高中英语Module 7 Unit 1 Reading人教版选修六_第1页
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高中英语Module 7 Unit 1 Reading人教版选修六_第3页




1、Module 7 Unit 1 Living with technologyWele to the unit Reading一、写出以下词汇的拓展形式。1Review(n)评论家;检查者2Delight(adj)3Evolution(adj)进化的;逐渐发展的4Elegant(n.)优雅;雅致5.cautionadj.6Actual(adv) 7Variety(adj)8Equal(n)(v)使平等;使相等91ink(n) 10Faith(adj)11Honest(n)(adv)12Weigh(n)一record n. 记录;成绩;唱片 v. 记录,记载;录音,录象recorder n. 录音

2、机record player 电唱机 recording n. 录音,录音制品a school record学业成绩 break/beat the record破记录set (up) the record创记录 keep/hold the record 保持记录keep a record of sth把记录下来make a record制作唱片The police keep record of all the traffic accidents.(改错)She (保持着世界记录) for the 100 meters.You should (记录) how much you spend.Im

3、fond of listening to r of famous singers ,such as CoCo Lees and Sun Yanzis.She took her Sony tape r out of her bag and placed it down.It all began in 1877 when Thomas Edison made the first r of a human voice. Information records,for example, of patients with the sameillness,on puter now.A. are made

4、B. are sent C. are kept D. are set二. contribute ()to捐献贡献给有助于,促成投稿 contributor撰稿人,捐款人 contribution n.贡献,捐款All the children their free time the concert. 所有的孩子把空余时间花听音乐会上了.Plenty of fresh air good health.充足的新鲜空气有助于健康His carelessness contributed to the accident. 他的粗心大意是造成事故的原因.三.It is certain/uncertain

5、that (不)确定(certain/uncertain不能用sure/unsure替换)Sb be uncertainsure about/of 对没把握Be sure/certain to douncertainly adv.拿不准地 uncertainty n. 忧郁; 拿不准的事.Were both what to do.我们俩都不确定该怎么办.Im (不确定他会不会赢) in the round.Its what his role in the pany will be, and he is a bit anxious about it at the moment. A. certa

6、in B. uncertain C. sure D. unsureThey smiled at one another.A. uncertain B. uncertainty C. uncertainly D. in uncertain terms四be superior to意为“优于;胜过;比好;。superior形容词,无比较级,(与to连用)更好的;更强的;更有效的Todays puters are _ anything we had ten yearsago如今的计算机比10年前的任何一台计算机的功能都更强大。(仅用于名词前)质量上乘的,优质的Which side has the _

7、 weapon?哪一方拥有更好的武器?(职位级别)更高的;上级的Are you questioning the orders of a _officer?你是否在质疑上级领导的命令?superior可数名词, “上级;上司;长官。Its important to have a good working relationship with yourimmediate superior与顶头上司保持良好的工作关系是非常重要的。注意:以下短语中用介词to(不用than)。be inferior to比差的;次的be senior to比级别高的;比年长的be junior to比地位或身份低的be

8、superior to为固定搭配,意为“比好。They are superior us numbers.A. to ; in B. over ; to C. to ; by D. over ; byHe is my superior in knowledge .He in knowledge.五e onto the market意为“上市;面市。flood the market (使某物)充斥(常指廉价)in the market for sth有意买某物on the market 出售;上市;有现货供应If you area mobile house,this isa good time t

9、o buy如果你想买活动房屋,这是个购买的大好时机。.Many things need to be done before a new product .在一个新产品上市前有许多事情要做.六 wind wound,wound蜿蜒,缠绕,转动,上发条wind up上发条;摇动;转动wind stharound sth缠绕;卷绕wind ones way 蜿蜒;曲折延伸wind down 逐渐变慢;逐渐平静下来;放松用wind的相关短语填空Have you _ your watch?This year has been very busy for us-I need a holiday just

10、to_.He _ _through the crowds.七 apply “应用。另外apply还可以作“申请;请求;有效,适用讲。apply oneself to致力于;专心于apply sth(to sth) 应用某物于某一方面apply to sbfor sth向某人申请apply to sb.sth.适于某人某物application n申请;应用;专心applied adj应用的You should immediately, in person or in letter. 你应该立即申请,亲自去也好,写信也好.The new technology was soon in practi

11、ce. 这项新技术很快就用在了实践中. I will the pany for the work.我将去那家公司申请那项工作Every student studying before the exams.考试前每个学生都在集中精力学习.八demand动词,意思是“要求、“需求。相关用法demand to do sth.要求做某事demand sthof sb要求某人某事demand that-clausesthdemand(sth.) v.-ingto be donedemand用作名词时意为“需要,需求。相关短语in demand 有需要He demandedhere in timeAus

12、to get Bthat we arrivedCwe arrive Dthat we had reached九spring up迅速出现;涌现;突然兴起 spring vi. (sprang sprung ) 跳,跳跃,弹起 spring to life突然活跃起来spring sth on sb向某人突然说出某事spring from 突然出现;由某事物造成;来源于某事物spring back(被推、折弯等后)弹回到原来的位置Guess the meaning of the following sentences.1. He turned off the alarm and sprang out of bed.2. He sprang


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