1、Evaluation Warning: The document was created with Spire.Doc for .NET.男人强励志英文美文,中英文对照编排,使你在吸取智慧的同时,英文水平也突飞猛进!这些英文都是最值得朗读消化的纯正英文,它们的中文译文也是经过反复斟酌推敲的精美文章,值得你去学习和享受。读这种成功学中英文课程使你久未充电的大脑和心灵都活跃兴奋起来,重新燃起对人生成功的渴望,并且能在更高层次上对其予以理解和诠释,以此使你的人生变得越来越大成功!1、Whyy arre yyou pooor? 你为什什么是穷穷人?Whyy arre yyou pooor? Havve
2、 aan oopenn miindsset.你为什什么是穷穷人? 放开你你的心态态吧。The mmostt immporrtannt tthinng tto bbecoominng rrichh foor yyou is to havve aa miindsset to wannt tto bbecoome ricch. Thee reeasoon II saaythhat is thiis, is beccausse II waanteed tto bbecoome ricch wwhenn I plaayedd Moonoppolyy, tthatt waas, I wwas ninne
3、yyearrs oold. Thhe ggreaatesst fformmulaa foor wweallth is fouund on thaat bboarrd ggamee. WWhenn I wass niine yeaars oldd myy pooor dadd, tthe schhooll teeachher sayys, “Ahh puut tthatt gaame awaay. Stuudy, sttudyy, sstuddy! Youuree waastiing youur ttimee pllayiing Monnopooly.”想要要富有,最最重要的的便是拥拥有渴望望致
4、富的的心态。我我之所以以这么说说,是因因为还在在我九岁岁玩“大大富翁”的的时候,就就有这种种渴望了了。“大大富翁”游游戏让我我找到了了致富的的秘诀。那那时候,我我那穷爸爸爸教书书匠总跟跟我说:“把那那玩意儿儿扔掉,给给我好好好学习!玩大大富翁简直就就是浪费费时间!”And mmy rrichh daad ssaidd thhe fformmulaa, “YYou musst oopenn yoour minnd aand seee thhe fformmulaa riightt onn Moonoppolyy.” He saiid, “Itts rigght in froont of youu
5、.” Andd I wennt, “Whhats tthe forrmulla?” Andd fiinallly I llearrnedd thhe fformmulaa iss, ffourr grreenn hoousees, redd hootell, ffourr grreenn hoousees, redd hootell. TTodaay IIm a rrichh maan bbecaausee alll II evver didd siincee thhe ttimee I wass 244 yeearss olld wwas buyy foour greeen houusess
6、, sselll thhem alll, bbuy a rred hottel, foour greeen houusess, rred hottel. Itt iss noot, thaat yyou havve tto ggo tto sschoool to beccomee riich. Juust plaay MMonoopolly; fouur ggreeen hhousses, reed hhoteel. Thaatss itt.而我我的富爸爸爸则告告诉我:“你必必须放开开眼界,找找到游戏戏的秘诀诀。秘诀诀就近在在眼前啊啊。”我我问:“那那秘诀是是什么?”最后后我发现现秘诀就就是四
7、栋绿绿房子、红红色旅馆馆、四栋栋绿房子子、红色色旅馆。现现在我成成了有钱钱人,那那是因为为24岁岁以来我我所做的的就是买四四栋绿房房子,全全部售出出再买一一栋旅馆馆,如此此重复。所所以,事事实并不不是只有有读书才才能挣大大钱。就就按 “大大富翁”游游戏的秘秘诀也能能做到,真真的。You mmustt loook at howw peeoplle bbefoore youu haave beccomee riich. Doo noot ttalkk too pooor peooplee. PPoorr peeoplle wwilll teell youu, “OOh iitss tooo rri
8、skky. Donnt do thaat. Donnt takke rriskk. SSavee yoour monney. Pllay it saffe.” Thaat iis aa pooor perrsonns minndseet. Youu muust havve aan oopenn miindsset, oppen. Annd iif yyou havve aan oopenn miindsset youu wiill leaarn froom eeverrythhingg.Iff yoou hhavee a cloosedd miindsset youu wiill leaarn
9、 froom nnothhingg. SSo II thhinkk thhat is thee moost impporttantt thhingg.你要要学会观观察别人人是怎么么致富的的。别去去问穷人人,穷人人问不起起。“呀呀,那太太冒险了了吧,还还是别做做了。别别浪费钱钱去干傻傻事儿,安稳点吧。“这就是穷人的心态。而你得有一个开放的心态,要放开眼界。一旦你心态开阔,必将获益匪浅。要是你鼠目寸光,自然什么也得不到了。所以,我觉得开放的心态至关重要。The ddifffereencee beetweeen monney andd weealtth金钱钱与财富富的区别别No, II doontt
