已阅读5页,还剩2页未读 继续免费阅读




1、文库 精品 学小学六年级英期中自题班级姓名听力部分成绩一Listen choose(音根你所到内,择符的项并其母号 写题的号(10 分)( A. C.( A C.( A flu B . fly C. ( A short C. shorts ( A wash B C. ( A swim B C. swimming ( A B C. ( A feel .feet C. food( A .I sore B .He a C. had a ( A I size29. .I 39. C. I wear 49. 二Listen 你听一句或组话根所到内 , 每题的图圈相的 片别了浏选!小读遍(每题 分,共 1

2、0 分)文库 精品67. 10. 10.三 the answer. 听音选最适答。小题两。(每 小 分,共 分( )1. A:s Friday.B:s rainy.C:s March ( )2. A: B:No, he C: he doesnt.( : BNext week. CIn ( )4. A: has a cold. B:I have a C hurts ( )5. A: are twenty. B:Theyre twenty C :s twenty yuan.四Listen and fill(听音填下所的词使完,空字母一词每 小读遍每 0.5 分共 8 分1. s your I li

3、ke _ 2. How you? I than Alice.3. Did you grandparents last No, I 4. s your father? Hes . He 5. Look at Yes, and the brown one is 6. Can I go to on if 7. Dick is have a match.8. the clothes. Now he is clothes for 五Listen 你听一短,据文容择确答。案在号内该文三。 听浏题,测文容有于力解每题 1 分共 5 分( ) went _last National A.Yunnan B.Ha

4、inan ( ) was _ .A.bored C. happy( ) 3. went swimming in the river C.sea文库 精品( ) s live in village .A.parents B.grandpa C.grandparents( ) 5. t _ holiday A.go fishing C.climb 六、阅下面的对话从所给七个句子中择五个子补全对话将选项 的字母号写在横线 )A: Chen B: I went to Peoples Park.A:B: No, I went by A:B: Yes, I did. interesting.A: No,

5、I canB: Yes, they re They I (喂) A:B: Yes, I A: Can you row a boat? B: Did you go there bus?C: you D: you last weekend? Did you geese on How did you go G: Did you row a there?七、阅理解。 分)1. 阅读短文选择正确答,将编填在括号内Its o in the morning. The family is home. Jim watering the flowers. His father sitting in a He wa

6、tching TV. Jims mother near window. She giving some to a bird, Polly “ ” Where s Jim? Oh, door. Jim is looking for him. They playing have homework on Sunday evening.( are people in family.A: B: C: ( Is grandpa the A: Yes, he B: is. C: No, he t.( watching TV?A: Jim B: C: mother( The children their ho

7、mework.A: arent B: isnt C: dont( Whats A: She doing her homework. B: Shes standing the window.C: playing 文库 精品2. 阅读短文判断列句子对错,对的“”,错的“”My name Tim. We no classes. My arent going work, but we are going to have a day. My mother is going to buy something for next week. father is going to visit aunt and

8、uncle. Im going play ping-pong with my cousin. Tomorrow we are have a big After are the I are going to nice weekend. ( Today Friday.( Toms going to something next week.( Tim is to play pingpong his tomorrow.( Tim family are going to big ( Tim family are very tomorrow.八、短填空:(用给的单填空,每词准用一)( 10 )( by o

9、n took went heavier climbed near live ) is I am 12. My Yifan is 11. He is me. from he bus. But home I usually to weekend,WuYifan to park, he mountain I didnt go because I . I a 九、根图片所给的示,提相应的问句(10 分)1. A: _B: 35kg. 2. A: _B: I have at 3. A: _B: I like playing piano. 4. A: _B: Yes, he is.5. A: _ 5B:

10、I go by bike.十、根所给的图片说明谁谁?什么时?去了里?怎样去当时的 气怎样他们会看见么?心又如何?请开丰富想象,写一英语小 文。文库 精品听内和案 :一、Listen choose(听音,根据你所听到的内容,选择相符合的一项,并将字母编号 写在题前的括号里 )1.I 2.Yestertoday I went with my 3.I kites with Saturday.4.Deer is 5.I am going wash the tonight.6.I swimming last holiday. Uncle John go day? How do you feel? had

11、 a 10.I B B A C A A C B)二、Listen judge你将听到一个句子或一组对话,根据所听到的内 在小题的大图中圈出相符的图片。别 忘了先浏览选项!每小题读两遍(每小题 1 分共 10 分 I have a cold . Mike swimming last My washed the yesterday . old man is young boy . Mike fishing last weekend . did do ? the . Tony is tall. did ? At 10. did do She trees .( A B A C B B B C)三 Li

12、sten the best 听录音,选择最合适的答语。每小题读两遍(每小 题 2 分,共 10 分 day is it your like 3.When he going to Beijing?the with 5.How much (A C B C B)四、Listen fill听录音,填写下列所缺的单词,使其完整,每空一字母或一单词。每小 题读两遍。每空 分共 8 分文库 精品1. s your I like 2. How tall you? I am shorter than Alice.3. Did you visit grandparents last No, I visited 4

13、. s your father? Hes engineer . He swimming .5. Look at thin . the one tall 6. Can I go to cinema on foot ? Certainly, if like.7. Dick is hes going to a match.8. John can wash clothes. Now is for his 五、Listen judge.你将听到一段短文,根据短文内容选择正确的答案。答案填在括号内该短文连读三篇前请浏览题目预测短文内容有助于听力理解。 Last National Day had long holiday It days I Hainan my . My live village in went the blue day We in it .We fishing , cooked food for us . The seafood is


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