1、The imagingmanifestation of pancreatic cancerPancreatic cancer begins in the tissues of the pancreas anatomic structure The imagingmanifestation of pCase11CT00076664y Male feel abdominal and back pain Jaundice for 2 monthsCase11CT000766 Plain scan:A irregular slightly lower density mass is located i
2、n the head of the pancreas. Plain scan:A irregular slig Contrast-enhanced scan(Arterial phase):the mass was slightly enhanced and the SMA(superior mesenteric artery )was surrounded by the mass. Contrast-enhanced scan(ArteriPortal venous phase :The enhancement of the mass is slowly strengthened.Porta
3、l venous phase :The enhanCT Imaging findings CTfeatures:1pancreaticparenchymal mass,as its mainfeatures.Tumormorphology for the oval,lobulated orirregularmass,irregular margin,and theboundary ofpancreatic tissueis not clear. 2. Pancreaticcontour,contourand sizechange isanotherimportant sign CT Imagi
4、ng findings CTfeatureBile duct and pancrea ductdilationis an indirect signBile duct and pancrea ductdiDiagnosisPancreaticMedium to highdifferentiation adenocarcinoma DiagnosisPancreaticMedium to differential diagnosisChronicpancreatitisCT in differential diagnosis ofpancreatic cancer:The lesionof pa
5、ncreatic cancermultiplenodes,limited,irregular edge ,liquefiednecrosis,calcificationis rare.Pancreatitiscanbenormal region,liquefactionnecrosisis rare,calcification,especially along theductto thedistribution of the calcificationsare its important characteristics.Pancreatitis bile duct and pancrea du
6、ct dilation of irregular,oftenthrough thelesion,butnotthrough thepancreatic cancerlesions,found theimportant sign ofmetastasisis also adifferential.differential diagnosisChronic胰腺癌影像学表现英语读片课件胰腺癌影像学表现英语读片课件 pancreatic cystadenocarcinomaortumor whenpancreatic cancerappearedliquefaction necrosisislarge
7、r,its need to differential. pancreatic cystadenocarcinomaortumorCT showedcystic mass,cystic wallshowedirregular mural nodule,enhancedthe wall and fiber separationcan strengthen,the central part ofthe tumorcalcification biliary and pancreatic ductdilationor obstruction is rare In MRCP pancreatic cyst
8、adenocarcinoma胰腺癌影像学表现英语读片课件胰腺癌影像学表现英语读片课件Tuberculosis of pancreaspancreatic tuberculosisoften havetuberculosispoisoningsymptoms such as fever,loss of appetite,sweating,it alsoshowed asimilar to thelesionscaused by obstructive jaundice,its characteristic isthe head of the pancreasand surroundingshow
9、ed multiple enlarged lymph nodes,lesions seen inmanyaspeckledcalcification. Tuberculosis of pancreas胰腺癌影像学表现英语读片课件general situation Pancreatic canceris the most commontumorofpancreas At present,the prognosis remains poor,high mortality rate According to reports,around the world each yearnew primaryp
10、ancreatic cancerpatientsis about 185000cases The mortality rateis nearly 100%. general situation Pancreatic Pancreatic cancerin theelderlymore common,but there are . alsochildrensreports of patients. pancreatic cancer Mostly occurs in thehead of pancreas,accounts for about75%,the body and the tail i
11、s next . Sometimes the threeparts are involved , calleddiffuse pancreatic cancer. Pancreatic cancerin theelderClinical presentation Weight loss Abdominal pain Jaundice Steatorrhoea Diabetes Mellitus Acute Pancreatitis Malignant Ascites Gastric Outlet ObstructionClinical presentation Surgical Options: A.Whipple operation (Pancreatico- duodenectomy) B. Pylorus Preserving Panc
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