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1、八年级上学期英语集体备课教案课题Unit 6 Im going to study computer science. SectionA 1a2c 第 1 课时教学目标To learn to express future with going toTo learn to use what, how questions重点 学习运用(一般将来时)描绘自己的人生理想和表达奋斗的想法集体研讨个性施教难点动词一般将来时及时间状语从句的使用教学过程教学过程 Task 1. 自主学习 通过自学能写出下列有关职业名词:计算机程序设计员_厨师_医生_工程师_小提琴手_司机_飞行员_钢琴家_科学家_教师_演员_篮

2、球运动员_学习计算机科学_每天练习篮球_努力学习数学_学习表演课程_完成高中学业_Task 2. 探究学习 学习谈论将来意向及实现方式1、记忆并练习下列对话:-What do you want to be when you are grow up?-I want to be a basketball player.-How are you going to do that? -Im going to practice basketball every day.“be going to+动词原形表示计划、打算要做或即将发生的事,be有人称和数的变化。例:我打算学习计算机科学。 、听力练习: (1

3、)听录音,连线: programmer acting lessons player computer science basketball every day math really hard(2)用这些词组做替换练习,练习上面对话。(3)、 听录音,完成下列对话: A: What do you want to be _,Cheng Han?B: I want to be _.A: _move to Hollywood?(好莱坞)B:No,Im going to _New York.A:And _become an actor.B:Well,Im going to _ A:When are y

4、ou going to _? B:Im going to _ high and college first.Task 3. 合作学习 读并深入理解下列对话,然后两两练习达到背诵A: What do you want to be when you grow up, Cheng Han? B:I want to be an actor.A: Are you going to move to Hollywood?(好莱坞) B:No,Im going to move to New York.A:And how are you going to become an actor? B:Well,Im g

5、oing to take acting lessons. A:When are you going to start? B:Im going to finish high and college first.Task 4. 系统总结(头脑风暴)想一想我们能用英语写出多少职业的名称:_2.询问长大后干什么的句型及其答语A: _ ?B: _.3.询问何时开始奋斗的句型及其答语A: _ ?B: _.4.其他说明将来意向的句型 _【Test】一、补全句子:二句型变换:三用所给词的适当形式填空四 根据汉语完成句作业设计1Ask students to read & copy the words and

6、expressions. 2Ask students to do the exercises 板书设计Unit 6 Im going to study computer science.-What do you want to be when you are grow up?-I want to be a basketball player.-How are you going to do that? -Im going to practice basketball every day.教学反思八年级上学期英语集体备课教案主备人朱艳姣复备人日期2023年 8月 1 日总 5 课时课题Unit

7、6 Im going to study computer science. SectionA 2da3c 第 2 课时教学目标1. To master the words: college, education, medicine, university, London, article, send, 2. To master the sentences:keep on doing sth, try ones best, take lessons, move to a place, send sth. to 3. Trainstudentsabilitytousewordsincontest.

8、4. Trainstudentsreading & writingskills.重点Reading and Grammar focus集体研讨个性施教难点Reading and Grammar focus教学过程教学过程Task 1. 自主学习 通过自学能掌握本课重点单词和短语学院;大学;高等专科学校_教育_ 药;医学_ (综合性)大学;高等学府_ 伦敦_ 文章;论文_邮寄;发送_ 确信;对有把握_ 确保;查明_Task 2. 自主、探究学习 学习2d对话1、个人自读对话,然后回答下列问题并且组内核对答案A: What does Ken want to be When he grows up?

9、B: _.A: How is he going to become a writer ? B:_.A: What do Andys parents want him to be When he grows up? B:_.2、组内合作探究学习以下知识点be good at doing sth. 2)keep on doing sth.3)want sb. to do sth. 4)be sure about sth.5)dont worry 6) make sure 7)try ones bestTask 3. 合作学习 学习3b.把你将来打算干什麽的有关信息完成表格 WhatWhereHow

10、2、仿照下列对话,两个人进行对话练习A: What do you want to be when you are grow up?B: I want to be a reporter.A: How are you going to do that?B: Im going to write articles and send them to magazines and newspapers. Task 4. 实践活动 组内运用”be going to”列举你们能为将来所做的事,然后轮流讲给大家。 Were going to _ 2_ 3_ 4_ Task 5. 系统总结 思考归纳用日记体裁写自己

11、的人生理想的格式及常用句型【Test】写出问句或答语(1)A:_? B: Im going to be a doctor.(2) A: How are you going to become a teacher? B: _. (3) A:Where are you going to work? B: _.(二)翻译句子1、我长大后,我想成为一名作家。_.2、我打算一直写故事。_.3、我的父母亲想让我成为一名医生,但是我对那件事没有把握。_.4、不是每个人知道他们想干什么。_.5、仅仅确保你尽你的最大努力。然后你成为你想作的任何职业。_.【Ideas after class】 _ 作业设计1As

12、k students to copy & translate the grammar focus. 2Ask students to learn 2d,3a,3b again.板书设计教学反思八年级上学期英语集体备课教案主备人朱艳姣复备人日期2023年 8月 1 日总 5 课时课题Unit 6 Im going to study computer science. SectionB 1b1e 第 3 课时教学目标学会重点词汇:resolution, team, foreign, make the soccer team, get back, for example, make resoluti

13、ons,get good grades.重点 Listening集体研讨个性施教难点 Listening and Practicing教学过程教学过程Task 1. 自主学习 学习1a,写出下列短语学会弹钢琴_组建足球队_ 取得好成绩_吃更健康的食品_进行大量锻炼_Task 2. 合作学习 学习1b对话,谈论自己将来的意向个人迅速朗读对话,并理解意思2、两人一组练习对话,组内展示3、用1a中的短语,模仿1b编对话,并在组内交流 A:What are you going to do next year? B:Well ,Im going to take guitar lessons. I rea

14、lly love music. A:Sounds interesting . Im going to learn another foreign language.4、重点词组 Sounds interesting 听起来有趣sound为系动词后面跟形容词。又如: 听起来无聊_ 觉得身体好_ Task 3. 听力训练 完成1c、1d听录音,在你听到的短语前划对号。_learn to play the piano _make the soccer team _get good grades _eat healthier food _get lots of exercise再听一遍,完成下面对话.

