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1、.1IELTS WRITINGWEEK 2.1IELTS WRITINGWEEK 2.2IELTS作文里是否可以使用I和WE?在英语国家里,许多学者明确反对在学术论文里使用I 和WE的,因为会让学术论文显得过于主观。有些人看到学生论文出现这种词甚至会勒令学生改正。那么在雅思写作中是否可以使用呢?最权威的答案来自于Cambridge English Language Assessment 提供的真实范文。剑10 P162开头段:Therefore I have to disagree 剑10 P166开头段:I believe that剑11 P137 第三段:By this i mean th

2、at 剑11 P137 结尾段:I believe that learning 剑12 P129 第三段:If we can reduce the number of cars 剑12 P129 结尾段:I believe in order to move 如此之多剑桥实例全都包含有I 的使用,甚至有一些旗帜鲜明使用 WE。因此,虽然我们在国外大学里写专业论文时确实应该努力避免使用这两个词,但是在写雅思议论文时,没有必要对适度使用 I 或者WE “如履薄冰”了。.2IELTS作文里是否可以使用I和WE?剑10 P162开.3在雅思写作考试中,句子越长越难就越容易得高分嘛?.3在雅思写作考试中,

3、.4地道英文里一个很有名的说法叫:KISS principle?Keep it simple, stupid.4地道英文里一个很有名的说法叫:Keep it simpl.5KISS is an acronym(krnm首字母缩略词) for Keep it simple, stupid as a design principle noted by the U.S. Navy in 1960.The KISS principle states(说明) that most systems work best if they are kept simple rather than made comp

4、licated; therefore simplicity should be a key goal in design and unnecessary complexity should be avoided. 简单就是美.5KISS is an acronym(krnm.6同样的意思是否字数更多的英语表达才更高分?论证是一种能力,IELTS作文对于用词的要求是准确,而不是冗长。地道英语写作对于冗词(啰嗦)是非常排斥的。例如:The reason is because new innovations (创新)repeat again past history cooperate togeth

5、er The reason is.innovationsrepeathistorycooperate (with sb.).6同样的意思是否字数更多的英语表达才更高分?论证是一种能力.7句子越长越难就越容易得高分嘛?很多人有这种疑问。事实上,剑桥官方评分标准里并没有要求写长难句,所谓“雅思作文必须写长难句”的说法是一些中式英语思维生搬硬套出来的结果。请您翻翻剑4剑12后面由剑桥官方提供的高分范文,到底发现了多少“无敌长难句”呢?眼见为实,请看剑12P 129,7.5分范文里的这段话:“Public transport is an issue that affects us all. The t

6、axes which we pay should be spent on the type of transport with the most benefits to all citizens.”再来看剑11P137里7分范文里的这段话:“Learning a new language for the purpose of working in other countries seems to be more and more popular. Adults in need of money or recognition are trying to pursue (psju: 追求) the

7、ir happiness far away from home. ”.7句子越长越难就越容易得高分嘛?很多人有这种疑问。事实上,.8剑10P162 考官满分范文里这段话:“The question depends on the age of the child. To punish a very young child is wrong, as an infant will not understand what is happening or why he or she is being punished. However, once the age of reason(原因,理智) is

8、reached, a child can be rewarded for good behaviour.”请问,它们是你心中的“无敌长难句”嘛?结论:IELTS作文好句子的标准是准确、清晰。.8剑10P162 考官满分范文里这段话:“The qu.9该项标准明确地告诉雅思考生:除了语法的正确性之外,重点考察带从句的复合句的应用。5分标准:试图使用复合句6分标准:简单句和复合句的混合使用(a mix)7分标准:使用多种多样的复合句(uses a variety of complex structures)Grammatical Range and Accuracy那么什么才称得上多种多样呢?三种

9、以上在英语中才能叫做a variety of,所以我们的作文中要写出四种不同的从句,比如:一篇作文中至少要写出宾语从句、定语从句、状语从句和主语从句。.9该项标准明确地告诉雅思考生:除了语法的正确性之外,重点考.10什么是复合句?从结构上说,句子分为三类:1、简单句(Simple Sentence)-句子成分都由单词或短语担任,且只有一个主谓结构。例: I want a dog. 2、并列句(Compound Sentence)-句子成分都由单词或短语担任,但有两个或更多的互不依从的主谓结构。 I want a dog and my brother wants a cat. 3、复合句(Com

