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1、专 业 英 语Specialized English 科技英语阅读引言英语语言能力 听、说(直接交流的需要) 读、写(间接交流的需要) 通过四、六级情况: 我国学生的英语能力的现状: (1)语法好、有一定词汇量,公共英语的阅读能力相对较好; (2)在专业方面的听、说、写的能力相对欠缺,表现在专业报告听不懂; (3)对自己的研究说不出、写不出,特别是阅读和撰写专业方面研究论文的能力和水平需要加强。引言研究生论文内容上的问题: 基本表达不会; 汉语式的表达; 采用软件直接翻译研究生论文形式上的问题: 科技论文写作的基本常识不具备; 形式和内容一样重要 形式上不合格举例: 参考文献的引用:编号与不编

2、号; 参考文献的写法:姓名不分、字母大写小写不分; 中文标点符号和英文标点符号不分引言研究生专业词汇: 精加工 finish machining fine processing precise processing 哪一个是正确写法? 存在的问题: 英文文献的单词均认识,但不知道是什么意思(词汇没有问题,但理解有问题) 同一个英文单词在一般英语中和专业英语中的意思有很大差异。 feed movement interference fit 引言课程学习目的: 外语的应用是一个不断积累的过程,听和说方面的能力需要不断锻炼,而科技论文的写作还需要掌握一定的写作规则、方法和技巧。 专业文献的阅读:如何

3、选择本专业的有关杂志获取参考文献?如何进行专业文献的阅读。 科技论文的写作,包括概要、学术论文写作的方法,学术论文的基本结构、写作基本步骤。 写作中常用经典的句型结构、重要专业词汇。 投稿国外杂志的一般知识:如何选择适合的学术杂志,投稿国际学术杂志论文的基本步骤;如何得知国际学术会议信息,国际学术会议投稿的基本步骤,国际交流的一般常识。 1 概 论 科技英语(English for Science and Technology )简称EST,是一种用英语阐述科学技术中的理伦、技术、实验和现象等的英语体系,它在词汇、语法和文体诸方面都有自己的特点,从而形成一门专门学科。 文章特点: 结构严谨 逻

4、辑严密 文体多样 如:论文、综述、实验报告、教材、专利、说明书等科学技术领域,科技工作者的任务: 描述自然现象; 分析自然现象产生的规律; 研究自然现象应用于人类生产实践的方法; 表达所取得的成果及其应用。思维形式:概念、公式或公式化的概念。思维活动的语言表达:按照严格的逻辑程序导出的判断和推理,科技文体具有抽象性、概念性和高度的逻辑性。内容:写实。语言风格:准确严谨、合乎逻辑,非形象性(理性)、客观性、无明显感情色彩、简洁明快。Paper and Experimental Report: Title, Abstract, Introduction, Results and Analysis,

5、 Conclusion and DiscussionBook & Lecture: Title, Author(s), Name of the process or publisher, Name of the printing House, Name of the distributor, Date of publication, Date of printing, Synopsis, Note by the publisher, International Standard Book Number, Preface or Foreword, Acknowledgements, Conten

6、ts, Text of the book, Appendix or Supplement, Index, EpilogueManual and Instructions, Directions: Principle, Operation, Maintenance2 Vocabulary(词汇) 专业英语的词汇特点Typically Professionalized Terms Whenever a force acts on a body so as to make the body move through some distance, it is said to have done wor

7、k.work n. 工作, 劳动, 操作, 职业, 物功, 手工, 作品, 机件 v. (使)工作, (使)运转, 起作用, 造成, 产生, 经营, (使)渐渐移动, 煅制机械专业 n. 著作,功船舶专业 n. 工作,功 n. 劳动地质专业 n. 功,工作电力专业 n. 功,工作,操作电信专业 n. 功,工作法律专业 n. 工作,著者,著作,作品,作业 v. 劳动 航海专业 n. 工作航空专业 n. 工作,劳动产品 n. 工作,运行化学专业 n. 工作,劳动,操作,加工,著作,制品 vt. 工作,加工,研究,证实,劳动,运行会计专业 工件,运转计算机专业 工作;功 n. 工作(劳动,操作 vt

8、. 工作(加工,研究经贸专业 工件 n. 工作能源专业 n. 功,工程农牧林专业 n. 工作汽车专业 n. 工作,加工,工厂,著作,功,工作商务专业 工件 石油专业 n. 工作 n. 功水利专业 n. 工作,功,工件冶金专业 n. 工作,功医学专业 n. 工作,功中医专业 n. 工作Angle: 角度 (角钢)Channel:海峡、纪录通道、渠道 (槽钢)Cap:帽子 (柱头、棚架顶梁)Mouth:嘴 (开度)Foot:脚 (底部、底座)Horse:马 (支架)Normal: 正常 数学:法线 化学:当量Power: 数学:幂、次方 电学:电力、电能 机械与动力工程:动力Specificall

