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1、ublishhave many advantagesa variety of topics for instance science, culture and historyare very popular with sb. beautiful and colorful picturesturn out to be interested in the subjectnew words and expressionssuggest changing them into easier ones.Best regards发布,出版有很多优势各种各样的话题例如科学,文化和历史受欢迎美丽多彩的图片结果对

2、此产生兴趣新的单词和词组建议变的容易些最好的祝福Dear Editor, As a student reader, I am writing to talk about the English textbooks published by your house. These books have many advantages. One of them is that we can find a variety of topics, for instance science, culture and history. These topics, I think, are very popula

3、r with us students. Whats more, along with the texts there are many beautiful and colorful pictures, which can help us understand English better. Even the students who used to dislike English have turned out to be interested in the subject. However, some of the texts have too many new words and expr

4、essions which are hard for us. Therefore, Id like to suggest changing them into easier ones. Best regards,Li Hua 作为一名学生读者,我写信谈论你们出版社出版的英语教科书。 这些书有很多优点,其中之一是我们可以找到各种各样的话题,比如科学、文化和历史。 这些话题很受欢迎我们学生。更重要的是,课文中有许多美丽多彩的图片,它可以帮助我们理解英语。甚至是那些从前不喜欢英语的学生也对英语产生了兴趣。 然而,有些课本中有太多的生词和短语,我们很难理解。因此,我想建议把他们变的容易些。 诚挚的祝福

5、 in the wild in the universeprotect from/against.form the habit of sthbe in dangerBe out of dangerdie out die awaybe dying for/to do sthIt is certain that a certain Sundayat the mercy of sb.have mercy on sbshow mercy to sb 在野外在宇宙中. 保护免受养成习惯在危险中脱离危险灭绝,消失 慢慢消失渴望做某事是确定的某个星期天任由摆布怜悯/同情某人Including me=me i

6、ncludedhave an effect ondraw/attract ones attentionpay attention to (doing)fix/ focus ones attention on sthwith ones attention fixedappreciate doingwould appreciate it if .succeed in doing=manage to doemploy oneself inbe employed indo harm to. be harmful to. come into being. at a losshunt for包括我对有影响

7、吸引某人的注意注意集中注意力于 精力被集中于感激;欣赏如果将很感激成功做某事 从事于;忙于对有害形成;产生(茫然)不知所措寻找 6. It wont be long before.7. What=all that8.suggest doing sthSuggest that (should)10. There seems to be there used to be there happened to be11. It is widely concerned that13. It is clear thatAt the expense ofAt the risk ofAt the mercy

8、of14. There is no possibility of 6.用不了多久7.建议做某事建议(应该)10. 似乎有曾经有碰巧有11. 人们都担心13. 很明显,以为代价冒着的危险任由摆布14. 没有的可能wildlife protection wildhabitat hbttthreaten ret()n decrease dkris endanger die out loss reserve rzvhunt zone znin peace in danger (of) species spiiz 野生动植物 保护 野生的 栖息地 vt.&vi.恐吓;威胁 vi.&vt.减少;(使)变小

9、;或变少 vt.危害;使受到危险 灭绝 损失;遗失;丧失 保护区 vt.&vi.打猎;猎取;搜寻 地域;地带;地区 和平地;和睦地;安详地 在危险中;垂危 种类;物种 protectfrom mosquito mskitmillipede mlpidinsect contain kntenpowerful affect fektattention pay attention toappreciate priet succeed Indonesia n. rhino ransecure skj income 保护不受(危害) 蚊子 千足虫 昆虫 vt.包含;容纳;容忍 强大的;有力的 vt.影响

10、;感动;侵袭 注重;关注;注重力 注意 鉴赏;感激;意识到 vi.成功 vt.接替;继任 印度尼西亚犀牛 安全的 收入 fierce so that ending faithfullyColobus monkey 凶猛的;猛烈的 以致于;结果 n.结局;结尾 忠诚地;忠实地(非洲产)疣猴,髯猴die out die away die off die for die of/from be dying for/to do sthHe is in danger of losing his life.脱离危险:Some wild animals are _可怕的 out of dangerdanger

11、ous灭绝,消失 (多指物种灭绝或风俗习惯消失)慢慢消失相继死亡或灭亡;(草木等)先后枯死为而死因而死;死于 渴望做某事;极想做某事6.1. We need to take action before all the endangered animals_ .2. The noise of the car _in the distance.3. As the region is becoming hotter, this kind of grass is _. 4. He _ the people, so his death is weightier than Mount Tai5. Unfo

