



1、文档编码 : CB7K1X2J5V10 HS5J4A9X1W1 ZW10X5Q9Y3W4学习好资料 欢迎下载英语学科渗透法制训练教案老师:一、 教学目标 A、学问目标 1. Learn some new words: warn, motorcycle, trouble . 2. Go on learning the usages of adverbial clauses of condition: 法制训练渗透点:If we ride at night, we should have lights on the bicycle or wear light-colored clothes. If

2、 we break the traffic rules, we will get a fine and even be in danger. 3. Learn more traffic rules, signs and warnings. B、情感目标:珍爱生命,遵守交通法律法规;二、教学重难点学习好资料 欢迎下载1. Go on learning the usages of adverbial clauses of condition: If we ride at night, we should have lights on the bicycle or wear light-colore

3、d clothes. If we break the traffic rules, we will get a fine and even be in danger. 2. Talk about traffic rules and signs. 三、教学过程设计 Step 1 Review 1. Talk about the advantages of cycling in Section A T: Weve learnt lots of advantages in riding bicycles in Section A. Let s review it. S1: It saves mone

4、y and energy. It doesn pollution. S2: t cause air (教学设计意图:让同学摸索片刻,任凭抽查几名同学,说 出骑自行车的好处,对说得又多又准的同学赐予嘉奖;这样意在激发同学的学习欲望,有利于调动同学的学习积极性;)学习好资料 欢迎下载2. Tell a bicycle accident Show some pictures of the traffic accidents and ask some students to tell a bicycle accident around them. 教学设计 意图:这一环节既检查了同学的复习情形,又培养

5、了同学的 英语的听说才能,从中培养了几个英语演讲高手; Step 2 Presentation 1. Ask and answer to lead in 1a Show some objects or pictures to ask and answer between the teacher and students. Teach some new words and useful phrases, and make sentences about the traffic. 教学设计意图: 这一环节我通过呈现一些物体和图片进行教 新单词和,词组,鼓励同学造句,造课文的新句子;这种直 观教学有

6、利于同学的记忆和懂得;2 让同学再读 1a,找出含有条件状语从句的句子;老师讲解 if 引导的条件状语从句;比如;学习好资料 欢迎下载A: If we ride at night .we should have lights on the bicycle or wear light colored clothes. B: If we break the traffic rules ,we may get a fine and even be in danger. Step3 巩固1,让同学分角色朗读1a,然后请几组同学表演;2.师生一起评判同学的表演,然后老师总结 It is important for us to obey the traffic rulues .So we should know the meaning of the traffic signs. Step 4 练习 1,师生一起核对 1b 答案,然后老师用条件状语从句来讲解 1b 中的前两张交通标志图;如;If the traffic lights turn red you must stop . If you see


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