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1、 太原理工大学毕业设计(论文)用纸 计中尽量做到松散的耦合,较高的内聚隐蔽和内部化。设计过程中各模块(对象)均考虑或预留了完善和可扩充接口部分。使用尽可能多的公用窗口,增加了可维护性。 软件测试是软件开发过程中必不可少一个阶段,软件测试是保证软件质量的关键步骤。在设计过程中。面对复杂的问题,人的主观认识不可能完全符合客观现实,在软件生命周期的每个阶段都不可避免地会产生 差错。测试的目的就是在软件投入生产性运行之前,尽可能多的发现软件中的错误。它是对软件规格说明。设计和编码的最后审查。软件测试在软件生命周期中横跨两个阶段。通常在编写出第一个模块后就对它做必要的测试,称之为单元测试,在强词夺理结束

2、后,对软件系统进行各种综合测试。这个阶段由专门的测试人员承担这项工作。5.6系统维护建议首先在操作人员必须能够熟练操作电脑。在运行该系统的时候,保持电压稳定,防止因硬件原因造成信息丢失。同时也可以保护电脑。在操作完成后要核对信息是否保存。及时对数据库管理进行维护,防止数据丢失。要充分发挥IT投资的作用,规划、保持并发展一个可靠而有效的数据处理及信息提供机制,及时、准确、全面地反映企业经营活动(人力、物品、HYPERLINK /s?q=资金流向&ie=utf-8&src=wenda_link资金流向等主要资源),服务于企业内外不同用户,以便企业能快速响应和提供优质服务,系统维护工作成为一项重要的

3、保障措施。 整体来看,系统维护工作的承担方可以分为几类:一是系统移交之后的日常维护工作完全由企业自身承担;二是移交之后的维护仍由系统提供商负责;三是一段时间内由系统提供商派人协助企业进行维护,待正常运转后完全移交企业自已独立维护;也可以选择外包的方式进行维护。一般对于软件版本的更新之类的维护工作是由系统提供商以每年收取许可证费的形式承担的。 系统维护策略的选择 企业的规模有大有小,系统实施策略及功能模块配置也各有不同。对于不同目标的应用系统,系统维护方法可以有不同的选择。如有些HYPERLINK /s?q=企业规模&ie=utf-8&src=wenda_link企业规模较小,产品单一,业务流程

4、相对稳定,那么就可以采用完全外包的方式。也可以在本企业构造应用环境,将部分系统维护工作外包给产品供应商/系统(实施)集成商等企业外部人员。当然,对于集团性企业,其系统日常维护量大,响应要求很高,这些企业还是得靠本企业IT人员进行系统维护。除非特定业务(如升级、数据转换、模块添加等),可做少量外包以补充短期资源的不足。 俗话说HYPERLINK /s?q=兵无常势&ie=utf-8&src=wenda_link兵无常势,水无常形,解决维护系统的问题难有既定之法,但理解其原则并灵活应用之,可为复杂问题的解决提供方向。 系统维护的原则及方法,相信系统 不管数据库多先进,软件考虑多周到,应用系统都有局

5、限性。但对常用的流程,偶然出错时,不要先去想系统有问题,要注意观察操作或数据的不寻常之处,如果是系统有缺陷,但可通过固定操作避免,就应该固定操作流程,并注意反复培训。勤于积累 不论是主动发现或被动遇上问题,事后都要记录解决过程、方法,以便共享经验。注意及时更新有关文档,不仅记录下业务要求的操作过程,也要记下绕过一些系统固有缺陷的途经。用户应当像法规条例那样去执行,不论理解与否都不可简化或异化,即“死步骤,莫发挥”。测试与比较 新出现的异常要判别其HYPERLINK /s?q=重现性&ie=utf-8&src=wenda_link重现性(必然性),可考虑构造测试环境,完全仿照原操作,寻找维护操作

