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1、Computer EnglishChapter 9 The World Wide Web9-1计算机专业英语第1页第1页 理解万维网(World Wide Web)工作原理; 能够描述Internet和万维网特性及其服务;理解学术论文写作相关知识。Requirements:2第2页第2页The invention of the Web brought an extraordinary expansion of digital services to millions of amateur computer users, including color text and pages, forma

2、tted text, pictures, animations, video, and sound. In short, the Web makes nearly all the rich elements of human expression needed to establish a commercial marketplace available to nontechnical computer users worldwide.万维网创造带来了为数以百万计业余计算机使用者提供数字化服务非常扩展,包括彩色文本和网页、格式化文本、图片、动画、视频和声音。简而言之,万维网使建立商业化市场必需

3、人类表示方式几乎所有丰富要素对非技术计算机使用者成为也许。3第3页第3页New Words & Expressionsanimation n. 动画browse v.n.浏览Hypertext n. 超文本protocol n. 草案, 协议extension n.扩展名supplant vt.排挤掉, 代替browser n 浏览器surf vi.作冲浪运动, vt.在.冲浪extension n.扩展名supplant vt.排挤掉, 代替browser n 浏览器surf vi.作冲浪运动, vt.在.冲浪Netscape 美国Netscape公司,以开发Internet浏览器闻名Abb

4、reviationsGML (Generalized Markup Language) 通用置标语言SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language) 原则通用置标语言XML (Extensible Markup Language) 可扩展链接标示语言SSL (Security Socket Layer) 加密套接字协议层FTP (File Transfer Protocol) 文献传播协议PDA (personal digital assistant) 个人数字助理 4第4页第4页9.1 HYPERTEXTWeb pages can be accessed

5、 through the Internet because the Web browser software operating your PC can request Web pages stored on an Internet host server using the HTTP protocol. Hypertext is a way of formatting pages with embedded links that connect documents to one another, and that also link pages to other objects such a

6、s sound, video, or animation files. When you click on a graphic and a video clip plays, you have clicked on a hyperlink. 由于操作个人计算机网络浏览器软件能使用HTTP协议对储存在因特网主机服务器上一个网页发出请求,因此能通过因特网访问万维网网页。超文本是使用嵌入式链接形成格式化网页一个办法,这些链接将文档彼此联结,并且将网页链接到其它对象如声音、视频或动画文献。当你点击一个图形和一个视频剪辑播放按钮时候,你在点击一个超链接。5第5页第5页HTTP is the first

7、set of letters at the start of every Web address, followed by the domain name. The domain name specifies the organizations server computer that is housing the document. Most companies have a domain name that is the same as or closely related to their official corporate name. The directory path and d

8、ocument name are two more pieces of information within the Web address that help the browser track down the requested page. Together, the address is called a Uniform Resource Locator, or URL. When typed into a browser, a URL tells it exactly where to look for the information. HTTP是每个网址第一个字母组合,位于网址起始

9、位置,紧跟着它是域名。域名指定组织服务器计算机,而文献收藏于服务器计算机之上。大多数公司有一个与其官方公司名字相同或靠近域名。目录路径和文献名在网址中是出现较多两个信息,它帮助浏览器捕获被请求网页。同时,网址叫做统一资源定位符,或URL。当把网址键入一个浏览器内时,URL准确分辨到哪里找寻数据。 9.1 HYPERTEXT6第6页第6页Although the most common Web page formatting language is HTML, the concept behind document formatting actually had its roots in the

10、 1960s with the development of Generalized Markup Language (GML).即使最常见网页格式化语言是HTML,事实上文档格式概念早在20世纪60年代伴随通用置标语言(GML)发展就形成了。9.2 HYPERTEXT7第7页第7页SGML. In 1986, the International Standards Organization adopted a variation of GML called Standard Generalized Markup Language, or SGML. The purpose of SGML w

11、as to help very large organizations format and categorize large collections of documents. The advantage of SGML is that it can run independent of any software program but, unfortunately, it is extremely complicated and difficult to learn. Probably for this reason, it has not been widely adopted.SGML

