



1、第第 页六级词汇选择题练习及答案 下面是学习啦我为大家带来英语六级词汇选择题练习及答案,期望对大家的学习有所关怀! 从以下单词中选出最适当的词填入空格内: deficit n. 赤字;缺乏额 And so - but we do have to deal with the deficit. 所以说但是,我们的确必需解决赤字问题。 damp vt. 使潮湿;使阻尼;使懊丧,抑制 Damp gunpowder will not fire. 潮湿的火药不会起火。 departure n. 离开;动身;违反 The secretarys sudden departure disorganized th

2、e whole company. 该秘书的突然离去使全公司陷入混乱。 cynical adj. 愤世嫉俗的;冷嘲的 He was so cynical that he sneered at everything that made life worth living. 他也太玩世不恭了,但凡对人生有意义的事,他一概加以嘲讽。 dedicate vt. 致力;献身;题献 To her I dedicate this book. 我把这本书献给她。 deadline n. 截止期限,最终期限 In this case, youll want to set yourself a deadline.

3、在这种状况下,你要为自己设定一个最终期限。 degenerate vt. 使退化;恶化 But why do men degenerate ever? 为什么人类总是在退化? depict vt. 描述;描画 Therefore using control flow to depict events is not a good idea. 因此使用把握流来描述大事并不是一个好想法。 curb n. 抑制;路边;勒马绳 We must curb the spread and use of these weapons. 我们必需遏制这类武器的扩大和使用。 deadly adj. 致命的;特殊的;死

4、一般的 The shock was deadly to him. 这次打击对他是致命的。 1.Educational standards in this school are year by year because of a lack of funds. 2.It looks like were going to have another budget this year because we overspent. 3.Arsenic is a substance and can kill people in a couple of minutes. 4.The grass is still

5、 from yesterdays rain. 5.If Janet wants to succeed,she must first learn how to her temper. 6.The teacher made Friday afternoon the for handing in all book reports. 7.It is hard to befriend someone who is about friendship. 8.The doctor her life to improving hospital care. 9.Our was delayed because of bad weather at the destination airport. 10.These paintings the lives of the aristocracy in the last century. 答案:1.degenerating 2.


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