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1、U1Additional lnformation for the Teachers ReferenceText An Image or a MirageWarm-up ActivitiesFurther ReadingSpeaking SkillsAdditional WorkWarm-up ActivitiesWarm-up 11. What do you think is the distinction between an image and a mirage?An image is a general impression that a person, firm, product, e

2、tc. gives to the public. A mirage is an optical illusion caused by hot air conditions, especially that of a sheet of water seeming to appear in the desert or on a hot road. It also means figuratively an illusion or hope that cannot be fulfilled. In the text the author defines “mirage” as an illusion

3、, which means “false impression”. So we can roughly say that an image is a true impression whereas a mirage is a false one.Warm-up 22. Have you ever heard about the expression “eye contact”?Eye contact is a nonverbal communication strategy. In some cultures, when two people are in conversation, they

4、 usually look each other straight in the eye to show their sincerity and honesty. For instance, Southern Europeans look at each other more than Northern Europeans and Americans. An Italian might think that an Englishman is cold and an Englishman might think that an Italian is very friendly.Warm-up 3

5、3. Can you think of some words or expressions which can be used to describe the virtue of honesty?For example: unassuming, diligent, look somebody straight in the eye, shake hands with somebody forcefully, tell the truth, have a clean-cut image, be willing to help other people, keep ones promise, ne

6、ver talk with a glib tongue, have a magnetic speaking voice, etc.AIFTTR1.2 Winning images was first published by Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc. in 1977. Based on the theory that nothing succeeds like the appearance of success, Robert L. Shook presents in this 21-chapter book the components of the wi

7、nning image, and in clear, step-by-step instructions shows the reader how to select, and then systematically create, the “right” image for him or her as well as for his or her business. This book offers helpful tips to everyone aiming for the winners circle. Whether you are just starting out in a ne

8、w career, struggling alone, or already established, youll learn how to play from a position of strength, with the psychological advantage of knowing that your image is helping you to the fullest.AIFTTR2.12. HollywoodHollywood is a district within the city of Los Angeles, California, U. S., whose nam

9、e is synonymous with the American motion-picture industry. Lying northwest of downtown Los Angeles, it is bounded by Hyperion Avenue and Riverside Drive (east), Beverly Boulevard (south), the foothills of Santa Monica Mountains (north), and Beverly Hills (west). Since the early 1900s,when movie-maki

10、ng pioneers found in Southern California an ideal blend of mild climate, much sunshine, varied terrain, and a large labour market, the image of Hollywood as the fabricator of tinseled cinematic dreams has become worldwide. An adobe was the first house built (1853) AIFTTR2.3Mille, Jesse Lasky, and Sa

11、muel Goldwyn produced the Squaw Man in a bam one block from present-day Hollywood Boulevard and Vine Street, and more box-office successes soon followed. Hollywood had become the centre of the United States motionpicture industry by 1915, as more independent filmmakers relocated there from the East

12、Coast. For more than three decades, from the silent screen through the advent of the talking picture, such men as D. W. Griffith, Goldwyn, Adolph Zukor, William Fox, Louis B. Mayer, Darry F. Zanuck, and Harry Cohn served as overlords of the great film studies 20th Century-Fox, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, P

13、aramount, Pictures, Columbia, Warner Brothers, and others. Among the writers whoAIFTTR2.4were fascinated with Hollywood in its “golden age” were the novelists F. Scott Fitzgerald, Aldous Huxley, Evelyn Waugh, and Nathanael West. After World War II, film studios began to move outside Hollywood; and l

14、ocation filming around the world emptied many of the famous lots and sound stages or turned them over to television show producers. With the advent of television, Hollywood began to alter its functions. By the early 1960s it hadbecome the source of much of American network television entertainment.