12、(原则通用置标语言)。在1986年,国际原则组织正式通过了GML一个变体叫做原则通用置标语言,或SGML。SGML目的是帮助特大型组织对大量文档格式化并归类。SGML长处是它能独立于任何软件程序运营,但不幸是,它极端复杂和难学。或许由于这个理由,它没有被广泛地采用。9.2 HYPERTEXT8第8页第8页HTML. HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is a GML that is relatively easy to use. HTML provides Web page designers with a fixed set of markup “tags”

13、that are used to format a Web page. When these tags are inserted into a Web page, they are read by the browser and interpreted into a page display. You can see the source HTML code for any Web page by simply clicking on the “Page Source” command found in all browsers.HTML(超文本链接标示语言)。HTML是相对容易使用一个GML

14、。HTML为网页设计者提供一组固定标示“标签”用于格式化网页。当这些标签被插入一个网页之中时,他们被浏览器阅读并翻译为网页显示。你能够看见任何网页HTML源代码,只需点击一下所有浏览器中都能找到 网页源文献指令。9.2 HYPERTEXT9第9页第9页HTML functions to define the structure and style of a document, including the headings, graphic positioning, tables, and text formatting.5 Since its introduction, the two maj

15、or browsersNetscapes Navigator and Microsofts Internet Explorerhave continuously added features to HTML to enable programmers to further refine their page layouts. Unfortunately, many of the enhancements only work in one companys browser, and this development threatens the attainment of a universal

16、computing platform. HTML功效是定义文献结构和风格,包括标题、图形定位、表格和本文格式。从HTML引入以来,两个主要浏览器Netscape(网景公司)Navigator和Microsoft(微软公司)Internet Explorer不断地把特性加入HTML之中,使程序员能够进一步改进他们页设计。不幸是,许多功效加强只有在一个公司浏览器中起作用,并且这种发展威胁到通用计算机平台实现。9.2 HYPERTEXT10第10页第10页HTML Web pages can be created with any text editor, such as Notepad or Wo

17、rdpad, using Microsoft Word (simply save the Word document as a Web page) or any one of several Web page editors.HTML网页能够使用微软Word或几种网页编辑器中任何一个通过本文编辑器生成,比如Notepad(记事本)或 Wordpad(写字本) (只需把Word文献保留为一个网页)。9.2 HYPERTEXT11第11页第11页XML. Extensible Markup Language (XML) takes Web document formatting a giant l

18、eap forward. XML is a new markup language specification developed by the W3C (the World Wide Web Consortium). XML is a markup language like HTML, but it has very different purposes. Whereas the purpose of HTML is to control the “look and feel” and display of data on the Web page, XML is designed to

19、describe data and information.XML(可扩展标示语言)。XML使网络文件格式化发生了一次巨大飞跃。XML是由万维网联合会开发一个新型置口号言规范。XML是像HTML一样一个置口号言,不过它又有非常不同目标。XML是用于描述数据和信息,而HTML目标是控制表现与感觉 并将数据在网页上显示。 9.2 HYPERTEXT12第12页第12页For instance, if you want to send a patients medical recordincluding diagnosis, personal identity, medical history in

20、formation, and any doctors notesfrom a database in Boston to a hospital in New York over the Web, it would be impossible using HTML. However, with XML, these rich documents (database records) for patients could be easily sent over the Web and displayed. 比如,假如你想要把一个病人病历卡包括诊断、个人身份、病史信息和任何医生笔记通过网络从一个在波

21、士顿数据库发送到位于纽约一所医院,使用HTML是不也许。然而,使用XML,这些相关病人富文献(数据库统计)能够容易通过网络发送并显示。 9.2 HYPERTEXT13第13页第13页XML is “extensible,” which means the tags used to describe and display data are defined by the user, whereas in HTML the tags are limited and predefined. XML can also transform information into new formats, su

22、ch as by importing information from a database and displaying it as a table. With XML, information can be analyzed and displayed selectively, making it a more powerful alternative to HTML. This means that business firms, or entire industries, can describe all of their invoices, accounts payable, pay

