1、2023年新高考英语读后续写提分技能1.03源语篇的叙事结构与视角解读知识回顾叙事研究关注的是故事在叙事时的技巧,即故事是“如何写的”而不是“写了什么,叙事 结构要素主要包括:(1)表达者:表达者与作者不同,作者是写故事的人,叙事者是指说故 事的人,这两者是有区别的。(2)叙事视角:即有谁来看待这个故事情节的开展作者在写 故事时,一定会选择一个角度切入,从这个角度来观察事件的起因、经过、开展和结果,并 带有自身的情感因素,使得读者在阅读时跟谁着他们的角度去了解整个事件。(3)叙事节奏: 故事文本中包含两种时间,即事件时间与表达时间。常见的叙事节奏包括概述、扩述、省略 等。(4)叙事时序:一篇故
2、事通常包含两种时序,一个是事件发生的顺序,一般是由事件发 生的原因、事件发生的经过、事件发生的结果构成,基本不会出现颠倒的情况。另一个是故 事表达的顺序,可以与事件发生的顺序不相一致。通过结构分析来把握叙事的主题与意义是叙事分析模式的重要贡献。构建叙事分析模式 旨在为重建叙事文本的深层结构意义提供方法上的指导,这种研究不再从某个具体故事出 发,而是关注研究故事的结构特征,由此突出故事自身的抽象性质。常见的故事表达模式结 构如下:表1:故事语篇的叙事结构(1 )故事山(Story Mountain)模式:介绍一开展一冲突一解决一结尾。(2)表达图示(Narration Schema)模式:引子一
3、情节-高潮-尾声。(3)拉波夫(Labov)模式:点题一指向进展评议-结局回应(coda)拉波夫结构模式中进展是故事按时间先后顺序的呈现,回答先发生了什么,后发生了什 么,故事随着时间的推移不断地演变,呈现出线性结构,让读者有一条清晰可循的思路。显 然,拉波夫结构模式中的进展局部概括了故事山结构模式中的“开展-冲突一解决”以及 表达图式结构模式中的“情节一-高潮”,不同的是故事山结构模式和表达图示结构模式更 强调冲突或者高潮,能更好解释纯故事语篇的结构程式性特征。相较于表达图式结构模式, 故事山结构模式更加强调冲突的解决,更加适合解释冲突得以解决的故事语篇的结构程式性 特征。因此以上三种结构模
4、式分别适合解释不同类型故事语篇的叙事结构程式。语篇的事件的开展是沿着一定的表达结构与表达角度展开的。特别是记叙类的文章, 作者在语篇中一定事先设定好表达的视角,即站在谁的角度进行表达。表2:故事情节的表达视角Grandfather knew this and wanted to help Matt.【答案】Matt never played because he thought he was not good enough. He was afraid of making a mistake. He was old enough and big enough but he was too af
5、raid to try. He thought he would never be able to hit the ball. Then he would let everyone down, and they would laugh at him. And if he hit the ball, he would be too slow to run to first base, or he might miss the ball when it was thrown to him.Grandfather knew this and wanted to help Matt. Holding
6、a ball, Grandfather strolled over to Matt and yelled, “Hey, Matt. Matt jumped up with great surprise. Grandpa!he shouted. I want to play baseball. Will you do me a favor to play with me? Grandfather asked. Matt hesitated, head down. Sorry, I cant I play.“Come on, boy! Lefs have fun. With Grandfather
7、 patient encouragements and constant praise, he gradually felt easy to play baseball freely. Matt was confident and he did play in the very next baseball game, which turned out to be an unexpected success.3. (2022.山东济南.二模)阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一 篇完整的短文。At around 6 pm, Jane and her husband, Ch
8、arlie were driving on the road.They were incredibly excited because they would attend the dream wedding of her daughter Iris the next day.As they drove beyond a town heat their destination, the sky grew darker and darker and suddenly the rain poured down.When they were approaching a bridge, a wave o
9、f fast- moving water washed over the top of it.Within seconds, the rapids had lifted the little white car into the river, It happened so quickly that they were too shocked to scream.Finally, the car caught e an object in the middle of the river.Muddy flood water was pouring into the car and rising q
10、uickly.Jane knew they had to get out quickly before the water rose too high in the car.Forcing the door open, Charlie jumped into the flood from the back row.Meanwhile, Jane grabbed the front door handle and tried to open it but in vain/lry it again!1 her husband shouted anxiously.Hearing that, Jane
11、 took hold of the handle, using all her strength, and was able to pull the door open.She came out of the vehicle and finally reached Charlie, coughing and shaking. They leaned tightly against the back of the Car and screamed for help.At the sane tines a truck driver called Joe was complaining about
12、the bad weather in his truck parked in his yard near the river.He had planned a road trip.Suddenly, carrying over the roar of the water, he heard screams coming from the river and rushed out immediately, spotting a car in the river.nrve got to do something,9,he told himself.But how did he approach t
13、he car in such a complete darkness? Without thinking twice, Joe returned to his truck and drove to the river bank.Then he turned on the headlights and got a long rope from it.After that, he fastened the one end of the rope to the truck tight.注意:.续写词数应为150左右;.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。The water was still ris
14、ing.Joe finally reached the couple.【答案】The water was still rising. By this time, the swelling water had reached the chest of Charlie and Jane, who shivered uncontrollably and could not tell whether they trembled because of cold or fright. Fortunately, they spotted the flashing headlights of Joes tru
15、ck and caught a glimpse of his stout figure shape approaching them with a long rope. A strong torrent, coupled with the showering rain, washed over Joe and nearly swallowed him. However, this determined man rose to the flood and forged ahead, painfully and laboriously.Joe finally reached the couple.
