Idioms 英语习语,谚语英汉解释_第1页
Idioms 英语习语,谚语英汉解释_第2页
Idioms 英语习语,谚语英汉解释_第3页




1、Unit 11) Burn the midnight oil熬夜读书,开夜车 To study or work until late at night.2) Hit the books用功读书,与熬夜无关 To study, especially with particular intensity 3) Do back-breaking work 劳累至极腰酸背痛的工作 To do some physically difficult work and makes you very tired.4) Work like a dog 拼命工作 To work very hard.5) Fall d

2、own on the job 敷衍了事,没做好工作 Be incapable for a work.6) Work ones fingers to the bone 非常努力的工作 To work very hard.Unit 21) Be a breeze 像一缕清风一样很容易做 A thing that is easy to do.2) Have a green thumb 擅长园艺 To be good at gardening.3) Be easy as pie 小菜一碟,小事一桩 To be very easy.4) Have a golden touch 点石成金,无所不能 It

3、means that you can do anything that you want to do.5) Have two left feet 笨手笨脚 To be very awkward in your movements, especially when you are dancing or playing a sport.6) Have a nose for something 善于发现某物,有洞察力 To be perspective and good at discovering.Unit 31) Down to earth 脚踏实地,实事求是 To do something w

4、ith no illusions or pretensions, sensible and practical.2) Think one is gods gift to mankind 自以为了不起,自负 To think oneself is really something in some areas; conceited.3) Show off 炫耀 To show ones ability with pride to anyone.4) Put someone in someones place 安分守己 To make someone do his own duty and abid

5、e by the law.5) Put on airs 摆架子,摆谱 It means someone is conceited in order to show his identity.6) Blow ones own horn 自吹自擂,自我吹嘘 To brag about oneself.Unit 41) Bury the hatchet 言归于好,和解,摒弃前嫌 To stop being unfriendly and become friends again.2) Button ones lips 一言不发,守口如瓶 To refuse to talk and be silence

6、d.3) Flow with the tide 跟风,紧随潮流 To keep following someone or the trend.4) Hold ones tongue 保持沉默,不开口 To say nothing about something and stay silent.5) Let sleeping dogs lie 别无事生非,招惹麻烦 To avoid mentioning a subject or something that happened in the past, in order to avoid any problems or arguments.6)

7、Mind ones own business 少管闲事,管好自己 To concern oneself only with what is of interest to oneself and not interfere in the affairs of others.7) Rock the boat 捣乱 To do something that upsets a situation and causes problems.8) See eye to eye 看法完全一致,完全同意 To share the same views as somebody about something.Un

8、it 51) Face up to something 勇敢的面对 To accept and deal with something that is difficult or unpleasant.2) Point ones finger at someone 指责某人 To accuse somebody .3) Leave someone high and dry 使某人很无助 To leave someone unsupported and unable to maneuver; to leave someone helpless.4) Shoulder the responsibil

9、ity 能够承担责任 To take responsibility.5) Pass the buck 推卸责任 To shirk the responsibility.6) Worm out of something 推卸摆脱某事 To get rid of somethingUnit 61) All or nothing 孤注一掷的,没有商量余地 A situation which will end either in complete success or complete failureHaving no middle position or compromise available2)

10、 Meet someone halfway 向某人妥协 To compromise to somebody3) Give-and-take 妥协,互让,互相迁就 To have an exchange of views on some topic in order to make mutual concessions4) Middle-of-the-road 折中的办法,折中之计 A compromising solution that can be accepted by most people5) Stick to ones guns 固执己见 To maintain ones position or viewpoint when faced with opposition6) Find middle ground 寻求找到一个中间立场 A set of opinions and decisions that two or more groups who opp


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