15、Kim: Well, my New Years resolution is to get _ _.Lucy: Im going to _ _and of course _ _ _every day. Kim: That _ good! How about you, Mike? _ you _ a resolution?Mike: I_did. Im going to make a _ _.Lucy: How are you going to do that?Mike:Im going to _really hard, and this summer, Im going to go to a s

16、occer camp. I can _ _ every day there.Kim: Did you _ a New Years _this year, Lucy ?Lucy: Yes, Kim, I _.Kim:_ are you going to _ ?Lucy: Im going to _to _the _.Kim:Cool. _ are you going to do_?Lucy: Im going to _ _ _. How about you? 3、理解下列对话,并做仿照练习 A:Did you make a New Years resolution this year, B? B

17、:Yes, A. I did. A: What are you going to do? B: Well,Im going to make the soccer team. A: How are you going to do that? B: Im going to practice really hard and Im going to a summer m going to play soccer every day there . How about you, A? A: Im going to learn to play the piano. B: How are you going

18、 to do that? A: Im going to take piano lessons.Task 4. 实践活动 组内同学分别运用本节所学短语讲述自己的新年愿望及实现方法。 Task 5. 系统总结 思考归纳谈论自己的新年愿望及实现方法的常用句型【Test】(一)汉译英1、你将怎样实现这一理想? _2、我打算学习弹钢琴。 _3、我的新年计划是取得好成绩。 _4、我将努力学习,每天做作业。 _5、我想成为一名教师,我要取得好成绩。 _6、听起来很有趣,我想多参加体育锻炼。 _(二)句型转换1、We are going to play football next Saturday.(对画线部

19、分提问)_ _ you going to _next Saturday?She is going to write articles this weekend .(对画线部分提问)_She going to _this weekend ?3、The students are going to the party tonight .(改为否定句)_.4、Im going to get good grades.(改为一般疑问句)_.5、I want to get a lot of exercise.(改为一般疑问句)_.【Ideas after class】 (课后反思) _作业设计 板书设计教学

20、反思八年级上学期英语集体备课教案主备人朱艳姣复备人日期2023年 8月 1 日总 5 课时课题Unit 6 Im going to study computer science. SectionB 2b2e 第4 课时教学目标学会重点词汇和短语:able,question, meaning , discuss, promise, beginning improve, physical, themselves, hobby, weekly, schoolwork, agree, own, personal, relationship, write down, agree with, have t

21、o do with,be able to, at the beginning of, take up, talk about, make promises, have.in common重点 Reading集体研讨个性施教难点Reading and Writing教学过程教学过程Task 1. 合作学习 Discuss the questions with your partner.Did you make any resolutions last year?Were you able to keep them? Why or why not?Task 2. ReadingPut the se

22、ntences 【A-D】 in the correct places.To understand the passage.Answer the questions with short sentences.(2d)Step1 Warming up by talking about how to read in English.Hello, class. Today we are going to read a text. But first lets think hard about how to read best in English. How do you read? What abo

23、ut you? Step2 2b Reading and listening Now we are going to read the magazine article on page45. First lets read aloud to the tape. That is, when the reader reads, we read, and when he stops we stop. Second lets read the article again and try to cut/ the sentence into thought groups, study all the pr

24、edicates, circle all the linking words and underline all the expressions. Thats grammar study, in deed. Finally go over the text to list all the New Years Resolutions. Now lets try to make a conversation in pairs. We may make use of the words, expressions and structures and ideas from the text. Step

25、3 2e Reading and writingFirst turn back to page 45 and read activities 2b. Then tell your partner about the three students resolutions. Finally write a magazine article about their resolutions.Three students made their New Years resolutions yesterday. Kim wants to make the soccer team. He is going t

26、o go to a summer camp and he is going to play soccer every day. He is going to practice really hard. Lucy is a lovely girl. She is going to learn to play an instrument. So she is going to take piano lessons. Manual wants to get good grades. He is going to study hard and do my homework every day. Ste

27、p4实践活动Make sentences. (2e)【Test】翻译 下决心 外语 能够做某事 许诺 提高英语 在方面做得好 make the soccer team get back at the beginning of talk about_have.in common take up 用所给词的适当形式填空He is ready to help_ (other). 2. Its hot at the _ (begin) of July.三、单项选择根据汉语意思完成句子. 请写下这些单词。 Please_ _ these words.2.这篇文章与音乐有关。The article _ _

28、 _ _music.【Ideas after class】 (课后反思) _作业设计 板书设计教学反思八年级上学期英语集体备课教案主备人朱艳姣复备人日期2023年 8月 1 日总 5 课时课题 Unit 6 Im going to study computer science. SectionB 3a Self check 第5 课时教学目标学会重点词汇和短语:own, personal, relationship,make promise to do, make resolutions, take up, learn to do sth. help sb. do (to do),be goo

29、d at重点 词汇和短语的运用,making plans 集体研讨个性施教难点Simple Future Tense教学过程教学过程Step I 3a Complete the first two paragraphs about resolutions with the words in the box.Step2. 3b Write your resolutions under the following headings.Step3. 3c Write what you are going to do and why.Step4 4 GROUPWORKImagine you are a cleaner in our city. H


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