23、roll records, and financial information using a Web-compatible markup language. Once described, these business documents can be stored on intranet Web servers and shared throughout the corporation.XML是 可扩展,意味着用于描述并显示数据标签被使用者定义,而在HTML中标签是有限制,并且是预先定义。XML也能把信息转变成新格式,比如从一个数据库输入信息并显示为一张表格。使用XML,数据能被有选择性地

24、分析且显示,使它成为比HTML更有力可选方案。这意味着商业公司,或整个行业,所有能使用与网络兼容置标语言通过发票、可支付帐户、薪资统计和财政信息来描述。一旦完毕描述,这些商业文献能够被储存在内联网网络服务器上并在整个公司共享。9.2 HYPERTEXT14第14页第14页XML is not yet a replacement for HTML. Currently, XML is fully supported only by Microsofts Internet Explorer 5, and is not supported by Netscape (although this may

25、 change). Whether XML eventually supplants HTML as the standard Web formatting specification depends a lot on whether it is supported by future Web browsers. Currently, XML and HTML work side by side on the same Web pages. HTML is used to define how information should be formatted, and XML is being

26、used to describe the data itself.XML仍然不能替换HTML。当前,只有微软Internet Explorer 5完全支持XML,而Netscape(网景公司)不支持 (即使这种现象也许改变)。XML能否最后替换HTML作为原则网络格式规范,在很大程度上仰赖于未来网络浏览器是否支持它。当前,XML和HTML在相同网页上并肩工作。HTML用来定义应当如何格式化信息,而XML用来描述数据它本身。9.2 HYPERTEXT15第15页第15页We have already described client/server computing and the revolu

27、tion in computing architecture brought about by client/server computing. You already know that a server is a computer attached to a network that stores files, controls peripheral devices, interfaces with the outside worldincluding the Internetand does some processing for other computers on the netwo

28、rk.我们已经描述了客户机/服务器计算技术及其在计算机技术结构中引起革命。你已经知道服务器是一台联接到网络计算机,用于储存文献、控制外设、与外界包括因特网接口,且为网络上其它计算机进行一些处理。9.3 WEB SERVERS AND CLIENTS 16第16页第16页But what is a Web server? Web server software refers to the software that enables a computer to deliver Web pages written in HTML to client machines on a network tha

29、t request this service by sending an HTTP request. The two leading brands of Web server software are Apache, which is free Web server shareware that accounts for about 60% of the market, and Microsofts NT Server software, which accounts for about 20% of the market.但什么是网络服务器?网络服务器软件是一个使计算机能够向网上客户机传递H

30、TML网页软件,而客户机通过发出HTTP请求申请这种服务。网络服务器软件两种主要品牌是Apache和微软NT服务器软件,前者是一个免费网络服务器共享软件,约占有60%市场;后者约占有20%市场。9.3 WEB SERVERS AND CLIENTS 17第17页第17页Aside from responding to requests for Web pages, all Web servers provide some additional basic capabilities such as the following: File Transfer Protocol (FTP)This p

31、rotocol allows users to transfer files to and from the server. Some sites limit file uploads to the Web server, while others restrict downloads, depending on the users identity. 除了回应网页请求之外,全部网络服务器还提供一些附加基本能力,比如以下各项:文件传输协议(FTP)这个协议允许使用者从服务器往返移动文件。根据使用者身份不同,一些网站限制文件上传到网络服务器,而其他网站限制下载。 9.3 WEB SERVERS

32、AND CLIENTS 18第18页第18页Security servicesThese consist mainly of authentication services that verify that the person trying to access the site is authorized to do so. For Web sites that process payment transactions, the Web server also supports Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), the Internet protocol for tra

33、nsmitting and receiving information securely over the Internet. When private information such as names, phone numbers, addresses, and credit card data need to be provided to a Web site, the Web server uses SSL to ensure that the data passing back and forth from the browser to the server is not compr