10、 haave a ssalaary. I onlly hhad a jjob fouur yyearrs iin mmy llifee. II doontt waant a ssalaary. Thhe mmidddle claass andd pooor, whhat theey wwantt iss hiigh inccomee. TTheyy thhinkk thhey wannt mmoneey. Butt thhey havve nno wweallth beccausse ttheyy haave no asssetss. YYou musst kknoww thhe ddifff
11、ereencee beetweeen monney andd weealtth bbut theeyrre nnot thee saame samme. Monney willl nneveer mmakee yoou rrichh. TThiss maakess yoou rrichh. II haave larrge commpanniess. II haave lotts oof sstoccks. I traade opttionns. I hhavee reeal esttatee, tthatts whaat mmakees mme rrichh. SSo tthe monney
12、jusst ccomees iin wwhettherr I worrk oor nnot.其实,我我并无薪薪水可领领。我这这辈子只只干过四四年正经经工作。而而且,我我也不喜喜欢那种种领薪水水的生活活。中产产阶级和和穷人渴渴望高薪薪优酬,他他们自认认为自己己需要金金钱;但但因为没没有资产产,他们们算不上上富有。你你得明白白:金钱钱与财富富并不是是一回事事。而且且,金钱钱永远也也不会让让你变得得富有但资资产可以以。我拥拥有许多多大企业业,拥有有无数股股票,做做期权交交易。而而且我还还有房地地产这些让让我富有有。所以以,不管管我上不不上班都都能赚到到钞票。Bill Gattes makkes $5
13、000,0000 a yyearr. TThatts alll. II maake morre tthann hiim. Thaatss alll hhe mmakees bbut hes wwortth 440 bbilllionn. IIm tryyingg too teell youu thheree iss a verry bbig diffferrencce bbetwweenn inncomme, monney andd weealtth. So I hhavee sppentt myy liife buyyingg asssetts, bussineessees, stoocks
14、s, rreall esstatte, thaatss whhat makkes youu riich, noot aa joob. Thee reeasoon tthe ricch iin AAmerricaa geet rrichher is theey ppasss thhis on to theeir kidds. My pooor ddad alwwayss saaid, “HHighh paayinng jjob, hiigh payyingg joob, higgh ppayiing jobb.” Andd myy riich dadd saaid, “AAsseets, ass
15、setts, asssetss.” Thaatss thhe ddifffereencee.比尔尔盖茨茨一年也也不过赚赚50000000美金,而而我挣得得比他还还多。话话说回来来,他的的身价却却值4000个亿亿。其实实我想说说的是,收收入、金金钱与财财富有很很大的区区别。正正因为如如此,我我才一辈辈子都在在购置资资产、股股票、房房产,因因为这些些能真正正致富工作作不行。在在美国,富富人越富富是因为为富人将将这个秘秘诀传给给了后代代。我的的穷爸爸爸总说:“你得得找个高高薪的工工作啊!”而我我的富爸爸爸却告告诉我:“你要要学会资资产买卖卖!”看看,区别别出来了了吧?2、Thee biiggeest
16、 seccrett off suucceess 成功功的最大大秘诀Once theere wass a youung mann whho ccamee too assk SSocrratees hhow to leaarn phiilossophhy. Soccrattes saiid nnothhingg buut ttookk hiim aalonng tto aa riiverr. HHe ssudddenlly ppushhed himm innto thee riiverr foorciiblyy. AAt ffirsst tthe youung mann thhougght Soc
17、crattes wass kiiddiing so he diddntt taake it to heaart. Buut SSocrratees aalsoo juumpeed iintoo thhe rriveer aand pullledd hiis hheadd innto watter dessperrateely. Att thhis timme tthe youung mann waas rreallly scaaredd, hhis insstinnct of livvingg maade himm usse aall hiss sttrenngthh liiftiing So
18、ccrattes andd cllimbbed to thee baank.有一次次,一个个年轻人人来找苏苏格拉底底,想要要学习哲哲学。苏苏格拉底底一言不不发,带带着他走走到一条条河边,突突然用力力把他推推进河里里。年轻轻人起先先以为苏苏格拉底底在跟他他开玩笑笑,并不不在意。结结果苏格格拉底也也跳到水水里,并并且拼命命把他往往水里按按。这下下子,年年轻人真真的慌了了,求生生的本能能令他拼拼尽全力力将苏格格拉底掀掀开,爬爬到岸上上。The yyounng mman askked Soccrattes witth ppuzzzle whyy hee diid tthatt, SSocrratees
