初中英语外研九年级上册Module 9 Great inventionsM9U1教学设计_第1页
初中英语外研九年级上册Module 9 Great inventionsM9U1教学设计_第2页
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1、教学设计课题:九年级上册Module9 Unit 1教材版本:外研版课型:听说课课时:1/45min备课人:陶艳丽指导思想与理论依据:听说课应更多地关注对话的语用功能。初中高年级的听说课同样需要关注学生思维品质的培养,在教学过程中应引导学生观察语言,分析和比较文中的语言现象,归纳语言及对话的特征,辨识对话的基本结构,通过观察、模仿、分析、构建等思维方式,增强思维的逻辑性和创造性。教学内容分析:本模块的主题为“Great inventions”, 第一单元是一个对话。对话以Tony向父亲借相机为引入,谈论网络和高科技产品为我们生活带来的巨大改变。本话题贴近学生的日常生活,能引起学生的共鸣;且对话


3、体教学教学思路、流程及反思:步骤教师活动学生活动设计意图课后反思Step1: read the new wordsRead the new words togetherget familiar with the new words Step2: warm-upshow a picture and ask “Whats this?”Question: “If you want to know something more about it, what would you do?”Question: “If you live in the Tang Dynasty and you want to

4、know something, what would you do? ”Answer a question according to the picture. “the black hole/ It is a picture of black hole”Students own answersStudents own answersintroduce key words: search online; computer; mobile phoneIntroduce ways to get information.Show that compared with in the past, nowa

5、days we prefer to use different ways to get information .基本实现目标,但学生对于古今对比感知不是很明确,此处应用一句话强化这种对比。Eg. Boys and girls, you see, we prefer to get information by searching online while the one who lived in Tang Dynasty prefer by reading books.Step2: lead-inQuestion: “To get information, will computers be

6、used more than books in the future?” Why?Question: What else can a computer be used to do?Lead students answer in full sentences.Conclude the usage of computers and introduce some key words.Students own answersStudents own answersTry to use full sentencesIntroduce the topic.Use passive voice to desc

7、ribe the functions of computers.Lead students to describe the usages of computer in full sentences.活动结束后,学生可以用完整的句子描写电脑的用法,并使用被动语态。Step 3: Pre-listeningQuestion: “Besides computers, what inventions changed our life, too?” Show pictures of the three inventions Betty, Lingling and Daming talking about

8、.Students own answersSay what are they.Brain storming: help students recall different kinds of great inventions they know.Show the background/topics of the conversation.活动过程中学生给出了各种给我们生活带来便利的发明,如:TV, mobile phone, high way, high speed railway etc. 表明学生良好的词汇基础。Step 4: while- listening (the first conv

9、ersation)Show the taskListenListen to the conversation and write down the answersListen with task, and help introduce the background of the second conversation.大多数学生能够听出答案修改:在任务开始前应带学生熟悉和分析任务文本,增强任务导向性。Step 5: listening (the second conversation)Introduce the background of the conversation. Listen an

10、d answer:1)What will happen to the photos taken by Daming?2)Will his dad lend the camera to him?3. listen again and fill the blanks.4. ask students read the conversation and and check the answers.Listen to the introductionListen and get the answerslisten again and get the answers of the blanks.read

11、and check the answersHelp students set up the background of the conversation.Cultivate students ability of getting information.3.&4.Help students get familiar with the sentences talk about how the inventions change our daily life.1.在众多铺垫下大多数学生听一遍就能得出答案。2.修改:提出Dad, can I borrow your camera?后,可让学生预测结果

12、并提出原因,从而培养学生分析问题的能力。Step6: after-listening Circle phrase talking about time and asked all these are talking about?Question: all the blue ones are talking about?Lead students to get conclusion: How can we show the changes?Answer: timeAnswer: the changesTry to think conclude: we can show the changes b

13、y comparison of time and some descriptions.Guide the students paying attention to the time in the sentences.Guide the students paying attention to the description of the changes.Cultivate students ability of observing and getting conclusion.大多数学生能够观察到时间的不同。部分学生能观察到蓝色字体在讨论发明带来的改变。部分学生能积极思考,在得出结论后大多数学

14、生能知道如何向别人展示发明给我们带来的改变。修改:学生能用中文回答比较但不知到用英文该怎么说,此处应用中文强化通过今夕对比来展示发明给我们带来的改变。Step 7: read the conversationAsk students read the passage and show the requirementsAsk students to do Role-play.Read after the MP3.Do Role-play by reading.&2.Consolidate students understanding and memorizing of the whole pas

15、sage.1.学生们能很好的完成这个任务。2. 修改:耗时过多可适当简化Step 8:internalize students learningAsk students to translate and fill blanks of the key sentences describing the changes.Ask students to read the sentences and try to remember.Translate and fill blanks of the key sentences describing the changes.Read the sentence

16、s together.Review learning and consolidate how to describe changes.Help students internalize how to describe the changes.学生们能够很好的完成这个两个任务,大多数学生都能记住这些表达方式。修改:第二步若改为根据提示复数上述句子,学生对改知识要点的内化效果会更好。Step 9: speaking task Give each group a picture of inventions changed our lives. And ask students try to desc

17、ribe it. show some useful sentence patterns to help them expressing their ideas.Write some adj. on the blackboard.Encourage students use more adj. while describing something.Work in group and try to express their ideas.Show their ideas to the whole class.Check students understanding of how to show t

18、he changes.上台展示的学生一个为中等生一个为优生,他们拿到的图片都是电视机。从展示结果来看,两个学生都能运用对时间对比加描写的方式展现电视机给我们生活带来的改变,优生能运用更多更具体的词汇来让他的表达更贴近生活、更能引起大家的共鸣。整体效果很不错。Step10: enhancement Show students a passage talking about phones in the past and phones of today. Follow the teacher, try to have a better understanding of the task and re

19、ad the passage together. Show students how to organize their opinions.篇章能引起学生们的共鸣。修改:完成过后可让学生增加一些他们的观点,再次激活学生的思维和表达。Step 11: emotional resonanceQuestion: What make these changes?Show the answer: The internet and the computer have really changed our lives, and will always change our lives.Show the expectation: Be creative, keep learning, an


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