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1、新标准英语(三年级起点)六年级上册M10 Unit 2 Go straight on.教学设计成都市双流区实验小学 姚莉文本分析本节课主要学习交通规则,从复习library rules入手,通过学习traffic rules拓展到hallway rules,通过小组活动再次延伸到生活中更多公共场合的规章制度,课堂渗透中西规则差异,让学生了解了“中国靠右行,英国靠左行”和英国的环形路口,明白了两国的交通规则差异,拓宽了视野,同时培养孩子从小就要懂规则、守规则的意识,争当文明小公民。学情分析六年级学生在看待事物上更加客观个理性,有个人的观点和主张。虽然是六年级的学生,但依然对事物有好奇心和想象力,


3、用句型结构,正确书写交通规则及其他场合的规则。思维目标: 学生通过观看视频,发表自己的观点,在一定场合下该做什么,不该做什么,对行为作出正确的判断。学生在本课学习内容的基础上,选定场景,制作其他公共场所的规章制度,能够批判性的思考问题。文化意识目标: 在学习和日常交际中,除了能了解到中外文化的异同(交通规则靠左还是靠右行,十字路口与环形路口的区别,电梯上一律靠右向他人让出通道等)无论何处,不以规矩,不能成方圆。教学重点与难点教学重点:祈使句表达行为规范和交通规则以及其他公共场合下的规则,Dont.和please.,了解交通标志和一些简单的交通手势,培养学生自我管理能力,形成遵守规则的意识。教学

4、难点:学生就各种公共场合应遵守的规则发表独到的见解,并能讲明原因。教学辅助多媒体课件 交通标示 句型条 小礼物教学方法情景教学法 直观演示法 TPR全身反应法 任务型教学 小组合作教学过程教学内容教学活动设计意图教师活动学生活动I.GreetingsT:Today Im your new English teacher. You can call me Ms Yao.Jamie:I am Jamie. Im from the UK.Greet with the teachers.与学生互动,拉近老师与学生之间的距离。II.Free talkJ:Today we will talk about

5、rules.We have learned library rules.Can you tell me any library rules? Students answer the questions.学生通过回答问题,复习第一课时的内容,同时进一步认识图书馆的规则。J:Wow you know many rules.And here are more library rules for you. Here a video for you,watch and get more rules. Students watch and say out more library rules.学生通过与老

6、师互动,掌握更多的图书馆规则,在上一节课的基础上又有了一些拓展。III.Lead-inJ:Library rules are very important for us.Its same to traffic.Ms Yao: Yes, here is a video about traffic. Watch carefully and think what happened.And why?Y: Yes, the cars cant go.The walkers cant go.There is a bad traffic jam.What should they do?Students wa

7、tch and answer the questions.Students think and answer .学生通过观看视频,找到问题,发表观点,培养学生的批判性思维。学生就问题回答,培养学生的发散思维,同时为下文的学习做铺垫。IV.PresentationY:Yes, a traffic police officer can help them.(Play the video)They are doing the traffic gestures. The cars can go.The walkers can go.The road is in order now.Students t

8、hink and answer .学生观看视频,了解traffic police officer和Traffic gesture的意思,有利于下面内容的学习。V.Learn thetextY:Look there is another traffic police officer. The light is red,he is doing this gesture,what does it mean? The light is green,what does it mean?Now lets listen and find the answers.The light is red.Please

9、 dont cross.Now its green.You can cross.Y:Now lets read together.Here is a new word: cross(Teach Ss some times, show some pictures to understand the meaning)The man is crossing the road.How about the girl?There is a boat.Y:Now we know some traffic rules. Next lets learn some traffic gestures.Watch a

10、 video and try t do.Y:Do you want to try? Now please do with Jamie.J:Yes,everybody stand up,please.Stop! Go straight on!Turn left! Turn right!Y:Wow, you did a very good job!You are so lovely!We know some traffic rules and gestures. Next we will talk about traffic signs.Look there are eight traffic s

11、igns.Do you know what they mean?Y:What does No.1 mean?The same way talk about others.Y:Each picture has a rule. Now lets listen and check the answers.Who can help me find the rules?Students answer the questions.Students read with the teacher.Ss:The girl is crossing the road.Ss:The boat is crossing t

12、he river.Students watch and do.Students do with Jamie.Students talk about the signs one by one.Students help the teacher find the rules,teach once and stick them on the blackboard.学生通过观看图片,结合平时了解的常识回答问题。学生通过看图跟读,了解cross的意义和正确发音。学生在学习交通规则的基础上,学习更多关于交通的知识:交通手势,增长交通方面的知识。学生根据图片信息进行交通标志的描述,发展语言能力、认知能力和认

13、读能力。VI.Consolidation:Play a gameY:We know there are many traffic signs.Can you remember them all?Here is a test for you.(Students try to speak out the signs as quick as they can.Who can the most signs, who is the winner?)Students are the little helpers to help the teacher.Group work:Four children a

14、group to practise.了解学生的学习情况,同时培养学生的合作能力。VII.ExtensionJ:We know some traffic rules.Well.There are other rules for you.Look where it is?(Show the pictures of the hallway to students)Teach and explain the new word:hallwayJ:What are the hallway rules? Here is a video for you.Watch and think what hallway

15、 rules you can tell the students.(Play the video)Y:Each picture has a rule.(Show the rules for matching the pictures and stick them on the blackboard)Y:Here is an exercise for you.Check the answers.J:Wow,now we know library rules,traffic rules and hallway rules.Here is a chance for you to make rules

16、.(cinema rules, park rules, classroom rules, family rules, Metro station rules)Check some of them.J:We know Chinese people drive on the right. But English people drive on the left. In China there is a crossing. But in the UK,we have a roundabout.(Play the video) J:Whatever we are ,we should obey the

17、 rules.Noting can be done without rules.Students repeat and understand the meaning.Students watch andanswer the questions.Students finish the exercise.Students choose , talk,make and act out the rules.Students watch care-fully.Students listen and understand.学生发表自己的观点。了解学生对hallway rules的掌握情况。学生小组合作,选

18、择一个公共场所进行规则的制定,并进行场景表演,培养学生的合作精神和规则意识。学生通过了解中国和英国之间的行车规则和路口的不同,从而了解两国的交通规则差异,拓宽视野。情感教育,让学生目标规则的重要性,时时处处遵守规则,做一名合格的小公民。VIII.Set hom-eworkListen to the text.2.Try to talk about your new rules.3.Copy the new words and sentences.板书设计教学反思本节课主要学习交通规则,从复习library rules入手,通过学习traffic rules拓展到hallway rules,通过小组活动再次延伸到生活中更多公共场合的规章制度。1.情境激趣。利用情境引导学生学习新知,孩子们的学习兴趣被充分激起,他们学习热情高涨。在traffic gestures活动中,听课老师们被感染,不由自主地跟随Jamie做起手势动作。2.任务教学高效。在


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