15、Among the features of Hollywood, aside from its working studios, are the Hollywood Bowl (1919; a natural amphitheatre “Symphonies Under the Stars” has taken place since 1922), the AIFTTR2.5Pilgrimage Play Amphitheater and Greek Theatre in Griffith Park, Manns (formerly Graumans) Chinese Theater (wit

16、h footprints and handprints of many stars in its concrete forecourt), and the California Art Club. Many stars, past and present, live in neighbouring communities such as Beverly Hills and Bel Air, and the Hollywood Cemetery contains the crypts of such perform of the gilded past as Rudolph Valentino,

17、 Douglas Fairbanks, and John Gilbert. Hollywood Boulevard, however, once a chic thoroughfare, became rather tawdry in the late 20th century, with the demise of old studio Hollywood.AIFTTR33. James Bond James Bond is a fictional British secret agent with the code name 007 (pronounced double 0 seven).

18、 He is the central character in numerous movies by Charles Broccoli. These include Goldfinger and Tomorrow Never Comes. In the last 30 years these have all been made into movies. There have been 5 actors who have brought the legend to the screen including Sean Connery and most recently Pierce Brosna

19、n.AIFTTR44. Goldfinger Goldfinger is one of the 21 James Bond films, named after the villain. Goldfinger is a gold-obsessed master criminal attempting to rob the famous American gold bank Fort Knox.Text An Image or a Mirage?NotesIntroduction to the Author and the ArticlePhrases and ExpressionsExerci

20、sesMain idea of the TextMIOTT2these factors are merely “window dressing” and that the criteria involved are sometimes invalid and misleading. In doing so, he encourages the reader to look further into a person than what he or she sees at face-value. Fundamentally he wants the reader to look deeper a

21、s the qualities a person shows may not truly represent his or her actual personality.Introduction to the Author and the articleIntroduction to the Author and the Article Robert L. Shook (1938 - ) is an American author and businessman. After he graduated from Ohio State University, he embarked on a b

22、usiness career and became a successful salesman. Later he began to write. His works are all about how to create and project an image which inspires trust and faith, and how to acquire the traits of charisma, charm, grace and style which are necessary to be a winner. Among his best books are How To B

23、e The Complete Professional Salesman, Total Commitment and Winning Images. In Winning Images hePart2_T1 There is a distinct difference between a winning image and a mirage. A mirage is an illusion, and in your quest for a winning image, you must be capable of identifying such mirages.Robert L. Shook

24、An Image or a Mirage?Text One of the common misread images stems from what people think about eye contact. How many times have you heard, “You can tell hes an honest man because he looks you straight in the eye.” Evidently, many people must believe that a dishonest man feels so ashamed that hes not

25、telling the truth that he cant even face them directly. But what about an honest individual who is too shy to look straight at you? Furthermore, a good can artist knows that many people judge integrity by the way one looks at them, so he deliberately includes eye contact in his act. Because you cant

26、 count on eye contact as an infallible test, you should never use it to evaluate another persons honesty. Nonetheless, since most people do judge others by this criterion, be sure that you always look them squarely in the eye. Part2_T2Part2_T3 Evaluating a mans honesty by the way he looks at you mak

27、es no more sense than judging his integrity by the way your dog or cat reacts to him. Yet how many times have you heard a dogs master say, “Thats interesting Thor doesnt take to strangers very often. Hes a good judge of human nature, and the fact that hes friendly with you tells me some good things

28、about you.” Once when I was in the home of a m prospect, his cat, Tiger, took such a liking to me that he sat on my shoulder during my entire sales presentation. When I was finished, my prospects wife said, “Mr. Shook, Tiger only does that with members of our immediate family. You must be a very hon

29、est person for her to be so friendly to you.”Part2_T4 The truth of the matter was that I refrained from pushing the cat off because I was afraid shed rip my suit or scratch my eyes out. However, I replied, “Yes, maam, Tiger obviously has some kind of instinct that enables her to accurately judge hum

30、ans. She sure is a good judge of character.” Even though Tiger happened to be right in my case, I personally put very little faith in an animals instinctual ability to judge people. Id say his reactions have more to do with odors and body movement.Part2_T5 Some people judge another person by the way

31、 he or she shakes hands. A good, strong grip represents character, while a “dead fish” handshake! is a bad sign. 1, too, dislike the flabby handshake with no life to it, but I am careful not m to use it as a basis for judging an individual. Again, its too easy for a con artist to put a hearty handsh

32、ake into his act. Though you should give a firm handshake so youll immediately create a good impression, dont place too much weight on the next fellows grip; it doesnt tell you anything concrete about him. Part2_T6 Theres certain clean-cut appearance that creates an honest image. For example, a blon

33、d, blue-eyed young man with a boyish grin and a look that typifies the boy-next-door, All-American type will almost always inspire confidence in mothers. There is no logical reason for placing such blind faith in a man simply because of the way he looks, yet most people do make such quick judgments.