9、y Concentrated Meaning 日常英语“动词+副词”,如come off, do for, make up等,这类短语动词往往不止一种含义,而且常常难以确定。在科技论文中,应用意义比较明确的单个动词来代替,这类动词较“正规”,学术气氛较强,简洁,用起来方便。如: (1)词义更加确切:比如用absorb表示take in;用discover表示观察比用find out更严密. (2)较为正规:增加学术气氛,如transmit比pass on更适合表达传输这个科技概念. (3)更加简洁:有时候可以代替一连串的动词 Reciprocate(往复, 来回运动)等于move backwa

10、rds and forwards in astraight line。尽量避免概念不够鲜明的词语(Weak verbs),应该选择鲜明有力的动词(Effective verbs)Indicate:指出, 显示, 象征, 预示, 需要, 简要地说明Show:出示, 指示, 引导, 说明, 显示, 展出, 放映Illustrate:举例说明, 图解, 加插图于, 阐明Demonstrate:vt.示范, 证明, 论证Review: vt.回顾, 复习Report:v.报导, 汇报, 报到, 告发Outline:vt.描画轮廓, 略述,Describe:vt.描写, 记述, 形容, 形容v.描述Ex

11、plain:v.解释, 说明Verify:vt.检验, 校验, 查证, 核实Prove:vt.证明, 证实, 检验, 考验vi.原来(是), 证明(是)Confirm: vt.确定, 批准, 使巩固, 使有效v.确认Define: vt.定义, 详细说明Determine: v.决定, 确定, 测定, 使下定决心Compare: v.比较, 相比, 比喻Contrast:vt.使与.对比, 使与.对照vi.和.形成对照Investigate:v.调查, 研究Develop: vt.发展, 发达, 发扬, 进步, 逐步展开(情节,音乐主题,方程式等)洗印,显影vi. 发展, 生长, 发育, 逐步

12、显示出来Conclude: v. 结束, 终止, 决定, 作出结论vt.推断, 断定, 缔结, 议定Propose: vt.计划, 建议, 向.提议vi.打算enumerate (列举)Highly Proportional Latin & Greek Words 最普通英语单词中,46%直接或间接来源于拉丁语,7.2%来源于希腊语,科技词汇中这个比率会更高。 Analysis, stimulus, focus, automation, formula, antenna, nucleus, radius, symposium, thesis, micro-, hydro-, auto-, mu

13、lti-, -ion, -graph, -logy, -tudeUsually Used Compound Words 由两个或两个以上的词(有时其中用连字符“-”)联合在一起的词称复合词。使用复合词来表示事物的特征、性质、数量、大小、程度等概念和意义。一般复合词的核心是最后一个词。复合名词 emitter region, magnetic field, speedometer, horsepower, blueprint, wavelength, engine noise, higher-than-average复合形容词 dust-free, water-proof, three-phas

14、e, cross-sectional, biophysical, wire wound, newly-designed, radio-active复合动词 white wash, trial-produce, overcharge, self-design, underline, heat treat, short-circuit, electro-plate, induction hardenFrequently Encounter Contracted Words C(C) = degree of centigrade mech=mechanics radar=radio detectin

15、g and ranging Laser=light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation Sonar=sound navigation and ranging Pixel=picture element e.g. (例如),cit. (在上述引文中), i.e. (就是),vs. (与.相对), ibid. (出处相同),etc. (等等),ca. (关于),et al. (等人),shv. (在该字下),viz.(即,就是), vo.(左页,封底),et seq.(以及下列等等)。Progressively Emerged New

16、 Word Meanings tree - tree circuit ball ball bearing bed test bed pecker automatic pecker baby baby car daughter decay daughter trouble trouble shooting bug debug go All system is go. in go-condition field magnetic fieldMore and More Noun Clusters 利用一个以上的名词作定语修饰名词的现象,在科技论文写作中,名词群有增多的趋势。 high precisi

17、on instrument the instrument of high precision the nearby engine noise the noise of the engine that is nearby data transmission systems systems for transmission of dada hall form design methodology the methodology for designing the form of hall distribution transformer loss evaluation methods the me

