页zwsburst Burst: /b/:是个爆破音,发音时有强烈爆破声,且中、英文首字母都是/b/: burst/bo.Burst: vi. 爆裂,炸破; 使爆炸;爆发 The driver lost control when a tyre burst.一个车胎爆了,司机失去了控制
13、。b第23页第23页zwsCallous Callous: 1. 硬结,起老茧 2. 铁石心肠A callous person or action is very cruel and shows no concern for other people or their feelings.David 解字:Ca在化学里表示“钙” 石头:硬。 He is callous about the safety of his workers. 他对他工人安全毫不关怀。与careless谐音第24页第24页zwsCamel Cm 一Cm l骆驼第25页第25页zwsCardiack:di,k 心脏 Card
14、iac means relating to the heart. David解字:card = heart (心脏)(两者读音相同)The king was suffering from cardiac weakness. 国王患有心脏病。第26页第26页zwsCatch Catch: 接住;抓住 If you catch an object that is moving through the air, you seize it with your hands. I jumped up to catch a ball and fell over. 我跳起来接球,结果摔了个跟头C第27页第27
15、页zwsCaterpillar 毛虫:A caterpillar is a small, worm-like animal that feeds on plants and eventually develops into a butterfly or moth. lit. “hairy cat” (毛毛猫):身上满身毛,行走状如猫虫子。Cat + pilar = 猫 + 毛发包括“hair”主要字母”air”.第28页第28页zwsCelibateselbt Celibate: (因宗教信奉)禁欲,独身 Someone who is celibate does not marry or ha
16、ve sex, because of their religious beliefs.Ce = self; liblive Ce + libate = 一个人过=独身 Im celibate and I live a very serene lifestyle. 我是一个独身主义者,过着一个非常安静生活。第29页第29页zwschagringrn懊恼;窝火;失望 Chagrin is a feeling of disappointment, upset, or annoyance, perhaps because of your own failure. Chagrin angry Much
17、to his chagrin,he did not win the race. 使他大为懊恼是他赛跑没获胜。第30页第30页zwsChary Chary: 小心;谨慎 If you are chary of doing something, you are fairly cautious about doing it. 解释:from full of care to careful. Char = care (“h”常为哑音,不发音)Be chary of catching cold! 当心受凉感冒! 第31页第31页zwsClimb Climb: vt.& vi. 爬上,攀登 David 解
18、字:C (抓住) + limb(四肢) = 爬,攀登The slope is too steep for us to climb. 这斜坡太陡,我们爬不上去。 C第32页第32页zwsCaptive C:形状如拇指、食指张开时形成虎口,表示“抓”。Captive: n. 战俘, 俘虏; adj. 被俘; 被监禁; 被关押C在此发/k/,与 “关”(gun)中/g/为一对能够互换清、浊辅音。 Cat: catch 猫明显特性:爱“抓”。第33页第33页zwsCaptive A captive person or animal is being kept imprisoned or enclose
19、d. He described the difficulties of surviving for four months as a captive.他描述了被俘4个月里挣扎求生艰难岁月。第34页第34页zwsConserve Conserve: 节约;节约 If you conserve a supply of something, you use it carefully so that it lasts for a long time. He writes on both sides of the sheet to conserve paper. 他在纸张两面都写字以节约用纸。 = sa
20、ve 保全;保守第35页第35页zwsConsortConsort:来往;厮混;鬼混 解字:1. from con- together with + sors, sort: lot, destiny. 2. Con:共同 + sort: 种类同类相聚结交; 厮混 He regularly consorted with known drug-dealers. 他经常与几种臭名昭著毒贩鬼混。You should consort with your classmates. 你应与同窗交往。 物以类聚Consort kn,s:t第36页第36页zwsHandcuff hnd,kf Hand + cuf
