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1、Section Reading and Thinking文章导语:未来的城市会是什么样子?恐怕没有人会知道确切的答案。但有一件事是肯定的,未来的城市在变小之前会变得更大。对于未来我们可以做出一些预测。你的预测又是什么呢?What will the city of the future look like?No one knows for sure,and making predictions is a risky business.But one thing is certainthey are going to get bigger before they get smaller.Here

2、are some ideas for running a city of 50,000 people in the year 2025.1.To get rid of garbage problems,the city will load huge spaceships with waste materials and send them towards the sun,preventing landfill1 and environmental problems.2.No smoking will be allowed within a future citys limits.Smoking

3、 will be possible only outside cities,and outdoors.3.In the future all shopping will be done online,and catalogues will have voice commands to place orders.4.Everyone will be given a telephone number at birth that will never change no matter where they live.5.All forms of recreation2,such as cinemas

4、,bowling,concerts and others,will be provided free of charge by the city.6.All cars will be powered by electricity,solar energy or wind,and it will be possible to change the colour of cars at the flick of a switch.7.Distance surgery3will become common as doctors carry out operations from thousands o

5、f miles away,with each city having its own telesurgery outpatient4 clinic.8.Old people and people with disabilities will be able to go anywhere in the world using high-tech cameras attached to their head.9.Traveling in space by ordinary citizens will be common.Each city will have its own spaceport.词

6、海拾贝1.landfill /lndfIl/ n.垃圾填埋地2.recreation /rekrieIn/ n.娱乐;消遣3.surgery /sdri/ n.手术;外科手术4.outpatient /atpeInt/ n.门诊病人美文凝萃1.From the passage,we can infer that in the future A.A.some waste materials are sent towards the sun to stop landfillB.a patient can have an operation but doesnt have to stay in ho

7、spitalC.you can smoke in the cityD.no cars are powered by solar energy or wind2.What will be given to a baby when he is born in the future?A telephone number.词 汇 认 知重点单词1.persuade vt.劝说;说服2.switch vt.转换;交换vi.& vt.(使)改变;转变n.开关;转换器;改变3.secure adj.安全的;安心的;可靠的;牢固的vt.获得;拴牢;保护4.remote adj.远程的;偏远的5.automat

8、ic adj.自动的6.efficient adj.效率高的;有功效的7.routine n.常规;正常顺序adj.常规的;日常的mand n.指令;命令;控制vt.命令;控制9.obey vi.& vt.服从;遵守10.cancer n.癌;癌症;毒瘤11.leak vi.& vt.漏;渗漏;透露n.漏洞;裂缝;透露12.detect vt.发现;查明13.relevant adj.有关的;有意义的14.fantasy n.幻想;想象15.available adj.可获得的;可购得的;(人)有空的16.nevertheless adv.尽管如此;不过;然而17.structure n.结构

9、;体系vt.系统安排;精心组织词汇拓展1.distant adj.遥远的;远处的;疏远的;心不在焉的distance n.距离;(空间的)遥远;(时间的)久远;远处2.integrate vi.& vt.(使)合并;成为一体integrated adj.各部分密切协调的;综合的3.sensor n.传感器;敏感元件sense n.感觉vt.感觉到;觉察出sensitive adj.敏感的4.preference n.爱好;偏爱prefer vt.较喜欢;喜欢多于5.instant n.瞬间;片刻adj.立即的;速食的;速溶的instantly adv.立即;马上6.warning n.警告;警

10、示;先兆warn vi.& vt.警告;使警惕;告诫7.constant adj.不断的;重复的;不变的n.常数;常量constantly adv.始终;一直;重复不断地8.abnormal adj.不正常的;反常的normal adj.正常的;精神正常的normally adv.正常地;正常情况下9.critical adj.严重的;关键的;批判性的critic n.批评家;评论员criticise vi.& vt.批判;挑剔;指责10.potential adj.可能的;潜在的n.潜力;可能性potentially adv.潜在地;可能地11.electrical adj.电的;用电的el

11、ectricity n.电12.wire n.电线;金属丝(或线)vt.接通电源;将连接到wiring n.电线线路;线路系统13.innovation n.创新;创造innovate vi.& vt.创新;改革innovative adj.创新的;革新的 重点短语1.switch off/on 关/开(电灯、机器等)2.in addition 此外3.keep track of 了解的动态;与保持联系4.early on 在初期;早先5.in this sense(in.sense) 从这种(某种)意义上来讲阅 读 自 测Step 1Fast Reading一、快速浏览课文,回答问题1.Wh

12、at will all controls in smart homes respond to?Voice commands.2.What can the smart bed in the future do if you have sleep or weight problems?It will send a warning to your phone.It will also give you suggestions on a healthier diet and how to sleep better.Step 2Detailed Reading二、仔细阅读课文,选择最佳答案1.Smart