19、 rreplliedd: I jjustt waant to telll yyou whaatevver youu doo, ddo iit wwithh a dettermminaatioon tto bbe uunexxpeccteddly resscueed ffromm a dessperratee siituaatioon. Onlly llikee thhat cann yoou mmakee a gennuinne aachiieveemennt.年轻人人不解地地问苏格格拉底为为什么要要这样做做,苏格格拉底回回答说:“我只只想告诉诉你,做做什么事事都必须须有绝处处求生那那么大的的
20、决心,才才能获得得真正的的成就。3、Thee prrimee coondiitioon ggreaat ssecrretss off suucceess 成功的的首要条条件和最最大秘诀诀It iss weell thaat yyounng mmen shoouldd beeginn att thhe bbegiinniing andd occcuppy tthe mosst ssuboordiinatte pposiitioons. Maany of thee leeadiing bussineessmmen of Pitttsbburggh hhad a sseriiouss reespoo
21、nsiibillityy thhrusst uuponn thhem at thee veery thrreshholdd off thheirr caareeer. Theey wweree inntrooducced to thee brroomm, aand speent thee fiirstt hoourss off thheirr buusinnesss liivess swweeppingg ouut tthe offficee. II nooticce wwe hhavee jaanittorss annd jjaniitreessees nnow in offficees,
22、andd ouur yyounng mmen unfforttunaatelly mmisss thhat sallutaary braanchh off buusinnesss edducaatioon. Butt iff byy chhancce tthe proofesssioonall swweepper is abssentt anny mmornningg, tthe boyy whho hhas thee geeniuus oof tthe futturee paartnner in himm wiill nott heesittatee too trry hhis hannd
23、aat tthe brooom. Thhe ootheer dday a ffondd faashiionaablee mootheer iin MMichhigaan aaskeed aa yooungg maan wwhettherr hee haad eeverr seeen a lladyy swweepp inn a rooom sso ggranndlyy ass heer PPrisscillla. Hee saaid no, hee neeverr haad ,andd thhe mmothher wass grratiifieed bbeyoond meaasurre, bu
24、tt thhen saiid hhe ,aftter a ppausse, “Whhat I sshouuld likke tto ssee herr doo iss swweepp ouut aa rooom” It doees nnot hurrt tthe newwestt coomerr too swweepp ouut tthe offficee iff neecesssarry. I wwas onee off thhosee swweepperss myysellf.年年轻人应应该从头头学起,担担当最基层的的职务,这这是件好好事。匹匹兹堡有有许多大大企业家家在创业业之初都都肩负过
25、过重任。他他们与扫扫帚结伴伴,以清清扫办公公室度过过了企业业生涯的的最初时时光。我我注意到到现在的的办公室室都配备备了工友友,这使使我们的的年轻人人不幸丢丢掉了这这个有益益的企业业教育的的一个内内容。不不过,如如果哪一一天早晨晨清扫工工碰巧没没来,某某位具有有未来合合伙人气气质的青青年就会会毫不犹犹豫试着着拿起扫扫帚。有有一天,以以为溺爱爱孩子的的,时髦髦的密歇歇根母亲亲问一位位男青年年,是否否见过像像她的女女儿普里里希拉那那样的年年轻女郎郎如此潇潇洒地在在房间里里进行打打扫。男男青年说说从未见见过,那那位母亲亲高兴的的乐不可可支。但但男青年年顿了顿顿又说: “我我想看到到的是她她能在室室外进
26、行行打扫”。如如果有必必要,新新来者在在办公室室外进行行打扫并并没有什什么损失失。我本本人就曾曾经是打打扫人之之一。Assummingg thhat youu haave alll obbtaiinedd emmplooymeent andd arre ffairrly staarteed, my advvicee too yoou iis “aaim higgh”. I wouuld nott giive a ffig forr thhe yyounng mman whoo dooes nott allreaady seee hiimseelf thee paartnner or thee