21、f: c在此发/k/,与汉语中“卡”首辅音/声母k(k)同样。Handcuff:能够理解为“把手卡住、抓住东西”“手铐”。Cuff /kf/拷: ko:两者辅音同样He was led away to jail in handcuffs.他戴着手铐被送进了监狱。 手 拷第37页第37页zwsDeafdead + ear d:发音与书写顺序都是从上到下(down)。deaf = down + eaf(ear + force) :耳力下降聋。Many regular TV programs are captioned for the deaf.许多常规电视节目都为耳聋者配了字幕。第38页第38页z
22、wsEar i EE谐音为“一耳”第39页第39页zwseye Marias eyes filled with tears. 玛丽亚眼中噙满了泪水。We eyed each other thoughtfully.我们若有所思地打量着对方。eey 第40页第40页zwsEloquent e: 像一张樱桃小嘴。O:像张开嘴。e + o :一人拥有两张嘴雄辩,有口才 I heard him make a very eloquent speech at that dinner.在那次晚宴上,我听到他作了一番非常有说服力陈词。e第41页第41页zwsfart f:t f:气流从唇齿间轻轻吹出,给人“很轻
23、”感觉。Fly 和 fart都给人这样感觉。Fart: vi. 放屁。Fart与放fng首辅音/声母一致:/f/. Hed been farting all night.他整晚都在放屁。Super fart! 读音与“放它”谐音第42页第42页zwsFatuous Fatuous: complacently or inanely foolish.愚蠢;傻;笨 David 解字:fat (肥胖),容易致人愚蠢。 from Latin fatuus foolish + -ous , 阐明 fat = fool。What a fatuous remark ! 多么愚蠢话呀! Fatuous 第43页
24、第43页zwsfetterfetter: n. 脚镣; 束缚 vt. 给上脚镣,束缚 David 解字:fetter = (feete) + ter He saw a boy in fetters in the dungeons. 他在地牢里看见一个戴着脚镣男孩。第44页第44页zwsGorge g:d Gorge: n.咽喉; 山峡,峡谷G:像喉咙。Soamess gorge had risen so that he could hardly speak.索米斯喉咙已经堵得完全说不出话来。(常与rise搭配)Gg 第45页第45页zwsGulp lpGulp: vt. 狼吞虎咽地吃, 吞咽
25、Gulp: 未经咀嚼直接从咽喉里进去。She quickly gulped her tea.她将茶一饮而尽。第46页第46页zwsHedge Hedge: n. 树篱 A hedge is a row of bushes or small trees, usually along the edge of a garden, field, or road. David解字:H形,处于花园或道路边沿(edge)= 树篱 The hedge of stones is much stronger than a wood hedge. 石头围墙比竹篱笆坚固多了。HH第47页第47页zwshug hug:
26、 vt.& vi. 热烈地拥抱, 抱住, 紧抱 h: 像大拇指与其它四个手指之间形成“握”姿势或伸开两手臂形成姿势握住抱住。中文“拥抱”都有表示“手”“提手旁”。 H第48页第48页zwshug h hug: vt.& vi. 热烈地拥抱, 抱住, 紧抱 h: 像大拇指与其它四个手指之间形成“握”姿势或伸开两手臂形成姿势握住抱住They hugged each other like a couple of lost children.他们互相紧抱在一起,就像一对迷路孩子。H 合hh H第49页第49页zwsidol aidl idol: 偶像A great cheer went up from
27、 the crowd as they caught sight of their idol.一看到他们偶像,人群爆发出热烈欢呼声。idol = i + do + l = 我要做长人姚偶像!il 第50页第50页zwsIndolent ndlnt Indolent adj. 懒惰;怠惰;好逸恶劳 Someone who is indolent is lazy.David 解字:indol 读音像“indoor”(室内)整天呆室内 懒惰。I dont want to make friends with indolent persons. 我不喜欢和懒惰人交朋友。第51页第51页zwsIndulge
28、 Indulge: v. (使自己)沉迷;放纵(自己) David解字:Indulge 读音像“淫荡子”放纵。Only rarely will she indulge in a glass of wine.她只是偶然才喝杯红酒,让自己享受一下。第52页第52页zwsjavelin dvlin javelin:体育比赛中)标枪 A javelin is a long spear that is used in sports competitions. Competitors try to throw the javelin as far as possible. j: 如古代狩猎用“标枪、投枪”