12、rtunately, the soldier _ a wound in the chest. die outdied awaydying offdied fordie from7.mercy8.certain9.contain含;包括 仁慈;宽恕;怜悯 merciful have mercy _sbshow mercy _sb 怜悯/同情某人_sb/sth 任由摆布_ 毫不同情Its a mercy that.幸运的是1)确定的;肯定的:He is certain/sure to pass the exam.3)某一 : on a afternoon a () Smith当然;一定: Cert

13、ainly (1) The book _ ten chapters, _ American Literature. (2) Sea water_ salt.ontoat the mercy ofwithout mercy2)be certain/sure toIt is certain that containsincludingcontains10.affect vt.影响;感动11.attention注意12.appreciate鉴赏;感激;意识到 n. _ 对有影响Does television _ (影响) childrens behaviour? sth._ 吸引某人的注意 _sth

14、 注意 fix/ focus ones attention_sth with ones attention_ appreciate _ would appreciate_ . I will appreciate it if you help me with my Englsh. effecthave an effect / influence ondraw/attract ones pay to (doing) onfixed ondoing sthit ifaffect_ n.成功 _ adj.成功的 _ adv.成功地13.succeed vi.成功successfullysuccesss

15、uccessful_ =manage to do take over; succeed sb. as secretarysucceed in doingvi.成功 vt.接替;继任: 雇员 _ 雇主_ 雇佣,职业_ 失业_ 14.雇佣,利用 vt.employeeemployeremploy oneself inbe employed inemploymentunemployment从事于;忙于15.do harm to.损害;危害e into being.形成;产生 be harmful to. 对有害 do damage to We dont exactly know when the u

16、niverse came into being.拓展:come into effect come into use come into power When did the world_ ? The new seat-belt regulations _ last week. When did the government _ ?come into powercome into beingcameinto effect实施 投入使用上台执政三、词组互译1. 突然笑起来;大声笑了出来_2. 根据;依据 _3.so that _4. contain ones excitement_5. game

17、reserve _6. in relief _burst into laughteraccording to 猎物保护区以至于(结果);为了(目的)抑制内心的激动如释重负;松了口气1.减少;(使)变小;或变少2.vi.回答;响应;做出反应 3.远的;远处的 4.重要(性)5.包括我6.对有影响7.成功做某事8.对有害9.(茫然)不知所措10.寻找11.在宇宙中12. 保护免受13.养成习惯14.extinction15.unexpected 16.incident 17.disappearance18.habitat19.threaten20.unemployment8.17dictation

18、6. It wont be long before.7. What=all that8.suggest doing sthSuggest that (should)10. There seems to be there used to be there happened to be11. It is widely concerned that13. It is clear thatAt the expense ofAt the risk ofAt the mercy of14. There is no possibility of 6.用不了多久7.建议做某事建议(应该)10. 似乎有曾经有碰

19、巧有11. 人们都担心13. 很明显,以为代价冒着的危险任由摆布14. 没有的可能16. take on hunt forbring uplook after呈现搜寻,寻找提出;教育;养育照顾;关心 it was +时间段+ before : “过了(多长时间)才”“It is +时间段 + since “自从已经有多长时间了” “It be +时间点 +when某个动作发生时,是某个时间”(1) It is almost five years we saw each other last time. A. before B. since C. after D. when(2) Did Jac

20、k come back early last night? Yes. It was not yet eight o clock_ he arrived home. A. before B. when C. that D. until 四、词组运用请从上题中选择恰当的词组完成下列各句。 1.When I told the joke everyone _ _ (爆发出大笑).2. _ the weather report,it will be clear tomorrow.According to burst intolaughter3.My grandfather longed for the

21、return of the Milu Deer so much that he couldnt _ and burst into tears when he saw them in the Nanhaizi Milu Deer Park.4.Many old customs_ (不复存在了).have died out contain his excitement5.Something must be done to _ our environment _being further polluted.6.You must _ the teacher. Dont let your attenti

22、on wander.pay attention to protectfrom7.His father drove with all the windows closed _ he should not catch cold.8.He is _ losing his job if he goes on like this.in danger of so that9.When did the universe_?10.She drove his car into the local _ to hunt for some animals to photograph.game reservecome

