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1、(答案)3895 国开电大专科管理英语 1形考任务单元自测单元自测2试题及答案一、 选择填空题目_ ?My mother is retired. My father is a manager.国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案答案: What do your parents do.附:题目 _?妈妈退休了 , 爸爸是经理。国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案答案: 你的父母是做什么的。题目Children under fift

2、een are not permitted to see such kind of movies_bad for theirmental development.国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案答案: as is题目What is your job?I m _ accountant.国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案答案: a附:题目 你的工作是什么?我是_会计师。国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答

3、案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案答案: a题目I d like to apply for a library card._国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案答案: Fill out the application form first, please.附:题目 我想申请一张借书证。_回答 请先填写申请表。题目It s rather cold in here. Do you mind if I close the window?_国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务

4、作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案答案: No, go ahead.附:题目 这里很冷, 你介意我关上窗户 吗?_国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案答案: 不, 继续。题目May I use your bike for a moment?_国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案答案: By all means.附:题目 我可以用一下你的自行车吗?_国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考

5、任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案答案: 无论如何。题目Wow, this place is amazing._国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案答案: Thank you.附:题目 哇, 这个地方太棒了 。_回答 谢谢。题目Charles regretted_the TV set last year. The price has now come down.国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作

6、业答案答案: buying题目Had you come five minutes earlier, you_the train to Beijing. But now you missedit.国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案答案: would have caught题目How do I_the gym? (考点: 动词词组的使用)国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案答案: get to题目I have been looki

7、ng forward to_from my parents.国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案答案: hearing题目I m a deputy manager. I_an IT company.国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案答案: work for题目It s high time that he settled down in the country and_a new life.国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答

8、案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案答案: started题目Professor Smith promised to look_my paper, that is, to read it carefully beforethe defense.国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案答案: over题目With his work completed, the manager stepped back to his seat, feeling pleased_hewas

9、a man of action.国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案答案: that二、 翻译: 从以下 A、 B、 C 三个选项中选出与英文最适合的中文翻译。1. New York University has forty-eight thousand students.国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案答案: A. 纽约大学有学生四万八千名。2. Many people don t listen to music and

10、they can get along quite well.国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案答案: C. 许多人不听音乐, 却生活得相当好。3. Of course, it has special meaning for people like me.国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案答案: C. 当然, 它对我这样的人具有特殊的含义。4. Once, however, it failed to give the corr

11、ect time.国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案答案: B. 然而, 它曾有一次没有报出准确的时间。5. We don t need to clock in and out here.国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案答案: A. 我们上下班不需要打卡。二、 完形填空: 阅读下面的短文, 根据文章内容从 A、 B、 C 三个选项中选择合适的内容将短文补充完整。Each morning, millions of us tu

12、rn on our radios and televisions for the weather forecast. Dothe cloudy skies mean rain? Will rising temperatures bring a 1 to melt snow and ice? Oncewe hear the forecast, we decide what clothes to wear and 2 to carry an umbrella or not.3 , though, weather forecasts are obviously incorrect. Yes, tho

13、ugh the accuracy offorecasts has improved in recent years, predicting(预测) the weather is a fascinating mixtureof art and science.Predicting the weather is not all hard science. The computers can only give some descriptionsof the behavior of the atmosphere(大气) Furthermore, even an accurate forecast f

14、or a largearea may not take 4 the effect of local area on the weather. So some 5 of art is also necessary.附:每天早上, 数以百万计的人打开收音机和电视看天气预报。 多云的天空是否意味着下雨? 气温升高会带来1 融化冰雪吗? 一旦我们听到天气预报, 我们就会决定穿什么衣服 2 是否带雨伞。3 但是, 天气预报显然是不正确的。是的, 尽管近年来预报的准确性有所提高, 但预测(预测)天气是艺术与科学的迷人结合。预测天气并不全是硬科学。 计算机只能对大气(大气) 的行为做出一些描述, 而且, 即

15、使是对大面积的准确预测, 也不一定会考虑到4 局部区域对天气的影响。 所以一些5 的艺术也是必要的。1. 国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案答案: B. spell2. 国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案答案: A. whether3. 国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案答案: C. From time to time4. 国开形考任务作业