6、的方向,并研究修改的方法。可逆修改 即使找到维护操作的方向,也不可贸然修改,搞不好会出现连带负作用,使问题性质变复杂或由局部向更大范围扩散。应该判断问题涉及的数据、影响范围,理解全部流程。修改数据时要留好余地,要具有可逆性,改不好也能退回。绕过 这是紧急情况下或一时无解决头绪时常常采用的方法。如从一个模块向另一模块传数据,如果有原因不明的丢失,而且是偶发且难以查明的原因,那么就要有一个检查机制发现这类异常,然后在相应的后续模块补上有关信息。例行检查与操作 这是减少问题紧急程度的有效方法。利用标准功能和一些自开发的实用小程序,应用系统数据主动做一些检查。把正常情况下要到今后某一时刻(如月末)才反

7、映出问题的数据(如成本更新、接口异常)提前找出来处理掉,这种不断检查、测试、发现和解决问题的过程,是系统稳定和完善的基石。客户的需求 用户有时在不经意时可能指出系统需要大力改进的地方,也可能会提出一个类似于“我要一敲键就出工资”的无理要求。这时不能因声音大小决定取舍,要仔细听,但不能草率承诺。人员的维护 在实施和维护的不同阶段,系统对维护人员数量的要求也会不同。随着维护人员水平不断提高,人员流动在所难免。但ITHYPERLINK /s?q=组织架构&ie=utf-8&src=wenda_link组织架构中骨干用户、维护工程师都是系统环境中的重要组成部分,他们的离去会给企业HYPERLINK /

8、s?q=ERP系统&ie=utf-8&src=wenda_linkERP系统造成巨大震荡和不可估量的损失。6 软件测试结论与系统使用说明6.1 软件能力企业管理系统能使得管理员非常方便的,准确的将企业商品的采购情况,商品销售情况,客户信息及供货商信息和销售统计情况及时的反映给管理员,以帮助商品制定经营策略,使商品的经营更加合理同时创造更多的经济效益。本商品进销信息管理系统软件是一个功能比较完善的数据管理软件,具有数据操作方便高效迅速等优点。该软件采用功能强大的数据库软件开发工具进行开发,具有很好的可移植性,可在应用范围较广的WINDOWS系列操作系统上使用。6.2 软件限制 本系统要求在Win

9、dows 操作系统下运行。同时需要安装如下软件: 服务器软件:Tomcat 、JDK 1.6 数据库管理系统:MS SQL SERVER 2005 浏览器:Internet Explorer6.3 软件安装指南首先,确定计算机上是否安装了以上软件,如果未安装,要先安装这几种软件。在安装完成之后,启动Tomcat服务器,打开Internet Explorer,在地址栏中输入 HYPERLINK http:/localhost:8080/ypgl/login.jsp http:/localhost:8080/ypgl/login.jsp ,即可打开登录界面,输入正确的用户名和密码后进行企业管理系统

10、界面。6.4 系统常见问题与故障当系统出现故障时,如果计算机正常运行,要首先检查软件系统是否正确配置。否则检查硬件系统是否出现问题。可以尝试重新启动计算机。如果问题仍然存在要请专业人员进行修复。同时注意数据库中数据是否丢失,及时恢复。结 论在陶瓷厂进销存系统的开发过程中,按照软件工程的要求,一步一步的加以实施,并整理出了相应的文档。通过对系统的开发,我对进销存系统有了较深的理解,对一个完整的软件项目的开发流程也有了更清晰的认识。在开发一个系统的过程中,我们应当学习从事系统开发的前人在实际系统开发的经验和教训及他们总结出来的理论和实践经验成果,充分了解各种开发模式对于系统开发的指导意义。系统功能