34、omised.安全服务主要由认证服务构成,确认人们试图对网站进行访问是通过授权。对于处理支付交易网站,网络服务器也支持加密套接字协议层(SSL)用于在因特网上安全地传播与接受信息因特网协议。当私人信息如姓名、电话号码、地址和信用卡数据等需要向一个网站提供时,网络服务器使用SSL确保从浏览器到服务器往返传递数据不被损害。9.3 WEB SERVERS AND CLIENTS 19第19页第19页Search engineJust as search engine sites enable users to search the entire Web for particular document

35、s, search engine modules within the basic Web server software package enable indexing of the sites Web pages and content, and permit easy keyword searching of the sites content. When conducting a search, a search engine makes use of an index, which is a list of all the documents on the server. The s

36、earch term is compared to the index to identify likely matches.搜索引擎正如搜索引擎网站使用户能够为特殊文献搜寻整个万维网,基本网络服务器软件包中搜寻引擎模块允许对网站网页和内容进行索引,并允许网站内容关键词搜索。当进行搜寻时,搜索引擎使用索引, 索引是服务器上所有文献列表。将搜寻项与索引进行比较,拟定也许匹配 9.3 WEB SERVERS AND CLIENTS 20第20页第20页Data captureWeb servers are also helpful at monitoring site traffic, captu

37、ring information on who has visited a site, how long the user stayed there, the date and time of each visit, and which specific pages on the server were accessed. This information is compiled and saved in a log file, which can then be analyzed by a user log file. By analyzing a log file, a site mana

38、ger can find out the total number of visitors, average length of each visit, and the most popular destinations, or Web pages.数据捕获网络服务器尚有助于监测网站访问量,捕获相关谁访问某个网站、用户在那里停留多久、每次访问日期和时间、和服务器上哪个特定网页被存取等信息。这个信息被汇编并保留在一个日记文献中,然后能通过用户日记文献进行分析。通过度析一个日记文献,网站管理员能找出访客总数、平均访问时间长度和最流行目的地或网页。9.3 WEB SERVERS AND CLIENT

39、S 21第21页第21页The term Web server is sometimes also used to refer to the physical computer that runs Web server software. Leading manufacturers of Web server computers are IBM, Compaq, Dell, and Hewlett Packard. Although any personal computer can run Web server software, it is best to use a computer t

40、hat has been optimized for this purpose. To be a Web server, a computer must have the Web server software described above installed and be connected to the Internet. Every Web server machine has an IP address. 术语网络服务器有时也被用于指运营网络服务器软件实际计算机。网络服务器计算机领先制造商是IBM(国际商用机器公司)、Compaq(康柏)、Dell(戴尔)和Hewlett Packa

41、rd(惠普)。即使任何个人计算机都能运营网络服务器软件,但是最好使用一部为这个目的最佳化计算机。作为一个网络服务器,一部计算机必须安装上述网络服务器软件且联接到因特网。每部网络服务器计算机有一个IP地址。9.3 WEB SERVERS AND CLIENTS 22第22页第22页Aside from the generic Web server software packages, there are actually many types of specialized servers on the Web, from database servers that access specific

42、 information with a database, to ad servers that deliver targeted banner ads, to mail servers that provide mail messages, and video servers that provide video clips. At a small e-commerce site, all of these software packages might be running on a single machine, with a single processor. At a large c

43、orporate site, there may be hundreds of discrete machines, many with multiple processors, running specialized Web server functions described above.除了普通网络服务器软件包之外,网络上其实尚有许多类专用服务器, 从访问数据库特定信息数据库服务器, 到递特定标题广告广告服务器,到提供邮寄信息邮件服务器,以及提供视频剪辑视频服务器。在一个小型电子商务网站,所有这些软件包也许在一部含有一个处理器机器上运营。在一个大公司网站,也许有数百台分布机器, 多数含有

44、多个处理器,运营上述特定网络服务器功效 9.3 WEB SERVERS AND CLIENTS 23第23页第23页A Web client, on the other hand, is any computing device attached to the Internet that is capable of making HTTP requests and displaying HTML pages. The most common client is a Windows PC or Macintosh, with various flavors of UNIX machines a