18、thods for evaluation of the loss of distribution transformer名词前缀前缀含义例词auto-自动,自己,自身autocompensation, automation , autoexcitation counter-反,逆,抗,补countermodulation;countercurrent hydr(o)水,流体,氢(化)hydroenergy,hydropowerhyper-超,过hyperfrequency,hyperplanemini-微,小minicomponent,minipadmicro-微,百万分之一micromoto

19、r,microadjustment semi-半,部分,不完全semiconductor,semiempirical,semielectronicsuper-超,上,特superconductor, supergridultra-超,过度,极端ultra-high voltage(UHV) ultraspeedextra-超,特extra-high voltage (EHV) 后缀含义例词-age抽象概念,如性质、状态、行为等Voltage电压,percentage百分比,百分数-ance,-ence抽象概念,如性质、状态、行为等resistance电阻,difference差别-ency抽象

20、概念,如性质、状态、行为等efficiency效率, frequency频率,emergency 紧急情况-ion,-tion,-sion, 抽象概念,如性质、状态、行为等action作用,automation自动化, transmission传输 -logy学论,技术technology 技术,dermatology 皮肤医学, iatrology医学, electrotechnology 电工学-ness性质、状态、程度hardness 硬度,deepness深度,brightness 亮度,roughness粗糙度-ship情况、性质、状态、关系、地位relationship关系,fri

21、endship友好,membership会员资格,scholarship奖学金,学问,学识,fellowship伙伴关系-er,-or施动的人或事物;状态、性质(名词)driver驱动器, capacitor电容器,conductor导体,reactor电抗器,breaker,disconnector断路器名词后缀词缀含义例词-able, -ible能的,会的,可的measurable可测量的, convertible可逆的-ous像的,具有特征的,实行的,亚的continuous继续的electriferous带电的simultaneous同时的-ful充满的,有倾向的,有性质的powerf

22、ul强大的,useful有用的-less无,缺,没有,不colorless无色的形容词后缀副词后缀词缀含义例词-ly地carefully 仔细地,-ward向,向着backward 逆向,反馈downward 向下的eastward 向东的-wise方向,位置,方式clockwise 顺时针方向动词后缀词缀含义例词-en(与形容词构成)使,成为,(与名词构成)具有,broaden加宽,harden硬化,shorten变短-fy使,成为,使化electrify 使带电,-ize使,成为,使化standardize 使标准化词缀含义例词circ圆,环circuit 电路,circum圆周chron

23、表时间synchronism同步chronic慢性的fold倍数threefold三倍, fourfold 四倍,fivefold五倍meter仪器仪表ammeter安培表,voltmeter伏特表wattmeter功率表gram,graph文字,图形diagram图表, program程序, telegraph电报phone声音microphone话筒Telephone电话therm(o)热thermoelectron热电子thermoanalysis热分析词根国际单位制中的前缀前缀符号数值中文名称例词tera-T1012兆兆(亿万)giga-G109千兆(十亿) gigahertz (GH

24、z) 10kHz1GHz meg(a)-M106兆 megohmmeter, megohertz (MHz)kilo-k103千 kilometer (km) kilovolt (kV) kilowatt (kW) kilogram (kg)hecto-h102百 hectogram, deca-da101十 decameterdeci-d10-1分(十分之一) decimetercenti-c10-2厘 centimeter(cm) milli-m10-3毫 milliampere(mA) milliammeter micro-10-6微 microfarad(F)nano-n10-9纳 n

25、anometer (nm)pico-p10-12微微 picocoulomb (pC), picofarad (pF)femto-f10-15毫微微atto-a10-18微微微2)小数,分数,百分数0.1: zero point one, point one, o point one, one tenth, decimal one 0.01: point zero one, 10.35: ten point three five1/2: a (one) half 1/3: a third1/4: one quarter 1/8: a eighth2/3: two-thirds, two ove

26、r three, two divided by three3/4: three-fourths, three quarters3%: three percent0.2% : point two percent5: five per mill3)幂(power)根(root)x to the second power : x square,x squared ,the square of x,the second power of x,y to the third power :y cube,y cubed,the cube of y,the third power of y, :the nth

27、 power of a , a to the n power : the square root o f three : the cube (third ) root of a :the nth root of a 4)数学运算符号A+BA and B, A plus B A-BA minus BABA times B, A multiplied by BABA over B, A divided by BABA plus or minus BA=BA equals B, a equals to b , a is equal to bABA is not equal to B, A is no

28、t BABA is approximately equal to BABA is greater than BABA is greater than BABA is much (far) greater than BABA is much less than BABA is greater than or equal to B. ABA is less than or equal to B. ABA is proportion to b, a varies directly as bA: BA to B3 Sentence Structures 专业英语的句式特点More Indicative