13、 homes in the not-too-distant future can do the following EXCEPT A.A.using remote controls for our TVsB.keeping us secureC.providing a more comfortable environment to live inD.saving energy for people2.What play an important role in the smart home in the future?CA.Rich TV programmes.B.Switches.C.Int

14、egrated sensors.D.The owners favourite music.3.What can we infer according to the third paragraph?DA.The smart home will monitor your health weekly.B.The smart bed will send warnings to your phone every day.C.The smart bed only helps you have a good sleep.D.You will lead a more healthy life in the f

15、uture.4.In what way will smart homes prevent serious damage from accidents?CA.Fix the problem before you know it.B.Stop the water pipe from leaking.C.Find out the accident and send the relevant information to you.D.Check the electrical wiring when you are away.5.How long will it take before most new

16、 homes start to use this smart technology?BA.Only a few months.B.Perhaps some years.C.In the long future.D.Some weeks.词 汇 精 讲1.【教材原文】 For example,the phrase in my opinion tells us that the passage is likely meant to persuade.(page 14)例如,“在我看来”这个短语告诉我们,这篇文章可能旨在说服。考点persuade vt.劝说;说服persuade sb to do

17、sth=persuade sb into doing sth 说服某人做某事persuade sb out of doing sth=persuade sb not to do sth 说服某人不做某事语境领悟(1)We want to persuade him to change his mind.我们想劝他改变主意。(2)He persuaded her into going to the party with him.他说服她和他一起参加聚会。温馨提示(1)persuade表示“说服”,强调说服的结果;advise 表示“劝说,建议”,对方不一定接受,强调动作。“劝说但不一定有效果”应表

18、述为:advise sb to do sth或try to persuade sb to do sth。(2)像persuade一样可构成“vt.+sb into/out of doing sth ”结构的动词还有:talk sb into/out of doing sth 说服某人做/不做某事fool sb into/out of doing sth 欺骗某人做/不做某事学以致用单句语法填空(1)The man didnt listen to anyone.No one could persuade him to do(do) so.(2)I must find a way to persu

19、ade her into leaving(leave) that house.(3)None of us could persuade him into doing that.句型转换(4)I have persuaded him to keep away from online games.I have persuaded him into keeping away from online games.(5)They advised him to stay,but he just wouldnt listen.They tried to persuade him to stay,but he

20、 just wouldnt listen.2.【教材原文】Or,have you ever forgotten to switch off the TV or computer?(page 14)或是你忘记过关掉电视或电脑吗?考点switch vt.转换;交换vi.& vt.(使)改变;转变n.开关;转换器;改变switch off 关(电灯、机器等)switch on 开(电灯、机器等)switch (from.) to.(从)转变成;(从)转换到switch sth with sb 和某人交换某物语境领悟(1)After several switches of direction,I fo

21、und myself in front of the post office.几次转向之后,我发现自己来到了邮局门口。(2)On coming back home,the little boy switched on the TV.一回到家,小男孩就打开了电视。(3)He switched from a back seat to a front one so that he could see more clearly.他从后排位子移到前排去,以便看得更清楚一些。学以致用单句语法填空(1)He switched off all lights as there was no one in the

22、 house.(2)He used to play basketball,but now he switched to golf.(3)When it gets dark,we will switch on all lights.(4)Have you been able to switch your shift with anyone?3.【教材原文】However,in the not-too-distant future,we will be living in smart homes that will lock the door for us when we are away and

23、 remember to switch off the TV when we forget.(page 14)然而在不久的将来,我们将生活在智能的家里。智能的家会在我们外出时锁好家门,会在我们忘记关掉电视的时候替我们关上。考点distant adj.遥远的;远处的;疏远的;心不在焉的 distant from sth 不同的distance n.距离;远方at a distance of 在距离远的地方in/into the distance 在远处;在远方keep sb at a distance 与某人保持一定距离语境领悟(1)Their life seemed utterly dista

24、nt from his own.他们的生活与他自己的生活似乎完全不同。(2)The girl who is standing in the distance has a gift for drawing.站在远处的那个女孩有画画的天赋。(3)It was difficult to get to know her because she always kept everyone at a distance.了解她很难,因为她总是与每个人保持一定距离。学以致用单句语法填空(1)I could spot them easily at a distance of two hundred metres.