29、,给人“ 投、射、喷、蹦”感觉。j 第53页第53页zwsKin K: 如在“I”我身上长出了更多手和脚我家人、家族。Kin: 家属,亲属,亲戚 Your kin are your relatives. kk Kid 第54页第54页zwslance l: 表示“长”。Lance:旧时骑兵用)长矛 A lance is a long spear used in former times by soldiers on horseback. ll第55页第55页zwsleer Leer:v.& n. to look at someone in an unpleasant way that show
30、s you are sexually interested in them. vi. 抛媚眼,送秋波; 斜睨David 解字:l 脸颊;ee = 两眼。谐音“来啊!” When I asked the clerk for my room key, he gave it to me with a leer. 我向接待员要房间钥匙时候,他边给边露出一个不怀好意笑。l ee第56页第56页zwslook He looked away, apparently enraged.他眼睛看向别处,似乎极为愤怒。look第57页第57页zwsLord l:d Lord:n. 主; 领主; 上帝; (英国用以称
31、呼法官、主教或一些男性贵族组员,表示尊敬)大人 解字:lord = 老大(lo d ,读音也很像)。词义中人都是“老大”。She prayed now. Lord, help me to find courage. 她马上祈祷道:“上帝呀,请赐我勇气吧。” 第58页第58页zwsLung l Lung: n. 肺; 呼吸器官David 解字:lung读音像“浪”。用汉语词语“浪费”能够帮助记忆。(浪费浪肺)Lung = light (轻)Your lungs are the two organs inside your chest which fill with air when you br
32、eathe in. 第59页第59页zwsMareMare mn. 母马, 母驴 (female horse)记忆 1:分解为 ma(拼音) + re(字母读音) = 马 + 阿姨 = 母马The mare looks quite weak.这头母马看上去很虚弱。第60页第60页zwsMonolithic Monolithic: adj. 独块巨石; 整体; 庞大 David 解字:mon = one ( Monday); lithic 砾(石)(谐音)Monolithic = 一块砾石A monolithic sculpture. 独块巨石雕塑 Monolith独块巨石 第61页第61页zw
33、sMorbid Morbid adj. 毛病,病, 由病引起, 病态;恐怖David 解字:谐音为“毛病”。a morbid fear of men. 对男人产生病态恐惊。爱看骷髅?Morbid!第62页第62页zwsmoustachemst: Moustache: (较长时称作 moustaches)髭,八字胡,八字须 A mans moustache is the hair that grows on his upper lip. If it is very long, it is sometimes referred to as his moustaches . Mouth :嘴巴Mou
34、th 嘴巴之上毛moustache第63页第63页zwsMigrate ma,ret M:如“移动”毛毛虫或蚯蚓移动。Migrate: vi. 迁移,移往; 移动; 移居 Farmers have learned that they have to migrate if they want to survive.农民们已经结识到,想要生存就必须外出打工。mm第64页第64页zwsMove m 第65页第65页zwsmelody meldi melody: n. 旋律,曲调;美妙音乐 ;婉转;悦耳 A melody is a tune. Melody is the quality of havi
35、ng a pleasant tune. 谐音“美乐迪”美妙音乐 Her voice was full of melody.她声音非常悦耳。m 移动音符第66页第66页zwsnihilism Nihilism: na,lzm虚无主义 Nihilism is a belief which rejects all political and religious authority and current ideas in favour of the individual. Why should a great community like a university be afraid of nihi
36、lism?为何像大学这样人才济济小区要胆怯虚无主义呢?M变成n,少了二分之一:n表示“消失”或“否认”。 nil: 零第67页第67页zwsNocturnal Nocturnal:adj. 夜,夜间;(动物)夜间活动;(植物)夜间开花; 乐夜曲David 解字:noct = night ; turn = turn or tune (曲调)Noct + turn + al = 夜间;夜曲Stars are a nocturnal sight. 星星是夜间景观。 第68页第68页zwsObese bi:s Obese: 过度肥胖;臃肿;虚胖 If someone is obese, they ar