16、答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案答案: C. into consideration5. 国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案答案: B. degree二、 阅读理解: 阅读下面的短文, 根据文章内容从 A、 B、 C 三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。Hi, Joe,How are you? I m sitting on the balcony of my hotel. I am looking at Hyde Park in Londonand

17、 I am thinking about my life here. I am having a wonderful time. I like my job-it is veryinteresting, and my colleagues are great. I love London-it s busy, noisy, crowded andexciting. The cinemas, theatres, pubs and restaurants are really nice, -but they re too expensive!I think the people in London

18、 are very friendly (surprise!) and I ve got some new friends.What the weather like in Shanghai? Is it raining? Here it s lovely! It isn t foggy! Thesun is shining and the birds are singing. It s very warm.And it is my birthday today.But I am missing you all in Shanghai. COME AND VISIT!Love,Xiaoyan附:

19、嗨, 乔,你好吗? 我坐在酒店的阳台上。 我在看伦敦的海德公园, 我在思考我在这里的生活。我玩得很开心。我喜欢我的工作很有趣, 而且 我的同事很棒。 我喜欢伦敦它很忙、 很吵、 很拥挤、 很令人兴奋。电影院、 剧院、 酒吧和餐馆都很好, 但它们太贵了 ! 我认为伦敦的人非常友好(惊喜! ) ,我交了一些新朋友。上海的天气怎么样? 下雨了 吗? 这里真可爱! 没有雾! 阳光明媚, 鸟儿在歌唱, 很温暖。今天是我的生日。但我在上海想念你们。 来参观吧!爱,小燕1. What does Xiaoyan stay in London for?国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案

20、国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案答案: B. She is working.2. What are Xiaoyan s London colleagues like?国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案答案: C. They are very nice.3. What does Xiaoyan think of London?国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案答案: C. She thinks it

21、 is exciting.4. What does Xiaoyan think of people in London?国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案答案: B. She thinks they are friendly.5. What s the weather like in London when Xiaoyan is writing this letter?国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案答案: A. It i

22、s warm.附:1. 小燕留在伦敦是为了 什么?国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案答案: B. 她在工作。2. 小燕的伦敦同事是什么样的?国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案答案: C. 他们非常好。3. 小燕觉得伦敦怎么样?国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案答案: C. 她认为这很令人兴奋。4. 小燕怎么看伦敦人?国开形考任务作业答案国开

23、形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案答案: B. 她认为他们很友好。5. 小燕写这封信的时候伦敦的天气怎么样?国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案国开形考任务作业答案答案: A. 它是温暖的。二、 阅读理解: 阅读下面的短文, 根据文章内容进行判断, 正确为 T, 错误为 F。Last week Polly decided to give up her job. She is fed up with it, she finds it boring andshe wants

24、 to change her career. Her employers, Lucky Shops , are not too bad. They give herquite good benefits, such as free lunches and paid holidays, but she does not get on with herboss. Her salary is quite good, but, because she is not happy, she wants to look for somethingelse. Last Saturday she talked

25、about it with David and Xiaoyan. They agreed with her. They saidshe should resign and try another career, so she took action. She looked at advertisements inthe paper and picked out three jobs that looked interesting. She had to write out her CV toapply for a job, and she did that on Wednesday eveni

26、ng. Xiaoyan helped her with it. She has alot of experience of selling and good business training but is worried about her lack ofexperience in some areas.附:上周波莉决定放弃她的工作。 她受够了, 她觉得它很无聊, 她想改变她的职业。 她的雇主, “幸运店”, 也不错。 他们给了 她很好的福利, 比如 像免费午餐和带薪假期一样, 但她和老板相处不来。 她的薪水还不错, 但因为不开心, 她想找点别的。 上周六她和大卫和小燕谈了 这件事。 他们同意她的意见。他们说她应该辞职尝试另一种职业, 所以她采取了 行动。 她看了 看报纸上的广告, 挑选了 三个看起来很有趣的工作。她必须写下她的简历才能申请工作, 然后 她是在周三晚上做的。 小燕帮了 她。 她有丰富的销售经验和良好的商业培训, 但担心她在某些领域缺乏经验。1. Polly has decided to ask for a higher salary.国开形考任务作


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