12、,我也感受到了开源的方便,遇到什么问题,上网一查,就知道该怎么弄了,以前做个课程设计都是怕别人和我的一样,不愿意给别人看,现在知道了程序弄不出来是多么的着急,学习都是相互的,互相研究才能共同进步的.以后要多多注意这方面的事情,本次毕业设计是我工作前一次很好的演练和实践的机会,是培养独立思考问题和自学能力的锻炼,使我意识到必须努力学习才能才工作中体现自己的价值,适应社会的需要。参考文献张孝祥,徐明华. Java基础与案例开发详解M. 清华大学出版社, 2009 (美)Devier. JavaScript程序员教程M. 电子工业出版社, 2010(美)Harold,E.R. Java Networ

13、k ProgrammingM. 东南大学出版社, 2011毕广吉. Java程序设计实例教程M. 北京:冶金工业出版社,2010吴其庆. Java程序设计经典教程M. 北京:冶金工业出版社, 2008萨师煊,王珊. 数据库系统概论(第三版)M. 北京: 高等教育出版社, 2011阎菲. Java程序设计教程M. 北京:中国水利水电出版社,2010孙卫琴,李洪成. Tomcat与Java Web开发技术详解M. 电子工业出版社, 2009黎连业,王华,李淑春. 软件测试与测试技术M. 清华大学出版社, 2009张大方,李玮. 软件测试技术与管理M. 湖南: 湖南大学出版社, 2007李城等. J

14、ava2简明教程(第2版)M. 清华大学出版社, 2004Ramos.S,Expsito R.R. Design of scalable java communication middleware for multi-core systemsJ.The Computer journal,2013,56(2).214-228Zacharis N.Z. Measuring the Effects of Virtual Pair Programming in an Introductory Programming Java CourseJ. IEEE Transactions on Educatio

15、n, 2011,54(1).168-170Guillermo.L,Ramos.s,Roberto.R. Java in the High Performance Computing arena: Research,practice and experienceJ.Science of Computer Programming, 2013,78(5).425-444 致谢 从论文选题到搜集资料,从写稿到反复修改,期间经历了喜悦、聒噪、痛苦和彷徨,在写作论文的过程中心情是如此复杂。如今,伴随着这篇毕业论文的最终成稿,复杂的心情烟消云散,自己甚至还有一点成就感。 我要感谢强彦老师、任聚财老师和胡莉老

16、师,非常感谢我的导师。他们为人随和热情,治学严谨细心。在论文的写作和措辞等方面也总会以“专业标准”严格要求我,从选题、定题开始,一直到最后论文的反复修改、润色,老师始终认真负责地给予我深刻而细致地指导,帮助我开拓研究思路,精心点拨、热忱鼓励。正是老师的无私帮助与热忱鼓励,我的毕业论文才能够得以顺利完成,谢谢老师。 通过毕业设计过程我会到了许多知识,这也是在大学里第一次完整的完成一个项目,虽然过程中遇到了许多困难,在同学和老师的帮助下一一克服了。通过不断的发现问题,总结问题和解决问题的过程,使我在此次毕业设计活动中不断的提高,和得到了宝贵的经验。外文资料 A good data validati

17、on strategy is an important part of every application development project. Being able to consolidate and generalize validation using a proven framework can significantly improve the reliability of your software, especially over time. Whereas unstructured and uncontrolled validation policies will lea

18、d to increased support and maintenance costs, a consolidated validation strategy can significantly minimize the cascade effect of changes to your code base. A validation layer can also be a very useful tool for some types of debugging. I recently needed to implement a lightweight validation framewor

19、k for a project. I discovered Hibernate Validator, an open source project from JBoss. The framework impressed me with its simplicity and flexibility, so I am introducing it with this HYPERLINK /blog/java-tips/Java Tip. Ill share my experience with setting up and using Hibernate Validator, with simpl

20、e use cases that demonstrate key features such as declarative annotations, composite validation rules, and selective validation.Data validation in Java See Victor Okunevs HYPERLINK /article/2076272/java-se/validation-with-pure-java.htmlValidation with pure Java to learn more about the java.beans pac