10、plex Sentences)-从句担任句成分。 I believe that it is not my dog. (从句担任该句宾语) .10什么是复合句?从结构上说,句子分为三类:1、简单句(S.11“我常说,最大的留学感悟之一是东方人讲境界,西方人讲数据。这一点潜移默化地指导了我归国后的工作学习研究,影响了整个雅思真经教学体系的建立。我对剑桥雅思考官反问进行数字统计发现:平均每篇反问270字左右,12句话。其中8个复合句,2个并列句,2个简单句。平均每句长度为23个单词,在考卷上体现为两行半。这就是满分9分范文”15 句逻辑框架.11“我常说,最大的留学感悟之一是东方人讲境界,西方人讲数

11、.12状语:状语(adverbial)是句子的重要修饰成分,是谓语里的另一个附加成分,它一般附加在谓语中心语前面,从情况、时间、处所、方式、条件、对象、肯定、否定、范围和程度等方面对谓语中心词进行修饰、限制。状语从句:由从句表示的状语可以用来修饰谓语(或其他动词)、定语或状语,或是整个句子。状语从句可以用来表示原因、让步、条件、时间、结果、比较等。.12状语:状语(adverbial)是句子的重要修饰成分,.131. 表示原因的状语从句:表示原因的状语从句可以由because, since, as, seeing (that), considering that, now that 等词(组)

12、引起。Furthermore, the people who know us well can advise us effectively because they understand our strengths and weakness.此外,因为他们了解我们,知道我们的优缺点,所以能提供有用的建议。In conclusion, I prefer reading books to watching movies in my free time because reading gives me greater freedom and inspires my imagination more.

13、总之,有空的时候,我宁愿看书而不看电影。因为看书能给我较大的自由,更能激发我的想象力。Since all cigarettes and other tobacco products are poisonous and potentially lethalli:l, they should all be banned by the market.由于香烟和其他烟草制品全都是有毒的并且具有潜在的致命性,它们都应该从市场中被取缔。.131. 表示原因的状语从句:表示原因的状语从句可以由be.142、表示让步的状语从句:表示让步的状语从句可以由although, though, even if, ev

14、en though, no matter, while, whatever 等词(组)引起。 Though nuclear technology has significant impacts on human civilization, we shall never lose sight of its risks.虽然核技术对人类文明产生了巨大影响,但是我们绝不能无视它的危害性。While modern life offers us many conveniences, it also requires us to deal with pressure and frustration in

15、daily life.虽然现代生活的确给我们带来许多便利,但也使我们在生活中要应付很多的压力和挫折。Although tourism brings us a huge amount of foreign currency and creates many job opportunities, it poses potential risks to the conservation of indigenous (nddns土生土长的) culture.尽管旅游业给我们带来了大量的外汇,创造许多就业机会,但它对当地文化的保护构成潜在威胁。.142、表示让步的状语从句:表示让步的状语从句可以由alt

16、.153. 表示条件的状语从句:表示条件的状语从句可以由if, unless, in case, so(as) long as, so far as, on condition (that) 等词(组)引导。If we do not know what we want to achieve, we are unlikely to make much progress.如果我们不知道要达到什么,就不太可能有很大的进步。If free museum entry were considered a cultural right, shouldnt the government make theatr

17、e tickets free as well?如果免费参观博物馆被视为一种文化权利的话,那么政府是否也应该对剧院实行免票呢?If we could strengthen family life, raise the living standard, and install character values, we would doubtless(datls毫无疑问地) lower the crime rate.如果我们能增进家庭关系,提高生活水平和培养品格,毫无疑问犯罪率将得以降低。.153. 表示条件的状语从句:表示条件的状语从句可以由if.164.表示时间的状语从句:可以由when ,be

18、fore, after, since, as, as soon as, while, until, whenever, till, ever, since, now(that), once, so (as) long as 等词(组)引导。I didnt realize how special my mother was until I became an adult.直到我成为了一个成年人我才意识到我的母亲是多么的特殊。While John was watching TV, his wife was cooking.当约翰看电视时,他的妻子正在做饭。When a community lose

19、s its language, it often loses a great deal of its cultural identity at the same time.当一个社会失去其语言时,它同时也就是失去了许多文化特征。.164.表示时间的状语从句:可以由when ,before.175、表示目的和结果的状语从句:可以有so that, so. that, such. that, in order that, that, in case 等词组引导。The teacher raised his voice on purpose so that the students in the b

20、ack could hear more clearly.为了让后面的学生听得更清楚,老师有意地提高了他的声音。He got up so early that he caught the first bus.他很早起床以便赶上第一班公共汽车Its such a good chance that we must not miss it.这是一个好机会,千万不能错过它.175、表示目的和结果的状语从句:可以有so that, .186.表示比较的状语从句:通常是由than或as引导的。由于里面常有一些成分没有表示出来。特殊引导词:the more the more ; just as , so;Sh

