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1、Security CheckUnit 5Security CheckUnit 5目录/CONTENTSWords01dji02Keys to Listening03Words in Practice04Announcement05Discussion目录/CONTENTSWords01dji02Keys towordsmetallic mtlk adj. 金属的banned bnd adj. 被禁的 e.g. banned books 禁书 ; 禁毁书 banned drug 违禁药品 ; 禁药 banned novels 禁毁小说inspector nspekt n. 检查员e.g. Qua

2、lity Inspector 质检员 senior inspector 高级检验员 customs inspector 海关检查员 prevent prvent vt. 预防,防止e.g.You have to do something to prevent their loss. 你必须做些什么来防止他们的损失。wordswordshijacking hdk n. 劫持 e.g. Car hijackings are running at a rate of nearly 50 a day. e.g. 发生什么事啊?你认为是有人劫持了火车么?concealed knsild adj. 隐蔽的

3、,隐匿的concealed wire 暗线concealed pipe 暗喉 ; 暗管explosives ksplsv n. 爆炸物checkpoint tekpnt n. 检查站lithium lm n. 锂lithium battery 锂电池detector dtekt n. 探测器;检测器flame detector 仪 火焰检测器 ; Currency detector 验钞机error detector 仪 误差检测器 ; wordshijacking hdkwordsdiscard dskd vt. 抛弃;放弃;e.g.Will you promise not to disca

4、rd me if I tell you the truth? e.g.We should discard old beliefs. blade bled n. 叶片;刀片saw blade 锯片;锯条razor rez n. 剃刀electric razor 电动剃刀;电动刮胡刀razor blade 刮胡刀刀片;剃须刀片hazardous hzds adj. 有危险的e.g.hazardous condition 危险情况 hazardous occupation 危险性职业 hazardous Article 交 危险品wordswordsindication ndke()n n. 指示,

5、指出e.g.We get an indication of His Knowledge by looking at His creation . 我们通过观看他的创造物而得到他的知识的指示。 automatically tmtkl adv. 自动地e.g. We need to do this process automatically . 我们需要做这个过程自动。elastic lstk adj. 有弹性的e.g. The elastic property of the gel may changes with its age .胶体的弹性性质可能随着它的寿命而变化的。wordsActivi

6、ty 1Task A Discussion 1.Could you give some examples of metallic items? Keys,coin, jewelry, cellphone, pen, electronic products, etc.2.Should a passenger take out his cigarettes from the pocket when passing through the security checkpoint? Why? Yes,he should,because items with aluminum foil, like ch

7、ewing gum or cigarettes, will make the metal detector beep. 3. What can a passenger do if he wants to keep the banned items that cannot be taken on board?The passenger can go back to the check-in counter and get them as checked baggage.If he doesnt have a checked baggage,he can have it deposited tem

8、porarily at the airport for up to one month.Within a month the passenger can take the receipt to the secutity office to get them back.Activity 11.Could you give somTwo1.form a line and go through the gate2.you are not allowed to pass through the gate 3.take off your shoes and put them on the tray4.t

9、ake out your lighter , phones, and computers5.carry-on baggage on the belt1. put your carry-on baggage on this belt2. lighter3. computer4. go through the detector door5. items on the tray and go for your flightTask B Keys to ListeningTwo1.form a line and go throug buzz bz vt. 使嗡嗡叫e.g. The intercom b

10、uzzed and he pressed down the switch.2)“ Would/Do you mind+称代词宾格或开容词性物主代词+ doing?”意为“某人做某事,你介意吗? e.g. “Do you mind my closing the wind= Do you mind if I close the winido栽把窗户关上,你介意吗?3) 构成 Would you mind doing?。”的否定式时,通常在 doing的前面加not。 e.g. Would you mind not swimming here? e.g. Would you mind not bei

11、ng late again?4) Would you mind?后面接从句时,从句中的谓语动词常为过去式,用来表示委婉的语气。例如:Would you mind if I closed the win你介意我把窗户关上吗?Would you mind if I turned up the r减把收音机声音开大点,你反对吗?Words in Practice earlier :l(r) adj. 早些时候的,初期的 ; adv. 早地,早些时候地 e.g. As mentioned earlier, the university supplements this information with

12、 an interview.e.g. Earlier reports of gunshots have not been confirmed. Words in Practice earlier mind用作动词时,意为“介意、“反对”,常用来表示委婉、客气的请求。含动词mind的常见句式有:1) Would /Do you mind doing?意为“你介意吗?” e.g.Would you mind closing the door? 关上门好吗?2)“ Would/Do you mind+称代词宾格或形容词性物主代词+ doing?”意为“某人做某事,你介意吗? e.g. “Do you

13、 mind my closing the windon? e.g. 3) 构成 Would/ you mind doing?。”的否定式时,通常在 doing的前面加not。 e.g. Would you mind not swimming here? e.g. Would you mind not being late again? e.g. Do you mind not disturbing me while I am resting?4) Would you mind?后面接从句时,从句中的谓语动词常为过去式,用来表示委婉的语气。 Do you mind?后面接从句时,从句中的谓语动词