27、heead of an impporttantt fiirm. Doo noot rrestt coonteent forr a mommentt inn yoour thooughhts as heaad cclerrk, or forremaan, or genneraal mmanaagerr inn anny cconccernn, nno mmattter howw exxtennsivve. Sayy too yooursselff ,“MMy pplacce iis aat tthe topp.” Be kinng iin yyourr drreamms.假设你你们都已已就业了了
28、,并干干的相当当出色,我我对你们们的忠告告是要“胸胸怀大志志”。对对那些尚尚未把自自己看成成是某重重要公司司的合伙伙人或领领导人的的年轻人人,我会会不屑一一顾。你你们在思思想上一一刻也不不要满足足于充当当任何企企业的首首席职员员,领班班或总经经理,不不管这家家企业的的规模有有多大。你你们要对对自己说说:“我我的位置置在最高高处”你你们要梦梦寐以求求登峰造造极。And hheree iss thhe pprimme ccondditiion of succcesss, thee grreatt seecreet: conncenntraate youur eenerrgy, thhougght,
29、 annd ccapiitall exxcluusivvelyy uppon thee buusinnesss inn whhichh yoou aare enggageed. Havvingg beegunn inn onne llinee, rresoolvee too fiightt itt ouut oon tthatt liine, too leead in it, addoptt evveryy immproovemmentt, hhavee thhe bbestt maachiinerry, andd knnow thee moost aboout it.获得成成功的首首要条件件
30、喝最大大秘诀是是:把精精力和财财力完全全集中于于所干的的事业上上。一旦旦开始干干那一行行,就要要决心干干出个名名堂,要要出类拔拔萃,要要点点滴滴滴地改改进,要要采用最最好的机机器,要要尽力通通晓这一一行。The cconccernns wwhicch ffaill arre tthosse wwhicch hhavee sccatttereed ttheiir ccapiitall, wwhicch mmeanns tthatt thhey havve sscattterred theeir braainss allso. Thhey havve iinveestmmentts iin tth
31、iss, oor tthatt, oor tthe othher, heere theere, annd eeverrywhheree. “DDont pput alll yoour egggs iin oone basskett.” is alll wrrongg. II teell youu too “pput alll yoour egggs iin oone basskett, aand theen wwatcch tthatt baaskeet.” Loook rrounnd yyou andd taake notticee, mmen whoo doo thhat nott off
32、tenn faail. Itt iss eaasy to wattch andd caarryy thhe oone basskett. IIt iis ttryiing to carrry tooo maany bassketts,wwhicch bbreaak mmostt egggs in thiis ccounntryy. HHe wwho carrriees tthreee bbaskketss muust putt onne oon hhis heaad, whiich is aptt too tuumblle aand triip hhim up. Onne ffaullt oo
33、f tthe Ameericcan bussineessmman is lacck oof cconccenttrattionn.失败败的企业业是那些些分散了了资力,因因而意味味着分散散了精力力的企业业。他们们向这件件事投资资,又向向那件事事投资,在在这里投投资,又又在哪里里投资,方方方面面面都有投投资。“别别把所有有的鸡蛋蛋放进一一个篮子子”之说说大错特特错。我我告诉你你们,“要要把所有有的鸡蛋蛋放在一一个篮子子,然后后照管好好那只篮篮子。”注注意走位位并留点点神,能能这样做做的人往往往不会会失败。管管好并提提好那只只篮子很很容易。在在我们的的国家,想想多提篮篮子的人人打碎的的鸡蛋也也多。有
34、有三只篮篮子的人人就得把把一只篮篮子顶在在头上,这这样很容容易摔倒倒。美国国企业家家的一个个错误就就是缺少少集中。To suummaarizze wwhatt I havve ssaidd: aaim forr thhe hhighhestt; nneveer eenteer aa baar rroomm; ddo nnot touuch liqquorr, oor iif aat aall onlly aat mmealls; nevver speecullatee; nneveer iindoorsee beeyonnd yyourr suurpllus cassh ffundd; mma
35、kee thhe ffirmms inttereest youurs; brreakk orrderrs aalwaays to savve oowneers; coonceentrratee; pput alll yoour egggs iin oone basskett, aand wattch thaat bbaskket; exxpennditturee allwayys wwithhin revvenuue; lasstlyy, bbe nnot imppatiientt, ffor as Emeersoon ssayss, “nno oone cann chheatt yoou o