21、kage and the logic of constrained properties in Java.Getting started with Hibernate Validator Hibernate Validator provides a solid foundation for building lightweight, flexible validation code for Java SE and Java EE applications. Hibernate Validator is supported by a number of popular frameworks, b

22、ut its libraries can also be used in a standalone implementation. Standalone Java SE validation components can become an integral part of any complex heterogeneous server-side application. In order to follow this introduction to using Hibernate Validator to build a standalone component, you will nee

23、d to have HYPERLINK /technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.htmlJDK 6 or higher installed. All use cases in the article are built using Validator version 5.0.3. You should download the HYPERLINK /validator/Hibernate Validator 5.0.x binary distribution package, where directory hibernate-validator-5.

24、0.x.Finaldist contains all the binaries required for standalone implementation.HYPERLINK /assets/2014/03/28/jtip-hibernate-validator-src.zipDownload the source codefor the Hibernate Validator demos used in this article. Listing 1 shows a fragment of the Ant-built script where all binary dependencies

25、, selected for the standalone implementation, are listed under the manifest section. The metainf section is required if externalized metadata validation will be used in the implementation. As a result of the Ant build the final JAR will reference all dependent Validator JARs through the Class-Path h

26、eader of the manifest file.Listing 1. Manifest section of the Ant build with dependencies. .Declarative annotation and constraint definition Hibernate Validator 5.0.x is the open source reference implementation of JSR 349: HYPERLINK /1.1/spec/1.1.0.cr3Bean Validation 1.1. Declarative annotation and

27、constraint definition are two highlights of the updated Bean Validation 1.1 framework. Expressing validation rules through a declarative syntax greatly improves the readability of the code, as shown in Listing 2.Listing 2. Declarative annotations in Hibernate Validatorpublic class Address NotBlank p

28、rivate String addresseeName; . NotBlank Pattern(regexp = A-Za-zdA-Za-zs?dA-Za-zd, message = Postal code validation failed.) private String postalCode; NotBlank private String municipality; NotBlank Pattern(regexp = AB|BC|MB|NB|NL|NT|NS|NU|ON|PE|QC|SK|YT, message = Province code validation failed.) p

29、rivate String province; .Declarative validation on method parameters clearly define preconditions, improving the overall readability of the code. Business rules are much easier to digest because you only need to look at field, method, and class annotations. The declarative style removes the need to

30、build a model of execution, consider state transitions, and analyze post-conditions and preconditions while learning the code.More Hibernate annotations Learn how to generate database schemas automatically with Hibernate. See John Ferguson Smarts HYPERLINK /article/2077886/data-storage/custom-schema

31、-generation-with-hibernate-annotations.htmlCustom schema generation with Hibernate annotations.Listing 3. Validation rules applied to a composition of objectsabstract public class LetterTemplate . NotEmpty( groups = LetterTemplateChecks.class, payload = ValidationSeverity.Error.class ) Valid private

32、 List content; . Supported validation targets are not restricted to data only: it is possible to apply constraints to bean properties get methods, method parameters, and constructors.Composite validation rules Readability and flexibility dont always work nicely together in source code; in fact they

33、often compete. Hibernate Validator demonstrates a setup where these two characteristics can actually complement each other. For example, Hibernate Validator supports compositions of annotations. The framework supports compositions of constraints and provides syntactical constructs representing OR, A

34、ND, and ALL_FALSE validation semantics. The OR composition offers stereotypes to skip validation on empty or null fields and is helpful when there is a need to declare validation for incomplete or optional data. In Listing 4, Hibernate Validators Pattern annotation is converted into an optional vali

35、dation rule using annotation composition syntax.Listing 4. Custom annotation declaration for defining OR type constraints (null or numeric field that cannot start with 0)ConstraintComposition(CompositionType.OR)Null(message = )Pattern(regexp = 1-9d*)Target( ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD )Ret