21、e is as bad-tempered as her mother.她和她妈妈一样脾气很坏。The more you exercise, the healthier you will be.你运动的越多,你就越健康。.186.表示比较的状语从句:通常是由than或as引导的。.197、状语从句的省略状语从句同时具备下列两个条件:主句和从句的主语一致,或从句主语为it;从句主要动词是be的某种形式。从句中的主语和be动词常可省略。When ( the museum is ) completed , the museum will be open to the public next year

22、.当博物馆完成,该博物馆将于明年向公众开放。Hell go to the seaside for his holiday if (it is ) possible.如果可能,他将去海边度假的话另外,比较状语从句经常省略。例如:Im taller than he (is tall ).我比他高The higher the temperature (is), the greater the pressure (is ).温度越高,气压越大.197、状语从句的省略状语从句同时具备下列两个条件:主.201. although较正式,语气强 Although he was tired, he went

23、on working. 2. although引导的从句放在主句前后均可,有时还可放在句中. Although many difficulties are still ahead, we are determined to make greater achievements. 尽管在前面的道路上还有许多困难,但是,我们决心要取得更大的成就. He often helps me with my English although he is quite busy. 尽管他相当忙,但是还常常帮我学英语. 3. although引导的从句不能与but, however连用,但可与yet, still连

24、用.不能说:Although he was old, but he worked hard. 应把but去掉.当然,保留but而去Although也可. .201. although较正式,语气强 .21雅思写作开头.21雅思写作开头.22Task 2中议论文(Argumentation)出题概率为80%,要求考生辩论观点或者比较利弊。题目有两种形式形式1:题目中给出一方观点(反方观点隐含)Do you agree or disagree?To what extent do you agree or disagree?例1:In order to learn a language well,

25、we should learn about the country as well as the cultures and lifestyles of the people who speak it. To what extent do you agree or disagree?.22Task 2中议论文(Argumentation)出题.23形式2:题目中给出双方观点,要求分析正反观点后下结论。Some say. Others argue that. What is your opinion?Discuss both views and give your opinion.Express(

26、表达)some reasons for both views and give your own opinion.Do you think its advantages outweigh the disadvantages?题目中表示“优势和劣势”的同义词:positive and negative; pros(赞成的意见) and cons(反对的意见);merits(功德,长处) and demerits; benefits and drawbacks例2:Some people think it is acceptable to use animals for the benefits

27、of humans. Other people think it is wrong to exploit animals for human purposes. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.23形式2:题目中给出双方观点,要求分析正反观点后下结论。.24Task 2中的报告文(Report)出题概率为20%题目中没有观点。只给出一种现象,让考生分析该现象的cause(原因)、solutions(解决方案)、effects(影响)等。通常标题为What are.?例3:Today, there are more images of d

28、isasters and violence in the media. What are the causes and what are your solutions?.24Task 2中的报告文(Report)出题概率为20%. 1 开头段练习怎样简练地完成开头段和结尾段英语作文对于introduction部分的要求是:Keep the introduction short and clear.对于每类题型,您只需要把其中最适合自己的一种练熟即可,忘掉其他种种。English essays的introduction必须速战速决,否则就变成了中式

29、作文。.28Part 1 开头段练习怎样简练地完成开头段和结尾段.29题型特点:不管考题了里有没有直接出现Some people think that . 这样的措词,“同不同意”型的考题里面一定会含有一种观点。如果题目里在这一种观点的前面还有别的文字,那就是背景介绍。雅思官方对于introduction的唯一明确要求是short and clear。 但从逻辑本质来说,同不同意型的开头不会超出这3种关系:A、agree or disagree(同不同意)型考题的开头段.29题型特点:不管考题了里有没有直接出现Some peop.30(第1步)如果题目里含有背景,那么就用简单易懂的语言转述背景

30、(绝不要用大词、难词)。如果题目里不含背景,那么你可以自己选择写或者不写背景句;(第2步)用Some people think/ believe/ argue that. 转述题目里面所含的那种观点。转述时你的首要任务是不偏离原题里的观点,挑战有把握的地方动“小手术”即可,不要用自己没把我的难词在考场里“做实验”。很多考生被判偏题(partially off-topic)甚至完全跑题(completely off-topic)正式因为在开头段转述题目的观点时就已经偏离了原题的意思;(第3步)写出你自己对这种观点所持的态度(your position)。A 简单易行的agree or disag

31、ree 型开头段写法(适合英语基础一般的同学).30(第1步)如果题目里含有背景,那么就用简单易懂的语言转.31(第1步)写背景句的要求和前一种写法一样(第2步)用Although I agree that, I believe that 这句话来表明你自己并不完全赞同题目里面的观点(不要忘记这句话中间的逗号)。这句话里的第一个省略号里是承认题目里的观点所具有的正确性,这句话里的第2个省略号里则是填入你自己认为被题目里面的观点忽略了的方面。相同的意思在地道英文里也可以用While I agree that, I believe that 这个结构也可以使用。B、稍难一点的agree or di