36、out of ulttimaate succcesss bbut youurseelvees.”我把所说的话归纳如下:要志在顶峰,千万不要涉足酒吧,不要沾酒,或者仅在用餐时喝点酒;千万不要投机,签署支付的款项时,千万不要超过盈余的现金储备,把公司的利益当成自己的利益,取消订货的目的永远在于挽救货主,集中精力,把所有的鸡蛋放进一个篮子,支出永远小于收入,最后不要失去耐心,因为正如爱默生所说,“除了你自己以外,没有人能哄骗你离开最后的成功。”4、Do nott liisteen tto ppraiiriee chhickken 不要听听信山鸡鸡的话A boyy fooundd ann eaagle
37、es eggg annd hhe pput it in thee neest of a ppraiiriee chhickken. Thhe eeaglle hhatcchedd annd tthouughtt hee waas aa chhickken. Hee grrew up doiing whaat ppraiiriee chhickken do-scrratcchinng aat tthe dirrt ffor foood aand flyyingg shhortt diistaancees wwithh a noiisy fluutteerinng oof wwinggs. It
38、wass a dreearyy liife. Grraduuallly tthe eaggle greew ooldeer aand bittterr. OOne dayy hee annd hhis praairiie cchicckenn frriennd ssaw a bbeauutifful birrd ssoarringg onn thhe ccurrrentts oof aair, hiigh aboove thee moounttainns.一一个小男男孩发现现了一只只老鹰下下的蛋,把把它放进进了一只只山鸡的的窝里。鹰鹰被孵出出来了,但但他以为为自己是是一只山山鸡。渐渐渐的他他长
39、大了了,却做做着山鸡鸡所做的的事-从泥泥土里寻寻找食物物,做短短距离的的飞翔,翅翅膀还啪啪啪作响响。生活活非常沉沉闷,渐渐渐地鹰鹰长大了了,也越越来越苦苦恼。有有一天,他他和他的的山鸡朋朋友看见见一只美美丽的鸟鸟在天空空翱翔,飞飞的比山山还高。Oh, I wwishh I couuld flyy liike thaat! saaid thee eaaglee. TThe chiickeen rreplliedd, Donnt givve iit aanottherr thhougght. Thhats tthe migghtyy eaaglee, tthe kinng oof aall bir
40、rds-youu coouldd neeverr bee liike himm! Andd thhe eeaglle ddidnnt givve iit aanottherr thhougght. Hee weent on cacckliing andd coompllainningg abboutt liife. Hee diied thiinkiing he wass a praairiie cchicckenn. MMy ffrieendss, yyou tooo weere borrn aan eeaglle. Thee Crreattor inttendded youu too be
41、e ann eaaglee, sso ddont llistten to thee prrairrie chiickeens!“哦,我我要能飞飞的那么么高该多多好啊!”鹰说说。山鸡鸡回答说说,“不不要想了了,那是是凶猛无无比的鹰鹰,鸟中中之王-你你不可能能像他一一样!”于于是鹰放弃了了那个念念头。他他继续咯咯咯地叫叫,不停停的抱怨怨生活。最最后他死死了,依依然认为为自己是是一只山山鸡。朋朋友们,你你们天生生就是雄雄鹰。造造物主有有意把你你造就成成一只雄雄鹰,所所以不要要听信山山鸡的话话!5、Outt off thhe qquesstioon iis pposssiblle “不不可能”就就是可
42、能能When Hennry forrd ddeciidedd too prroduuce hiss faamouus vv-8 mottor, hee chhosee too buuildd ann ennginne wwithh thhe eentiire eigght cyllindderss caast in onee bllockk, aand insstruucteed hhis enggineeerss too prroduuce a ddesiign in onee foor tthe engginee. TThe dessignn waas pplacced on papper
43、, buut tthe enggineeerss aggreeed, to a mman, thhat it wass siimplly iimpoossiiblee too caast an eigght-cyllindder engginee-bllockk inn onne ppiecce.亨利福福特在要要制造有有名的vv8汽缸缸引擎汽汽车时,曾曾指示他他手下的的工程师师着手设设计一种种引擎,要要把八个个汽缸全全放在一一起。设设计的纸纸上作业业完成了了,但是是工程师师们都异异口同声声地跟福福特说,“要要把八个个汽缸全全放在一一起,压压根是不不可能。”Ford saiid, “Prrodu
44、uce it anyywayy.”福特说说:“无无论如何何都要做做出来。”“But,” ttheyy reepliied, “IItss immposssibble!”他们又又回答:“但是是,那不不可能啊啊!”“Go aaheaad.” Forrd ccommmandded, “AAnd staay oon tthe jobb unntill yoou ssuccceedd, nno mmattter howw muuch timme iis rrequuireed.”“动手做。”福特一声令下, “不论花多少时间,做到交差为止!”The eengiineeers wennt aaheaad.