29、 Sentences 科技论文中,在描述试验、说明现象、明确定义、表达定量、定律和原理时,多用陈述句。 Computer languages may range from detailed low level close to that immediately understood by the particular computer, to the sophisticated high level which can be rendered automatically accepted to a wide range of computers. Gathering facts, confir

30、ming them, suggesting theories, testing them, and organizing findings this is all the work of science. 较多地从性质(quality)或属性(property)上来陈述事物,因此主系表结构占较大比重。“在所有的科技陈述句中大约1/3都是用is或are+表语作谓语的” 。如: Distillation is helpful to separating water from dissolved salts and other substances. This gas is clear of the

31、se impurities. Generally speaking, neither gold nor stone are soluble in water.More Imperative Sentences 科学论文所述理论具有可解释性,所做试验具有可重复性,研究结果应当是普遍可接受的真理,不论是谁照此去做都是可以做成的,因此,无必要指明主语,这就是科技论文常用祈使句的原因。命题、解题、顺序论证、实验指导、操作说明、工艺介绍、文献注释等部分常用祈使句。 Now let K equal to zero, then we obtain the following equation. To put

32、 into full play of the incubation function of the high-tech developed zone, we should pay enough attention to the following: first, cultivate a number of new high-tech enterprises; Second, promote a number of new high-tech products; third, train a group of entrepreneurs. Fill in a tube with cold wat

33、er, and then heat the tube to 100C. See Table 4.More Complex Sentences 由于科学技术所研究的事物互相关联、互相制约,为了准确反映事物之间的内在联系,就需要严密的逻辑思维,而这种思维的内容反映在语言的形式上,就必然是并列关系和多种主从关系的长句增多,并大量使用非谓语动词短语,出现复杂的句子结构。 An electric current which reverses its direction at regular intervals, and which is constantly changing in magnitude

34、is called an alternating current, which is usually abbreviated to a. c. . Numerical control machines made on the principle of mechatronics are most useful when the quantities of the products to be produced are low or medium; the tape containing the information required to produce the part can be sto

35、red or modified when required, thus bringing about further savings and higher productivity. More Sentence Patterns of “It be +adj. or participles+that .” It is evident from the foregoing discussion that basic research is applicable to the facts upon which a science is developed, and the principles o

36、r laws of science as compared to applied research directed toward using knowledge gained by basic research to make things that will serve a practical purpose. It is concluded that the behavior of a fluid flowing through a pipe is affected by a number of factors, including the viscosity of the fluid

37、and the speed at which it is pumped. It has been shown through the experiment that the charges of the nucleus and electrons are equal so that the atom is electrically neutral. More short Form Sentences Led by “as” 英文科技论文中常用由“as”引出的多种主动、被动、简略形式,如: as the illustration shows, as has been stated above,

38、as in figure 2, as follows等等。 As we will see, the Internet has historically been associated with U.S. Department of Defense, and with research universities.More Present, Past and Present Perfect Tenses 科技论文所描述的主要对象是客观存在的事实、现象或真理,谓语动词的时态主要采用一般现在时。在表示过去的时间状语,或叙述过去发生过的事实时,才用一般过去时。 若强调过去发生的事实对现在仍有影响,则用现

39、在完成时。 The solar system consists of the Sun and many smaller bodies that revolve around the Sun. With the acceptance of the Copernican system, the Earth was added to the number of planets revolving around the Sun, and the Moon was recognized as the Earths satellite. Uranus, which is barely visible to

40、 the unaided eye, was discovered in 1781. Based on these facts, it has been theorized that the Moon has a crust perhaps a few kilometers thick and a mantle about 70 kilometers thick.More Passive Voice 英语科技论文中的被动语态较多,这是因为: 被动结构比主动结构的主观色彩更少,描述客观事物,进行逻辑推理,正需要这种特性; 被动结构更能突出要论证、说明的对象,把它放在句子主语的的地位上,就更能引人注

41、目; 被动结构比主动结构在很多情况下更简短。 目前,科技论文中主动语态有增多的趋势, 如This paper reports., The author concluded., We made the analysis., The researchers have carried out.等等。 在侧重被动语态的同时,最好是主动语态交替使用,以使句型多样化。2) In the field tests, the first three modes for all of the intact and damaged cases, which are measured at 77 points wit