34、 Conversely, the seedy man with dark oily skin, greasy black hair, and a moustache is not considered honest-looking. Similarly, a woman may have them looks which are usually associated with those of a streetwalker, whereas a high-priced call girl may look refined and refreshing. Naturally, clothes a

35、nd in the case of women cosmetics, Part2_T8 On a larger scale, voters often react favorably to a politician simply because of his clean-cut appearance. His opponent is often judged negatively because he has not been blessed with natural looks that generate trust. This kind of judgment is erroneous,

36、and the consequences can produce devastating results. Granted, many people vote for a candidate strictly because of political issues, but the clean-cut image can tip the scales in favor of the wrong man in a close election. We make snap judgments about people on the basis of how they express themsel

37、ves. To revert to politics, many voters judge a candidates ability by the way he makes a public speech. But though a candidate may be an effective speaker, he may not be capable of doing the job for which he is running. I know many highly talented men who simply have not developed an ability to spea

38、k well in public, but who are excellent in communicating with others on a one-to-one basis. The ability to express yourself strongly is always important, but we are too often wrongly impressed by the man who comes across as eloquent, since it is always possible that this virtue is only “skin-deep.”

39、Yet it is easy to imagine a politician with a clean-cut look and a magnetic speaking voice romping all over his unassuming but better qualified opponent. He wins solely because his image is convincing. Part2_T9 Another influencing factor is the effect produced on the listener by the sound of a name.

40、 At some time or another, weve all been guilty of hastily forming an unwarranted opinion when we hear a “winning name” as opposed to a “losing” one. Hollywood recognized this fact long ago when the studios began changing the stars real names. One of my favorite movie lines is James Bonds response to

41、 Pussy Galore, the heroine in the movie Goldfinger. Meeting her for the first time, he can only exclaim, “I must be dreaming!” Had her name been Harriett Finkelstein, the audience would never have been able to appreciate one of the screens all-time great names! Yet, no matter how great a name is, us

42、ing it as a criterion in evaluating character is just as illogical as determining a persons value by a handshake.Part2_T11Part2_T12 The beautiful, sexy redhead isnt always the best bed partner, nor is the big, strong man, whom we usually expect to be the hero, always braver than the small, frail man

43、 on the battlefield. Likewise, there is no sound reason for believing that the out-of-town attorney or consultant is any more of an expert than the local man. Just because your dentist has to book you six months in advance does not automatically mean that he does the best root-canal work. Nor will t

44、he insurance agent who drives a Mercedes necessarily give you better service than the agent who drives a Ford sedan. Having to go through a main switchboard, a receptionist, and a private secretary before you get to speak with your attorney is noPart2_T13indication of his legal abilities. I also hop

45、e you dont withdraw all your savings from Fourth Bank and deposit them with Third Bank just because their new home office building is several stories taller. It is equally unreasonable to assume that a hospital-clean restaurant serves the best food. True, all these factors are nice window dressing,

46、and they shouldnt be completely ignored, but other more important factors must be considered before you make any final decisions about those with whom youll do business.Part2_T14 Many images are only mirages that we have been conditioned to accept as the real thing. So dont be fooled the next time s

47、omebody tells you that Truman Blue is a great guy because of his wonderful smile, the way he looks people straight in the eye when he talks to them, his firm handshake, and his remarkable rapport with pets!James Bond: a fictional British secret agent with the code name 007 (pronounced double 0 seven

48、). He is the central character in numerous films by Charles Broccoli. These include Goldfinger and Tomorrow Never Comes. In the last 30 years these have all been made into movies. There have been 6 actors who have brought the legend to the screen including Sean Connery, Pierce Brosnan and most recen