23、into being power imitate split bucket poker inexpensive 权力 vt. 供动力模仿分裂,分解桶扑克便宜的阅读 reading selection skimming scanning reading for thorough comprehension critical reading a critical evaluation a wide variety of topics specific information选文阅读略读扫读 深入理解批判性阅读一个关键的评估各种各样的主题特殊信息 七选五直通高考看看高考怎么考(1)Volunteer

24、ing is becoming _ popular in China.Yeah,people are now aware that helping others is helping themselves.(2010福建卷,23)Anaturally BsuccessfullyCsplendidly Dincreasingly解析考查副词。A:自然地,当然地B:成功地C:壮丽地,非常好地D:越来越多地志愿工作在中国正受到越来越多地欢迎答案D Unit 4Wildlife ProtectionHow Daisy Learned to Help Wildlife Daisy had always

25、_ to help endangered species of wildlife.One day she woke _ and found a flying carpet by her bed.“Where do you want to go?” it asked.Daisy _immediately.“Id like to see some _wildlife” she said. 课文填空up endangeredrespondedlongedPlease take me to a _ (遥远的)land where I can find the animal _ gave fur to

26、make this sweater.” At once the carpet _away and took _ to Tibet.There Daisy saw an antelope _ (look)sad.It said,“We _ (kill) for the wool beneath our stomachs. are being killed thatherlookingdistantflewOur fur is being used _ (make) sweaters for people like you. _(结果)we are now _ endangered_.” At t

27、hat Daisy cried,“Im sorry I didnt know that.I wonder _ is being done to help you. Flying carpet,please show me a place where theres some wildlife _ (protect).”to makeanwhatprotectionspeciesAs a result课本原句:She turned around and there was an antelope with a sad face looking at her.她转过身来,一只羚羊一脸苦相望着她。(P

28、26)With 复合结构()with/without名词代词现在分词。用现在分词表示主动、正在进行或发生的动作。 I couldnt finish my work with those children _. A. playing around B. plays around C. played around D. to play around () with/without 名词代词+ 过去分词。用过去分词表示被动或已完成的动作。 In the read-room, we found her seated at a desk, with her attention _ on a book.

29、A. fixing B. fixes C. fixed D. to fix () with/without名词代词不定式。用不定式表示将要发生的动作。 With a lot of difficult problems _, the newly-elected president is having a hard time. A. settled B. settling C. to settle D. being settled ()with/without名词代词形容词。 She sleeps with the window open.() with/without+名词代词副词。 _ pro

30、duction up by 60%, the company has had another excellent year. A. As B. For C. With D. Through() with/without+名词代词介词短语。 1.He sleeps with a book in his hand. 2. A girl with a necklace around her neck got on the bus. 1._ ten minutes _ before the last train left, we arrived at the station. A. There wer

31、e; to go B. With; to go C. I was; left D. It had; left2.The lady said she would buy a gift for her daughter with the _. A.20 dollars remained B.20 dollars to remain C.remained 20 dollars D. remaining 20 dollars巩固练习3.It was a pity that the great writer died _ his work unfinished. A. for B. with C. fr

32、om D. of4. The boy lay on the ground, his eyes _ and his hands _. A. being closed; trembling B. closed; trembling C. closed; trembled D. closing; trembled 1.Because spring is coming on, trees turn green. Spring _(come) on, trees turn green.2.Because it was Sunday , we had no classes. It _(be) Sunday

33、 , we had no classes.3.When all things was considered ,her suggestion was of great value.All things _,her suggestion is of great value.4.Because there were no buses, they had to walk home.There _(be) no buses, they had to walk ingbeingbeingconsidered独立主格Spring _(come) on, trees turn green.It _(be) S

34、unday , we had no classes.All things considered ,her suggestion is of great value.There _(be) no buses, they had to walk ingbeingbeing独立主格特点有其独立主语不是句子在句子中作状语动词选择看和其逻辑主语的关系(07福建卷)Come on, please give me some ideas about the project.Sorry. With so much work my mind, I almost break down.A.filled B.fill

35、ingC.to fill D.being filled分词复习_(see)from the hill, the park is very beautiful._(give)more time, we could do it better._(turn)to the left, you will find the place you want._(walk)in the street, I saw my old friend.Having finished homework, he went to home.Not knowing what to do, he turned to his tea