32、sagree型开头段写法.31(第1步)写背景句的要求和前一种写法一样B、稍难一点的.32这种开头段的写法要比前一种写法稍难一点。但它的好处是对主体段里你将要论证的两个方面进行了提前“预告”。如果你的英语基础比较好,而且不喜欢太“直白”的写法,那么可以采用这种写法。英语基础一般的同学用前一种写法就已经很好了。开头段的重点是确保扣题、明确,控制好逻辑和语法才是真正的关键。BONUS.32这种开头段的写法要比前一种写法稍难一点。但它的好处是对.33(第1步)写背景句的要求和前两种写法一样;(第2步)用I agree that 这句话来承认题目里的观点所具有的正确性;(第3步)用However, I

33、 believe that 指出你自己认为被题目里的观点忽略了的方面。C、较难的agree or disagree型开头段写法这种开头段的写法和第二种的逻辑本质是一样的,只是从语法角度来看,你把自己的态度句分成了两个句子。.33(第1步)写背景句的要求和前两种写法一样;C、较难的a.34中国同学们在写agree or disagree 型作文最容易出现的错误就是画蛇添足地引入 “Others think that”, 把同不同意型作文“跨界”写成了D&G型作文。官方评分标准明确规定: agree or disagree型的考题里只有一种观点,考官希望看到的事你自己对于这种观点的态度,跟“Oth

34、ers”没有关系。早同不同意型作文里决不允许出现“Others think that”。Warning:.34中国同学们在写agree or disagree 型作.35Effective Paraphrasing in EssaysOne of the most important skills in IELTS writing task 2 is knowing how to paraphrase the question. Paraphrasing means to say something in your own words, the meaning stays the same b

35、ut the words aredifferent.In the introduction of your essay, the first thing you must do is paraphrase the topic question by either changing the structure of the sentence and formation of the words, or usingsynonyms(words with the same meaning) Remember that if you just copy the original questionyou

36、 will lose points.Remember to keep it simple, do not use overly complicated language or try to impress the examiner with very high level grammar. Simple and concise is the key.35Effective Paraphrasing in E.36Use synonyms(同义词)The first way is to use synonyms to replace the words in the original text.

37、 Here is an example:Original sentence:The position of women in the society has changed greatly in the past 20 years.Paraphrased sentence:The social status of female has dramatically changed in the last two decades.As you can see,status,female,dramatically,lastandtwodecadesare used to replaceposition

38、,women,greatly,pastand20 years.36Use synonyms(同义词)Paraphrase.37Change the part of speech(词性)The part of speech refers to different types of words such as nouns, verbs, pronouns and adjectives. Changing the part of speech of a word can help you to paraphrase the text. In the previous example,social(a

39、dj.)is used to replacesociety (n.). Below is another way to paraphrase that sentence.Original sentence:The position of women in the society has changed greatly in the past 20 years.Paraphrased sentence:The social status of female has undergone a great change in the last two decades.Here we can useag

40、reat (adj.)change (n.)instead ofchange (v.) greatly (adv.)to show the same meaning of the original sentence.37Change the part of speech(词.38Change sentence structureAnother way to paraphrase is to change the sentence structure. For instance, you can alter the word order of a sentence or make two sen

41、tences into one. Here is an example.Original text:His phone was stolen last week. Therefore, he was worried about the leak of his personal and bank information.Paraphrased sentence:He was afraid that his personal and bank information would be leaked out because his phone was stolen a few days ago.Th

42、e example text are two simple sentences. We can combine them by using subordinating conjunction because.38Change sentence structurePa.39Task question:Doctors should be responsible for educating their patients about how to improve their health. To what extent do you agree or disagree?Introduction:Som

43、e people would argue that educating patients about improving their health should be the responsibility of Doctors.I completely agree with this because many people need advice from a medical expert about healthy eating and exercise, which is crucial for preventing disease.Blue= Paraphrased the task q

44、uestionPurple= Thesis statement with my specific opinion.39Task question:Doctors sho.40Another way of writing this is by adding synonyms (in red) , this introduction below would be much better:Task Question:Doctors should be responsible for educating their patients about how to improve their health.

45、 To what extent do you agree or disagree?Full Introduction:Some people would argue that itought to bethe responsibility of Doctors toinstructpatients about improving theirwell-being.I completely agree because many people need advice from a medical expert about healthy eating and exercise, which is crucial for preventing disease.40Another way of writing t


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