25、(2)Although there is a long distance between us,we dont feel distant(distance).(3)There stands a high mountain in the distance.4.【教材原文】The future home will use integrated sensors to tell when you leave home each morning,and then go into an energy-efficient mode all by itself.(page 14)未来的住宅将使用集成传感器来感

26、应你每天早晨何时出门,然后自动进入节能模式。考点integrate vi.& vt.(使)合并;成为一体 integrate with/into (使)合并,成为一体;融入integrated adj.各部分密切协调的;综合的be integrated into./be integrated with. 与相结合/与融为一体语境领悟(1)He didnt integrate successfully into the Italian way of life.他没有成功融入意大利的生活方式中去。(2)He thinks we are living in a fully integrated an

27、d supportive society.他认为我们生活在一个完全融合、给予帮助的社会。(3)These programmes can be integrated with your existing software.这些程序能和你原有的软件整合起来。学以致用单句语法填空(1)They have not made any effort to integrate with/into the local community.(2)You should consider them as an integrated(integrate) system in performance tuning.(3

28、)Integrating(integrate) the kids with the community is essential.5.【教材原文】Your home will also learn your daily routine and preferences,so everything will be ready for you when you get home each evening.(page 14)你的住宅还能了解你的日程安排和喜好,所以每天晚上你回到家时,一切都已经准备就绪。考点preference n.爱好;偏爱 have a preference for 喜爱;偏爱de

29、velop a preference for 养成对的偏爱in preference to 而不是prefer to do A rather than do B宁愿做A而不愿做Bprefer doing A to doing B与做B相比更喜欢做A语境领悟(1)Its a matter of personal preference.那是个人的爱好问题。(2)She has a preference for red,while I like blue better.她偏爱红色,而我更喜欢蓝色。(3)I prefer to go there on foot rather than take a b

30、us.=I prefer going there on foot to taking a bus.我宁愿步行去那儿也不愿坐公共汽车去。学以致用单句语法填空(1)People develop a preference for a particular style of learning at an early age.(2)Offered the position of chairman,Mr Smith declined,preferring(prefer) to keep his current job.(3)I would usually choose to live in a small

31、 town in preference(prefer) to in a big city.(4)The old man had a preference for the pre-twentieth century Western paintings.6.【教材原文】All controls will respond to voice commands,so if you want to change your routine,you just say aloud what you want and the home system will obey.(page 14)所有的控制器都将响应语音指

32、令,因此如果你想要改变日程安排,你只需大声说出你的想法,家居系统就会照办。考点command n.指令;命令;控制vt.命令;控制 have a good command of 精通take command of 管辖,指挥in command of 控制;掌握under sbs command(=under the command of sb) 在某人的指挥下command that.(should) do 命令做command sb to do sth 命令某人做某事语境领悟(1)He is famous for having a good command of French.他因精通法语

33、而出名。(2)Who will take command of the army?谁来指挥这支军队?(3)For the first time in years,she felt in command of her life.多少年来第一次,她觉得生活掌握在自己的手里。(4)The captain commanded his men to retreat.上尉命令手下撤退。学以致用单句语法填空(1)My father has a good command of the computer.(2)The captain gave a command that he start(start) at

34、once.(3)The troops were commanded(command) by General Haig.7.【教材原文】If you start to have sleep or weight problems,it will send a warning to your phone.(page 14)如果你开始有睡眠或体重问题,它会将警告发到你的手机上。考点warning n.警告;警示;先兆 warn vi.& vt.使警惕;提醒注意(可能发生的事);警告;告诫warn sb (not) to do sth 警告某人(不要)做某事warn (sb) about/against

35、 sth 提醒(某人)提防某事/告诫(某人)某事warn (sb) of sth 通知(某人)某事warn (sb) that.警告(某人)语境领悟(1)Doctors issued a warning against eating any fish caught in the river.医生发出警告不要吃在那条河里捕的鱼。(2)They were warned not to climb the mountain in such bad weather.他们被警告过不要在这么恶劣的天气下爬山。(3)He warned me against going outside alone at nig

36、ht.他告诫我晚上不要单独出去。(4)She was warned that if she did it again she would lose her job.她被警告说如果她再这样做就会丢掉工作。学以致用单句语法填空(1)They warned him against swimming in the nearby river in summer.(2)She was warned not to go(go) out at night.(3)Police have warned of possible delays.(4)The official gave a warning(warn)

37、that if the war broke out,it would be catastrophic(灾难性的).8.【教材原文】For example,if a water pipe starts leaking,or if there is a short in the electrical wiring,your smart home will detect it and provide you with the relevant information.(page 15)例如,如果水管漏水或发生电线短路,你的智能家居将会探测出来,并给你提供相关的信息。考点一electrical adj

38、.电的;用电的 electrical“与电有关的,电气科学的”,表示与电的知识或与电的研究有关的人或事物,被修饰的词本身并不能带电。electric“电的(用电的),带电的”,通常指使用或产生电力的,被修饰的物体本身可带电。electronic“电子的,电子器件的”,指与电子装置有关的或使用电子装置的。语境领悟(1)You should turn off the electrical appliances before you leave your home.在离开家以前你应该关闭电器设备。(2)With this electric blanket,you wont feel cold in

39、winter.有了这个电热毯,冬天你就不觉得冷了。(3)I like to read books about electronic music.我喜欢读一些关于电子音乐的书。考点二relevant adj.有关的;有意义的 be relevant to 与有关relevantly adv.有关地;切题地relevance n.相关性;意义have (no) relevance to 与有/无关irrelevant adj.无关紧要的;不相干的语境领悟(1)His nationality is not relevant to whether he is a good lawyer or not.

