初中英语外研八年级上册Module 5 Lao She Teahousem5u2_第1页
初中英语外研八年级上册Module 5 Lao She Teahousem5u2_第2页
初中英语外研八年级上册Module 5 Lao She Teahousem5u2_第3页




1、 Module 5 Lao She TeahouseUnit 2 It describes the changes in Chinese society.教学设计指导思想与理论依据 本节课遵循英语学习以学生为中心的思路进行设计,在教材模块的主题下,依托课文语篇,在实现语言知识学习的同时,将重点放在语言技能和学习策略的培养上。教师在“老舍茶馆”这一主题下,针对三段文本设置不同阅读任务及语用目标,让学生从阅读中学会筛选并提取于自己有用的信息,学会将信息整合,为自己所用,以期锻炼学生从材料中提取并筛选有效信息、整合信息,提升用英语做事的能力,最终帮助学生实现从理解语篇,到应用语言,再到迁移创新的学习

2、过程。教学内容分析本节课教学内容是外研社版新标准教材八年级上册 Module 5 Unit 2 ,模块主题是 Lao She Teahouse “老舍茶馆”, 授课为 Unit 2 ,是一节阅读课。学生将学习三段语段,分别是话剧茶馆简介、老舍生平简介和老舍茶馆的基本情况简介。教学目标在本节课学习结束 时 ,学生能够:1 、阅读三段文本,获取话剧茶馆、老舍生平及老舍茶馆的基本信息。2 、梳理老舍生平信息,复述老舍生平。3 、结合所学鱼骨图策略,口头输出,介绍影片功夫熊猫。教学过程教学阶段学习 活动设置意图S tep 1 Learn some new words.S tudents enjoy s

3、ome pictures about the new words in this unit.T o t each the meaning and pronunciation of some words and help the students understand the passage easily.Step 2 Free talk A sk the students “What do you know about Lao She? ”R elate to their relative knowledge of the topic and respond to the teacher.T

4、o a rouse the Ss interest and lead in the topic.St age 3 F ast -readingR ead and match the headings with paragraphs . To show a strategy of reading.To get the main idea of the passage.S tep 4 Careful reading R ead Para 1 and finish the fishbone R ead Para 2, complete the timeline of Lao She lifetime

5、 and retell his life experience. Read Para 3 and introduce what you can do at Lao She Teahouse.T o get more information by reading and learn a new strategy of reading fishboneStage 5W riting S tudents introduce a favourite film Kungfu Panda T o improve the ability of using English. S tep 6 Homework You must : 1. Read the text after the tape and try to retell the text.2. Finish the exercise.If you can :Draw another FISHBONE first, use it to help you write a story.To check what they have learntB lack board DesignModule 5 Lao She Teahouse Unit 2 It describes the


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