



1、Teaching plan for passive voiceBy 高瑛蔚Teaching aims: By the end of the class, Ss will be able toknow the differences between the passive voice and the active voice.master how to change active voice into passive voice.know how to make a sentence in passive voice.Teaching contents: The differences betw

2、een passive and active voice. The rules of changing active voice into passive voice in four different tenses.Teaching period: 1 lessonTeaching difficulties:How to guide the students to find the rules of changing active voice into passive voice in four different tenses. Teaching procedures:Step 1: Gr

3、eeting and duty report by Moss.Step 2: Lead in:T: Do you like this song? I will introduce you another song. Lets listen to it together.(Listen to the song) T:Look at the lyrics. These two sentences, Can you find any differences between them?Ss: Love be lovedStep 3:Recognize active voice and passive

4、voice.T:Yes,Actually, there are more sentences just like this one. For example. Please look at this sentence. Can you find out the subject? And how about the object? And the predicate?Now I change sentence 1 into sentence 2. Can you find out the subject object and predicate of sentence 2? Now, can y

5、ou find any differences between sentence one and two? (Ss answer)T:Yes, Firstly, I exchange the subject and object. And then I change the predicate from beets into am beaten.Lastly, I plus the preposition by before the object. Lets try again. How about sentence three and four? Please find out the di

6、fferences between them.T:Actually, sentence one and three, we can call them active voice. And sentence two and four, they are the passive voice. So how can we change active voice into passive voice? Today lets learn together. Step 4:Find out the three steps of changing active voice into passive voic

7、e. T: Firstly, according to the picture. Please put these words into right the them a sentence.T:So now we changed this sentence from active voice into passive voice. How can we make it? Step 1, we exchange the subject and object. Step two, we change the verb into is taken out. And here the forms of

8、 take: take took taken. Here we use taken,that is the form of done. Step there,plus by. (stick the card on the blackboard)(check these three steps):Lets try again. Put these words into the right order according to this picture. Now I change hits into is hit. Can you make them a sentence? So now we c

9、hange active voice into passive voice too. Lets check these three steps. Step 1-3.Step 5:practice with these three steps.T: With these three steps. Lets do more practice. Now because ,I change wake up into was woken up Please change this sentence from active voice into passive voice.Step 6: Find out

10、 the rules of changing the verbs.The simple present tenseFind out the rules with there examples.T: I need to change this sentence from active voice into passive voice. Please help me fill in the blank.T:Because of the form of the verb ask, asked asked. So here we should fill in “am asked”.Do the sum

11、mary.Now lets do a summary. Look at these sentences. Can you tell me the forms of predicate?So what tense are these sentences? Yes, they are the simple present tense. Now I change this sentence from active voice into passive voice, how about the forms of predicate now?(Stick the cards on the blackbo

12、ard)Do more practice.Now lets do more practice. Please change these sentences from active voice into passive voice.The simple past tense. Find out the rules with there examples.T: I need to change this sentence from active voice into passive voice. Please help me fill in the blank.T:Because of the f

13、orm of the verb find-found-found. So here we should fill in was found .T:Now I change this sentence from active voice into passive voice. But there is a mistake in this sentence. Please help me correct it.Do the summary.The simple past tense. (Stick the cards on the blackboard)Do more practice.Now l

14、ets do more practice. Please change these sentences from active voice into passive voice.The present continuous tense.Find out the rules with there examples.Fill in the blank and correct the mistakes. Do the summary.The simple continuous tense. (Stick the cards on the blackboard)Do more practice.Now

15、 lets do more practice. Please change these sentences from active voice into passive voice.The simple future tenseFind out the rules with an example.Fill in the blank. And rewrite this sentence with the same meaning. And then fill in the blank.Do the summary.The simple future tense. (Stick the cards

16、 on the blackboard) Do more practice.Now lets do more practice. Please change these sentences from active voice into passive voice.Step 7: Pair work.Now, according to this picture and the words. Please make a sentence in active voice. Now can you change this sentence from active voice into passive v

17、oice? All right, now you can work in pair and practice other pictures.Step 8: Group work.(Discuss in class and finish it in words as todays homework)TensebedoneSimple Present Tenseam/is/aredoneSimple Past Tensewas/werePresent Continuous Tenseam/is/are beingSimple Future Tensewill beNow, according to these pictures and these words, please make a story in active voice. And


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