37、e extremely fat. The tendency to become obese is at least in part hereditary.发胖至少有一部分是源于遗传。Obese people tend to have higher blood pressure than lean people.胖人经常比瘦人血压高。Ob谐音:“噢,必死!“ O:圆形、球形第69页第69页zwsOcular Ocular: adj. 眼睛; 适于眼睛; 用眼; 视觉 Ocular means relating to the eyes or the ability to see. Ocu: o +
38、 c + u = oh, see you! eyes. O: 如眼球;see: with eyes. o 第70页第70页zwsOgle gl vt.& vi. (向)抛媚眼,送秋波 n. 秋波, 媚眼, 眼If you say that one person is ogling another, you disapprove of them continually staring at that person in a way that indicates a strong sexual interest. ooOh, girl ! Ogle! 海军招待所见!第71页第71页zwsOrbit
39、 Orbit: n. 轨道; 势力范围Mars and Earth have orbits which change with time.火星与地球运营轨道伴随时间而改变。o第72页第72页zwsOrifice (尤指身体上)口,孔,洞 An orifice is an opening or hole, especially one in your body such as your mouth. FORMAL 正式After a massive heart attack, he was strapped to a bed, with tubes in every orifice.经历了一次严
40、重心脏病发作之后,他被绑在床上,全身都插着导管。第73页第73页zwsPare pPare vt.剥, 削, 修, 削减, 毁灭记忆:p = 皮(谐音) + are (是)联想 :皮是能够剥或削。Pare the brown skin from the meat with a very sharp knife. 用一把非常锋利刀将褐色皮从肉上剥去。第74页第74页zwsPeek 瞥;偷看;窥视 If you peek at something or someone, you have a quick look at them, often secretly.(快速、诡秘地“看”) On two
41、 occasions she had peeked at him through a crack in the wall. 她曾两次透过墙缝窥视他。peek第75页第75页zwspeep Peep : vi.窥视, 偷看记忆:ee像两只眼睛;p和p像两只趴在门上手。联想:这正是偷窥真实写照!At the examination he peeped at his neighbours paper.他考试时偷看了他邻座卷子。ppee第76页第76页zwsPimple Pimple:(尤指脸上)丘疹,粉刺 Pimples are small raised spots, especially on t
42、he face. .spots and pimples.斑点和丘疹His face was covered with pimples.他满脸粉刺。P:发音时,轻轻爆破,一股微力往外冒。第77页第77页zwsPonderous Ponderous: having great mass and weight and unwieldiness adj. 沉重; 笨重; 呆板 1. David 解字:ponder pound (磅,重量单位)2. from pondus, ponder- weight .The fat womans movements were ponderous. 这个胖女人体态很
43、笨重。 Ponderous 第78页第78页zwsPout pat Pout: vt.& vi. 撅嘴; 发脾气 Youre no fun, she pouted.她撅着嘴说:“你一点都不风趣。”P+Out:嘴外突 第79页第79页zwsPregnant 谐音:“扑来个男”怀孕了!prennt 第80页第80页zwsPregnant prennt from Latin praegnant-, probably from prae before + the base of gnasci be born .Pre = before Gn = gen = born Pregnant = 孩子出生前状
44、态She is a pregnant woman. 她是一名孕妇。 第81页第81页zwsQuench Q:伸出舌头向下“压”形象。Quench: vt. 解(渴);用水)扑灭(火焰等); 将(热物体)放入水中急速冷却 He stopped to quench his thirst at a stream.他停了下来,在小溪边饮水止渴。第82页第82页zwsRam Ram: n. 公羊; (R-)白羊(星)座Vt. 和相撞;猛撞;撞击(雄性动物特性)The thieves fled, ramming the policemans car.小偷撞了警车后逃走了。They used a lorry