16、 Catching the rope.1 he yelled at the top of his lungs. Having received Joes message, Charlie and Jane twisted their figures and clutched the rope tightly. Together, three of them swam against the torrent along the rope and finally made it to the bank. As Joe hauled the couple from the flood, the br
17、eathless Jane was too moved to utter a single word. Only Charlie held Joes hands tightly and sputtered with a choking tone, nThank. you., you. kind stranger, without. your help, Jane and I would have been. drowned to death. Joe shrugged off and said anyone at his place would have done the same thing
18、. Indeed, what a narrowescape they had and what a good Samaritan Joe is!从内局部析的实践从外部观察的事件表达者作为人物在情节中出现视角1:主人公自己讲述故事视角2:见证人讲述主人公的故事表达者不是人物,不在情节中出现视角3:心理分析,或人所不知的 作者讲述故事视角4:作者从外部讲故事读后续写是一种写作训练方法,它给予学生一定长度的英语阅读材料,抹去文章的中间 和结尾局部,要求学生根据所读材料,在理解的基础上进行续写工作,补全内容。它是借 助上下文,通过人与阅读材料之间发生的互动协同作用来训练学生写作能力的一种方法。在 读后
19、续写实践中,要强化叙事与论说的协同。英语叙事文体与论说文体写作的共同特征主题观点一致性。文章主题与作者观点是贯穿于整个语篇理解中的核心因素,叙事和论 说的主题与观点应在续写过程中与原文语篇相互协调,趋于一致,才能有效地保持文章的主 题延续与观点统一。假设在阅读与写作的过程中出现主题观点偏颇或相左,那么无法保持语篇 中主题和态度的连贯性与合理性。内容信息完整性。在叙事文体中,故事遵循记叙文体特征,其续写局部应保存原文所出 现的人物、情节和场景信息;论说文体那么需建立在原文论点和论据的判断基础上,延续原文 的论述主张,并提出与原文观点相符的新论点与论据。因此,两种文体的“读后续写”必须 模仿并遵循
20、原文文本信息,并进行动态性、创造性的语篇内容协同,使全文内容保持完整性。逻辑思维合理性。逻辑思维的合理性表达在英语原文与续写段落之间的概念梳理、逻辑 推理和因果关系等情境判断之中。叙事文体续写需保持与原文人物、地点、时间、因果关系 一致的情节安排合理性,论说文体那么维系原文论点、论据、论证所与其续写局部的逻辑相符 性,均展现语篇层面上读后续写的逻辑协同特征。语言连接顺畅性。读后续写既是模仿,又是创造。在语篇材料阅读的过程中,学生习得 原文用语,并在表达新内容的同时,创造性地模仿源语文本。在叙事文体和论说文体都可出 现词块与句型的重复运用,同时,在语篇中适当运用表达时间、因果或递进等关系的连接词
21、, 使前后语篇语言连接自然,行文流畅。文章体裁统一性。无论是哪种文体的英语文章,原文与续写的文章体裁必须保持一致。 叙事文体的记叙性,论说文体的说理性,应在阅读与续写中相互协同互动,延续其文体特征 和写作手法,保持其语篇体裁的统一性。历年高考中以凸显冲突为主要目的的纯故事语篇情节跌宕起伏,实现戏剧性效果。其语 篇结构程式可概括为“介绍一开展一冲突一矛盾解决一结局”。以凸显主题为主要目的故 事语篇,其情节一般比拟平缓且没有高潮,在陈述中通过表达故事事件之间的先后、因果 等关系而展开。该类故事语篇结构程式可概括为“指向一进展一结局”。高考读后续写所给 语篇一般而言是简短故事文本,不是复杂文学文本。
22、有主题故事语篇的主题比拟单一,通 过简单叙事实现主题凸显;纯故事性的语篇那么一般不强调主题的表达,且冲突聚焦。止匕外, 此类语篇篇章结构程式性强,情节上没有太多回环往复,一般不会节外生枝。读后续写中的叙事进程分析及写作构思拉波夫叙事分析模式对于学生从整体语篇分析的视角进行阅读具有很强的指导性,有 利于提高学生的语篇分析能力,加强文本理解的品质。上文利用拉波夫的叙事分析模式对 该续写语篇进行宏观分析后,学生能更好地把握作者所述故事的整体结构,更加明确地认识 故事的主题、开展及作者的情感态度,为接下来的续写活动奠定了良好基础。阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。Once u
23、pon a time, there was a beautiful town and a couple of lovers would often stay on the top of the mountain, enjoying the sunrise and by the sea appreciating the sunset. Everyone who knew them couldnt help envying them fbr their happy love.One day the man was seriously injured and lying in hospital fo
24、r many days without any consciousness. The woman guarded him by the bed in daytime calling his name nonstop and at night, she would go to the church and pray to God until her tears ran out. A month passed by and the man was still sleeping. Finally, God was so moved by her persistence that he would l
25、ike to do her a special favor.God said, “I can help your lover recover on condition that you promise to be a butterfly for three years. Do you agree with that deaPShe said excitedly and firmly, “Yes, I do! Never will I regret doing that.”The next day, the woman was transformed into a butterfly, flyi
26、ng hurriedly to the hospital. It turned out that the man came to his consciousness and woke up, talking with a doctor.She could not hear what they were talking about because she couldnt fly into the room. What she could do was to watch her beloved through the windows helplessly.Another spring came a
