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1、外文翻译一-测定织物液态水动 态传递的新测试方法的精度测定织物液态水动态传递的新测试方法的精度摘要一项由 AATCC(American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists, 美国纺织化学师与印染师协会)最近提出的测试法解决了测试纺织面料和其他 多孔材料的吸湿导汗性能这一难题。这项测试方法和依照这项方法设计的仪器, 吸湿导汗性能测试仪(MMT),以及评估指标的定义和等级,连同织物吸湿导汗 性能的分级方法都得到了改进。此项测试的样品为8块面料。这8块面料的结 构特征、材料各不相同,其中部分面料所使用的染整工艺不同。本文还对此方 法与其他测试方

2、法的联系进行了分析。根据在实验室内进行的实验,笔者对数 据进行了变异数分析,以确定此项测试方法的精度。关键词:液态,精度,吸湿导汗性能测试仪(MMT),测试方法,水传递 评价指标根据测试数据和统计曲线,笔者定义了一系列用于表征样品液态水吸收和 传递性能的指标。这些指标如表1所示。液态水传递综合指数(0MMC)可通过公式1计算都得到。OMMC = C1* AR + C2*R +C3*SS (公式 1)B_ndvndvB_ndv式中C1、C2、C3代表非因次值所占的权重,AR 、R和SS 分别代表“吸B_ndv ndvB_ndv湿率”、“单向液态水传递指数”和“液态水传递速度”这三项指标。表 1

3、织物吸湿导汗性能指标含义及符号指标单位加湿时间顶部WTTs底部WTBs吸湿比率顶部ART%/s底部ARB%/s最大加湿范围的半径顶部MWRTmm底部MWRBmm液态水传递速度顶部SSTmm/s底部SSBmm/s累计单向传递能力R%液态水传递综合指数OMMC实验论证此次MMT测试的样品为8块从百货大楼购得的由品牌厂家生产的机织物。 根据标准ASTM D1776,测试需在环境温度为2005C,相对湿度为65.0土2% 的环境可调节实验室内进行。首先将每块织物裁剪成8X8cm大小的样品,然后 将其放置在环境可调节实验室内24小时。在测试过程中,测试溶液(人造汗液)由MMT从织物的上表面导入织物。 此

4、外,同样重量(022g的测试溶液被MMT自动注射入织物中。测试所用的 织物的重要结构参数如表4所示。使用专业统计软件包SPSS (Statistical Product and Service Solutions,社会科学统计软件包)对结果进行单向变异 数分析,证实了不同织物之间的吸湿导汗性能存在着明显差异。表5是包含了 10项吸湿导汗性能指数的单变量方差分析表。霹者注:人体无感出汗产生的汽相水每小时约向外界散发水分2223g (李典英,钱晓明:织物湿传递测试方法评述)。表 4 织物重要结构参数平方米克重厚度样品编号(g/m2)(mm)成分结构1120.00.75100%聚酯纤维(涤纶)针织2



7、部393269.375组间7208.02229.717519.8970.000SST组内321.8290.057全部39209.851组间7218. 73831.248627.1150.000SSB组内321.5950.050全部39220.333组间78915023.6791273574.8114053.7000.000R组内3210053.630314.176全部398915023.309组间71.2350.179596.1250.000OMMC组内320.0100.000全部391.262如表5所示,在P小于0.001的水平下,8块织物吸湿导汗性能的各项指标 均存在明显差别。因此可以得出

8、结论:织物的结构参数会明显影响织物吸湿导 汗性能的各项指标。结论科学家们研发了一套有效测试和描述纺织品,如机织物的吸湿导汗性能的 方法和与之相配套的测试仪器,并对一系列相关指标下了定义。在被分析和分 级之后,这些指标被用来描述用于测试数据的织物的吸湿导汗性能。此项测试 的样品为8 块面料。这 8 块面料的结构特征、材料各不相同,其中部分面料所使用的染整工艺不同。测试得出这些织物的吸湿导汗性能的各项指标均各不相 同。对此种测试方法与其他测试方法之间的关联的分析表明,当MMT的加湿时 间与标准AATCC 79吸收水分冲击测试的吸水时间相近时,这种关联非常明显。 根据实验室内的测试结果,此项测试的实

9、验精度标准体系得到了建立。作者:Bao-guo Yao, Yi Li and Yi-lin Kwok国籍:香港(香港理工大学)出处:AATTC评论杂志2008年第8期Precision of New Test Method for Characterizing Dynamic LiquidMoisture Transfer in Textile FabricsABSTRACTA newly proposed AATCC test method addresses liquid moisture management property testing for textile fabrics an

10、d other porous materials. The test method and a prototype instrument, the Moisture Management Tester (MMT), were developed, including the definition and grading of evaluation indices and the classification method of fabric moisture management properties. Eight types of fabrics with different structu

11、ral features and made from different materials and/or using different finishing techniques were tested. The correlations with other test methods were analyzed. Based on the intra-laboratory test, the analysis of the variance (变化幅度) was performed to determine the precision of the test method.Evaluati

12、on IndicesFrom the test data and measurement curves, a series of indices was defined and calculated to characterize test sample liquid-moisture management performance. The defined indices are shown in Table I.TABLE 1.Indices Definition for Moisture Management Vroptnie*IndicesUnit一Wtling TimaTop Surf

13、aceBottom SurfaceAbSOTtHXl RateTop Surface%/s|Bottom Surlaoe佩%/s IMaximum Wetted RadiusTnp SurfaceWlftfl fmmBottom SurfaceAf畑| mmSpreadingSpeedTop SurfaceSSimm/sBottom SurfaceSSBAccumulaMveOnewayTransport CapacityROverall Moisture ManageiTieni CapabilityOMMCThe overall moisture management capability

14、 (OMMC) is defined in Eq. 1.OMMC = C1* AR + C2*R +C3*SS (公式 1)B_ndvndvB_ndvCl, C2, and Cd are the weights applied to the non-dimension values y4/?5 av.人ndv. and 55B jv of the indices of the absorption rate ARp,), one-way transport index (), and spreading speed (SSA).ExperimentalEight types of fabric

15、s, from branded merchandise purchased from department stores, were selectedfor the MMT testing experiments. All tests were carried out in a conditioning room, where environmental conditions were controlled at 20.05 C and 65.02% RH according to ASTM D1776. For each fabric, five 8x8 cm specimens were

16、cut and then conditioned in the conditioning room for 24 hr.During the test, the test solution (synthetic sweat) was introduced onto the fabric top surface, and the same quantity of the test solution (0.22 g) was injected onto the top surface of each specimen automatically by the MMT. The basic stru

17、cture parameters of the test fabrics are shown in Table IV. One-way ANOVA analysis was carried out to identify the significance of differences among the fabrics using the professional statistical software package SPSS. TableV is the one-way ANOVA table for all ten indices of fabric moisturemanagemen

18、t properties.As shown in Table V, there are significant differences in the liquid moisture management properties among the eight measured fabrics to all indices at the level of P 0.001. Therefore, the fabrics behaviors significantly affect theliquid moisture management properties of all indices.Conc

19、lusionA test method and prototype Moisture Management Tester (MMT) equipment were developed to objectively measure and characterize the liquid moisture management properties of textiles such as fabrics. A series of indices were defined, calculated, and graded to characterize liquid moisture management performance of the fabrics derived from the test data. Eight types of fabrics with d


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