36、cher.SeenGivenTurningWalking两主同,主被动;分词先,完成填;否定词在前面。3.The manager introduced the rules that she would like to see _ the next year.establish B. establishing C. established D. to establish4.Dont leave the water _ while you brush your teeth.A. run B. running C. being run D. to run5. He looked around and

37、 caught a man _ his hand into the pocket of a passenger.A. put B. to be put C. to put D. putting Leave sb. doing让处于状态Catch sb. doing抓住某人做 5._,the work can be done much better. A. Given more time B. We had been given more time C. More time given D. If more time had given 6.Weather _, the sports meet

38、will be held as scheduled. A. permits B. will permit C. to permit D. permitting 6._ in thought completely, he didnt even know what was going on. w*w*w*k*s*5*u*c*o*m A. Losing B. Lost C. Having lost D. Having been lost7.On hearing the news, she rushed out without hesitation,_ her handbag on the sofa

39、and in the distance.Aleft; lied; disappearedBleaving; lying; disappearedCleaving; laying; disappearedDleft; lying; disappearing 8.He hurried to the booking office only_that all the tickets had been sold out. A.to tell B.to be told C.telling D.told1.She sat there,_(lose)in thought.2._(dress)in white,

40、 she looks very beautiful.3.The audience _(seat)at the back came from Japan. be caught in be devoted to be absorbed in be lost in be dressed in be seated 特殊结构表达状态lostDressedseated被困在专心于/致力于全神贯注于陷入沉思穿着就坐的 限时训练2.according toregardless of in addition toin terms of 6.nuclear radiation effect on peoples

41、lifeconcernprotectionAttitude to/towards7. take measures to do sth8.rare animals the crocodile 根据不管,不顾除之外 就而言核辐射 对人们生活影响关心;担心保护对态度采取措施做某事稀有动物 可数名词单数前可以加a/an /the来表达泛指概念 9. Be unwilling to do pursuepsju at the risk of at the cost of at the end ofat the mercy of dietary dat()r calciumklsim Good dietar

42、y sources of calcium the moment句子,不愿做某事vt. 继续,从事,追求冒着的危险 以为代价在的末端/尽头;任由摆布食物,食谱 钙钙的食物来源表示“一就” 表示一就的结构1. as soon as 2. hardly.when scarelywhen no sooner.than3. the moment the instant 4.directly instantly immediately 1.Hardly had I got home when it began 2.The moment I saw him I recognized him.3.I came

43、 immediately I heard the news.一到家,就开始下雨了。employ oneself inbe employed inbury oneself in= be buried in Occupy oneself with doing= be occupied with1._in his study, he didnt know that others had left.2._ himself in study, he didnt know that others had left.3.Eg._herself with routine office tasks,she ha

44、d no time to attend to her children.A.OccupyingB.Occupied C.Being occupied D.To be occupiedBuriedBurying埋头于;专心于 忙于,从事于忙于完形10 minutes break between classes scene experience dragdrg come up with scanskn carry out perform the experiment durationdjre()n be busy focusing on spread 10分钟的课间n. 场面;情景vt. /n.经

45、验;经历;体验拖曳 拖提出;想出;赶上扫描;浏览执行,实行;贯彻做试验 持续时间忙着关注传播,展开,蔓延 (4)Smallpox has completely in this country.天花在这个国家已经绝迹了。朗文(5)The noise of the car _ in the distance.汽车的声音消失在远方。牛津died out(3)Many lifestyle patterns do such great harm to health that they actually speed up _ weakening of the human body.(2010浙江卷)许多生

46、活方式对人类的健康有害,他们加速了人类身体的衰退。(2)Her days gardening and voluntary她的时间全花在搞园艺和做义工上。朗文are employed in(1)Volunteering is becoming _ popular in China.Yeah,people are now aware that helping others is helping themselves.(2010福建卷,23)志愿工作在中国越来越流行。是的,现在人们意识到帮助别人就是帮助自己。increasingly直通高考看看高考怎么考thework.died away 滚动卷共

47、99 页64at war 处于交战状态The two countries have been _for years.这两国已经打了好几年仗了。at warat work/at school/ at table(1)on也可以表示“在中”,on duty/sale/fire/strike /business/show值班/出售/着火/罢工/出差/展出(2)under表示“在中”,under control/repair/construction/discussion在控制中/修理/建设/讨论(3)In peace/danger/trouble/in nature/in space在上班/在上学/