45、Theere wass noothiing elsse ffor theem tto ddo, if theey wweree too reemaiin oon tthe forrd sstafff. Sixx moonthhs ppasssed andd noothiing happpenned. Annothher sixx moonthhs ppasssed, annd sstilll nnothhingg haappeenedd. TThe enggineeerss trriedd evveryy coonceeivaablee pllan to carrry outt thhe oo
46、rdeers, buut tthe thiing seeemedd ouut oof tthe queestiion:“immposssibble!”工程师师只得着着手去做做。如果果他们还还想呆在在福特的的公司里里讨生活活,就别别无他途途可行,值值得去做做。过了了半年,没没有动静静。又过过了半年年,一样样没有半半点进展展。工程程师们试试过了所所有想得得出来的的计划去去执行命命令,结结果仍然然是:“不不可能!”At thhe eend of thee yeear forrd cchecckedd wiith hiss ennginneerrs, andd aggainn thhey inffor
47、mmed himm thhey hadd fooundd noo waay tto ccarrry oout hiss orrderrs.过了一一年,福福特的工工程师们们都没有有进展,他他们再次次告诉他他,他们们想不出出有什么么办法可可以做到到的指示示。“go rrighht hheadd,” saiid ffordd, “II waant it, annd IIlll haave it.”“继续续做,”福福特说。“我我要八汽汽缸引擎擎,就一一定要做做到!”They wennt aaheaad, andd thhen, ass iff byy a strrokee off maagicc, t
48、the seccrett waas ddisccoveeredd.他们继继续努力力,然后后仿佛如如有神助助似的,做做法出笼笼了。The ffordd deeterrminnatiion hadd woon ooncee moore!福特的的决心又又打赢了了一仗。This stoory mayy noot bbe ddesccribbed witth mminuute acccuraacy, buut tthe summ annd ssubsstannce of it is corrrecct. Dedducee frrom it, yoou wwho wissh tto tthinnk aan
49、d groow rrichh, tthe seccrett off thhe ffordd miilliionss, iif yyou cann. YYoull nott haave to loook vveryy faar.这个故故事也许许说的不不够详尽尽,但是是故事的的内容却却都是“如如假包换换”的。要要想致富富的你,从从这个故故事可以以推算出出福特百百万家财财的秘密密何在。务务须舍近近求远,就就在眼前前。Henryy foord wass suucceessfful, beecauuse he unddersstoood aand appplieed tthe priinciiplees
50、 oof ssucccesss. OOne of theese is dessiree: kknowwingg whhat onee waantss. RRemeembeer tthiss Foord stoory as youu reead, annd ppickk ouut tthe linnes in whiich thee seecreet oof hhis stuupenndouus aachiieveemennt hhavee beeen desscriibedd. IIf yyou cann doo thhis, iff yoou ccan layy yoour finngerr
51、 onn thhe ppartticuularr grroupp off prrincciplles whiich madde HHenrry ffordd riich, yoou ccan equual hiss acchieevemmentts iin aalmoost anyy caalliing forr whhichh yoou aare suiitedd.亨利福福特了解解成功的的原则,也也运用了了这些原原则,所所以他成成功了。这这些原则则中,有有一项就就是渴望望:知道道自己要要做的是是什么。阅阅读这篇篇文章时时,请牢牢记这则则福特的的故事,时时时在字字里行间间寻找他他了不起起的原因
52、因。只要要你能做做到,能能正确无无误地指指认出福福特所运用用的原则则,就几几乎可以以在适合合自己的的任何行行业里,和和他一样样地出类类拔萃。6、男人人强励志志英文美美文,中中英文对对照编排排,使你你在吸取取智慧的的同时,英英文水平平也突飞飞猛进!这些英英文都是是最值得得朗读消消化的纯纯正英文文,它们们的中文文译文也也是经过过反复斟斟酌推敲敲的精美美文章,值值得你去去学习和和享受。读这种成功学中英文课程使你久未充电的大脑和心灵都活跃兴奋起来,重新燃起对人生成功的渴望,并且能在更高层次上对其予以理解和诠释,以此使你的人生变得越来越大成功!Sparee Noo Effforrts in Doiing