49、tly Daniel Craig.the boy-next-door, All-American type: an idealistic figure who represents traditional values, such as dependability, honesty and moral virtuea “dead-fish” handshake: a cold, limp handshake NotesPart2_TA_Notes1Part2_TA_Notes2Goldfinger: one of the James Bond films, named after the vi

50、llain. Goldfinger is a gold-obsessed master criminal attempting to rob the famous American gold bank Fort Knox.Pussy Galore: This name is a double entendre. “Pussy” is a euphemism for the female sexual organ, and “Galore” means “abundant.”NotesHarriett Finkelstein: a fictional name of a woman who is

51、 bland and sexlessa Mercedes: an expensive German cara Ford sedan: an American carPart2_TA_Notes3NotesFourth Bank: a bank the author has invented to emphasize his point (same with Third Bank)Truman Blue: a fictional American name which is used to indicate a person who is very patrioticeye contact: I

52、n English-speaking countries, it is generally considered to be a polite behavior to look at each other straight in the eye when two people are in conversation. Eye contact has thus become a nonverbal communication strategy in social interactions. Those who fail to employ this technique are usually r

53、egarded as impolite or lack of honesty.Part2_TA_Notes4Noteseye contact: In English-speaking countries, it is generally considered to be a polite behavior to look at each other straight in the eye when two people are in conversation. Eye contact has thus become a nonverbal communication strategy in s

54、ocial interactions. Those who fail to employ this technique are usually regarded as impolite or lack of honesty.immediate family: family members that are most closely related to one another, i. e. parents, children, brothers and sistersPart2_TA_Notes5Notesstreet-walker v. s. call girl: A street-walk

55、er ( also known as street-girl) IS a prostitute who looks for customers on the streets while a call girl is one who makes appointments by telephone. Other terms for prostitutes include hooker, whore, harlot, etc.on a one-to-one basis: in a person-to-person conversationa natural selling personality:

56、an innate ability to sell goodsa high turnover: a high rate at which workers are hired by a firm to fill the places of those who have left in a particular period of timePart2_TA_Notes6Notesall-time great names: the greatest names ever knowna hospital-clean restaurant: a restaurant which is as clean

57、as a hospital; a clean and hygienic restaurantin quest for: trying to find; seeking what about: what do you think about (sth.)stem from: arise from; have as its origin or cause take to: start to likecount on: rely on with confidencetake a liking to: be fond ofhave to do with sb. (sth.): be connected

58、 with or related to sb. (sth.)tip the scales: give a slight advantage to sb. or sth.be blessed with sb. (sth.): be fortunate in having sb. (sth.)Phrases and ExpressionsPart2_TA_ Phrases and Expressions1Part2_TA_ Phrases and Expressions2revert to: talk about again; go back to (a former subject of con

59、versation)come across: make an impression of the specified typemore often than not: very frequentlyas opposed to: in contrast toPhrases and Expressions形象还是表象?Part2_TA_t1成功的形象和表象之间有明显的区别。表象是一种虚假的现象,要想寻求成功的形象,你必须能够识别这类表象。有一种形象常被误识,其根源在于人们对目光接触的看法。“他直视你的眼睛,一定是个老实人。”这类话你不知听过多少遍了。显然,许多人一定认为,不老实的人说假话会感到惭愧

60、,甚至不敢面对别人。可是,假如一个老实人因为怕羞而不敢直视你呢?再说,骗人的老手知道,人们通常判断一个人是否诚实,主要看这个人如何打量他们,所以他会故意把目光接触纳入其行为。既然你不能指望靠目光接触来做出绝对可靠的判断,那么你最好别用这个办法评价别人是否诚实。不过,既然大多数人的确都用这个标准判断他人,你一定要经常直视他们的眼睛。Translation of the Text罗伯特L舒克Part2_TA_t2根据对方是否注视你的眼睛来评判他是否诚实,与根据你的狗或猫对来客的反映来判断这位客人的人品一样,是毫无道理的。可是,你不止一次听到狗的主人说:“真有意思! 索尔是不大喜欢陌生人的。他判断人


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