45、distant third. 其次,网络客户机是指任何一种联接到因特网、能够发出HTTP请求并显示网页计算装置。最常见客户机是采用Windows操作系统个人计算机或麦金托什机,各种不同风格UNIX机远远排在第三。9.3 WEB SERVERS AND CLIENTS 24第24页第24页The primary purpose of Web browsers is to display Web pages, but browsers also have added features, such as e-mail and newsgroups (an online discussion grou

46、p or forum). 网络浏览器主要目的是显示网页,但浏览器尚有更多功效, 比如电子邮件和新闻讨论组(在线讨论组或论坛)。 9.4 WEB BROWSERS 25第25页第25页Currently 94% of Web users use either Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator, but recently some new browsers have been developed that are beginning to attract attention. The browser Opera is becoming very pop

47、ular because of its speedit is currently the worlds fastest browserand because it is much smaller than existing browsers (it can almost fit on a single diskette). It can also remember the last Web page you visited, so the next time you surf, you can start where you left off. And like the big two, yo

48、u can get it for free; the catch is that you have to watch blinking ads in one corner, or pay $40 for the ad-free version of Opera.当前,94%网络用户使用Internet Explorer或Netscape Navigator浏览器,不过最近已开发出一些新浏览器开始吸引人们注意力。Oprea浏览器正在变得非常流行,因为它速度它是当前世界上最快浏览器,而且因为它比现有浏览器小得多(它几乎能够装在一张软盘上)。它也能记得你访问过最终一个网页,因此下回漫游时,你能从你停

49、止地方开始。而且像那两个大浏览器一样,你能无偿得到它;其陷阱是你不得不看一个角落中可恶广告,不然要支付40美元购置无广告版。9.4 WEB BROWSERS 26第26页第26页The browser NeoPlanet is also gaining new fans, primarily because of the 500+ skins, or design schemes, that come with it. Using skins, you can design the browser to look and sound just the way youd like it to,

50、rather than being limited to the standard look provided by Navigator and Internet Explorer. However, NeoPlanet requires Internet Explorers technology in order to operate, so you must also have IE installed on your computer.浏览器NeoPlanet也正在取得新兴趣者,主要因为它带有500多套界面或设计方案。使用不同界面,你能依据你喜欢看或听方式设计浏览器,而不是被限于Nets

51、cape Navigator和Internet Explorer浏览器提供标准外观。然而, NeoPlanet 需要Internet Explorer技术来运行,因此你也必须在计算机上安装IE。9.4 WEB BROWSERS 27第27页第27页学术论文英文写作简介 一、科技论文结构Title(标题)Abstract(摘要)Keywords(关键词)Table of contents(目录)Nomenclature(术语表)Introduction(引言)Method(办法)Results(结果)Discussion(讨论)Conclusion(结论)Acknowledgement(致谢)N

52、otes(注释)References(参考文献)Appendix(附录)正 文一篇完整规范学术论文结构如右所表示:其中,Title,Abstract,Introduction,Method,Result,Discussion,Conclusion和Reference八项内容是必不可少,其它内容则依据详细需要而定 28第28页第28页二、正文学术论文正文普通包括Method,Result,Discussion三个部分。这三部分主要描述研究课题详细内容、办法,研究过程中所使用设备、仪器、条件,并如实公布相关数据和研究结果等。Conclusion是对全文内容或相关研究课题进行总体性讨论。它含有严密科学性和客观性,反应一个研究课题价值,同时提出以后研究方向。为了帮助阐明论据、事实,正文中经常使用各种图表。最惯用是附图(Figure)和表(Table),另外尚有图解或简图(Diagram)、曲线图或流程图(Graph)、视图(View)、剖面图(Profile)、图案(Pattern)等。在文中提届时,通常表示法为:如图 4 所表示 As (is) shown in Fig.4,如表 1 所表示 As (is) shown in Tab.1,学术论文英文写作简介 29第29页第29页三、结论在正文最后应有结论(Conclusions)或提议(Suggestio


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