



1、安吉中学Unit11 Sad movies make me cry.教学设计课题Unit11 Sad movies make me cry第_4_课时课 型Listening and saying备课人马雪 时间第 周三维目标一、口、笔头掌握下列句型:1. The general searched and searched but couldnt find anyone. 2. It seemed that everyone had their own problems.3. No one was truly happy.4. I have everything I want, and I d

2、ont want what I cant have. 5. My song comes from the happiness in my heart.6. Just as he was about to give up, he saw a poor man on the street. 二、1能听懂对一些事物进行评价的听力材料。 2能在口语对话中熟练应用make及一些不定代词的用法。三、通过听说训练和小组学习,增强同学间的相互交流与合作,能正确理解“快乐”的含义。 教学重点通过听说训练和小组学习,增强同学间的相互交流与合作,能正确理解“快乐”的含义。 学情分析本课是对语言知识的交际运用,使学生

3、达到运用make使役动词谈论周围事物的感受。教学过程环节学生要解决的问题或完成的任务教师如何教学生如何学1Warming-upShow pictures to practice How do you feel about? Ss say their feelings.2guessingGive possible endings to the storyGive different answers3discussingAsk Ss to talk about the endingsDiscuss the ending stories4Listen and checkGive tusks to S

4、s and ask Ss to check the rest of the story .Listen to the tape carefully and choose the right choice5Listen and answerGive questions:1) How long did it take the general to find the happy man? 2) What was the poor man doing on the street?3) What made the poor man so happy even though he had no power

5、, money or fame? 4) Do you think the general will return to the king with the poor mans shirt? Why or why not? Listen to the tape and answer the questions one by one6Group workDo you agree with the poor mans thoughts about happiness? Discuss ideas with partner and make a dialogue.当堂训练PPT24-28作业布置AB层学生完成绩优学案达标测评3CD层学生完成绩优学


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