40、他的国籍与他是否是一位好律师无关。(2)Todays exam is relevantly easy.今天的考试相对比较容易。(3)What he said has no direct relevance to the matter in hand.他所说的话与眼下的事没有直接关系。温馨提示 英语中表示“和有关”的表达有:be related to.;be involved in.;be relevant to.;be linked to/with.;be connected/associated with.学以致用选词填空(electrical/electric/electronic)(1)

41、All the electrical work was done by my younger brother.(2)This dictionary is available in electronic version.(3)The boy is playing an electric toy train with his friends.(4)Our school spent a lot of money in buying electrical equipment.单句语法填空(5)I think his opinions are relevant to the topic we are d

42、iscussing now.(6)The applicant has experience in teaching and,more relevantly(relevant),in industry.(7)What we are discussing should have relevance(relevant) to the subject,but not the opposite.9.【教材原文】This way,you will be able to fix the problem before your home becomes flooded or catches fire.(pag

43、e 15)这样一来,你就能够在家里水流满或着火前及时解决问题。考点catch fire 着火 be on fire 在燃烧set fire to sth=set sth on fire 纵火,放火烧make/build a fire 生火light a fire 点火put out the fire 灭火play with fire 玩火;冒险语境领悟(1)The grass caught fire and it was on fire for a short time.草着火了并烧了一会儿。(2)A candle had set the curtains on fire.蜡烛把窗帘点燃了。(

44、3)He who plays with fire gets burned.玩火者必自焚。(谚语)温馨提示be on fire表示状态,可以和表一段时间的状语连用;而 catch fire 则表示动作,不可和表一段时间的状语连用。学以致用单句语法填空(1)Soon the whole floor was on fire and it was impossible for people on the floors above to escape.(2)It took two hours to put out the fire.(3)I was very hungry then,but it was

45、 dangerous to make a fire to cook.(4)Then he tried to set fire to the wood with a match,but failed.10.【教材原文】In this sense,the home of tomorrow is already the home of today.(page 15)从这个意义上说,明日之家已经是今日之家。考点in this sense(in.sense) 从这种(某种)意义上来讲in a sense 从某种意义上来讲in no sense 决不in every sense of the word 无

46、论从哪个角度讲语境领悟(1)In this sense,Emil was right.从这种意义上来讲,埃米尔是对的。(2)So in a sense,smart homes will lead us to live smarter lives.所以从某种意义上来讲,智能家居将引领我们过上更智能的生活。(3)In no sense do I agree with this suggestion.无论如何我都不赞同这个建议。温馨提示in no sense 是一个否定意义的介词短语,放于句首时句子要采用倒装语序。 学以致用单句语法填空(1)In a sense,she was lucky.She

47、told herself that she learnt things when she was with him.(2)He was a true friend in every sense of the word.句 型 剖 析【教材原文】Your lights will come on the instant you enter the door along with your favourite music or TV programmes,and you will find your dinner already prepared for you.(page 14)你一进家门,灯就会

48、亮起,还有你最喜欢的音乐或电视节目(会自动播放),而且你会发现晚餐已为你准备好了。句法分析句中the instant用作连词,相当于as soon as,意为“一就”,引导时间状语从句。在英语中,有些名词短语和副词可做连词,引导时间状语从句。名词短语主要有:the first time “第一次”;the last time “上一次”;next time “下一次”;each time “每一次”;the moment/the minute/the instant/the second “一就”;常见的副词有:instantly/immediately “一就”等。语境领悟(1)He tol

49、d me the news instantly he met me.=He told me the news the instant he met me.他一见到我就告诉了我这个消息。(2)The first time you take part in a race,it is very normal to feel tense.第一次参加比赛时,你感到紧张是很正常的。学以致用句型转换(1)I recognised you as soon as I saw you.I recognised you theinstant/moment/minute/second I saw you.(2)As

50、soon as you turn it on,youll get boiling water from the hot tap.Instantly/Immediately you turn it on,youll get boiling water from the hot tap.一、单词拼写1.A few minutes later,the boy obviously began to feel more secure(安心的).2.Personally,studying at home is not as efficient(效率高的) as studying at school.3.As a result,I managed to persuade(说服) my classmates to accept my idea.4.She had always obeyed (遵守) her parents without question.5.How t


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