36、ention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME)Constraint(validatedBy = )ReportAsSingleViolationDocumentedpublic interface NullOrNumber String message() default Validation for an optional numeric field failed.; Class groups() default ; Class payload() default ;Listing 5 demonstrates the use of the custom composite

37、annotation on the optional postal box property of the Address object.Listing 5. Declaring a validation rule where the property can be either null or a numberpublic class Address . / Optional field defining PO box NullOrNumber private String poBoxNumber; .Classifying validation rules Hibernate Valida

38、tor lets developers classify validation rules. This means, for example, that you could associate a different runtime strategy with varying levels of failure. The framework supports an annotation payload attribute, which can be used in combination with Java marker interfaces to classify validation ru

39、les. You can also link the severity of validation failures with different levels of logging severity, where the logging strategy is configurable at runtime. Consider the simplest possible classification, where the validation rules are associated with non-recoverable errors or warnings.Listing 6. Mar

40、ker payload interfaces defined for classificationpublic class ValidationSeverity public interface Error extends Payload public interface Warning extends Payload In Listing 6, the ValidationSeverity interface class is used as a parameter in a validation-rule declaration. You could use the same techni

41、que for custom annotations:Listing 7. Marking validation constraints as errors or warningspublic class MailLetterTemplate extends LetterTemplate NotNull ( payload = ValidationSeverity.Warning.class) private Address returnAddress; NotNull (payload = ValidationSeverity.Error.class) private Address rec

42、ipientAddress; .In Listing 8, warning-level validation failures are logged at the info level, while errors are logged at the error level.Listing 8. Associating logging level with validation errors or warningsfor (ConstraintViolation error : constraintViolations) if (error.getConstraintDescriptor().g

43、etPayload().iterator().next() .equals(ValidationSeverity.Warning.class) StmtValLog.getInstance().info(Property + error.getPropertyPath().toString() + runtime value + error.getInvalidValue() + . Warning level constraint violation: + error.getMessage(); if (error.getConstraintDescriptor().getPayload()

44、.iterator().next() .equals(ValidationSeverity.Error.class) StmtValLog.getInstance().error(Property + error.getPropertyPath().toString() + runtime value + error.getInvalidValue() + . Error level constraint violation: + error.getMessage(); Selective validation and the marker interface technique Hibern

45、ate Validator also lets you apply validation logic selectively at runtime, adding another dimension of flexibility. This technique is helpful if the state of the system and underlying object structures goes through a well-defined set of transitions. For example, in a class hierarchy where derived cl

46、asses can be in an incomplete state, while base class state has to be complete every class can be associated with a different level of validation.Use the (groups) marker interface technique to separate validation rules into different categories. In this technique, a marker interface class is passed

47、as a groups parameter to an annotation declaration.Listing 9. Marker interface declaration and usage in two classespublic interface MailLetterTemplateChecks .public interface EmailLetterTemplateChecks .final public class MailLetterTemplate extends LetterTemplate NullOrNotBlank (groups = MailLetterTe

48、mplateChecks.class, payload = ValidationSeverity.Warning.class)private Address returnAddress;NotNull (groups = MailLetterTemplateChecks.class, payload = ValidationSeverity.Error.class)private Address recipientAddress;final public class EmailLetterTemplate extends LetterTemplate private Image logo; N

49、otBlank ( groups = EmailLetterTemplateChecks.class, payload = ValidationSeverity.Error.class )private String subject; Email ( groups = EmailLetterTemplateChecks.class, payload = ValidationSeverity.Error.class )private String recipientEmail;In Listing 10, validation is restricted to rules marked by t

50、wo classes: LetterTemplateChecks and EmailLetterTemplateChecks.Listing 10. Selective validation of an email objectEmailLetterTemplate email = new EmailLetterTemplate(slaval);email.setSubject(Renewal letter);email.setContent(new ArrayList();email.setSignature(Serge Laval);SetConstraintViolation const