45、 to ram the main gate.他们用卡车猛撞大门。 第83页第83页zwsram :公羊r r r r 羊r Ram nam=man 第84页第84页zwsram 中国“甲骨文”中“羊”。r r 中国“甲骨文”中“羊”。巧合?第85页第85页zwsR:“力量”象征第86页第86页zwsRace Race: vt.& vi. 和比速度, (使)参与比赛 n.比赛A race is a competition to see who is the fastest, for example in running, swimming, or driving. RRR 第87页第87页zws
46、Rip rip Rip: v.(使)撕开;(使)扯开;(使)撕裂;(使)划破 n.裂口 David 解字:读音像“裂”(粤语更像)。I tried not to rip the paper as I unwrapped it. 我把纸打开时候,尽也许不把它撕破。第88页第88页zwsRot Rot: n. v. (使)腐烂,(使)腐朽解字:被老鼠“rat”咬了以后就开始“腐烂”了。“O”形如“孔、洞、口”腐烂了。Sugary canned drinks rot your teeth. 罐装甜饮料会腐蚀牙齿。 第89页第89页zwsSeek查找 查找=用眼 “see + kn” (看)第90页第
47、90页zwsSeek from an Indo-European root shared by Latin sagire perceive by scent .They have had to seek work as labourers.他们只好找体力活儿干。第91页第91页zwsSerene siri:n Serene: adj. 沉静,宁静,安宁; 安详David 解字:serene 读音与silent 相同。The sound was so serene that it seemed unearthly. 那种声音听起来是那么宁静,仿佛天外之音。 第92页第92页zwsShackle
48、(shu ko )Shackle: n. 手铐,脚镣; 束缚 ( n. v.)David 解字:Shackle 发音与“手铐”相同。He unbolted the shackles on Billys hands. 他打开了比利手铐。第93页第93页zwsSloth sl:, sl Sloth:n.1. 懒惰,怠惰(尤指工作方面) 2. 树懒(见于中美洲和南美洲)David 解字:sloth = slow + th Sloth is the mother of poverty. 懒惰是贫穷原因。第94页第94页zwsSoothe su: S:表示“柔和”。Soothe:vt.安抚;抚慰;使安静
49、 If you soothe someone who is angry or upset, you make them feel calmer. He would take her in his arms and soothe her.他会把她揽在怀中抚慰她。美女姐妹大、小“s”,都很”柔和“。来自smooth:平滑 第95页第95页zwsSlim Slim: adj. 苗条,纤细;细长 (可用于不同性别 )S(美女) + lim ( = line:线条) = slimA slim person has an attractively thin and well-shaped body. Je
50、an is pretty, of slim build, with blue eyes. 珍妮非常美丽,身材苗条,有一双蓝色眼睛。Sthin, slight, slender l第96页第96页zwsSlender Slender: 修长(指身体细长、体态优美、苗条适中,多用于指女性。) S(美女) + lender ( = length: 长) = slenderA slender person is attractively thin and graceful. He gazed at her slender neck. 他凝视着她优美颈部。C14 slendre, of unknown
51、origin l第97页第97页zwsSlum Slum: 贫民窟A slum is an area of a city where living conditions are very bad and where the houses are in bad condition. S + lum = s + room = 破房子 = 贫民窟谐音为“死烂” 贫民窟!of unknown origin 第98页第98页zwsSnake sneik Snake: n. 蛇; 奸险人; 卑劣人 S + nake (裸露) = s 形不穿衣服爬行动物= 蛇At the sight of the snak
52、e, the girl drew back. 一看到蛇,那女孩就往后退缩。s 第99页第99页zwsSerpent s:pnt n. 蛇; 狡猾人A serpent is a snake. from PIE *serp- :creep(爬)记忆1:serp读音与“蛇”相同;ent表示名词词尾。记忆2:谐音为“蛇棚”满是蛇。the serpent in the Garden of Eden. 伊甸园里那条蛇s 第100页第100页zwsSneak 第101页第101页zwsSneak Sneak: v.潜行, 偷偷溜走;偷偷地做(拿、吃)S + neak 来自“snake”Sometimes he would sneak out of his house late at night to be with me. 有时候,他会在深夜里偷偷溜出家与我相会。蛇明显特点第102页第102页zwsSpectacles Spectacles: n. 眼镜; 眼镜
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