42、h dimensions of 7 (girders) by 11 (sensor locations), were interpolated into the finer mode shapes using a cubic polynomial function to numerically calculate the mode shape curvatures. The damage locations were identified with good accuracy for all damage cases.1) Electrical energy can be stored in

43、two metal plates separated by an insulation medium. Such a device is called a capacitor, and its ability to store electrical energy is termed capacitance. It is measured in Farads.More Subjunctive Mood 科技论文内容很多是对事物和现象的论证和讨论,因此,常常涉及到各种条件,所以有必要应用虚拟语气。另外,表达对问题的看法时,为了使口气委婉,也往往采用虚拟语气。 It would then appea

44、r that a better compromise could have been achieved. In a frictionless machine, the inequality of the above equation would become an equality. For example, it would be better to use four 2-volt cells in parallel. In this case, each cell would deliver 5-ampare current which would reasonably be carrie

45、d by one cell. 还有如suppose, suggest, assume, let, to(为了 .目的)等科技领域中经常用到的词,都必须伴随虚拟结构。 Figures, Table & Formulae, etc. 这类非语言符号具有叙述简明、形象、直观的特点,特别是在国际科技界具有统一性和通用性,因此越来越受到人们的重视。4 Linguistic Style(语体) 专业英语的文体特点科技英语的文体特征 随着科学技术的发展,科技英语(English for Science and Technology)已经成为一种独立的文体形式。是有关自然科学和社会科学的英语学术著作、论文、研

46、究报告、专利产品的说明等均属于科技英语。 作为一种文体,有其自身特点,了解科技英语的文体特点对科技英语的阅读和写作都有很大的帮助,所以需要大致了解科技英语文章和其他文体的差别很重要。 科技英语不同于也不同于记叙文,更不同于散文和小说等文学作品(语言表达灵活、生动、富于艺术表现力,善于运用不同的修辞手法等)。专业英语不同于公共英语科技英语文体的特征-科学性科技英语与其他文体的根本区别在于其科学性。1 语言规范:表达概念、判断清楚明白,精确恰当,不含糊其词,不模棱两可,描述准确无误;2 语气正式:科学性决定了在描述科学研究时语言不随意轻率,语气要正式;3 文体质朴:不用含蓄或者夸张等修辞手法以增强

47、文章的可读性。忌用华丽的词藻、忌用带感情色彩的语句、忌用双关和借代等修辞手法。4 陈述客观:内容上科技英语文章是描述客观存在的自然现象和规律,陈述必须客观;5 逻辑严密:逻辑上必须严谨、思维周密、符合逻辑推理,文章结构清晰,语言简练、明确、客观,格式比较固定;6 专业性强:大多是本专业研究人员所写,为本专业人员阅读,学习、参考,文章中会出现大量专业术语,本专业的原理、定理、分析方法等,表现出高度专业特征。科技论文的文体的科学性 内容上的科学性:是科学研究的成果,是客观存在的自然现象及其规律的反映。 表达形式的科学性:结构清晰而且严谨、符合思维的一般规律、逻辑思维周密、语言简练明确客观、格式化比

48、较固定。 科技论文的文体上的要求: 准确:Accuracy 简洁:Brevity 清晰:Clarity准确(Accuracy):表达概念、判断一定要清楚明白,准确精当,不含糊其词,模棱两可。要正确地运用英语的语法和句型。原句:This group of chemical substances do not dissolve inalcohol(酒精), only one of which dissolve in ethanol(乙醇). (自相矛盾)修改:This group of chemical substances do not dissolve inalcohol except tha

49、t only one of them can do in ethanol.原句:Multiphase flow is a new and developing discipline on thebasis of hydrodynamics, heat and mass transfer, physic-chemistryand other disciplines. (性质判断错误,Multiphase flow为自然现象)修改:The study of multiphase flow is a new and developingdiscipline on the basis of hydro

50、dynamics, heat and mass transfer,physic-chemistry and other disciplines.简洁(Brevity) :科技英语文章尤其强调简洁,在不影响表达的前提下尽可能地使用简洁的句子、词组,避免赘言和不必要的重复。原句:In our experiments, we used a number of probes. The reason for that was to eliminate the problems and errors associated with wet chemical analysis.修改:In our exper

51、iments, we used a number of probes so as to eliminate the problems and errors associated with wet chemical analysis.原句:The precision of the experiment was affected by the noise of the engine nearby.修改:The experimental precision was affected by the nearby engine noise.原句:The rate of nuclear reaction is controlled by insertion of the control rods or removal of the control rods.修改:The rate of nuclear reaction is controlled by insertion or removal of the control rods.原句:It may seem reasonable to suggest that necrot


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