14、常一般现在式。 e.g. Would you mind if I turned up the radio? e.g. Would you mind if I closed the windon ? e.g. Do you mind if I sit next to you ?Words in Practice Words in Practice 女士们、先生们:你们好 现在客舱乘务员向您介绍_ 飞机应急出口位置。 Ladies and gentlemen, our flight attendants will now demonstrate the location of the emerge

15、ncy exits for this _aircraft. 本架飞机共有_个应急出口,分别位于前部、 后部和中部(及上舱),请不要随意触动应急出口手柄。There are emergency exits on this_ aircraft. They are located in the front, the rear and the middle cabin. They are located in the front, the rear, the middle of the main cabin (and on the upper deck.) Please dont touch the

16、emergency operating handles unless specifically instructed by our crew members in emergency situations.demonstrate demnstret vt. 证明;展示;instruct nstrkt vt. 指导;通知Announcements女士们、先生们:你们好 demonstrate dem在客舱通道上及出口处有应急照明指示灯,在应急撤离时按指示路线撤离,撤离时禁止携带任何行李。 The emergency indication lights are located along the

17、aisle and at the exits. In the unlikely event of an evacuation, please follow the emergency indication lights to the nearest exit, and do not carry any hand luggage with you. 在您座椅口袋里备有安全须知卡,请尽早阅读。 The safety instruction card is located in your seat pocket. please read it carefully. Thank you. 谢谢! 为了

18、您的安全,我们将为您播放安全须知录像, 请注意观看。 We will be showing the safety video and would like the next few minutes of your complete attention.indication ndke()n n. 指示,指出;unlikely nlakl adj. 不太可能的;evacuation ,vkje()n n. 疏散;撤离Announcements在客舱通道上及出口处有应急照明指示灯,在应急撤离时按指示路线安全演示(无安全须知录像播放的航班使用) 女士们、先生们:你们好。现在客舱乘务员向您介绍(救生衣)

19、、氧气面罩、 安全带的使用方法和应急出口的位置:Ladies and gentlemen, our flight attendants will now demonstrate the use of the life vest, oxygen mask and seatbelt, and show you the location of the emergency exits. 救生衣在您座椅下面的口袋里,使用时取出,经头部穿好。 Your life vest is located under your seat. Slip the life-vest over your head. 将带子从

20、后向前扣好、系紧。Bring the waist strap around our waist. Fasten the buckles and tighten it by pulling it outwards. slip slp vt. 使滑动;滑过waist west n. 腰,腰部strap strp n. 带子,皮带buckle bk()l n. 皮带扣,带扣outwards atwdz adv. 向外地Announcements安全演示(无安全须知录像播放的航班使用) slip 然后打开充气阀门,但在客舱内不要充气。To inflate your life-vest, pull fi

21、rmly on the red cord, only when leaving the aircraft. 充气不足时,用嘴向人工充气管里充气。 To inflate further, blow into these mouthpieces. 氧气面罩储藏在您座椅上方,发生紧急情况时面罩会自动脱落。Your oxygen mask is located in a compartment above your seat. It will drop automatically in case of decompression. 氧气面罩脱落后,请用力向下拉面罩。 Pull a mask down

22、sharply to activate the flow of oxygen. inflate nflet vt. 使充气cord kd n. 绳索automatically tmtkl adv. 自动地;decompression dikmpre()n n.释压Announcements然后打开充气阀门,但在客舱内不要充气。inflate 将面罩罩在口鼻处,把带子套在头上进行正常呼吸。 Place the mask over your nose and mouth. Pull the elastic strap over your head and tighten it by pulling

23、 the end of the strap. In a few seconds, the oxygen will begin to flow. 在您座椅上各有两条可以对扣起来的安全带,将带子插进带扣,然后拉紧。Your seatbelt contains two pieces. To fasten the belt, slip one piece into the buckle and tighten it. 当您就座时,请系好安全带。Please keep your seatbelts securely fastened when seated. elastic lstk adj. 有弹性的

24、tighten tat()n vt. 变紧;使变紧flow fl v. (使)流动,涌流Announcements 将面罩罩在口鼻处,把带子套在头上进行正常呼吸。 elast本架飞机共有_个应急出口,分别位于前部、 后部、中,请不要随意拉动应急出口手柄。 There are _emergency exits on this aircraft. They are located in the front, the rear and the middle of the main cabin.Please do not touch the emergency operating handles un

25、less specifically instructed to do so by our crew members in emergency situations. 在客舱通道上及出口处有应急照明指示灯,在应急撤离时按指示路线撤离,撤离时禁止携带任何行李。 The emergency indication lights are located along the aisle and at the exits. In the unlikely event of an evacuation, please follow the emergency indication lights to the

26、nearest exit, and do not carry any hand luggage with you. 在您座椅口袋里备有安全须知卡,请尽早阅读。 The safety instruction card is located in your seat pocket. Please read it carefully. Thank you. 谢谢!Announcements本架飞机共有_个应急出口,分别位于前部、 后部、中, SAFETYCHECKANDCOMMANDAFTERPUSHINGBACKLadiesandgentlemen,Asouraircraftistaxingintotherunwayfortake-off,pleaseputyourseatbackupright,secureyourtray-table(andfootrest)andputyourarmrestsdown.Pleasemakesurethatyourseat belti


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