51、raintViolations = validator.validate(email, LetterTemplateChecks.class, EmailLetterTemplateChecks.class);for(ConstraintViolation errors: constraintViolations) System.out.println(Property + errors.getPropertyPath().toString() + runtime value + errors.getInvalidValue() + . Constraint violation: + erro

52、rs.getMessage();Selective validation can be used as a powerful debugging technique, where only a subset of the object hierarchy has to be verified at a given time.Externalized metadata validation In addition to declarative annotation-based validation, the Bean Validation 1.1 specification supports a

53、 validation metadata model and programmatic validation APIs. The validation metadata model can be used as an effective control mechanism at runtime without the need to rebuild code. A variety of control mechanisms can be employed in controlling validation policies at runtime, ranging from disabling

54、programmatically defined validation constraints to complimenting programmatically defined rules. Metadata configuration has several advanced options available. See the Hibernate Validator HYPERLINK /hibernate/validator/5.0/reference/en-US/htmldocumentation for the complete set of options. In order t

55、o enable metadata validation, an validation.xml file has to be available on the classpath. Constraint-mapping fields refer to XML descriptors where application-specific constraints are defined.Listing 11. A Hibernate configuration file, validation.xml stmnts_declarative_validation.xml false If youre

56、 doing validation programmatically, the validate method of the Validator class accepts a list of marker interface classes as parameters, defining the scope of a selective validation. By default, all validation rules belong to a default validation group, which is designated by Default.class.外文翻译 良好的数

57、据验证策略是每个应用程序开发项目的重要组成部分。如果能够利用经过验证的架构,以巩固和推广验证可以显著提高软件的可靠性,特别是随着时间的推移。而非结构化和不受控制的验证政策将导致更多的支持和维护成本,综合验证策略可以显著减少改变你的代码库的连带效应。一个验证层也可以为某些类型的调试非常有用的工具。 我最近需要实现一个轻量级的验证框架的一个项目。我发现了Hibernate Validator的,从JBoss的一个开源项目。该框架给我的印象与它的简单性和灵活性,所以我用这个Java技巧介绍它。我将与设置和使用Hibernate Validator的分享我的经验,与展示关键功能,如声明式注解,复合验证

58、规则,以及选择性验证简单的用例。在Java中的数据验证 见Victor Okunev的HYPERLINK /article/2076272/java-se/validation-with-pure-java.htmlValidation with pure Java ,以了解更多有关java.beans包和Java中的约束性的逻辑。开始使用Hibernate Validator Hibernate验证器为构建轻量级的,灵活的验证代码为Java SE和Java EE应用程序打下坚实的基础。 Hibernate验证器是由一些流行的框架为支持,但它的库也可以在一个独立的实现中使用。独立的Java S

59、E验证组件可以成为任何复杂的异构服务器端应用程序的一个组成部分。为了遵循这个介绍使用Hibernate Validator建立一个独立的组件,需要有JDK 6或更高版本。所有的用例在文章中使用验证器版本5.0.3构建。你应该下载Hibernate Validator的5.0.x的二进制发行包,其中directory hibernate-validator-5.0.x.Finaldist 区包含所有需要独立实施的二进制文件。下载这篇文章中所使用的Hibernate Validator的源代码。 Listing 1显示了所有的二进制依赖关系,选择了独立实施,列在清单部分Ant的构建脚本的片段。所需

60、的metainf部分,如果外部化元数据验证将在实现中使用。由于Ant构建最终的JAR的结果会参考所有相关的验证器的JAR文件通过manifest文件中的Class- Path头。Listing 1. Manifest section of the Ant build with dependencies. .声明标注和约束定义 Hibernate Validator的5.0.x的是开源参考实现JSR 349 : Bean验证1.1 。声明标注和约束定义是两个亮点更新Bean验证1.1框架。通过声明性语法表达的验证规则大大提高了代码的可读性,如Listing 2所示。Listing 2. Decl


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