27、nd the butterfly was in a hurry to fly back to see the man, only to find that there was a pretty lady standing by him. At that moment she was so shocked that she almost fell down from the sky. She could hardly believe her eyes. It was said that the man was seriously ill during Christmas and that tha
28、t pretty female doctor took care of him and that finally they fell in sweet love. The butterfly felt heartbroken. In the following days, she often saw the man take the woman to the top mountain to enjoy the sunrise and to the seaside to appreciate the sunset. All these should have belonged to her. B
29、ut now they belonged to another woman. 注意:1.所续写的短文词数应为150左右;3.续写局部分为二段,每段的开头语已经为你写好。Paragraph 1:The butterfly could do nothing but rest on the mans shoulder off and on.Paragraph 2:God also felt sad and sighed to the butterfly,叙事进程分析及拓展策略举例:.定位故事主题,寻找点题主线点题是在叙事之前对要讲的内容进行简短的概述,会告诉读者到底发生了什 么故事。点题不仅能使文章
30、中心突出,主题鲜明,而且能给读者留下深刻的印象。在上述读 后续写中,学生经过阅读能很快就能判断点题出现在文章的第一段并可能将其概括为:Once upon a time,there was a couple of lovers whose love was envied by everyone who knew them. 通 过锁定文章的点题,学生就知道了作者要讲述的是一对恋人之间的爱情故事,从而对语篇的 整体概貌有了初步的整体感知。.分析叙事成分,明确目的指向指向是叙事者对时间、地点、人物、活动或情景等故事 要素的交代。有时指向的局部 要素会连同点题出现在文章的首段或首句。课堂教学中,教师要
31、引导学生找出故事里所涉 猎到的各种要素。例如,上述续写中,故事中出现的人物有一对恋人、一位女医生和上帝; 时间是很久以前;地点是在一个漂亮的小镇上;背景是男恋人病重后在医院住院看病。指 向将故事的基本要素逐一呈现,能让学生对事件形成画面感和代入感,有利于他们对故事的 理解和体会。因此,厘清这些要素对于把握故事的开展走向具有 重大的作用。.推敲故事进展,推测开展方向进展是指故事中的情节是如何向前推进的,是决定故事精彩与否的最重要因素,是叙事 语篇的核心局部。例如,上述续写中表示进展局部的关键语句及其开展顺序:男恋人生病住 院寅女恋人日夜陪在身边寅女恋人去教堂向上帝祈祷寅男恋人依然昏迷不醒寅上帝提
32、供帮 助寅女恋人变成蝴蝶寅男恋人恢复意识并清醒过来寅男恋人和女医生相爱了寅男恋人带女 医生去欣赏日出日落寅蝴 蝶心碎不已。通过分析故事的进展,可以看到情节不断地向前发 展演进,学生对于文章的理解也更加深入透彻。.感受叙事评议,合理拓展情感评议是叙事者或者故事中相关的人物对事件的看法、态度和心理,包含对故事的起因、 结果以及过程中事件要点的评议。语篇的第四段有一处评议:What she could do was to watch her beloved through the windows helplessly.”作者用 helplessly 一词表现了蝴蝶对于不能靠近 自己为之祈祷守护的男恋
33、人的百般无奈。第五段也有一处评议:Another spring came and the butterfly was in a hurry to fly back to see the man, only to find that there was a pretty lady standing by him. At that moment she was so shocked that she almost fell down from the sky. She could hardly believe her eyes.”作者用only to find这一短语表达了蝴蝶发现男恋人已结新欢
34、后的那种意外和天塌下来一样的绝望。分析故事中的评议,有助于学生感受主人公的内心世 界,理解作者的写作意图。.合理设置情节,推动故事进展根据续写第一段首句The butterfly could do nothing but rest on the mans shoulder off and on引导学生进行思考,听到曾经的挚爱和别人欢声笑语、莺燕呢喃,蝴蝶会做何感想? 蝴蝶是为了男恋人才变成现在的自己,而男恋人却爱上了别人。蝴蝶本身微小无力,不能讲 话,她是单独默默忍受这一切痛苦还是通过抗争来夺回自己的挚爱呢?因此续写第一段,学 生可以通过心理描写和动作描写把蝴蝶的内心矛盾淋漓尽致地展现出来,也
35、可以把蝴蝶勇敢 夺爱的过程写出来,从而将原文的进展推向高潮。.基于表达视角,合理设置结局结局是指故事开展到最后是怎样的一个结果。它是对故事核心矛盾的一个交代,标志着 叙事的结束,包含人物的下场、目的的实现或失败。在续写尾段中,学生应该根据情节开展 创造出合情合理的结局,解决故事中出现的主要矛盾。而回应是叙事者通过所述故事揭示 出一定的道理,是对故事主题的升华。为了使读者或听众对故事有一个完整的了解,叙事者 往往在故事的结尾用一两句话照应主题。但是有时候,叙事者会把故事的意义留给读者自 己去体会和思考,因此并不是所有的记叙文都有回应这一要素,学生可以根据自己的情况 来选择写 或不写。续写尾段首句
36、是 God also felt sad and sighed to the butterfly/cDo you regret for what you have done?”上帝看到蝴蝶悲伤欲绝、萎靡不振的状态,也感叹地问她是否后悔 为男恋人所做的一切?那么结局到底怎么设定呢?后悔还是不后悔?学生可以进行头脑风 暴,发挥想象,只要能自圆其说即可。(2022.重庆南开中学模拟预测)阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头续写两段,使 之构成一篇完整的短文。I opened the package containing individually wrapped Lego sets for my tw
37、o boys from Lisa, who was a nurse in New Hampshire. We used to be total strangers, but an incident made us less strange.Last August, we drove from our home in Washington, DC, to New Hampshire. It was just me, my husband, and our two kids out for a nice, safe, socially distanced week away.We had hike