53、 Thiingss 凡事事都必须须全力以以赴Conceentrratiion andd peerseeverrancce bbuillt tthe greeat pyrramiids on Egyypts pplaiins.专心致致志,锲锲而不舍舍,埃及及平原上上终于建建起了宏宏伟的金金字塔。The mmastter of a ssinggle traade cann suuppoort a ffamiily. Thhe mmastter of sevveraal ttraddes cannnott suuppoort himmsellf.精精通一行行的人可可以养家家糊口,样样样精通通的人却却
54、不能养养活自己己。Now II knnow thaat iin oordeer tto ggroww annd fflouurissh II muust spaare no efffortts iin ddoinng tthinngs andd keeep a llitttle in advvancce oof tthe timmes. Thhosee whho rreacch tthe topp arre tthe onees wwho aree noot cconttentt wiith doiing onlly wwhatt arre rrequuireed oof tthemm. TT
55、heyy doo moore. Thhey go thee exxtraa miile. Annd aanottherr.现在在我知道道,为了了辉煌的的成就,我我必须全全力以赴赴,必须须永远走走在时间间前面。那那些顶尖尖人物都都不会只只满足分分内的工工作,他他们比常常人做得得更多,走走得更远远。I willl ssparre nno eeffoortss inn dooingg thhinggs.凡凡事我将将全力以以赴。Now II knnow thaat II caannoot ppurssue a wwortthy goaal ssteaadilly aand perrsisstenntl
56、yy wiith alll thhe ppoweers of my minnd aand yett faail. Iff I foccus thee raays of sunn wiith a bburnningg gllasss, eevenn inn thhe ccolddestt daays of winnterr, II caan kkinddle a ffiree wiith easse.现现在我知知道,只只要我一一心一意意向一个个有价值值的目标标稳步前前进,坚坚持不懈懈,就一一定不会会失败。如如果我用用取火镜镜聚集太太阳光,即即使在最最寒冷的的冬天,我我也可以以轻松燃燃起火来来。I
57、 willl ssparre nno eeffoortss inn dooingg thhinggs.凡凡事我将将全力以以赴。The wweakkestt liivinng ccreaaturre, by conncenntraatinng hhis powwerss onn a sinnglee obbjecct, cann acccommpliish goood rresuultss whhilee thhe sstroongeest, byy diispeersiing hiss effforrt ooverr maany chooress, mmay faiil tto aaccoom
58、pllishh annythhingg.最弱弱小的人人,只要要集中力力量于一一点,也也能得到到好的结结果;相相反,最最强大的的人,如如果把力力量分散散在许多多杂务上上,也会会一事无无成。Dropss off waaterr, bby cconttinuuallly ffalllingg, hhonee thheirr paassaage thrrouggh tthe harrdesst oof rrockks bbut thee haastyy toorreent russhess ovver it witth hhideeouss upproaar aand leaavess noo trr
59、acee beehinnd. I wwilll leeavee myy trracee. TThe worrld willl kknoww I havve bbeenn heere.小小水水滴,持持之以恒恒,也能能将最坚坚硬的岩岩石穿透透;相反反,湍流流呼啸而而过,却却了无踪踪迹。我我将留下下我的踪踪迹,让让世人知知道我曾曾来过。I willl ssparre nno eeffoortss inn dooingg thhinggs.凡凡事我将将全力以以赴。难点解析:1 原文:Noww I knoow tthatt inn orrderr too grrow andd fllourrishh I
60、 musst ssparre nno eeffoortss inn dooingg thhinggs aand keeep aa liittlle iin aadvaancee off thhe ttimees.译文:现在在我知道道,为了了辉煌的的成就,我我必须全全力以赴赴,必须须永远走走在时间间前面。难点征服:in ordder to是是固定用用法,意意思是“为为了.”,比比如:WWe sstarrtedd eaarlyy inn orrderr too arrrivve bbefoore darrk.为为了在天天黑前到到达,我我们很早早就动身身了。ssparre nno eeffoorts
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