48、在吃饭属于(无被动);为的一员The book belongs to LiMing.The book _LiMing was lost yesterday.The vase _ Tang Dynasty is valuable.A sense of communitykmjunt A sense of humora regular/usual customerrare animals65belonging to dating back to社群感幽默感常客稀有动物 a quarter be short of dryerdra laundrylndrkindness and generosity

49、I saw the power of kindness and generosity in a new way 四分之一,一刻钟,二十五美分缺乏 ,缺少烘干机洗衣店,洗好的衣服善良和慷慨阅读A阅读Bcalendar klndCalendar holidayThanksgiving dayHalloweenlive a life to the fullesttypicallytpkli pressurepre abundance bnd()nsabundance of time togetherMothers DayFathers Day日历,日程表日历假日感恩节(11月的第四个星期四)万圣节前

50、夜(指十月三十一日夜晚) 过上极致的生活 代表性地, 典型地 压力 充裕,丰富 足够的在一起的时间每年5月的第二个星期日6月的第三个星期日七选五avoid disappointment voyage hosted single voyage cut cost stateroom ideal 避免失望 航行, 航海, 旅行 单人旅行精简开支 特等舱;包房理想的2.原句:There Daisy saw an antelope looking sad.(L8,P26)在那里,戴茜看到一只藏羚羊面带忧郁的神色。句型:see sb.doing sth.看到某人在做某事 我看见那人在翻墙。I saw th

51、e man _ over the wall. 我看见孩子们高兴得直跳。I saw the boys _ with joy. 他听到风在刮。He heard the wind_ .仿写:根据汉语意思完成英文句子。blowing climbing jumping2.The managers discussed the plan that they would like to see _ the next year.carry put B. carrying out C. carried out D. to carry out1.The missing boys were last seen _ n

52、ear the river. A. playing B. to be playing C. play D. to play3.The manager introduced the rules that she would like to see _ the next year.establish B. establishing C. established D. to establish4.Dont leave the water _ while you brush your teeth.A. run B. running C. being run D. to run5. He looked

53、around and caught a man _ his hand into the pocket of a passenger.A. put B. to be put C. to put D. putting Leave sb. doing让处于状态Catch sb. doing抓住某人做6._ in thought completely, he didnt even know what was going on. w*w*w*k*s*5*u*c*o*m A. Losing B. Lost C. Having lost D. Having been lost7.On hearing the

54、 news, she rushed out without hesitation,_ her handbag on the sofa and in the distance.Aleft; lied; disappearedBleaving; lying; disappearedCleaving; laying; disappearedDleft; lying; disappearing 8.He hurried to the booking office only_that all the tickets had been sold out. A.to tell B.to be told C.

55、telling D.told(1) All her time _ experiments, she has no time for films.A. devoted to doB. devoted to doingC. devoting to doingD. is devoted to doing (2) All the preparations for the project _, were ready to start. A. completedB. have been completedC. had been completedD. been completed (3) All the

56、preparations for the project _, and were ready to start. A. completed B. have been completedC. had been completed D. been completed高考链接Most of the artists _ to the party were from South Africa. (MET 90) A. invited B. to invite C. being invited D. had been invited 2) The first text books _ for teachi

57、ng English as a foreign language came out in the 16th century. (NMET 94) A. having written B. to be written C. being written D. written3) The Olympic games, _ in 776 BC, didnt include women players until 1912. A. first playing B. to be first played C. first played D. to be first playing4) Prices of

58、daily foods _ through a computer can be lower than prices in stores. (2002年全国春) A. are bought B. bought C. been bought D. buying 5) Mr. Smith, _ of the speech, started to read a _ novel. (2003 北京春) A. tired, boring B. tiring, bored C. tired, bored D. tiring, boring6). Cleaning women in big cities us

59、ually get _ by the hour. (NMET98) A. pay B. paying C. paid D. to pay7) As we joined the big crowd I got _ from my friends. (NEMT 2001) A. separated B. spared C. lost D. missed8) The pilot asked all the passengers on board to remain _ as the plane was making a landing. (2004 上海) A. seat B. seating C.

60、 seated D. to be seating 9.You can make yourself _ in English pretty well if you keep on speaking the language. A. understand B. understanding C. to understand D. understood10. - There is a hole in your bag. - I know. Im going to have it _. A. mend B. mending C. mended D. to be mended 11. -How do yo


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