38、d about half a mile to a popular spot called Dianas Baths, where the water falls off a series of flat huge rocks like an M. C. Escher drawing. The baths were full of families, so we made our way to one of the upper levels of rock to keep our distance.Both where we sat and down below, the water fell
39、into small pools, where kids in swimsuits were splashing around. I watched as some younger parents nervously protected their toddlers away from the rocks edges, feeling grateful that I was out of that stage, for our kids, at six and eight, could navigate their physical space with more confidence. Do
40、nt get me wrong: I was still terrified as I saw my two boys jump between the slippery rocks. But soon T relaxed and we were all having fun, splashing in the pools, my kids laughing as my husband swam under the cold running water. Then, seconds later, every fear Id ever had rose to the surface.I turn
41、ed and saw my son Wyatt sitting down between two rocks in a fast-moving stream. I yelled at him to get out and he yelled back something that I couldnt hear, and then he disappeared over the edge!All I remember from the moments after is screaming, over and over! Somebody help my son! ” I didnt even k
42、now what help he needed, because I couldnt force myself to look.My husband was already sprinting down the rocks. I continued to scream for help. However, it did not work. Everyone else looked on from a distance, too afraid or unbothered to help.注意:1 .续写词数应为150左右;2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。A brown-haired wo
43、men with a mask was the only exception.The rescue team finally came and took Wyatt out of the park on a stretcher (担架).故事开展的阶段分析导引【答案】阶段功能举例背景介绍故事的发生的情景描述激起心理感受与开展意向事件链续写一系列的事件效果事件产生的现实影响问题/难题反向期望/激起紧张感问题解决释放紧张的气氛评论引入表达者的评论反思引入其他参与者的想法A brown-haired women with a mask was the only exception. This wom
44、an didnt hesitate. Infact, by the time I had climbed down the rocks and my husband had pulled Wyatt out of the water, she had already called 911. She told me that she was a nurse. She gave Wyatt a red, white, and blue striped towel to put under his head. I finally had the chance to ask her name. Lis
45、a, “ she said, “and Im not leaving you.”The rescue team finally came and took Wyatt out of the park on a stretcher. An ambulancetook us to a hospital. As soon as I knew that Wyatt was going to be OK, my thoughts fell to Lisa. If she had not stepped up, would someone else have done so? Perhaps. But s
46、he was the one who went toward the unthinkable instead of turning away.【写作解析】本文以人物为线索展开,讲述了我们全家出门游玩的过程中,我儿子落水,遇 到好心的护士帮助救助的故事。.段落续写:由第一段首句内容“唯一的例外是一个戴着口罩的棕色头发的女人。”可知,第一段可描写 这个女人帮我们的过程。由第二段首句内容“救援队终于来了,用担架把怀亚特抬出了公园“可知,第二段可描写作 者回忆Lisa帮助我们的过程。,续写线索:紧忙呼救女士来帮助救援队到来带儿子去医院儿子得救感慨.词汇激活行为类:拉:pull/drag/haul ;说
47、:tell/say;喊:scream/shout/yell情绪类:不可想象的:unthinkable/unimaginable【典型句式】句型 1 If she had not stepped up, would someone else have done so? (if 虚拟条件句)句型 2 But she was the one who went toward the unthinkable instead of turning away. (who 弓 | 导的定语从句)综合演练(2022山东临沂二模)阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构 成一篇完整的短文。Thes
48、e days, Marathon des Sables runners carry a GPS tracking device and helicopters monitor their path to make sure no one gets lost, but when Mauro, a police officer, participated for the first time in 1994, there were no such safeguards in place. When youre running through the largest desert on Earth,
49、 one wrong turn can cost you your life. Mauro Prosperi did just that during the Marathon des Sables, a six-day ultramarathon that many regard as the toughest foot race in the world.The race was almost 156 miles long, taking runners across sand dunes (沙丘)with few natural sources of water. Temperature
50、s in the Sahara could reach as high as 122 degrees Fahrenheit, and each runner carried over 20 pounds of food, water, and emergency supplies on their backs. Most of these runners wouldnt end up finishing the race, which was about the same length as six regular marathons.That was how, on the fourth a
51、nd longest days of the race, the runner Mauro encountered a severe sandstorm that turned him around and sent him wildly off course.He spent eight hours waiting out the storm, huddled in a sand dune. The next morning, he expected to see rescuers heading his way. Instead, all he saw was desert in all
52、directions. After running for about for hours, I climbed up a dune and still couldnt see anything/9 he said. Thats when I knew I had a big problem.”A search party was organized to find Mauro, but rescuers had no idea he had been so far off course. Twice a helicopter circled over his head, and twice
53、they didnt see him wildly waving at them from below. He sent up his only flare (照明弹)and even set his backpack on fire hoping to catch their attention, but it was no use.When Mauros water ran out, he began drinking his own urine. He found a marabout shrine, an ancient building that once served as a t
54、omb. He took shelter from the suns rays there, drinking the blood of bats.注意:L续写词数应为150左右;2 ,请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。With his energy running out, he thought am bound to die here”.After being treated in the hospital for weakness, he made a full recovery!【答案】With his energy running out, he thought / am boun
55、d to die here Feeling exhausted and desperate, Mauro left a goodbye note to his wife on the wall of the tomb and prepared to meet his untimely end. But at the thought of his family in the remote city, he woke up with new resolve and decided to face the challenge himself. So Mauro set off once more a
56、nd hunted for insects and snakes to eat. By coincidence, Mauro walked into the camp of a nomadic tribe. They took him in and gave him goats milk and mint tea, eventually delivering him to safety.After being treated in the hospital for weakness, he made a full recovery! His survival story is a journe
57、y of desperation and almost superhuman endurance! Most people would never set foot in the desert again after such an experience, but not Mauro. Incredibly, he has now run the Marathon des Sables more than six times! Mauros story reminds us that perseverance can help us push through just about anything life throws at us! In spite of the bad situation, he found a way to carry on.(2022.湖南.二模)阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一 篇完整的短文。Matt is ten years old and always nervous about something. When the night sneaks
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